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Fandom RWBY: Unsung Heroes Unite~! CLOSED!


Locker Room


Hmm... Wait who just went flying??

Tyrian listened to the entire speech half-heartedly, not really caring. He watched a kid get shoved into the and flown off to who knows where. He couldn't help but grin, which he covered by flicking his collar up on his jacket, the collar shading his mouth. He stored his weapons in a locker of his own and synced it to his Scroll. He pocketed the Scroll and glanced around once more. He put on a pair of golves and walked back to where they were spending the night. He sat next to where he set up and started reading, waiting until he was hungry enough to bother getting food.
Where: walking to locker rooms

With: the crowd/people who are in the locker room (Specifically @Nooguy @Crystalblade)

Thoughts: Well...that just happened.

As Sapphire put down her book (she only got through maybe 3 pages), she got up by order of the teachers to go into the locker room.  Rocket propelled lockers, huh?  First time I've heard those.  As soon as she walked in, vomit boy was shoved into a locker and sent off.  She stared at the bully, whom she will deal with later.  Now, she needed to figure out her locker assignment and store Frostbite in it.  Sapphire walked down the room, and as she passed a group of guys, she swore they were talking about her - she felt their eyes trained on her body, watching, checking her out.  Just great.  I'll deal with them later.  

She stopped at her locker number.  Unfortunately, she landed right next to Samson, with Lily on the other side.  Great.  She quickly put Frostbite in her locker, and headed for the exit.
Where: Locker Room

With: Short, thin, and edgy [Blac] (@Kishune) & Sapphire (@TeaMMatE11)

Thoughts: Huh, black haired guy's talkin' to me, and holy shit he doesn't have enough blades. Wonder if I'm gonna get a rifle butt to the head next.

Samson was still absorbed in his own thoughts before a somewhat familiar voice came to ear, sounding as if it were directed at him. A turn of the head, and Samson saw indeed it was the black haired student from before whom had so charmingly chatted with the madam mania earlier. Seemed the black haired youth commented on Samson's earlier remarks. With a soft chuckle, the faunus simply shook his head. "Seems to be a theme with the older ladies; more old school in that aspect I guess." He quipped, glancing over to Goodwitch again before returning his attention to Blac, leaning against his locker as he listened to his words. Certainly a more amorous person from Blac's remarks, Samson hardly judged as his own eyes had fallen on a rather pleasant looking brunette girl earlier with a black bow in her hair. "Well they say less is more and all that jazz." was Samson's only remark, remaining largely silent for Blac's remark of consent and smoothies.

His eyes fell upon Blac as he began to store his equipment into his locker. Blinking, Samson waited for the end to the weaponized train only to see more to be procured. "Eeesh guy, don't think you're carrying around enough for a school environment." he spoke in a facetious tone as a grin spread over his lips, his arms crossing as he remained leaned against his own locker. Samson cocked an eyebrow as he caught that glance over at him. 'This guy sizing me up or something?' Samson pondered before hearing the offer to find the dining hall. "Ya had me at dining hall, lead the way boss man." The faunus remarked, gesturing for Blac to lead the two of them. While Samson's mood wasn't the greatest, he could likely hold out for a while longer before really getting too sour even as his stomach gave an audible objection to its vacancy of a meal.

Glancing over his shoulder, Samson caught a glimpse of a rather brilliantly hued blue haired girl, the color rather surprising when initially looked at. Shifting over to her, the faunus gave a brief wave. "Hey sky hair, complete stranger to complete stranger, you wanna get something to eat? Figure some more company couldn't hurt, and heck short, thin, and edgy over here has got to provide some great table chatter." Samson spoke to Sapphire with a friendly tone, his face a warm smile, and body language relaxed as he slowly stood up from his leaned position against his locker. "Imma head off with dark hair then, feel free to come along or not, offer's always open." After a while the faunus would eventually leave along with Blac, whether Sapphire followed or not was her choice.
[SIZE=12.0pt]When: Noon
Where: Locker room
With: Lion Butt (Samson/@Nooguy), Sourpus (Sapphire/@TeaMMatE11), and 7/10 girl (Lily/@Crystalblade)
Thoughts: Good, now lets hope he can pry open a locker.

Blac looked at the big guy as he made a quip about Goodwitch’s age. “Oooh~ I wouldn’t let her catch you say that. She sent men flying for just being near girls, I can only imagine what she would do to those that called her old.” He chuckled at the thought of the professor using that crop of hers on such inappropriate ways on such a guy his size. Blac couldn’t help but snicker at the thought till the guy try to be philosophical, which Blac just smirked to. “Oh, but what if you’re too much for the less you settled for and thus have spread more of yourself around…and all that jazz.” Blac responded to his remark by sounding like an old wise man saying this til the last bit where he just copied his phrase he used repeatedly now.

