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Fandom RWBY: Second Generation - Characters


Junior Member


@The Succubi Queen


@Danchou Tsubomi

@The Suspicious Eye




Males: 8/8

Females: 8/8

This is where you talk about your character by using this sheet;


Color: (what color does the name allude to?)

Species: (Human or Faunus?)

Appearance: (either use a picture or describe the character)



Motive(s): (has to be more complex than "Protect his/her kingdom" or "Save the world." Be original.)


Sibling(s): (this one is optional. This is only if you want your character to have siblings.)

Weapon(s): (again, either use a picture or describe it)

Fighting Style: 



Likes: (add at least 3)

Dislikes: (add at least 3)
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Laohu Lili Ren

Color: Tigerlily

Species: Faunus


He has a long Lion tail that's the same orange as most of his hair, with the fluff of fur at the top being black. He frequently wears girl's clothes, instead of typical male clothes. The same height as Yue, perhaps a centimeter taller or shorter. Their hair makes it hard to tell.


Gender:  Male

Motive(s): To keep his sister from doing dumb shit.

Parent(s): Lie Ren and an unnamed Faunus

Sibling(s): Yue-Xaun ren (twin sister played by @Danchou Tsubomi)



A double-ended spear with guns attached to the blades; they can be detached from each other, and the stem is retractable, to allow use as guns.

Fighting Style: 


Agrokinesis- Laohu can manipulate plants, such as making them bigger, or deciding to grab something with them. He can't change what the plant is made of, or make a new one, meaning that he's completely unable to use him semblance when a plant isn't nearby.





Drinking sparkling juice from a wine glass (he thinks wine, itself, tastes a bit like gasoline)

Anytime he can take a nap

If he's really tired, he may chase his own tail



Yue shorting out technology

This thing called racism

Wine, clearly

The fact that his sister will fight anything she sees

He's not fond of bitter things

Conflict. He doesn't mind fighting Grimm, but conflict between other people is just necessary.


"I go by C.C. or Cotton. Cotton Candy is just too long, don't cha think?"

Cotton Candy "C.C./Cotton" Torchwick


"Cotton Candy is normally pink or blue, and so am I."

Cotton Candy Icecream (pastel blue and pink)


"Apparently there was some Faunus in the bloodline that Mom and Dad didn't know about. Congrats, everyone is gonna think your daughter is adopted."

Cat Faunus


"Pretty damn cute."


Ignore the ears, and her eyes are light green instead of brown. Height-wise, she's 4'6. 4'9 in heels. 


"This quote is just here to keep with what Lettuce does, he can't actually think of anything to put."

Arrogant. C.C. is one arrogant bitch. While one may expect someone so small and cute to act... Small and cute, C.C. will only do this when it benefits the situation, or around her parents. This means that, a majority of the time, she's faking a cuter, happier personality so that people will think that she's appealing to be around.


"Exactly what I look like."



"We really need to think of an actual reason for a bunch of villians kids to be going to beacon."

Does "to become as good a fighter as her parents" count as a good motive?


"Two pretty famous criminals."

Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan


"Nope, I'm an only child."



Beauty's Thorn- C.C. uses an umbrella cane with an Icecream design on it. It works essentially the same as Neo's, only the little prongs that keep the umbrella part attached to the boning are blades; there's a little switch on the umbrella to make it spin. In addition to that, she uses Dust bullets, and has a few different types. She prefers to use Blue Dust. 

Fighting Style: 


"Cold, ain't it?"

Freeze- This semblance permits C.C. to freeze things through contact with her hands, and has potential use for long range in the future. She can also use this to temporarily seal off a wound she recieves (without physical contact, as her skin is kind of... attached to her), akin to a very cold band-aid, and she has a higher resistance to the cold.


  • Her parents being criminals. Due to this, she uses the last name "Pastel" at school. 


  • Icecream is some good shit
  • He definitely likes money
  • Hot tea, very sugary hot tea


  • Her tail being pulled. Definitely that. 
  • The top shelf. What sadistic bastard decided to put those so high up?
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Name: Claret Wukong

Color: [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Wine Red[/SIZE] (#990033)

Species: Faunus


Claret 1.PNG

She has a Pink aura with Black Undertone, and yellow eyes.

