• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fandom RWBY - Hysteria Behind the Walls


Not Drawn to Scale

During Beacon's rushed evacuation during the Fall, not everyone could make it. Whether they found themselves trampled in crowd, unconscious during the event, left behind by their comrades in the White Fang, or staying to ensure the safe evacuation of anyone that couldn't make it out- once the order was given, Beacon was put under quarantine and any hope for their safe departure was dashed. Whether they like it or not, their life turned into a fight for survival; and the only way to get through it alive is to work together.

This thread will be used for our in character writing. This is our roleplaying thread. Don't post here until the roleplay starts.

Out of Character Thread
In Character Thread
Characters Thread

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Sergeant Sigi Grauer
Location : Beacon's Amphitheater, on stage
Interactions: n/a

Sigi let his feet slide back, planting his open palm on the floor to give him extra traction and stability. He clenched his hand to prevent him from sliding off the stage, and made a quick decision to dive upstage after. The Alpha Beowolf he was engaged with had already destroyed his rifle, ripped open the front plate of his armor and gave him a solid concussion; all in one pivotal hit. After that, he'd been focusing on evading hits and keeping his life rather than doing damage. After his initial dodge, Sigi unholstered his standard issue Atlesian handgun and let off three rounds into the back of the Beowolf, causing it to lose it's balance and fall of the stage; though it had caught itself and launched back up towards Sigi almost immediately. Letting out a sigh of disbelief, Sigi lunged forward in an attempt to go under the gigantic Grimm. Instead, he got a face-full of claw. Luckily he still had his helmet on, but Sigi was sent flying nonetheless. He slammed into the wall with a 'thud' and a 'crack', his helmet embedding in the wall next to him. He fell to the floor and heard similar sounds. Quickly, he struggled to his feet and stumbled forward. He heard the Beowolf slam into the wall behind him. Royally upset, Sigi whipped around with his sidearm in hand and fired the rest of his clip directly into the head of the Beowolf.

With the Beowolf motionless on the stage, disintegrating, Sigi brought a shaky hand to his face to wipe the sweat away. His armor was cracked and chipped in various places, with three diagonal slashes penetrating the chest plate. His helmet was seven feet above him, and his rifle was in pieces on the stage.

Sigi had been aiding a group of civilians and students in the Amphitheater when the Alpha Beowolf, along with a few Creeps, had arrived. He held them off with the students in the room while the civilians escaped behind the stage curtains, before urging the students to follow them. It was noble, but it almost cost him his life.

After recovering his stamina for a few seconds, Sigi reloaded his handgun and pushed aside the curtain. He would have to follow the steps of the students and the civilians if he wanted to leave, as the front door was a literal death sentence at this point. The last of the evacuation ships would be leaving soon- so he was determined to catch up to the civilians and make sure they got where they needed to go.
Location: Beacon rooftops, on top the amphitheater

"Shit shit shit, where is everyone?!" John leaped the short gap between the rooftops and landed with a roll as he began to frantically search around for any signs of his comrades. He had deployed alongside a group of four other members, however they were separated when a group of boarbatusks had charged the group making them scatter. John had fled to the rooftops in hopes that the grimm would not follow and to an extent he had been right. The Boars had instead targeted another member of the group, Jade if he remembered correctly, and chased her down an alley. He didn't bother worrying about her. Better her than him is what he told himself. Coming to a stop at the edge of the rooftop he was on he knelt down and grabbed the rifle that was slung over his back. John did a quick sweep of the streets below him to see if it was clear and grimaced as what seemed like a hoard of grimm had flooded the streets.

"Should try and get inside, might be able to radio for someone." The roof that he was on had a few glass skylights that allowed John to see into the building. It looked like a theater of some kind and seemed to be spared from the fate of some of the other buildings that he saw. Taking the rifle that was slinged across his back he reared it back and shattered it with the butt of the gun. He climbed inside of the window and dropped down onto a catwalk above the stage. He was about to move towards the ground floor when his ears picked up the sound of boots hitting wood as John shouldered his rifle. Slowly creeping towards the back of the stage he held his breath as he caught sight of a person walking through the stage.