Hearing the guy’s comment about having enough weapons for being in a school environment, Blac looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Hey, every bird of prey has 8 talons, strong tendons, and an accurate precision. Why should a hunter settle for less?” He told the guy as he was leaning against his locker. After he accepted the deal, Blac smirked. “Alright then, let’s get going. Along the way I’ll te- well show you what I need from you.” He said as he was about to lead the way. ‘Boss man huh? Nah, I shouldn’t get use to that.’ He thought as he was about to leave with the big guy but stopped when he noticed he started talking to another girl that took up the locker next to him. “Wow one those fast workers huh?” Blac said out loud as he crossed his arms waiting. “Wait isn’t that one the opposite twins from on the airship? Where’s the other one?” He questioned himself as he let them talk a bit. He was then interrupted of it out loud thought  [/SIZE]hearing another female’s comment about their conversation earlier. Looking to see who it was, Blac saw it was a girl with copper hair and rather descent compared to his tastes. “7/10…” He said out loud as he examined her. “Also I never said she was wrong to do so.” He said as he meant Goodwitch and her behavior of splitting the sexes. “And it’s easy to tell the hormones are raging, just look at lion butt over there talking to miss sourpuss. If that’s not hormonal drive then what is.” He said as he pointed to the two with his thumb. It was easy to tell the girl he was talking to was judging them but Blac didn’t care in the end. “Any how seems like he’s ready to leave, well ta-ta for now love.” He said as he waved her off to start leave the locker room with the guy. ‘Wait did he call me short, slim, and edgy to her…? I’m like 3 inches shorter than him.’ He thought to himself as he looked at the guy and sighed. “Whatever…The name’s Blac by the way.” He finally introduced himself to the guy he’s been talking to.
Where: locker room

With: @Nooguy

Thoughts: Strange day...

Saph started to head to the exit...until a Faunus approached her.  She caught his attention from the corner of her eye.  I've been getting hit on all day, what does this guy want?  Her looked calm and collected, with a look that wasn't judgmental.  Before she could even formulate a response, she didn't know what to say.  Rarely anyone tries to seek her out - probably has to do with her personality.  

She thought back to vomit boy, and how everyone was picking on him. She related well with him - she was bullied all through combat school.  Nothing nice ever came her way.  The guys especially treated her poorly.  It wasn't her fault that they thought she was hot.  "I...uh..."  She shook her head, embarrassed that she couldn't get the words out.  

Affer all of this was going through her head, the dude disappeared.  She decided to follow but was going to be very quiet.
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Where: Locker Room

With: Hmm.. Good question. The crazy doctor!

Thoughts: Real cool, guy.

"Hey I didn't say I cared." Lily shrugged, smiling wider now. "I just think it's funny." It was good to see someone get a reaction out of "sourpuss", as the black-haired kid put it. She wasn't particularly offended by the quick judgement of "7/10" from him either, it wasn't like she put much care or effort into the attractiveness department anyway. As she sized him up, he came across as the kind of guy who thought way too highly of himself, but would never actually admit it.

"See ya later dude, don't let the ruggedly handsome faunus crimp your style too much." She quipped as they left. He could probably use some deprecation to take him down a notch, and beyond that, it was fun to mess with people. Her little brother had often been the target of her teasing back home.

Lily decided to go talk to the eccentric professor after they left. She was interested if she could identify anything about her weapons and if they could use improvements. She'd literally just grabbed them out of her father's old things. She knew they were from Atlas, but not much else beyond that.

"Excuse me, uh professor?" The woman was beyond eccentric, and despite her short stature she was honestly a bit intimidating when she turned to Lily. It was almost like she viewed Lily in the same calculating way she did people's weapons. "I wondered if you could tell me more about these weapons." She said, holding her arms out bravely. She really wanted her first personal encounter with a Beacon professor to leave a good impression. "I didn't build them like I know some students did, and I'm curious about what they're capable of."

Where: Locker Room

With: Nobody, observing from a distance

Thoughts: They're all so friendly already..., reminiscing about her arrival to Beacon.

Apple followed into the locker rooms, glancing around for an isolated spot where she could idle and watch. She would eventually settle for a corner as conversation roared around her. There was the black-haired girl who was about to talk to the short professor, shockingly even shorter than the mini-antlered Faunus herself. There was a blue-haired girl whom was following a gruff Faunus and a black-haired boy towards somewhere not the locker room, there the blonde boy from earlier getting rocketed off somewhere, and then there were the two girls that she saw earlier...wait, they weren't here yet. In any case, she decided to pull out a practice card and started to do some simple spins with it. She wouldn't dare to throw the card in the crowded locker room, no way!

As she did, she reminisced about the trip from just hours ago. On the airship, the young Faunus with a bag of cards and a luggage full of her clothes and other items sat near the rear, isolating herself from the crowd of people in what seemed to be the middle of the ship. She glanced up every so often, but she was worried she would stand out if she watched. She would also glance backwards to catch a view of the sky and clouds. After a glimpse of the view, she pulled out a deck of cards and shuffled as the news story shifted towards the welcome message from Glynda. She would stand and from the back watch the others right after take their first glimpse of Beacon and noticed a red-hooded girl with a louder yellow-haired girl. She would also take notice of the blonde boy about to throw up, and quickly glanced at her cards as to not make direct eye contact as he passed by.

When the airship docked, Apple waited until a majority of people exited before exiting on her own. She would pass by red-hood again getting lectured by a white-haired girl, of whom she blinked. "...Is...Is that Miss Schnee...?" Apple would be familiar with the providers of the dust for her mechanism, but she was having second thoughts as a black-haired girl with a bow approached the pair. At this point in time, she would turn and head over towards the amphitheater, disinterested in the outcome of the conversation.

As soon as she stepped into the amptheater Apple would be taken aback by the packed nature of the room, glancing around to find an isolated but still able-to-see-the-stage spot. She settled on near the entrance, passing a red-headed individual on her way there. A few moments would pass before red hood and blonde boy would enter, and yet more time would pass before the echo of the sound system would hit the public. Then, she would set her sights on the man behind the microphone, probably the headmaster, as he delivered his short, not-so-sweet, not-so-encouraging speech to the prospective bodies in the room, causing her to sigh a bit. "This sounds rough...I hope I'll be fine..." She whispered to herself. Not long after his speech, Glynda would take up the stage, declaring the schedule for the night, and furthermore assigning them to the ballroom to the night. As they were dismissed, she would once again bring up the rear as they would enter the ballroom.