Personality: Claret is a bit of a mixed bag of traits. She's playful and fun, but also cold and cruel. She's extremely rude to her teammates, but she's pretty nice to everyone else, so that makes for some pretty mixed first impressions. She's not too serious about any goals, but she can get any job done when given the right motivation. It's more of a challenge to find that motivation for her. Her parents like to say she has no impulse control- she just does what she wants when she wants it, damn the consequences. It's gotten her into a few sticky situations, but very rarely have things turned out terrible for her.

Claret's interests are pretty one-track. She's always been pretty sporty, and it shows- she's got pretty decent muscles from years of track and field, gymnastics, and muay thai. She's not exactly a medal winner, but she's pretty handy at most of the things she does. She probably could have a couple of awards under her belt, if she ever felt the need to go out and earn one.

Claret is always seen with a bag of candy- always. Her monkey traits lend her an extremely high metabolism and a very sugary diet, so she's constantly eating to maintain even a basic amount of energy. This also means she crashes HARD at night, so her family has learned to be very, very careful around her when she's asleep. No one wants to be the person who wakes up Claret.

Gender: Cis Female

Motive(s): Claret isn't often motivated to do anything (how on earth such a lazy girl is her father's child, no one knows), but for some reason, she just up and decided to be a Huntress one day. Claret is mostly motivated in a way that is traditionally called "rational"- she wants something, she goes and gets it- she never really bothers to think about why. One day,  she decided she wanted to be a Huntress like her Dad, and that was all she wrote. Some might say that's a cheap excuse for choosing a career, but Claret doesn't give much of a care what other people think.

Parent(s): Sun Wukong/ Blake Belladonna

Sibling(s): None

Weapon(s): Sky Bolt- A cat o' nine tails whip, with a handle that doubles as a pistol. The Whip strands can channel Dust, and Claret can use this to trigger a variety of elemental attacks.

Fighting Style: A lot of jumping- Claret is small and fast, and uses that to her advantage, shooting across the battlefield to whatever place she finds most advantageous- she often uses the whip portion of her weapon to grapple around and the pistol portion to move herself out of harm's way. She's pretty acrobatic, and isn't afraid to literally springboard herself off an enemy so she can shoot them in the back. She's really unpredictable when she fights, and while that's great on her own, it makes it difficult to fight alongside her.

Semblance: Monkey See, Monkey Do- Claret splits into 3 clones, who unleash a barrage of attacks on her opponents- the clones only last for about 2 minutes, but they have all of Claret's capabilities, and she doesn't sustain any damage her clones take (or that her actual body takes in the process). Since they don't share a conciousness, they communicate using Nicknames- the one in Pink is Rose, the one in red is Merlot, and the one in Purple is Bordeaux.

Secret(s): Claret isn't a big fan of secrets, but she's more anxious than she'd ever let on- her laziness stems more from a fear of trying and failing than a simple lack of interest. She cares a lot more than she'd ever let anyone know. She also wears contacts, but only a few people know just how bad her vision is.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Likes: [/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Real” food[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Swing Dancing[/SIZE]




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Insult-based friendships[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]People with no sense of humor[/SIZE]

Name: Persia Antonio Black

Color: [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Persian Green[/SIZE] (#00A693)

Species: Human, or.. 85% human- 15% Metal.



He has a bright purple aura, and dark green eyes.

Personality: If you ask Persia, he's a lover, not a fighter. He's pretty much the textbook example of a "useless bisexual." Always buried in a book or a cartoon, he's also kind of a nerd- when he's not zoning out, he's flirting with someone- though he assures everyone involved that he's just being friendly. He's pretty sneaky, sure, but he never seems to have bad intentions- though it's hard to tell quite what he intends with his michevious smile and sardonic charm. He's also really into music, and he can always been caught humming or singing some ditty when he's lost in thought- he also bursts out into song randomly just to annoy people. 

He's got a bit of a tragic backstory, but he's not too beaten up about it- Emerald was misdiagnosed for a pregnancy complication, and was dosed with Milkweed- which resulted in Persia being born with severely deformed legs. Emerald insists, to this day, that she was poisoned, but Persia doesn't care one way or another- bad things tended to happen to his parents, and he just chalks it all up to fate. He likes metallic legs, and he takes good care of them, constantly polishing and oiling them until they get just the right shine. He's a skilled fighter, for sure, and he's not afraid to go all out, but he's not exactly a person who's first instinct to conflict is to duke it out. However, his biggest pet peeve is being called a cripple, and he won't hesitate to slice you in half over it.