Focusing on his features John couldn't help but grin as he identified the person as an Atlas soldier. Aiming his rifle at the unsuspecting soldier he muttered "Atlas scum" as he squeezed the trigger. Suddenly the catwalk that he was on shifted, loosened by some impact his shots went wide and impacted the floor a few feet away from the solider. "Shit!" he cried as he ran further down the catwalk to try and move before the solider returned fire.
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Sergeant Sigi Grauer
Location : Beacon's Amphitheater, backstage
Interactions : Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

Sigi was walking towards a set of stairs that led up to a raised right wing; complete with a dressing room, costume racks and storage area. What he was interested in was the exit, and any signs of where the civilians and students he was with went. As soon as he grabbed the railing by the stairs, a shot rang out from above. Without his helmet connecting to his augmented eye, he couldn't pinpoint the exact location of the shooter. He heard the dust round hit the ground next to him, and he vaulted himself halfway up the stairs using the rail, running up the rest of the way. He was surprised when no shots followed the initial one. He dove behind a crate, planting his hand on the side of the crate to keep himself from sliding out the other side.

Upholstering his pistol, Sigi swung his arms up on top of the crate and peaked his head up far enough to aim down the sights. The first thing he noticed was the catwalk, swinging. He smiled a little, firing off three shots towards the base of the catwalk. He couldn't even see the shooter, but he knew now that they were on the catwalk when they shot. He fired off another shot, watching the sparks fly and the catwalk swing. Feeling satisfied, Sigi put his sidearm back in its holster and moved from his cover. He ran down the concrete floor in the open, towards a door with a brightly lit sign marked 'exit' above it. Before reaching the door, he unholstered his pistol and fired off the rest of his clip at a series of ropes and control pads on the wall that held up/controlled the curtains, counterweights, screens and background props.
Location: Beacon amphitheater, catwalks

John's boots pounded on the catwalk with audible clanks as he ducked low as the soldier returned fire, three shots pinging off of the metal as he desperately tried to gain eyes on his target. He had to slow down to try and center himself as his movements were causing the catwalk to swing from side to side. He crouched down behind a metal panel on the rail guard and tried to use his heightened hearing to find out where the soldier was hiding. The loud sound of lead meeting metal caused him to recoil, drop his rifle and cover his ears, a mistake he soon regretted doing as he realized that the soldier was escaping. Before John could grab his rifle from the catwalk the entire thing lurched as things went to hell. The spotlights dropped to the stage with a loud crash around the same time the backdrops fell and began to topple onto the catwalk, weighing it down and causing it to sag. The added weight proved too much for the cables holding up the catwalk to handle as the sound of metal groaning notified John of his predicament.

"Shit!" The entire right side of the catwalk suddenly sagged causing John to stumble and go head over heels over the railing. It was a short fall to the stage but it still hurt like hell when he landed on his back. "Arghhh!" He had little time to just lie there and try to recover as a loud groan had him opening his eyes to the large catwalk slowly beginning to come close and closer to the stage. Scrambling to his feet John ran as fast as he could as the the catwalk finally collapsed, taking the entire stage with it. "Holy hell that was way too close." Something clattered at his feet as he looked down and saw that by some miracle his rifle has landed right in front of him. "Lucky." he thought as he picked it up. Turning towards the exit he caught sight of the door just closing before he chased after the fleeing soldier, all the while not noticing that the magazine for his weapon was buried under the ruins of the stage.

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco
Meer Glas | Location: Beacon Academy, Main Avenue > Amphitheater

Meer snarled his frustration as he cut into an Ursa harassing him, shoving its corpse off of his sword with his foot before it began to dissolve and glancing around the ruined avenue. There were few remaining hacked Atlas soldiers remaining, and so most of those occupying the area were fighting off Grimm. Glad, for once, for his Semblance's passive effect, Meer turned and slipped through the front entrance of Beacon Academy, into the amphitheater, just in time to hear a rifle shot ring out. Cursing quietly under his breath, Meer sprinted for the closest source of cover, a table turned on its side. Looking up revealed a swinging catwalk. There was no sound of metal being shot, so it could be safely assumed that was the original shooter's perch. Fortunately, Meer hadn't been the target.

Taking in his surroundings, which were altogether a mess, Meer noticed an Atlesian soldier--a human one--taking his own cover, unholstering his pistol and taking shots at the catwalk. Wondering why people were choosing to fight each other instead of the crowding, overwhelming amounts of Grimm outside, Meer had no idea. Frowning at the one combatant he could see, Meer hoped he wouldn't be identified as a target, crouching and moving along as lightly as he could through the amphitheater and to the stairwells to the dorms. Unfortunately, the entrance had been knocked in, and was blocked.

