RWBY: The Next Class

Name: Diana Niromi

Age: (Please be between 15-18) 16

Gender: Female

Weapon Type: Large Claymore that utilizes different dust.

Weapon Appearance:

Colors change for the Dust effects. Sides pop off for small Knives

Weapon Ability/Details:

Bio: She decided to become a Huntress when she noticed the disrepair that the Grimm causes. for some reason she acts like she has two entirely different personas the first one is when she is not working when she is extremely nice and friendly the second one however is very strict and is very mean she only cares about getting the work done. She has had this split persona problem since her father was killed by the Grimm. After that she vowed for justice and entered Beacon Academy.

Personality: A very nice girl who jokes around a lot, but when it comes to hunting and any other job she quickly becomes very serious until the mission is completed.


@TKolord I'm a bit of a weapons buff,so,indulge my questions,please? I just want to get a handle on how the claymore works in your head. The Dust the weapon uses,is it crystalline or powdered? Furthermore,how is it stored in/mounted to the weapon? And the "Sides can pop off as knives" bit...How would that work,exactly? The weapon is very minimalist,very to-the-point. What,exactly,are you taking off?

@Flip Jester Boy The lecture was PM'd to Lung earlier. If you want the lecture,PM me about it,and I'll give it to you. I'm also pondering posting it in this thread as a bit of a PSA.
Name: Jorg Quigley

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Weapon Type: Godgun (Crucifix pattern)

Weapon Designation: Holy Roller


Weapon Ability/Details: The Holy Roller is an enormous metal cross with two firearms built into its frame, one eighty millimeter cannon emerging from the base or at least its equivalent, and a fully-automatic rotary cannon emerges from the top. Both rest behind a slide-cover, and despite Jorgy's strength, he needs to plant himself to fire either weapon effectively. Both weapons utilize fire-based dust to propel their payloads, which is in fact smaller fragments of the shard.

Bio: Jorg is the third child of Tomas and Ziska Quigley, both hunter and huntress respectively. While it wasn't expected of him to follow in their footsteps, nor his older brothers, all the three attended Signal, then Beacon, and Jorg's brothers are now hunters as their parents were before them. Just as all students at Signal, Jorg built his own weapon, figuring to play to his strengths, or rather, strength. The Quigley family seemed almost inherently strong, not a single one of them, not even Ziska, wielding a weapon under thirty pounds. This strength, much more than his speed or intelligence was of note at Signal, and always it was the same, "Your brothers were so strong too, I guess I should've seen it coming."

Of course, after constructing the Holy Roller, as a matter of fact the largest, heaviest weapon of the brothers, and struggling his way through the theory classes, Jorg managed to get himself accepted to Beacon, though he wasn't sure if it was for legacy's sake, or he'd actually been smart enough to pull it off on his own.

Personality: Generally not the brightest bulb, though with occasional moments of clarity, Jorg is what most would call a dumb brute at a glance, perhaps an oafish ape, though he is perhaps more morally firm than others in his profession. Slow to anger with others, but quick with himself, Jorg is more likely to hit himself for mishearing something than to hit someone for excessive insults, and finds that he works quite well with others under stressful circumstances.

As would be expected of a gentle giant, Jorg stands at just over six and a half feet tall, weighing in at nearly 280 pounds with the displayed build. Scarred a little more than other Signal students, Jorg's awkwardness with fine tools is quite evident by the gnarled sausages he calls fingers. Lastly, Jorg is naturally red haired and green eyed like his father while his brothers took more after their mother with brown hair and eyes.
Hold on to your lederhosen straps, mateys. I'll be churning one o' 'em CeeEsses in a few hours or so, see. 
Ach. Was I too late?

Name: Atsuhiro Madaraki

Age: 16 (Please be between 15-18)

Gender: Female

Weapon Type: Collapsible, detachable, fully customizable Fuuma Shuriken

Weapon Appearance: There are three main appearances to the weapon, the first being its main and most intimidating one, a giant fuuma shuriken that easily shields her entire body once she begins spinning the thing. It serves as a huge thrown weapon meant to deal immense stopping power, enough to send even giant enemies stumbling around, enough time for the magnificent thief to retrieve her weapon to bring the giant thing back down again. The hole within the middle contains one single bar, seemingly to act as some sort of handle.