Gender: Cis Male(????)

Motive(s): Mostly, he's motivated by a desire to prove himself- prove he's not his parents mistakes, prove he's a capable fighter even without legs, etc. He's never really been down about his drawbacks, but he knows he has to work harder than anyone else to overcome them and stand tall as a Huntsman and Hero.

Parent(s): Emerald Sustrai/Mercury Black

Sibling(s):Half-siblings with @Huntrey's Slate Black and ... Xiao-Long



Asclegs- his prosthetic legs have pointed blades built into them, and for extra measure, he carries a pistol called Pias (together, they are a pun on Asclepias, the scientific name for Milkweed).

Fighting Style: Very kick based, obviously- he specialize in backflips, which allows him to kick, and provides him with the perfect moment to shoot their opponent with their pistol. He likes to keep his opponent's close, and while he's not exactly tough, he's quick enough to get out of the way of most attacks that come his way. He does have a fatal tic, though. He'll occasionally instinctively block a blow with his Asclegs, and often they get damaged in battle. Sure, that moment normally provides him enough time to shoot a Grimm right in the eye, but the repair on his legs is always a pain in the butt.

Semblance: Mirage- Persia has a similar semblance to his mother, in that he can create illusions. However, rather than making someone see something that isn't there, he can make things seemingly disappear. He actually is almost constantly using this semblance to hide the blade portion of his legs- it doesn't use much energy, but it makes him stand out a little less.

Secret(s): Persia struggles really hard with his gender identity- at this point, he knows he's not male, but he doesn't want to bother anyone with coming out until he's sure of what he is.




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Rocky Terrain[/SIZE]




[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Overly Serious people[/SIZE]




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Name: Pyro Arc

Color: Orange/Red

Species: Human

Appearance: He has Pyrrha's red hair and Jaune's blue eyes. His outfit is somewhat similar to Pyrrha's;  he wears red armor on his upperbody and lower body. He also wears black boots and white gloves. He has a yellow scarf wrapped around his neck as well.

Personality: He's a lot like his mother and father. He's kind, generous, and selfless. He despises bullying and never tries to befriend bad people. Whenever he's fighting, he extremely focused, talented, and in the zone. Outside the battlefield, though, he is socially awkward and oblivious. He usually flirts with girls, as well.

Gender: Male

Motive(s): To protect his parents and his kingdom, and also to get some friends who like him for who he is, not for who his parents are.

Parent(s): Jaune Arc and Pyrrha Arc

Sibling(s): None

Weapon(s): Crocea Mors - His father's sword and shield. Jaune gave it to him when Pyro began training.

Fighting Style: His fighting style is a lot like his mother's; he prefers to fight up-close with his sword and shield. However, when he's got the upper-hand in a fight, he gets a bit too cocky, which leaves him open to get hit by his opponent.

Semblance: Guard - He uses his aura to make a blue barrier around him to block and deflect any attacks from his opponent. However, he has to be careful how he uses it, because if his barrier gets broken, his aura completely depletes.

Secret(s): He's extremely terrified of spiders, but he keeps this hidden as he finds it embarrassing

Likes: Flirting


His parents

Dislikes: Spiders

People only liking him because of his parents

Phoenix Rose

Color: Dark Red

Species: Human

Appearance: Black Hair with red tips, silver eyes, wears a maroon jacket with black shirt and jeans.  He opted out on the cape, which Rudy keeps begging him to wear the black cape she made for him.  His symbol is a black rose on the back of his maroon jacket.  He stands at a height of 5'10" with a black colored aura.  He tends to have a cool aura about him when you first meet him, but once he sees you as a friend, he let's loose and becomes more hyperactive, always wanting to have fun and get into some trouble (not much, but enough to get the adrenaline going).


Personality: He spends to much time with his Grandpa Crow and Aunt Yang to become snarky and over confident, but Rose taught him to be a leader that puts his team first.  (Think of a Male Ruby that acts like Crow but get's excited like Ruby.)

Gender: Male

Motive(s): Hearing the many adventures from his family members, it began to root the idea of wanting to follow his family's footsteps to become a huntsman.  He wants to make his own adventures with his friends, save the world as well.  As he begins school, all that motivates him is to have fun and show that he is as good a hunter as his mother was and still is. Eventually, he learns there is more to just adventure and he takes his role much more seriously.