Kicking the collapsed rock in anger, Meer whirled as the catwalk crashed to the ground, walking quickly back in that direction. Seeing the injured Faunus and unsure of his alliances, the Hunter-in-training chose to hang back and watch him take off towards the Atlesian soldier. He snorted to himself upon noticing that the hostile Faunus had picked up his rifle, but that there was no clip in it.

"Where to go from here?" Meer wondered aloud. He had only ever bothered to learn the pathways around Beacon that he actually used, and wasn't sure of an alternate way up to the dorms; thus, he was left standing awkwardly on the stage, fidgeting. He could just wander around and gather up more students, maybe, but he wasn't up for dealing with people.

Of course, that sentiment quickly changed when a giant Nevermore decided that was the opportune moment to bust through the Amphitheater's doors. Meer could only hope that the Grimm's destructive entrance would attract some attention from allies; he couldn't take something this big and strong out on his own.
Sergeant Sigi Grauer
Location : Beacon's Amhitheater, backstage
Interactions : Trombone Geek Trombone Geek Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

Sigi had gotten to the door and had his hand on the handle, but he was waiting. Waiting to see if his quick thinking paid off. Which, the crashing behind him a few seconds later confirmed. Normally he'd feel bad for whoever had to fix the stage, curtain supports and such; but it was already very clear that Beacon had fallen. This was the end for the school, and if he didn't get out soon, it'd be the end for him too. Same with that White Fang member, and anyone else that wasn't aboard an evacuation ship soon.

Satisfied, Sigi twisted the handle and pushed, slamming the door behind him. He could already hear footsteps behind him, running towards the door. He took a step back, taking his time while reloading his handgun. He anxiously listened to the footsteps on the other side of the door. He quickly snapped the magazine into place, pulled back the slide; and had his attention caught by a crash in the front of the amphitheater. Groaning, Sigi shot six rounds straight through the door before running down the hall towards the entrance. The rubble in front of the door had been blown clear, and a new hole was present in the ceiling. A quick peak revealed his initial assumption to be correct: a Nevermore had joined the fray. On the other side was either a civilian or a student- Sigi couldn't quite tell. Still, he took a step through the door and raised his handgun, letting off round after round into the Nevermore's back to get it's attention.

(( Trombone Geek Trombone Geek , you introduced the Nevermore; so you control it's actions. Typically that's how I've seen it done, but other hosts have done different. Just letting you know how I'd like stuff like this to be handled for future reference~))
Lilith & Lilly Peggy Falciani
Location: Somewhere in Beacon
Interactions: N/A

A shrill scream tore its way through the smoke filled air and a small pair of black feline ears twitched. The fuanus child stopped to stare in the direction the cries were coming from, pulling the young woman who's hand she was holding to a sudden stop. The teenager looked back. "Peggy! Come on!"

"Did you hear that?" Peggy asked.

"It's a warzone. Of course there's screaming. Now come on!" The older sister gave a tug but the younger sister held her ground.

"But Lilith!" She pleaded, "They're close! We could help them!"

"No!" Lilith snapped, making the child flinch. "We need to get to the airships!"

"But you're a huntress!" Peggy exclaimed, yanking her hand free. "It's your job!"

"My job is to keep you safe! Not saving potential Grimm magnets!"


The two sisters glared at each other, ears laid back and the younger ones tail twitching. After a minute Lilith broke eye contact. "Fine." She growled. "But it's too dangerous for you to follow." She looked around for somewhere for her sister to wait. Spotting a metal trashcan she quickly emptied it, tossing its contents aside, and motioned for her sister. "This will have to do..." She grumbled, picking up the small girl and placed her inside.

Peggy wrinkled her nose. "Eww! It's stinky!"

"Deal with it." Lilith said bluntly. "Stay here and stay quiet. I'll be right back."

"Okie-dokie!" The pink haired girl chirped as her sister replaced the lid.