Inside the ballroom, she would be greeted by the self-introduced and quite short Professor Helio, and she was shorted than Apple herself. Apple would be quite shocked at this, but in general kept to herself over it. She would notice a black-haired boy approach the professor and then have a very...interesting conversation. Could we please move along? She thought, before Glynda would interrupt and break them up. Helio would then ask the armed individuals, which in this case meant Apple, to follow her to the weapons lockers. She did so and of course, kept to the rear of the crowd.

Coming back to the present, she placed her utility belt with the card creator into the locker, and kept on tossing the practice card. She decided to glance around the room at the people in it with her. There was the blue haired girl whom seemed to be following the black-haired boy from earlier, accompanied by a new, gruff-looking Faunus. There was a gray-haired girl approaching Professor Helio, trying to strike a conversation. There was the blonde boy being pushed into the rocket locker and being launched, and there was Apple herself. She didn't mind that she was alone right now, she was just playing with the practice card, doing some juggles and spins with it.

(Hopefully I got everything necessary and correct in there, don't hate me D: D: )
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Who: Helio
When: Noon
Where: Locker Room
With: Gauntlet Girl (Lily/@Crystalblade) and Deer Faunus (Apple/@YMeAgain)

After Goodwitch’s speech, Professor Helio was ogling the other student’s weapons like a horny teenage boy reading a dirty magazine. She had a goofy smile with a bit of drool leaking out of the corner. “Ooooh~! There’s so many creative weapons this year. Shotgun Gauntlets, Dust revolver rapier, and a multi-form weapon compatible with dust ammunition…Wait isn’t that my-“ Helio was cut off as something caught her eye. “Wait is that a high impact velocity sniper rifle, that turns into a giant scythe~!" Helios squealed. "Black rifle has nothing on that.” She snickered to her self. “Oh she must be so popular.” She sighed as she drooled over the weapons.

Helio’s eyes then caught sight of another the peaked her interest. It was a great chainsaw sword. Her eyes went big and her jaw dropped. Her eyes then turned purple as she analyzed it. “Is…Is that a dust power cell engine?" She said then looked at the blade. “And the teeth…retract…That’s one hell of a melee weapon there. It’s at least better than some the plain weapons from the warring age…like a mace, dagger or even…yee…a basic sword and shield combo…” She said with a discussed look. As she saw the weapon get stored away, Helio pouted sticking out her lip. As she saw the owner leave with Blac of all people, Helio smirked with an idea. She tip toed up to the locker to try and brake in to take the weapon so she can examine it more closely, but she was stopped. Another student came up to her asking about her weapon. Helio looked at her with wide purple eyes of surprise only to shut her eyes and shake her head. Her eyes turned back to normal. “I-I wasn’t going to do anything.” She said as he had her hands back behind her back and whistled like she was doing anything wrong. She then came to the realization of something. “Wait did you call me Professor…?” She said as she narrowed her eyes at the student. “I thought I told you to call me Scientist Helio!” She yelled agitated as she puffed out her cheeks. She then let out a sigh. "Now I know how Ooblek feels.

Helio then looked down at the gauntlets she had and her narrow eyes turned purple again. Without hesitation or warning, the professor had them off the student and onto her, even though they didn’t fit. She looked them over as she turned them around. She was able to eject the blades and retract them with ease. She even found out how to shoot the smaller knives out which she just sighed in disappointment. “This weapon is almost as bad as those primitive basic weapons…” She told her. “There’s a reason bullets are used in guns besides throwing knives.“ She started. “They take up less material to make and not so much cost to make. Making using them in the heat of battle a lot more viable.” She told her as she took them off and handed them back with a dull look. “Most hunters with projectile blades have a way to either track them or retrieve them easily, such as wire…I doubt you have any way on making that happen at the moment. Costing in material to make them.” She said then turned her back to her. “With that said, I can’t help you though till you’re officially apart of Beacon academy….so till classes starts then.” She told her clarifying when that was. She then thought about what Blac said earlier and sighed. “But the weapon is still usable…I guess…” She said the last bit under her breath.

Helio then caught sight of something else and her attitude did a 180. “Ooooh~ is that a dust card I see there?” She said as she went up to the Faunus that the flipping and spinning a card or two.
Where: Locker Room

With: Scientist Helio! @Kishune

Thoughts: Oh...I...thought I was well hidden...

Apple continued to spin the dummy card around, even a bit surprised that she had room to do so. She smiled a bit as she continued to practice her spinning of the dummy card, slowly moving into her performer stance. She would pull a second dummy card, and start to juggle the two around all the while the other students were about ready to head out. Was she being watched? She would find out the answer very soon.

Ooooh~ is that a dust card I see there?  Came a voice inches away from her. Immediately, she would catch the cards and turn her head to see Helio examining her and her cards. She blinked a few times, both confused and surprised that she was actually talked to. "Er...actually, these are dud cards...they don't have any dust infused..." She paused and faced the other talking to her, hands in front, and bowed. "Apple Verde, Miss Helio. A pleasure...you...wish to be called Scientist if I remember correctly..." She would stow away the dud cards in a pouch. If Helio were to catch a glimpse inside this pouch, she would see roughly fifty other dud cards along with the two Apple returned to the pouch. She would then open up her locker, as she was confident that Helio was interested in her weapon if she was interested in dust cards. "The real ones come from my mechanism, Dealer's Hand." She would blush a bit talking about it, perhaps still a bit surprised that she came this far with it. "I...made it with the help of my previous instructor." She glanced around, seeing if anyone else was watching her. It seemed like no one but Helio was.