Parent(s): Ruby Rose, Father is out of the picture. (It is Unkown if he is dead or on a mission.  Rudy doesn't talk about it.) Phoenix doesn't care to know about his dad. All he knows is that he hasn't been in his life and doesn't care, for as long as he has his friends and family, one guy can't change who he is.


Twin Sister: Summer Rose

Cousin: Titan Xiao Long @Huntrey

Unknown Cousin: Slate Black @Huntrey

Honorary Cousins: Callum Schnee @Katakon and Merle Schnee @NekoChanBo

Weapon(s): Black Rifle that transforms into a scythe with chainsaw blades.  There is two triggers, one to shot and the other to activate the chainsaw blades. When as a rifle, he can still turn on the chainsaw blades that are located at the top, just in case he get's sneak attacked when taking a shot.

Fighting Style: He fights up close and ranged, depending on what he is attacking.

Semblance: Shadows - His semblance allows him to hide within the shadows and travels faster when engulfed in shadows.  When a room is lit in any way, he can use any shadow that appears due to the light, he can hide or travel faster through them. (This is all he knows of his Semblance as of far.  As he trains to master it, he would be able to use it to travel from shadow to shadow.  With this, he can use his own shadow to do so.  Once mastered he can travel farther, faster, and disappear easily.)

Secret(s): He fears isolation, he has always been surrounded by family and friends, but he fears to be left behind and alone.


  • Having Fun
  • Playing Games
  • His Weapons (He calls her Thorn)
  • Adventures!


  • Being left behind
  • Being seen incompetent to fight
  • Fighting with his Friends

Bio:  Phoenix Rose, the angel of the two Rose Twins.  His entire upbringing was always about family, and he took that to heart.  The house was alway chaos with three growing kids running around wanting to be huntsmen.  It didn't help that Summer and Phoenix were inseparable and where the Twins went, you could see chaos and headaches follow (sorry grandpa Tai!).  When he was eight, his own semblance showed up, which was the first time Phoenix knew the feeling of peace and quiet.  Don't get him wrong, he loves his sister, but it was his aunt that he was running away from (Yang: Where's baby Phoenix! *hugs and pinches cheeks*).  Phoenix learned closely from both Ruby and Qrow, whenever he came to visit.  This had him developing a deep love of his mother's weapon.  When he began to build his weapon, he made sure to stay close to his mother's model.  Even though Phoenix's semblance allowed him to hide away when he wanted to alone, the day he was separated from his sister was the day he understood his true potential.
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"I may be cute

and innocent,


mess with what's mine

and I'll cut you up"






Iola Leverett


Iola Leverett




Half-Human, Half- Faunus 


Iola's personality is ambiguous. For the most part she is a sweet, innocent, and upbeat girl around her peers. However, this masks her dark and bloodthirsty side, a ruthless cold and calculating killer. Enjoying getting into fights, she is obsessive, bold, independent and dangerous.




To be a full Fanus or be better.


May Zedong and Laurence Leverett (Deceased)


She is part of a set of identical quadruplets

Fighting Style:

Combining speed with a flurry of powerful dives she focuses on pinning or fatal attacks upon her enemies.


Weight Manipulation

With one touch she can make anything she wishes heavier or lighter including herself



She's been serial attacking/killing Faunuses and is severely mentally unstable (Probably Bipolar).



Sweet People

Being high in the sky


People who tell her she's not a Faunus

Being called crazy

Someone stomping on her turf

Theme Song:


Move the mouse over the image below to open the dropdown content.



The orbs around her waist and head are her second weapon, they are for defensive purposes and only work twice in a battle. These orbs send out a powerful blast of energy that sends foes flying or, if weighted to the ground, put a hole in their chest. 

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Her weapon is a dual sided large chainsaw battle axe. The saws are wrapped in dust which is usually gravity dust. The axe blades fold inward to form a chainsaw lance and pull inward to create a sniper rifle with about six rounds of actual bullets and four of gravity bullets. The saw pulls in closer to create a usual chainsaw.

Yeah I'm done
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Ophelia Fall



Ophelia Lapis Shyama

(Her actual last name is Fall)



Blue Fire






Cinder Fall and Unknown male (But it's Adam Taurus)







With short black Her combat clothes are made of a series of various dust fibers, looking more like starlight than black.