Satisfied that she was hidden, Lilith tore down the street towards the screams. She turned a corner and found an Ursa trying to tear its way through a door. It raised its paw and smashed through what remained of the barrier, the screaming growing louder and more panicked, and began to push its way through the doorway until a knife imbed itself into the monster's back. Roaring in pain the black bear spun around only to find the barrel of a high caliber pistol in its face. Lilith pulled the trigger and the creature's head exploded, then stepping over the disintegrating body she walked into the room to find three civilians cowering in a corner. "Well?" She barked, having no patience. "Get moving!"
Location: Beacon amphitheater, backstage

John's feet pounded on the concrete and it was only thanks to his heightened hearing that he heard the sound of a handgun being reloaded. Sliding down low he hit the deck as six shots that would have hit him pierced through the door. Getting into a crouching position he waited and listened for any signs that the soldier was waiting on the other side of the door. The sound of footsteps getting distant told him that he was on the move. Reaching up he slowly opened the door and swept the hallway with his rifle. Not seeing any signs of the soldier he took off in pursuit as the sound of more shots being fired caused him to stop before another door.

Readying himself, John kicked the door open and swept the area. The soldier had his back turned as he fired upon a nevermore that had broken through the front door. John let out a snarl as he aimed his rifle at the soldier"Die scum!" His finger squeezed his trigger as a click came from his gun. His eyes widened as he frantically pulled the trigger to no effect. Letting out a yell he gripped the foregrip of his gun like a club and swung it at the soldiers head.

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco , Trombone Geek Trombone Geek
Sergeant Sigi Grauer
Location : Beacon's Amphitheater
Interactions : Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Trombone Geek Trombone Geek

Sigi didn't have time to watch the Nevermore. He'd been caught off guard, with the the troublesome Faunus from before making another appearance behind him. He turned in time to see the stock of a rifle coming down on his face. Sigi moved quickly forward, parrying the attack with his wrist guard. With him and the Faunus now chest-to-chest, Sigi put both hands on the opponent's side, pushing him harshly down into the rubble. He put a foot next to the man's foot to foil any attempt made by him to catch himself.

Once the man was on the ground, Sigi pressed his foot onto the man's chest. He pulled up his handgun, his unnantural eye glowing brighter and pulsing faster as he aimed down the sights at the man's face. "Don't be an idiot, Faunus."

Sigi pressed down on the man's chest with his foot, before letting off and taking a step back. He pulled his collapsing baton from its place on his lower back and tossed it at the Faunus, before turning his attention back to the Nevermore.
Meer Glas | Location: Amphitheater

Meer was eternally grateful to the Atlesian soldier coming back from his retreat at the sound of the Nevermore. Letting the ice forming his sword shatter, the student swung it in a self-reassuring, showy manner, and dropped into a balanced fighting stance. As the Nevermore swung to face the Atlesian, Meer shot forwards, activating the wind Dust crystal as he ducked underneath the giant Grimm and slicing upwards, letting the wind carry the attack up to actually reach the Nevermore. Unfortunately, Meer couldn't follow up on the vulnerability he'd created, because the solder was distracted by his own opponent, leaving Meer to have to kite the Nevermore away from the confrontation before there were casualties. Activating his Semblance, Meer left a shallow cut on the bird's leg as he retreated, narrowly missing a sharp talon clawing in his direction.

"Stop attacking each other and fight the Grimm, you idiots!" Meer shouted, swinging Altewache in an aggressive parry as his Semblance drew a straggling, juvenile Beowolf to his position, kicking the creature away hard but staggering as the building shook. Structural vulnerabilities: lovely.

When Meer turned his attention back to the Nevermore, it had raised its wings, and for a split second there was no telling whether or not he was about to be impaled by a volley of knife-sharp, feathery projectiles, or if the Nevermore was going to take flight and aggravate Beacon Academy's instability. When the Nevermore brought its massive wings down and lifted into the air, the hunter-in-training spared a moment for a relieved sigh before letting loose a second wind-augmented strike, and then letting his Semblance fall flat to preserve energy.

Which meant that the Nevermore paused for a few vital moments, allowing the Atlesian soldier to recover from the Faunus's attack and offer his weapon, and then turned to face the duo.