The second form comes into play when the blades shift slightly and collapse into one single formation, resembling a giant dao with four blades. It cuts things into 5 different parts. That's about all it does. With the great weight and momentum gathered by simply swinging the thing is enough to break whole steel pillars, nevermind cutting them.

The second form is further able to split into four different daos. Once removed, the other three daos have automatic-releasing hilts that emerge from the blade. The 'main' blade keeps the hilt from the shuriken form, and possesses a ring to mark the area of the hole of the shuriken.

Weapon Ability/Details:

With no Aura capabilities at all, Hiro utilises her smarts, wits and most of all, her thief (read: Ninja) skills. Here are some examples of her magnificent theivery

Return to Yatagarasu what belongs to Yatagarasu!: An abnormally strong thread connects Hiro to the shuriken, allowing her to return the giant thing to herself. How she expertly catches it without cleaving herself in half is beyond anyone's imagination. Hiro may choose to employ dirty tactics such as attaching the thread to elsewhere to direct the shuriken there.

Face the Yatagarasu's Claws!: Hiro discards a single Dust capsule and hurls one dao at it, shattering it and triggering whatever energies the capsule was supposed to store. With the remaining three swords, she proceeds to swing the sword with amazing force at the dazed enemy.

Yatagarasu Takes To The Skies!: Hiro happily discards multiple Dust capsules, scattering them around her before spinning her shuriken at a rapid speed. With one smooth movement, she triggers all the capsules by slicing them in half. At this point, she vanishes away from the scene amidst the chaos, completely unharmed.

Bio: Atsuhiro Madaraki's past is but a blur. Never having been good at anything but stealing, Hiro's inability to not get caught landed her in hot soup one too many times. Her kleptomania, however, was not founded on her want to steal everything. Rather, it was borne from a strange Hunter by the name of Yatagarasu. He who both hunted the creatures of darkness, as well as

purloining valuable items from certain organizations and proceeding to cash it in and distribute to the poor. No one knew who he was, no one ever saw him. Hiro adored him, saw him as her hero, and would happily proclaim her aspirations to be Yatagarasu 2, the one who would succeed him. To do this, she had to catch his attention first, and there was nothing better than stealing.

That is, until one of her peers offered another suggestion, after she was thrown into the slammer for the fifth time that week (and it was only a Tuesday!) that she should become a Huntress. That way, when a Yatagarasu clone popped up, the first Yatagarasu would search her out! While the statement was made as a jest, Hiro did not think so. She rolled on over to Signal and signed herself up immediately. Lots of things went missing in her days there. No surprise who purloined them. Their owners, though, were recompensed by the odd offer of a meagre amount of dollars that was spread amongst the student population. For some reason.

They couldn't lie, there was no proof condemning Hiro to her crimes, and she showed great aptitude to be a Hunter: her swift thinking, her maneuvres and flexibility to various situations, ability to adapt....she was quite the thief as well as Huntress. They were forced by circumstances to provide near perfect testimonies, which...probably exuded enough malice to overcome the existing evil.

And now, the Great Thief Yatagarasu Mk. 2 marches through the gates of Beacon, ready to steal and kick ass.

Personality: While she does claim to want to be the Great Thief Yatagarasu, there's....something about her that says that she really wants to be something else...namely a ninja. But in even that, she doesn't seem to fit the bill. Overly cheerful, loud and brazen in her antics, Atsuhiro Madaraki doesn't seem to be in the Academy to win it, but steal everything of value. While announcing it over the PA system. If she could, she'd advertise it on the side of a blimp. She has an eye for celebrities, takes notes on them and notices every sort of trivial thing regarding famous people.

She's probably a stalker of everyone in the academy, but that's just a rumour. Maybe.

She is a supreme logician and tactician, however, utilizing learned tactics and lessons regarding enemies and the surroundings to the maximum. While she is loud in her actions, she makes it quite a point to maximise every effort made.

Appearance/Look:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/496943-kay_faraday.png.a0b4259cfe6e7871b6651d81ed4c1caf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/496943-kay_faraday.png.a0b4259cfe6e7871b6651d81ed4c1caf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>About 160 cm in height, weighing around 56 kg, Atsuhiro is quite the petite one. The badge attached to her scarf is a caricature of the three legged crow, namely the Yatagarasu. Her hair stick resembles a golden key, quite fitting of a thief, but...not exactly the way that thieves usually try to stay undercover. Her boots are customized to resemble Japanese sandals at the feet.