To prove she is just as capable as her mother was in all regards. To find a place that is worth saving



Ophelia is a quiet, but confident girl. Due to her mother's injuries Ophelia has learned how to listen to others, both verbally and non-verbally. Like her mother she aspires to gain strength and power. However, with the little love she received as a child she also wishes to be loved or at the very least cared for. Sadly it is hard for her to trust or even believe that she could be loved. Never trusting anyone fully she relies solely on herself and her  own abilities. Hardly ever breaking from her calm demeanor she exudes a kind innocence that should be taken lightly. For under that kind exterior is a  cruel  manipulative woman. Still she takes care of her own, stepping in when she must to finish a fight. Much stronger than she appears Ophelia is nearly always holding back from her full power. 


Having been tasked with taking care of Silver, by her mother the girl's safety comes first to her always. However, Ophelia has other plans as well. Plans revolving around revenge, pain and destruction.



N/A (But just ask)



Although hard to detect, her weapon is dust based allowing her easy access to manipulating it/monthly_2017_01/Untitled.png.f9bb4244ec5b9658d1623119dd4695b2.png​


Fighting Style: 

Graceful and fluid motions she uses her semblance and skills to make quick, precise and powerful attacks. Seemingly nearly invulnerable, her semblance is where she truly draws her strength from. Her skill is hard to identify as she was never taught in conventional schools. Her mother taught her everything she knows and more. Pushing Ophelia beyond the breaking point she certainly earned her skills.



Dust Manipulation

Like her mother Ophelia has a strong command over Dust, often wielding and manipulating it in battle. Like her mother both her clothing and weapons are Dust based and she uses both with a similar amount of skill.



She is "evil" and has a oddly familiar tattoo on her forearm that glows on occasion so  she keeps it hidden with makeup and long gloves. There is a reason she likes to put on red lipstick and nail polish. 



Watching movies


Wearing a variety of clothes 

Her parents






Finding things broken

People beating her to the punch


Being told what to do

[FONT= 'Special Elite']CIVILIAN[/FONT]



[FONT= 'Special Elite']LADY IN RED[/FONT]




[FONT= 'Special Elite']THE BLACK SWAN[/FONT]







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Callum Schnee


Ghost White  #F8F8FF

Species: (Human or Faunus?)



Callum is short standing at 5'5" shorter than his parents and sister and he weighs about 133 Ibs. His hair is side swepted and is the famous white of a Schnee, his eyes are a light shade of purple, a mix of his parent's eye color. Callum carries himself differently compared to his parents, he lacks the drunken confidence of his father and he lacks the force and command that his mother inspires, instead he carries himself with an air of casualness that seems manufactured and forced, if forced to be himself he has an air of wariness and anxiety.


On the surface Callum seems to be a causal and fun loving person with a witty sense of humor that is easy to be friends with and joke with. But in reality he's an anxious mess who secretly worries about his bad luck and disappointing his family and friends by not being good enough, or funny enough, or a drag to be around. Callum works hard at everything he does rather it's school, fighting, semblance training, no matter what he throw all his effort into everything no matter how benign or useless it may seem. He is also superstitious, seen doing little good luck rituals for up coming battles and social events, and avoiding everything that is said to cause bad luck like a black cat Grimm. Callum is a supportive and kind person, who listens to people and give them the time of day, but he doesn't give himself the same kind of warmth and leeway instead he is harsh about his mistakes and minimize his achievements as nothing more than good luck.




To Prove his worth as a Huntsmen


Winter Schnee / Mother

Qrow Branwen / Father


Merle Schnee: Older sister @NekoChanBo

Titan Xiao Long: Biological Cousin @Huntrey

Slate Black: Unknown Biological Cousin @Huntrey

Summer Rose: Honorary Cousin @KarenAKAMint

Phoenix Rose: Honorary Cousin @KarenAKAMint


Blitzschwert: A jagged yet sharp blade that was inspired by a bolt of lightning. The blade itself is electrically charged by forging it with lightning dust, but with the use of it dust canister within it's handle it can have the affect of other types of dust, much like his Mother's and Auntie's swords he can use this dust to infuse his Glyphs with the properties of different dust types. The sword itself can be used for stabbing and harsh slashes but that not it's main use. It's more of a conduit for his Semblance.