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin
Sergeant Sigi Grauer
Location : Beacon's Amphitheater, near the entrance
Interactions : Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Trombone Geek Trombone Geek

Sigi growled quietly when the student shouted at him over his quarrel with the Faunus. He whipped around to face the Nevermore again, but not before returning the favor to the student with extra frustration, "I am trying!" He explained, frustrated with himself for raising his voice. He briefly put his arm up to cover his face when the Nevermore lifted it's wings, but slid a foot back instead to steady himself when he realized those wings were coming down; and bringing an intense gust of wind along with them. The gust made it difficult for him to move in time to grab hold of the Nevermore, but it wasn't like it could go anywhere except where it came from anyways. It was trapped in a confined space; the amphitheater wasn't large enough to allow it to fly much at all. It was maybe six or seven feet above them, and it could only go a couple feet higher without smacking it's wings into the ceiling. Still, it was out of reach.

Sigi got down on one knee and raised his handgun, firing controlled shots at the base of the Nevermore's left wing. Right where the bone would be. If one of the others was able to contribute with one of their melee weapons, the Nevermore would lose control quickly and be grounded. That'd give them time to either get away, or finish off the Nevermore.
Location: Beacon amphitheater, entrance

John let out a gasp he was pushed down onto some rubble, the edges digging into his back uncomfortably. Before he could try and get up the soldier pressed his boot onto John's chest and aimed his handgun right at his head. His left eye glowed a eerie red light that pulsed rapidly. He felt fear rapidly build up as his breathing began to come out in short bursts as his eyes widened at the realization that he could die right now. He didn't even care that the soldier had insulted him at this point, right now his mind was desperately racing to try and find a way to save himself. Fortunately for him the soldier stepped off of his chest and backed away a bit before tossing something towards him.

John caught the object and realized that it was a steel baton as the soldier turned his attention back to the nevermore. There was a third person in the theater besides the soldier and him and it looked like he was a student here if that sword he used was any indication. He managed to score a few hits on the grimm before it decided to try and take to the sky even though they were in a cramped building. The gusts of wind that came from it's wings pushed John back as he grabbed onto a nearby curtain to keep himself from being blown away. The soldier had climbed up onto the nevermore's wings and was unloading round after round into the base of it's left wing.

Now John didn't like the idea of helping an atlis soldier out, but helping him out was his best chance at surviving. Struggling to stand as the gusts of winds kept threatening to throw him back he gritted his teeth and began to climb up the curtain. He climbed until he had reached the bundle of rope that was holding the curtain together as he slipped the baton that the soldier had thrown at him into his pocket before puling out a small pocket knife. Grabbing on as tight as he could he began to saw through the rope. After a few seconds of sawing the rope finally snapped as a large portion of it began to swing freely in the wind. John grabbed onto the rope and began to swing his body in time with the gusts, causing the rope to swing further and further towards the grimm. John rode the rope for a final swing before letting go right as it swung above the grimm. Soaring through the air he swung his arms to try and get some more distance before he reached out and gripped down hard on the nevermore's wing. The flapping made it hard for him to keep his grip but he gritted his teeth, drew back his other arm and began stabbing the ever loving hell out of it's left wing.

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco , Trombone Geek Trombone Geek
Meer Glas | Location: Beacon's Amphitheater

The Nevermore's original plan to gain a small height advantage on its prey was completely ruined, and the Grimm let out a grating, angry screech, suddenly flapping its wings at an angle and letting lose projectiles at the Atlesian soldier. The bird's left wing was already upset, though, and the weight and wound added by the Faunus only upset its flight more.

Meer was about to lend his own aid when he saw that the Nevermore's increasingly unsteady hovering was about to carry it straight into a pillar. "Atlas soldier! Move!" Except by the time the student's voice would reach the soldier, the Nevermore had already crashed through the pillar, which crumbled. Switching to the Earth crystal--hooray for the safe decision to carry basic, elemental Dust--Meer quickly struck the ground with his sword, creating a small crack that spread to the soldier before the stone floor burst up in a protective shield. Meanwhile, the Nevermore's crash-landing had carried its left wing straight into a sharp piece of metal, and with a final shriek it began to dissolve.

Now that the fight was over, Meer shuffled his feet and slid his sword into its sheath where it rested on his lower back. He wasn't sure if the soldier and Faunus were going to start fighting again, and was beginning to feel a little nervous, so he stepped towards the duo. "Um, so, if you guys would like to do each other a favor and stop fighting.. we do have to kinda escape Beacon and all that, before we die, and it'd be nice to keep human-Faunus conflict to a minimum.." As he talked, his voice grew steadier. "If you two plan to keep fighting then you could just split up and lower your chances of survival. Or keep fighting anyways and both die here."