"Would you like to see it...maybe even a trick or two?"
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Where: Locker Room

With: Helio & Apple @YMeAgain

Thoughts: Bu-but, they're really fancy looking!!

"I guess that makes sense..." Lily admitted. "It does hold a lot of knives though. If I can figure it out, I'd like to add dust cylinders to it." She realized she was saying this mostly to herself as Scientist Helio had already bounced off to another student standing close by. "So much for a good first impression." She pouted quietly.

Lily watched from a distance, interested to see another student's weapon. She didn't entirely understand the weapon obsession she'd witnessed first from Red as she'd walked into the academy, and now from Helio, who was fawning over everyone's weapons but her's. If she could see how Lily handled herself in a fight, maybe then Helio would change her mind. Lily didn't want to be cocky, like she'd thought earlier, she still didn't feel adequate in Beacon's atmosphere of excellence, but Ozpin seemed to have picked her for a reason. He'd seen her rip into a pack of Grimm, something that was hard to believe that she'd actually done. Helio had called the weapons "usable" and Lily figured that was accurate.

The girl Helio was studying had the most unique weapon Lily had seen today, A deck of cards infused with dust really couldn't be compared to anything else. Lily was interested to see it in action.
Who: HelioWhen: NoonWhere: Locker RoomWith: Gauntlet Girl (Lily/@Crystalblade) and Apple @YMeAgain

[SIZE=12.0pt]As Helio left Gauntlet girl to see the deer Faunus, She could still hear Gauntlet girl speak about what she wanted to do. ‘Dust Cylinders…? For what?’ She wondered, but knew it wasn’t time for asking them just yet until the initiation.

With her attention on the faunus now, mainly her cards, Helio listened to her. “No dust infused…? Then your cards aren’t made from a material that is highly influence by dust instead made with it?” She asked the faunus and looked at the card. ‘If their infused in the cards…then does she have the different elements stored in different pouches?’ Helio wondered as she had a feeling that wasn’t a thing.

Helio was then caught off guard as the faunas bowed to her and greeted herself. “Oh uh, hi…and Scientist Helio, or just Helio is fine.” She told the student. Helio wasn’t use to being treated so properly on the first meeting due to her young and small appearance.

Heio was snapped out of her thoughts as the faunus went to her locker an opened it up and talked about her real weapons. “Mechanism…?” She questioned out loud and tilted her head as she had a finger on her chin. Helio then nodded as Apple offered to show her and even a trick or two as she said. “Sure I like to see that first hand.” She told her as she crossed her arms and watched. ‘Let’s see if that instructor had her best in mind…’ She thought as she had an idea on how her weapon works. Helio then looked around as some students wanted to see this too and started to gather around. She then instructed them to back up and give her room.
Where: Locker Room

With: Helio @Kishune & Lily @Crystalblade

Thoughts: T-They're all so close!

W-Wait! N-now there's too many... Apple would think to herself as she saw the large crowd gather around her. Her eyes would dart around, counting the number of people. She would start stepping backwards until she was cornered, shivering a bit. "U-um...I...I wasn't...necessarily...t-talking about...in here...not yet at least..." She continued to step backwards until she fell backwards on her bottom in the corner, before hiding her face in her hands and whimpering a bit.

"T-Too close..." She would whisper, and those with acute hearing would hear her.
Who: HelioWhen: NoonWhere: Locker RoomWith: Gauntlet Girl (Lily/@Crystalblade) and Apple @YMeAgain

[SIZE=12.0pt]As Helio stood there watching she tilted her head to the side as the girl seemed to freeze up. “Huh, she’s like a deer caught in headlights…” She said to herself as Apple seemed to step back after looking at all the students that gathered. Helio looked around at the crowd that gathered and rubbed the back of her head. ‘A shy type huh…Hope she doesn’t have to meet Blac…’ She thought then watched as the Faunus was in the corner hiding herself now.

Helio turned to the other students and started shooing them off. “Shoo shoo! There’s nothing to see here, don’t you see your bothering the poor girl.” Heio said as she flicked her hands at them. Some left in a bit of disappointment, as others were just slow to leave. Helio paused up her glasses to where they reflected a glare from them. “If you don’t leave now, I’ll make you targets of my latest anti-nevermore air ship weaponry…” She paused then reached into her lab coat pockets as she gave them a wicked smirk. “Or I’ll make you the test subjects of my latest dust experiment.” She said as she pulled out a hand full of weird looking tools that were between each finger of both hands. This seemed to scare some the students off others just seemed to scoff and leave or just plain leave.

Helio seemed to sigh in disappointment as her arms dropped. “No one takes me seriously because of my size…” She said as the tools just seem to determinate in her hand. After they vanished and she let out another sigh, Helio looked at Apple and walked up to her. “Hey now get up. You’re alright. They left now no need to worry now.” She told her kindly then grabbed Apple’s hands and helped her up. “You should really get over that fear you know.” She said. “You’ll be doing that in a group soon enough.” She told her
Who: crowd/Helio ( @Kishune) and Apple ( @YMeAgain)

Sapphire paused, her back arching back looking at the commotion going on.  Poor girl...she only wanted to show the professor a weapon.  Sapphire had a straight expression, with a slight "are you ok?" look at Apple.  Scientist Helio seemed to have taken care of the crowd.  She stared, looking at her weapon.  Throwing cards?  Interesting...  She continued to look in her direction until Helio shooed off the scene.  Looks like Helio wanted to see this mechanism for herself.    Sapphire, with light feet, walked out of the door.  