Fighting Style: 

Callum's fighting style is much more supportive and defensive compared to his Auntie and Mother, he stays in the back and uses his glyphs to support or shield his allies. If forced to fight he is no slouch either, he attacks quickly and everywhere with his glyphs but his fighting style is very tiring and aura draining so he can only fight for a short amount of time so he considers actually fighting as a last resort or it's an easy enough fight for him to fight without worry of tiring out.


Glyphs: Callum has the famous Schnee Semblance of Glyph making. Each glyph has various effects, like Time Dilation, Enhancements, platforms, propulsion, barriers, levitation, and summoning, to name a few of it's uses. And so far he is the only Schnee with the ability to create a Healing glyph, it heals wounds and invigorate allies but it can also heal enemies if they walk into the Healing glyph.

Callum also has the ability to shape shift into a Dove for quick travel and espionage. An ability he got from his father.


Callum is incredibly clumsy and unlucky and he is ashamed of this since his mother is so graceful and it doesn't help that his father says it his fault for his clumsiness since it might be his Semblance's fault for his constant bad luck. Most of the time his bad luck is comedic and harmless with only a bruise at most to show for it, but sometimes his bad luck can be dangerous and life threatening and this is the reason why his father was hesitant to let him become a Huntsmen.


His family


Proving himself

Romance Stories





Making mistakes

Bad Luck

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Merle Schnee


#000000 Black. Merle is old English for blackbird






Merle reminds people of her father. She is a rude, blunt, cynical, sometimes crass, yet cool-headed and nonchalant individual. She has also started to follow in some of her fathers worse hobbies as she has started to heavily drink so much so that like her father carrying a flask around with her. Most people are often shocked when they find out that she is a Schnee since she is nothing like any of the Schnee family and Merle agrees calling herself Merle Branwen despite her actual name being Merle Schnee.




Merle is a rather unmotivated person she has no goals and more than anything just follows in the footsteps of her brother and what her father did, she was tempted to join the Atlas military like her mother but with her bad luck decided it wasn't the smartest thing to do.


Winter Schnee / Mother


Qrow Branwen / Father


Callum Schnee (Younger brother @Katakon)

Titan Xiao Long(Known True cousin @Huntrey)

Slate Black (Unknown cousin @Huntrey)

Summer Rose (Honorary cousin @KarenAKAMint)

Phoenix rose (Honorary cousin @KarenAKAMint)


'Fell Cyclone' is an unconventional, yet deadly weapon. In gun mode, 'Fell Cyclone' takes the form of a mid to long range sniper rifle. It is slightly heavier than it looks due to the weight of the blade, but with the proper skill this slight drawback is hardly noticeable. Because the weapon's blades are stored in the front of the gun, an automatic feature has been integrated to slide the lower blade forward and easily access the ammo for when the need to change magazines arises. Additionally, the two upper blades split apart to allow the user to grasp the upper half of the weapon without risk of injury.
The transformation to blade mode is quick and simple, trading the range of the sniper rifle for the brute form melee of the sword. The sword itself is ideal for powerful slashing maneuvers, but is still able to hold its own in proper sword play. Complimenting the sword mode is the scythe mode. The scythe completes the weapon by giving it the speed and agility lost with in sword mode and allows the wielder to maintain effectiveness at range by regaining the ability to shoot the sniper rifle from the top of the scythe.

Fighting Style: 

Her fighting style changes depending on which weapon form she is using. While using the sniper she's stick back and try and get a height advantage on an opponent and raining hell down on them she often uses her summoning to summon one or two large creatures to protect her, since she is extreamly unlucky she often misses shot but sometimes it works better for example she once missed a shot but hit a tree above breaking a huge branch off.

When in sword form she focuses on powerful attack taking a strength over speed approach to fighting to puts as much strength as she can in each swing aiming to out power focus opening their guard before attacking them, she usually uses her summoning glyphs to summon a large amount of smaller creatures to distract foes while using this form so they have to focus on defending against them when she comes and attacks.

Her most used form is her scythe form and she uses an extreamly fast fighting style she moves around a lot trying to get as many attacks in as possible over a short amount of time while trying to keep her next attack pattern hard to read.


