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Fandom RWBY: Unsung Heroes Unite~! CLOSED!

Who: Blac & Jaune
When: Noon
Where: Dining Hall
With: Sam (@Nooguy) and Jaune

Jaune overheard Blac and Samson talking about heading to the dining hall. He looked up at the two. “Hey, think I could join you guys?” He asked rather eagerly as he seemed to be able to rely on them and thought they could be friends in his desperate state.

Blac looked over at the blonde as he asked if he could join them. “Actually, you still need to put up your weapon. Even if that was your locker, you should still head back and get all that straightened out.” Blac told Jaune. “But once you’re done you might be able to join us.” He said with a smirk.

Uh, yeah, you’re right…” Jaune replied with a nod after he stood back up. “Well I’ll be off. See you in the dining hall.” He told them before he hurried back to the locker room to get a locker for his gear.

Blac watched as Jaune left and listened to Samson as he spoke about Jaune. Blac glanced up at Samson as he thought over his words. ‘So he noticed as well huh…?’ he thought then looked back at Jaune. “Maybe so…but he’s wanting to be a hunter…Endings like that aren’t much of a reality really for those who can be.” Blac said then heading in the direction of the dining hall. Blac was starting to brood like the stereotype Sam talked about earlier. Blac then looked back over his shoulder at Sam as he talked about getting between him and food, which Blac smirked at. “A food fanatic huh?” He questioned. ‘I wonder who win over a fight for red sap?’ Blac thought with a smirk. Hearing sam’s stomach growl, Black had to look away and cover his mouth to keep from bursting out of laughter. “Pfft…well then…let hurry before jury get’s restless then shall we." Black said still holding in a laugh.

It didn’t take them long to get to the Dining hall, and when they entered, Blac could have sworn he felt a gust of wind blow past them into the dining room when the doors. Blac blinked a few times as he then noticed Sam was already in ling gathering food on his tray. ‘Well that was fast…’ he said then entered himself. Blac then heard Sam call out to him as he gathered food. “Prince Sunshine…?” he questioned with an un-amused look as he raised an eyebrow. “Well I have nothing else to do, so I might as well.” He told Sam as he waited outside the line for him. Blac then looked around him and snatched a piece of fruit off an unknowing student’s tray and started to eat it as he waited.

After Sam was finally done and found a seat, Blac joined him, but before he even sat down, the faunus was already digging in. “Couldn’t wait huh?” He asked him with a smirk as he sat down. As Sam ate his meal for three, Blac ate his piece of fruit rather slowly.

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