In all honesty, Sapphire felt naked without her weapon - she used to carry it with her all the time.  However, the absence of weight on her left leg was kind of relaxing.  She didn't have to lug it around anymore, at least.  Still, it felt weird.  She put her back against the wall next to door, having lost the others she was following.
Where: Walking through Beacon Academy

With: Blac Bird Boy (Black/@Kishune)

Thoughts: Wonder what they're serving for food at the mess hall. Wonder what Bird Brain likes to eat.

"Bah, if she catches me she catches me. Not like I'm invincible so I'll accept the repercussions of speaking my mind." Samson remarked to Blac's quip of Goodwitch's potential retaliation to the faunus' previous remarks of her age. The dark haired student's more philosophical words simply struck uninterested ears as the two spoke. Admittedly Samson had to bite his tongue a bit to not chuckle at Blac's answer to carrying so many weapons around with him. 'Bird of prey eh? Maybe I should call him bird brain.' He thought to himself before moving to follow Blac out of the locker room. While his stomach was still empty, Samson largely managed to suppress the discomfort as he and Blac soon left the locker room. A glance over his shoulder would show the blue haired girl had decided to fall behind, no longer following them, seems she found more interesting company, ah well.

"Blac eh? Can't imagine the reason for that name. You're not one of those brooding edgy types are you?" Samson remarked on Blac's name with a soft chuckle before throwing that brief question his way, rather curious if the student was dripping with angst and woe. "Joking aside thoug nice to meet ya." He quipped before falling silent and letting Blac lead the way. Stretching slightly before he folded his hands behind his head while the two walked through the campus. "You can call me Samson, but Sam is more preferred." He introduced himself in turn, tone light and casual as he spoke. "So why the offer to show me around to the dining hall? While I appreciate the gesture and all you strike me as the kind of guy who adds a small favor onto an offer of assistance." Samson adds as he looks down at Black while they walk, the faunus glancing around at the campus and the other students whom are going about their own days running from classes or spending time with friends. 
Where: Locker Room

With: Helio @Kishune , Lily @Crystalblade, and Azure @TeaMMatE11

Thoughts: I can work in a team!

Apple still would cower in the corner, as the crowd around her converged. She glanced upwards once more before hearing Helio take charge of the situation.  "Shoo shoo! There’s nothing to see here, don’t you see your bothering the poor girl. If you don’t leave now, I’ll make you targets of my latest anti-nevermore air ship weaponry…Or I’ll make you the test subjects of my latest dust experiment." As Helio pulled out some tools, Apple would also be taken aback like the students she was scaring off. After Helio made her tools vanish, she extended a hand towards Apple: " Hey now get up. You’re alright. They left now no need to worry now. You should really get over that fear you know. You’ll be doing that in a group soon enough. " Apple would extend her hand towards the other and get up, sighing a bit. "I don't necessarily fear people or groups...it's crowds that are too close to me...I know that's oddly specific but.." She would shake her head. "N-never mind. I can work in a team. I can perform on stage, I can fight! But when I become the center of a crowd...I freeze up." She dusted off her skirt and fixed her hair a bit. She would offer a discomforting chuckle. "Ah...I made a bad impression on my first day...wonderful..."

She would take out a dud card again from a pouch in back and twirl it. Those watching her would see that she is able to balance the card on one finger while twirling it, demonstrating excellent control skills over her cards. She would lean her back against her locker and continue to do so, and even hopped the card up before catching it with her finger. "...one day they'll all see!~" A little cheerful tone at that statement.
Who: Blac & JauneWhen: NoonWhere: court yardWith: Sam (@Nooguy) and Jaune

Oh so you’re the responsible type.” Blac went back to the conversation on Goodwitch, which he paused then smirked. “Or you’re the type that, even though you’re big, you actually like punishment or after see her weapon of choice you are looking for something a bit different?” Blac said with a snicker. “Either way it doesn’t matter, what happens is what happens.” He said with a shrug as he pretty much repeated what the faunus said before. As they left the lockers, Blac looked over his shoulder at the blue haired girl the faunus was talking to as she followed them a bit but seemed to stop and get distracted.

Blac’s attention went to the faunus as he commented about his name. “Yeah it was the name that was given to me after I was taken in. I was told it was because of my hair that I was named that…others that saw me at that time, say it was my eyes…” Blac said as he messed with his hair then touched under his eye as he thought of back then and sighed. “And yes I am one those types.” He said with a smirk then took a pose to mimic a comic book anti-hero. “I am the one who lost everything in one moment, though I had nothing. I was saved and now I’m out on revenge to try and get back what I lost…which was nothing.” Blac joked as he deepened his voice to sound manlier like in the films. He couldn’t keep up the act however and started laughing at the thought of him being such a thing in the first place.

After he finally calmed down from laughing, he continued to lead the way. “This way.” He said as they went through the doors to the outside. “Sam huh? I figured more like lion heart or something.” Blac said as he shielded his eyes from the sun, and started looking around. Hearing Sam’s question, Blac looked back at the guy with a smirk. “Well you hit the nail on the head.” He said then went back to looking around. “Then again I did say I’ll help you if you could help me. But don’t worry I’m not holding it against you for long, you’re actually going to help me first.” He told him. Blac then activated his semblance causing his eyes to turn completely black as cracks spread out from them. One big crack spread from his left eye to down his shirt. He looked around and spotted a rocket locker jammed into the ground in a patch of trees and bushes hiding it. ‘That guy had same nice aim…’ Blac thought about the guy who pushed Jaune into the locker, as his eyes went back to normal.  “Over there.” He said as he pointed in the direction of the patch of trees and bushes.