Summoning Glyphs: 

Unlike every other Schnee Merle does not have the ability to use any Glyphs but summoning this has limited her to only being able to summon creatures that she has been defeated in battle.

Bad luck:

Merle's real semblance is the same as her father she brings misfortune with her where ever she goes. Her semblance is always activated and is uncontrollable which causes her to keep her distance from everyone even in her family.


She has several scars covering her body all from self inflicted injuries caused by bad luck.

She is a heavy drinker and borderline alcoholic.







Her family



Her bad luck

Being called an alcoholic.

Messy people

Being beaten.
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I suddenly have so much rps so I will have to drop out of this for a while eh sorry. 
I can go with my other idea and have Ruby have twins... If we need students to fill in.

"Y'know, if Remnant's ever up for having a hero, I'm always here."
Yue-Xuan Ren

[SIZE= 10.5pt]Jade Green[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]Human[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]Passionate and hot-blooded as mother yet skilled and quick to adapt like her father, Yue sports a cool yet cocky smile as she enters the fray. Living for excitement and combat, it's no wonder she's good at fighting - it's one of her favorite things to do! Always eager to help out with her signature smile, you can bet if you're in trouble, she'll come and save the day. Yue has somewhat of a habit of showing off, but she's not the kind of person to bring others down to make herself look good. Instead, she'll gracefully accept the fact that some people are genuinely better than her at some things and ask for advice to get better at things. While seeming like the kind of person to rush into things, she is actually just as patient and just as deliberate as her father Lie Ren, keeping her cool and using her mind just as much as her gut. [/SIZE]



[SIZE= 10.5pt]Female[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]To have a great adventure and be remembered as a legendary Huntress.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]Lie Ren and a faunus[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]Laohu Lili Ren (@Lettuce[/SIZE])



[SIZE= 10.5pt]Lotus Lights[/SIZE]


A (very expensive) claw/gun weapon mix from Atlas Yue-Xuan spent all of her allowance on, it is able to make dust combinations into glowing crystallized blades. This mainly just causes it to be a rather hot weapon and sear opponents, though the main point of it is to...look cool.


Seriously. That's why she bought it.


It's cool.


Which explains a lot of her useless purchases...


When it comes to ranged attack, however, the claws "eject" and launch themselves forwards, stabbing whatever it hits before exploding. After this happens, she is able to shoot bright dust bullets and, depending on how she wants to go about a particular fight, use it to create a blinding light to distract or blind enemies.


Fighting Style: 

[SIZE= 10.5pt]Quick, precise, and borderline ruthless, Yue uses speed to take out individual enemies at a time. Striking and dodging, she makes lightning look slow, always moving in battle. [/SIZE]


Pink Lightning

Yue is able to create lightning or take control of any technological device. However, she can't control it very well yet, so this often leads to said lightning to be TOO MUCH and any device to short-circuit, catch on fire, explode...

It's quite the list. Yue prefers not to use it, but sometimes she can't help it. When extremely stressed or extremely frustrated, sparks start popping up and...you know the rest.

[SIZE= 10.5pt]She's really interested in making new devices and inventions, even trying to learn how to do so, but doesn't claim her creations as her own and mainly works on them when others aren't looking. It's not that she's ashamed of them or anything, though sometimes things don't work out when she's inventing and ends up getting frustrated in the process, which contrasts her usual happy-go-lucky attitude. Additionally, Yue has some burns from some of these things just plain catching on fire. Not wanting people to see her mad or worry about her getting hurt, she does not tell people of her hobby.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Bright, glowy stuff[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Combat[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Confidence[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Cooking[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Eating lemons (...it's her favorite snack.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Her little robot creations[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Improving[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Learning[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]+ Technology (specifically any kind from Atlas)[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 10.5pt]- Being ignored[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]- Being frustrated[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]- Rules when they get in the way of what she sees as right[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]- Sore losers[/SIZE]