"I get that there's, y'know, hostilities between Faunus and humans in general, but this really isn't the time or place for that. Um.. So if you guys would like to stop fighting each other, I'd like to travel together, at least until we get out of Beacon. Safety in numbers. That shtick."

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin
Sergeant Sigi Grauer
Location : Beacon's Amphitheater
Interactions : Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Trombone Geek Trombone Geek

Sigi took note of the instability of the Nevermore once the Faunus managed to get on and ceased his firing so he wouldn't hit him. Though, the student saw the Nevermore's path way before Sigi ever would. After hearing the student yell at him to move, Sigi raised his arms in defense and got his body as stable as he could with his legs. He was ready to take a hit if he had to, but luckily he was given a little extra defense from the student.

The protective barrier made by the student cracked when the Nevermore's body hit it, but Sigi was able to keep it up while the Grimm dissolved. After a couple seconds, Sigi pushed the remainder of the barrier down and hunched over, breathing heavily.

Once he'd had a few moments to catch his breath, the Atlesian stood and put his hands behind his head to help air out his lungs. He walked over and met with the other two in the center of the destroyed room.

"The last evacuation ships are leaving. If we don't go now, we'll be left behind. We're sticking together." Sigi turned, crossed his arms and looked back at the entrance. "My only line of communication was in my helmet, and that's painted thin seven feet above the stage. I can't tell them to wait."

He turned back to them and gestured to the collapsing entrance. "Come on. We'll go to the cafeteria's loading bay and try to call down a ship. It's our best shot."
Location: Beacon amphitheater, entrance

John's arms began to tire as it seemed that his constant stabbing wasn't hindering the nevermore like he had hoped. The thing was still in the air and it's now constant thrashing was making it very hard for him to avoid being embedded into the wall if he lost his grip. He heard the student yell something before the Grimm had lurched to the side. John's grip on it's wing finally failed as he found himself falling to the theaters floor. He landed on his back and his face contorted in pain as the soldier was saved by the student and the Grimm let out a final shriek before dissolving. "Couldn't have just died with it could ya?" He thought as he slowly sat up.

John's back felt like it was on fire as he grunted his way to his feet. The soldier and the student were talking about evacuating and it took all of John's willpower to not burst out laughing. "Evacuate? By the time this is over the White Fang will rule Beacon!" Instead he stepped up and said "I was with some friends around the caf before we got seperated by grimm, if i can get high enough i might be able to radio them and tell them to try and get them to wait for a little bit longer." What John left out about his friends is that they were the White Fang and that he'd just radio ahead to set up an ambush, but what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.....yet. Pulling out the baton that the soldier had given him he extended it and waited for the others to be ready.

(Rushed post, been really busy with both school and work)

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco , Trombone Geek Trombone Geek
Meer Glas | Location: Beacon Amphitheater

Meer nodded his agreement to the Atlesian's statement. They did need to leave. He looked towards the Faunus as he gave a suggestion of his own, involving radioing to ask for a delay so they could board, and stared him down suspiciously for a moment. It was very unclear whether the Faunus was a student or White Fang, and judging how he had attacked the soldier with so hostility...

It didn't matter, really. As long as they got out of here somehow. But..

"Trying to connect to their frequencies would take longer than actually running up to them, and because of the casualties already it's unlikely they'll even be willing to wait. I think our vest option is to hightail it to the docking area, or to fight our way out of Beacon."

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin
Lilly Peggy Falciani
Location: Trashcan, somewhere in Beacon
Interactions: Open

Lilith's prediction was coming true as the scared civilians were attracting the Creatures of Grimm. What should have been a quick snatch-and-grab had become a full on battle against a pack of beowolves. While she was doing that, Peggy... Well Peggy was getting bored. Even with all the smoke, screams, and roars, the pink haired kitten was growing tired of staring at the same dark insides of the same dull trashcan. Well, it wasn't that dark to her, the dinner pink glow from her eyes giving enough light for the young faunus' to see perfectly. But once again the problem that she wasn't seeing anything new.