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0_0 Wow awesome check out the turn-out! Sweet characters too, I like it! Alright first order of business, how many active characters do we have right now? I'm having trouble keeping track. If its around 8 then we have 2 teams, and if its over then ill have to add some more content to the 2nd story arc so that the third team won't just be twiddling their thumbs. So let me get a role count, if your in it for the long haul (are active and plan to stay active) then post on here so I can get a count.

Which brings me to the second point of business if we accept enough to push us into a third team, then ill need some volunteers for the "bad guys". Now I already have 2 volunteers so far but I won't be revealing their characters until they appear. So if you want to be an big baddy, here's your chance just PM me with your idea and I can fill you in on what you need to know (hopefully without giving too much away).

Ok cool so once we get that all worked out I'll be more than happy to accept new members and incorporate your characters into the overall story.

Above the handle which looks like a knife is removable which Reveals where Powdered or Crystald Dust can me inserted. The crystalline part of the weapon will project the dust for using its ability and reflect the dust showing the color so you can tell which one is being used. when the Dust slot is empty or not in use the removable piece can be used as a small Sai or Knife

This is how it runs through my half confused head


I Will be active
The jugger naut is here responding to role call! lol Oh and Ill be active good sir!
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@killerlung I'll be active. Also,what's the word on the new characters? Approved or denied?

@TKolord So you're saying that the crossguard and blade brace are removable? But as for under there being where Dust can be inserted,I don't see that making much physical sense. The blade is relatively flat,and if you want to put Dust in the hilt,then it has to come in from the bottom,or else there's nothing holding the blade in place. If you'll accept a piece of advice from an outside source,maybe the sword runs on crystal Dust,and the pommel (thing at the bottom) is your currently loaded Dust? Still,a very nifty concept you have here. My weapon is boring compared to everyone else's...
I promise to finish all my vegetables, but if that won't do it for you I guess I can be active too XP
I will be active ^_^ I do work mornings to late afternoon six days a week though so bare with me. I can be found mostly at night (Florida time)
Name: Horus Lupercal

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Weapon Type: a sword forged of pure Crystalline powder. Fire type.

Weapon Appearance: Number 62

Weapon Ability/Details: the blade is always burning when not sheathed. It can use the space in the long part to generate a small fireball that is then thrown with a swinging motion. The sheathe and the outside of the gloves he wears have a very thin amount of crystalline Ice dust to prevent the blade form burning the sheathe or him. The blade itself generates a fiery affect around it and this causes the weapon to leave trails of burning Dust in the air behind it. Horus constantly fills the sheath with a small amount of Dust to restore the blade and maintain its fire properties. When the blade forms a fireball it launches a small explosive Dust crystal that Horus carries. The crystal is held immobile as some of the extra Dust from the blade gathers onto it from all directions. Its Balance is delicate and the swinging motion sends it at high speeds in the direction of the swing.

Bio: Horus was a simple kid. He was always messing around with Fire. His past was not perfect but he has killed a Grimm with only a blow torch. He dealt with the chaos of a new life when his Father died and his mother went insane with grief. He was forced to support his sister Sanguinus by taking whatever jobs where necessary. He earned his spot at the academy with his nearly unarmed kill. His sheer skill with the art of burning earned him his weapon. The weapon was the prize for a competition that valued skill at arms and ability to use weapons that where based off of elements.

Personality: a large and overblown teenager he is quiet in class but shouts and taunts while he fights. He also only belives that you can find the true measure of a ally the first time you fight together in the field.

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Florida afternoon is when i'm on except tomorrow i'm going for a meeting to go to Europe
I'm active every day,generally starting mid to late afternoon,EST Ontario. And,Ineff? A shuriken is a BUNCH of knives all stuck together. Sounds more interesting than one knife.
I am not as active as everyone else.I don't usually get on during the week,but I am NINJA!!! so I know how to get on without getting caught.
I'm always here. This week however, I'm going off to Malaysia, until next week Monday. GMT +8. Won't be that available from Friday.

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