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Ivory Allister GoodWitch
Ivy - Named this by his older sister, since for the first few years of his adolescence, he tinted his hair a strange Ivy like color.
Alli - A shorter version of his middle name.
Magic Man - He is a master magician, even the best magician's have no idea how he does it, but he does, and he does it well.
He's very sweet and funny, ok punny. He makes puns, bad, cringe worthy, horrifying and barf typed puns that more than once have gotten him in very, very, very big trouble. But he always seems to get out of it, and hate's to get physical. He's an amazing talker, extremely smart, and people seem drawn to him. But . . . not always in a good way.
Android - He is not a robot, nor is he human. He's a collection of both, after a horrible accident left him disfigured, his older sister fixed him up pretty well. (he may or may not use his robot parts in magic tricks, don't judge him, a lot of them are really hard to do alone ;-;)
Magic Warp - Beyond his already amazing magic abilities, and his magic with his parts, beyond that, he has something he calls, "Warp." As stated by him, "It's . . . hard to explain, but it's like, slightly changing reality, to fit my magic trick." He affects either the perception of anything, or slightly shifts reality to shape what his magic trick needs. But the only reason he can do this, is due to a few . . . conditions. He can NOT create organic material, he may be able to affect wood and things of the sort, but he can not create organic material. He also can not use this in a deadly tone against those he loves. And lastly, he can not use it when he is emotional imbalanced, such as feeling overwhelming rage, agony, depression, sadness, etc.
Ivery was a normal child. He was born the child of Glynda Goodwitch, his father being unknown. But he had a secret. For years, he'd been receiving death threats. He'd been kidnapped at least 7 times in the span of 5 years, and had been stalked more times than he could count.  But it really got bad on his 10th birthday, when he was kidnapped during a Grimm raid. He was held in captivity for 5 months, of which he was put through torture like tests, combat training, etc. And soon, his captors tried to do something insane. They tried to fuse Dust with his cells. Everything was going great, the synchronization had worked!
Until the Dust had a sudden reaction with the human cells, and exploded, leaving him horribly disfigured, and dead. 
He woke up in a lab, having no feeling of most of his body, and seeing many people he didn't recognize around him. He had been stolen by a Cultist group that seemingly was once led by his father during some  . .  dark times of his life, as his mother stated it to be. As Ivory supposedly had less than normal cells that were supposed to support Dust. It's unconfirmed if this was true or false.
Now, Ivory was left horribly disfigured. He was literally on death row, until his sister found a way for him to live. She created organic semi robotic limb enhancements for him, combining it with his current cells to create the perfect limb enhancements. It took a long time, but soon he grew into his personality and life style, and as of now just keeps living as he wants, trying to make friends and live a normal life. Ha! Like that would happen, he hates normal. As he states, "Normal? Ha! I've never heard of the word!"
A large blue pick axe, that can be shrunken and changed into a hand gun of a sort that shoots exploding bullets made of dust and actual bullets, and a baseball bat or telescope like item he uses for far range and close hitting combat. He's named it, Bartholemue. He can manipulate these weapons with strings from around his robot parts. He sometimes uses cards to fight, which re sharpened by his semblance.

The short staff like wand held in his picture. It holds extra Dust and bullets, and he uses it for magic tricks, but that's kinda it.
Theme song:
It has begun
Birthplace: WIP
Likes: Magic, girls, training, fighting, flying, dogs, trees.
Dislikes: Grimm, nothing elserlly

- He is extremely cringy. Like, very, very, very, very, very, VERY, cringy to a point where you want to rip his throat out.
- He uses jokes and puns to hide is insecurity and overwhelming depression because, well . . .  just read the bio.- He learned to do magic at a young age, running from place to place, he learned lots of stuff from different people.
- His sister's name is Magenta.


Silver K. Ironwood


Color - Silver/White


Species - Unknown


Personality - Happy, warm, kind, and stubborn. She hates to give up or give in. And believes in justice.


Gender - Female


Parents -

Biological Parents - Salem, James Ironwood

Adopted parents - Reviour Karins, Kareem Fender


Motives - 

"I just want to be the strongest, Y'know?"


Weapon -

(The person in this pic is not my oc)

She has a lance, which she can turn into two double edged blades, and a Bow with Arrows. The Arrows are made of pure dust, and have many, many, many uses.



Fighting Style - Unpredictable, quick, fast, dangerous. She takes every battle seriously.


Semblance - Time: She is able to slow down, or speed up time for a certain amount. As well as being able to see 3 seconds into the future.


Likes - Training, Improving, making friends


Dislikes - Herself, death, Her mother


Extra - Emotions. When she feels emense emotion she gives off a terrifying aura, more of intimidation. Like her mother once performed, which stops grimm from attacking mostly. Her eyes turn blood red then too.
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