Once at the stuck in the ground locker, Blac walked up to it and leaned against it. “I need you help with this.” He told Sam as he pointed with his thumb at the stuck locker. “Sam, this is Jaune, or puke boy if you want.” “H-Hey!” Jaune called out through the locker. “Jaune, Sam.” Blac continued ignoring him which caused Jaune to sigh in acceptance of it. “Hi…” He responded bisheartedly. “As can probably tell, in or out of the locker room, I don’t look all that physically strong; which is why I offered to help you, so you can help me, to help him.” Blac said as he pointed between the three of them. “So think you can get him out of there?” Blac asked Sam.
Where: Locker Rooms (or almost at the start of the post)

With: Maroon @Omnivorish among the crowd

Thoughts: 'Let's see, my favorite color would be...'

The sun-haired girl walked alongside Maroon to the locker rooms, with a smile spread across her face the whole time. Maroon's armada of questions didn't seem to bother her either, and she answered each one in succession. Although, most of her answers were cut short to answer something else, as the redhead kept asking them, not that it bothered Clementine too much either. (Though perhaps a little bit, if only because she still had more to say.)

Then, her eyes practically sparkled when she was asked about her weapon, and her smile widened even more. "Oh, I like the call my weapon Jarrahdale! I made her myself back in Signal, you know, so I've had her for years. I still remember the day I built her too," she stated, her hair swaying as she continued to walk as she spoke. "She can change from a mace-y instrument to a boomerang for projectile uses! She's super fancy looking, and she can retract into a tiny size for easier carrying; I have it in my pocket right now too." Her hand moved over to one of her pockets, and hovered over it for a second. "But, I'm not sure if I should actually bring it out right now. We're in the middle of the school, and apparently we need to put out weapons inside of a locker... Hey, maybe you'll get to see her when I do that! Or, you know, when there's actual fighting going on too."

By the time Clementine was in the middle of her ramble, they were already in the locker rooms. She continued for a bit, until her attention was directed towards Goodwitch and Helio. She listened as they gave instructions, and Goodwitch explained things about the lockers, as well as the scrolls. Clementine's smile seemed to fade away at the mention of the scrolls, but then perked up a little bit more at the last addition. 'Hopefully no one has to learn that I don't have one of my own before I can get one...' she thought, glancing away from the crowd for a second.

After that, several students went off to put away their weapons, to converse, or to talk to Miss Helio. She took a few step forward, figuring she might as well try to store her weapon too, but then she stopped and looked over at Maroon.

"Hey, by the way, since you asked me; what's your weapon?"
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Where: Locker Room

With: Specifically Clementine 

Thoughts: This one's mine...

Maroon giggled as the two reached her assigned locker. Maroon then proceeded to put her backpack on the ground and take out a small retractable staff, to which she had then extended to full size. With the staff at full length the chain that was coiled in the staff was now uncooked and had a small section of itself hanging out of either side. Maroon then went back into her bag and pulled out 2 basketball sized spiked flails. She sat on the floor criss-crossed and proceeded to attach the flails on the chains then retract the chains, securing the flails to the staff. She then stood carrying the weapon.

"This is my weapon, his name is Bellum" Maroon said to Clementine. "I didn't make it though, it was my mom's weapon. She was a super cool Huntress too. But it's not her original, my uncle made improvements on it, like making the chain longer but the staff shorter, 'cuz I'm not very tall." Maroon continued to put her weapon in her new locker. "Now where do we get these scrolls?Because I don't really have one."

Where: Locker room

With: Maroon @Omnivorish

Thoughts: 'Oh wow, that's cool.'

Clementine stood nearby Maroon as she stopped at the latter's locker, and watched intently as the the weapon extended into staff with a chain sticking out. She crouched down partially when Maroon sat on the floor, and a somewhat awestruck expression crossed her face as she attached the flails to the staff. She then pushed herself back up, the grin now back on her face.

"Bellum, huh?" she remarked. Her eyes went wider when her mother being a Huntress was brought up, and then how her uncle also improved it. Before she could get into asking about her mother and and uncle, Maroon asked about the scrolls. "Oh, I wouldn't know where to get those. I heard we could get them later, but you could probably ask..." She paused, putting a hand to her chin as she tried to jog her memory of the name of the professor. "Goodwitch?" she finished with an uncertain sounding inflection. "Yeah, the one that talked about them."
Where: Locker room

With: no one in particular

Thoughts: How long is this day going to last?

Sapphire yawned as she continued to lean against the wall.  Her eyes were darting around the room, and Sapphire watched Apple and her mastery of card tricks and sleight of hand.  She was almost mesmerized by it.  Her eyes quickly darted around the room to look at the other students weapons.  Lots of creativity was put into these weapon designs for sure.  She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a dust cartridge magazine for Frostbite.  She always carried this particular magazine with her; the first Grimm she killed was with the very magazine she was holding.  She analyzed it, looking at all the dents that it accumulated over the years, as well as some rusty spots from weather damage from her adventures when she was younger.  It gave Sapphire a sense of confidence.  She always kept these little mementos.  She slipped the magazine back into her pocket, and continued to scan the room.  After she was done, she left to go back to the ballroom.
Where: Locker Room

With: Clementine @Capriccio

Thoughts: I wonder if you can play games with scrolls.

"Where is she?" Maroon asked as she began walking around, examining others weapons as they put them away. "After she made the announcement, I lost sight of her. Maybe she's a ninja. Or better yet, she's playing hide-and-seek!" Maroon vibrated in excitement.

As she continued looking around, a weapon caught her eye. It was a large red scythe that distracted her. Looking back at Sun she spoke.

"Anyway, where's your locker?" Maroon said gazing at an entire row of unclaimed lockers. "I'm super excited to see your weapon!" She said rocking back and forth.
Where: Courtyard

With: Jaune & Blac (@Kishune)

Thoughts: That Jaune guy's pretty durable, or he has an incredible tolerance for pain if he's not making a peep after that rocket powered ride.

"Eh, wouldn't necessarily say responsible, and afraid I'm not too into the kinky stuff." Samson quipped at Blac's remark while the two of them left the lockers, simply nodding in agreement to his follow up remark of events being as they will be. Once outside, the sun was rather pleasant at least with its warm rays helping to curb the faunus' hunger as he enjoyed the relaxing heat soak into his body. If there was one thing that Samson could enjoy more than a good meal it was a nice nap in a good warm stretch of sunlight.

As Blac gave a rather glorious depiction of his name's origins as well as supposedly the color of his character, Sam couldn't help but crack a grin. 'This guy's not a hard ass at least, have to admit that's a pleasant revelation.' The faunus thought to himself as he shared a soft laugh with the dark haired student. "Well can't say I'm disappointed that you don't seem like a dark and dreary person. Honestly can't stand people who let their pasts and deeds already done weigh their future ideals so much. Nothing you can do about your past, and what's the point of permitting hollow ghosts to drag you down into a pit of despair?" Samson spoke, getting a bit philosophical as the two of them soon arrived to the Jaune mk. 1 rocket locker quite firmly embedded in the earth. 

As Blac and Samson came to the still slightly smoking rocket locker, the faunus blinked in surprise as he heard a, albeit timid, response come out from the locker. The fact that this Jaune wasn't screaming or groaning in pain was a bit of a surprise. "Eesh, must've been quite the ride, but hey I'll bet it's an experience few can match eh?" Samson quipped, trying to make the situation seem a bit better for the locker imprisoned blond. This Jaune seemed to be a bit on the reserved side, or at least didn't have much confidence within himself judging from the situation. At Blac's remark, Samson cracked a grin, chuckling a bit. "What? Nah you look like a guy who can easily wrestle an ursa major barehanded hands down." He remarked with a bit of sarcastic humor. "Yeah I can help, but I'm afraid this locker's not gonna be lookin' too pretty afterward." The faunus stated as he looked the locker over. The holographic code pad seemed to be still in tact, but with a bit of a guess Samson assumed Jaune hadn't had the time to memorize it. Not wanting to waste time, Samson stepped back and tapped his chin.

"Well as much as I'd love to fill the stereotype of a big brutish dude and just rip that door off, I've got a better method." He quipped before reaching into his back pocket and retrieving a metallic filp-lid-style lighter. "Alright Jaune, gonna need you to take a big breath because what I'm about to do maaayay or may not consume the oxygen in your locker relatively quickly." He stated, flipping the lid of that lighter open. "Oh, and I hope you're not afraid of fire." He added before spinning the flint of the lighter with his thumb, a flicker of fire coming to life. With his free hand Samson quickly made a motion as if to 'grab' the fire, and surprisingly enough the lighter would no longer bare a flame as the faunus brought his now clenched fist away from it. Opening his palm, one could see the flickering flame continuing to burn as if nothing was amiss. "Oooookay, hopefully I can concentrate this enough so as not to burn him up, would kinda suck with the first day of school." Samson murmured to himself before clenching all but his index and middle finger, a look of mild concentration on his face as that flame darted to his two extended fingertips. A brief pause, and that seemingly harmless lighter flame swiftly converted into a roughly three inch long hissing jet of flame which burned a bright orangish white. "There we go, and Jaune, miiiight wanna get over to the left side of the locker." Samson added before pressing that small flame against the right side of the locker door with his aim being simply cut the door from its hinges while roughly shielding his eyes with his other hand from the bright light.

At a moderate pace, Samson steadily began to trace his two fingers down the right of the locker door, making a cut around the hinges so the door could fall off. Not knowing exactly how many hinges there were, the faunus simply decided to make one large cut to circumvent missing one. Samson's feline tail gently swayed behind him as he worked in a slightly comical extension of his concentration, the tip flipping back and forth while he worked. After about a minute the door finally gave a soft creak as Samson stood up from his knelt position finishing off the lower part of the locker's door. Not falling free of its own volition, the faunus rolled his eyes and simply jabbed his left hand into that narrow gap with metal still glowing hot, gripping tight, and yanking the door clean off its now nonexistent hinges as well its lock while showing barely any notice of the searing hot metal. "Phew, well that wasn't too bad now was it Jaune?" Samson quipped, quickly stepping forward to offer an arm for the youth as he staggered out. "Heh...yeah probably got a bit hard to breath in there I'm guessing. Alsoooo...think you might need another locker, sorry pal." He stated, giving Jaune a clap on the back as the faunus looked down at the door which now lay upon the ground. 'Eesh, hope Jaune doesn't have to pay for that. It's a freaking locker door, couldn't be that expensive or hard to replace.' Samson thought to himself before stepping back and giving the blond some room to breath.
Who: Blac & JauneWhen: NoonWhere: court yardWith: Sam (@Nooguy) and Jaune


[SIZE=12.0pt]Blac listened to Sam’s philosophical rant as they approached the locker Jaune was in. “Can’t stand them huh?” He said out loud. ‘I wonder what he say if he ever saw me do that?’ He thought but shrugged it off. Blac knew he brew over his past but didn’t allow it to drag him down like Sam said. Blac thought of it as something similar to paying respects to a grave.

As they were at the embedded locker, Blac continued to lean against the side of the locker with his arms crossed. Hearing Sam’s words, Jaune grumbled a bit. “Oh yea it was an experience like riding a rollercoaster without a safety bar, or being in a dryer tossed out of a airship.” Jaune told Same in a rather sassy attitude. Blac snickered at Sam trying to make a better of the situation, but Jaune just turning it around.  [/SIZE]He then rolled his eyes at Sam for his sarcastic remark about fighting an Ursa. Hearing about how the locker was going to look, Blac shook his head. “Doesn’t matter to me. Turn it to scrap metal for all I care.” He told the lion Faunus as he seemed to inspect the locker. “W-wait WHAT!?” Jaune said from in the locker as he sounded a bit panicked which Blac snickered again.

Blac looked back at Sam as he said he had a better method than ripping the door off like a stereotype brute. Blac shrugged to this. “Whatever suits your fancy.” He told him as he watched a lighter get pulled out. He then raised an eyebrow as he gave Jaune a warning as he continued watching.

Uh, umm…What you planning to do?” Jaune asked from inside the locker. “I don’t think I’m af…wait why do you ask?” He asked immediately before he finished his reply to being afraid of fire.

Black watched as Sam lit the lighter and grabbed at the flame that formed with his other hand, only to have it be stable in his hand like it would be on the lighter. ‘So that’s his semblance.’ He thought as he watched this go on. He didn’t even say a word or laugh at the possibility of Jaune being burned as he just watched as he continued to lean against the side of the locker. The small flame had now turned to a torch now at the ends of Sam’s fingers. Hearing Sam’s warning, Jaune scrambled a bit to move to one side of the locker. When the flame started to burn through the door, he quickly found himself on the wrong side as it started burning his foot. “Yeeow!” He exclaimed as he moved to the other side now. Blac chuckled at this as he looked away with his mouth covered.

When Sam seemed to finish up, Blac looked back at the Faunus as he grabbed the door and pulled it off. ‘So heat doesn’t affect him huh.’ He thought then looked inside the locker and started laughing, as Jaune was in there upside down. It only made sense as the locker landed head first in the ground; But Blac couldn’t resist laughing. Jaune sighed hearing Blac laugh at him then looked to the faunus offering him a hand. Once out Jaune dusted himself off and looked back at the locker. “I don’t think that was my locker.” He told Sam. “I was pushed into it by another student during Goodwitch’s speech.” He explained. “Yeah and I’m sure she saw the whole thing so there should be no worries.” Blac told them as he finished his laughing fit. ‘Though…it’s just going to make Jaune a bigger target for that guy later on…’ Blac thought to himself as he leaned off the locker now. "Well seeing that's done, how about I fill my end of the deal and show you where the cafeteria is at then." He said as he looked at Sam. As Blac said this, Jaune checked the number to see if it was his and looked shocked as he dropped to his knees. apparently it was his locker.
Where: Court Yard

With: Blac (@Kishune)

Thoughts: 'Ah sonova...burned a hole in my glove....dammit that's the fourth pair this month.'

Samson did indeed feel a pang of remorse for damaging what must have been Jaune's locker judging from the blonde's forlorn reaction. Returning his gaze from over his left shoulder, the faunus simply sighed as he stretched his arms up and folded them behind his head while he and Blac headed away. "Pretty crap rap for that Jaune guy. Seems like a nice guy...bet he's the one who ends up with the hot babe by the end of things." Samson quipped with a slight grin, chuckling to himself before glancing down to Blac as the raven haired student spoke. "Hm? Oh hell yeah you're filling out your end of the deal. I like to be a nice guy, but getting between me and food is a quick way to get on my bad side." He quipped with no particular aimed hostility or passive aggressiveness whatsoever while the two of them walked. As if to accentuate his remark, Samson's stomach promptly gave a low and audible growl to which the faunus merely chuckled. "I think the jury has given its verdict on that statement." He adds with a grin before frowning briefly and looking up at the sky, his mind wandering to a subject of curiosity. 'Huh...wonder what raven head's semblance is.' Samson pondered as the duo steadily made their way to the dining hall. 

As the two eventually came to the dining hall, Samson wasted no time in heading toward the direction of nourishment, swiftly grabbing a food tray, and promptly perusing the selection of food stuffs offered to the students. With an impressed whistle, the faunus hardly displayed any disappointment at the rather healthy layout. "Hey prince sunshine, you gonna stay and grab anything to eat?" Samson asked over to Blac while the faunus continued to fill his food tray with whatever his stomach guided him toward the most. After a few moments of very passion, and slightly terrifying, food picking, Samson finally made his way to a nearby seat situated along one of the long dining tables which stretched a good length through the dining hall. Taking a seat on the edge of the selected table, the faunus set his rather healthily stacked food tray down and wasted no time in digging in. While not freakishly filled, a number of sandwiches, fruits, and meats filled what could be a meal for three which soon began to lessen as the faunus enjoyed his meal at a moderate yet steady pace.

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