She knew why she wasn't supposed to leave her hiding spot and Lilith had told her to stay quiet, but the child was already figuring out a way around that last one. The Grimm were attracted to negative emotions, right? So as long as she was happy was music, right? (Actually it was art, but she didn't have her paints with her.) So if she wanted to keep the Grimm away she needed to make music!

It made perfect sense to her so, as the world burned around her, the small cat girl began to him a simple little tune...
Sergeant Sigi Grauer
Location : Beacon's Amphitheater; Beacon's Rooftops
Interactions : Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Trombone Geek Trombone Geek

Sigi considered both arguments; the argument made by the student in favor of a quick escape, which relies almost solely on luck, and the argument made by the terrorist, which involves relying on the morality of other terrorists. Neither option seemed perfect. After turning back around and giving a quick scan of the area, an idea popped into Sigi's head. He began striding forward towards the entrance, but began veering off to the right once he got close. Once he got to the wall, he got a grip on a solid bit of rubble from the collapsed ceiling and pulled his foot up. Once he had a solid foothold, he started climbing. They had access to the roof, though it would take a little effort to get up. This would allow the faunus to radio his friends, it would prevent them from running into large groups of grimm on their way to the cafeteria's loading dock, and it would allow them to scout out the campus without going too far out of their way. It was, in almost every sense, perfect.

Once up, Sigi wasted none of his time helping the other two climb up behind him. If he could do it with armor on, the other two would be just fine. He brushed off his hands and did a quick scan of the area, finding nothing too concerning. The roof was uniform; they were near the center of Beacon's main building. This was the building that held the ballroom, the amphitheater, the training rooms, and many of the classrooms. And, most importantly, the cafeteria.

They were three stories up. After he finished his scan of the land, he took note of very few concerning things. The first was a fire in the training room, that was quickly spreading throughout the corridors of the school. Soon this main building would be filled with smoke, if someone didn't do something about it. The second was a flock of Nevermore, which was circling and attacking the fleeing ships. The third rested atop the CCT. A giant grimm, frozen in stone. It was something out of a fairytale.

After giving sufficient time for the other two to follow him, Sigi started running off towards the cafeteria.
Meer Glas | Location: Beacon Amphitheater > Beacon's Rooftops
Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin thetasfiasco thetasfiasco

Meer watched the Atlesian suddenly turn and begin heading towards the amphitheater entrance, without a single word to either of his two companions. After a stutter-step to follow the soldier, Meer did a quick jog to catch up, hopping over a chair; by the time he got outside, the soldier was to his right and already climbing. That was actually a pretty good idea.

Meer planted his foot on the same piece of rubble the soldier had used, preparing to scale the wall as quickly as possible, checking to make sure Altewache was securely sheathed before hefting himself up, climbing quickly, although he managed to cut his left hand on a twisted, mangled piece of metal on the way up, right across the palm.

"Good thing for Aura, otherwise I'd lose all the nerves in my hand," Meer muttered to himself, watching the cut disappear before continuing upwards.

"Holy crap," was all he had to say when he reached the third story to see the destruction caused in such little time to Beacon Academy. And then--

"Is that. Is. A Grimm? Are you serious?" he cried, running a hand through his hair. "What the hell why is that here--" But the Atlesian barely spared a thought for Meer's shock, already turning and leaving again, and the student spun on his heel to catch up, more than happy to continue evacuating if it meant getting away from the giant fricken' Grimm that was just sitting peaceful as anything on top of the CCT tower.
Location: Beacon Amphitheater/Beacon rooftops

John internally groaned as the student pointed out the flaw in his radio plan. He was really hoping that they'd be desperate enough to take his word for it, but considering that the student had figured it out the soldier probably wasn't going to fall for it either. The soldier began to walk towards the entrance of the theater but ended up before one of the crumbling walls. The student followed soon after that, and John found himself gripping onto a piece of rubble as he began to climb his way after the two.

His pace was slower than the soldier (who had gloves) and the student (who had aura) and he had to stop a few times to plan on where to move next. He almost pierced his hand on a piece of rebar that was jutting out but he managed to pull it back in time and slam it onto a piece of stone that stung as he tried to dig his nails into it. John finally managed to reach the top of the building as he hefted himself onto it and rolled onto his back. He took a breather to calm himself down as he got into a sitting position. This high up he should be able to get in contact with someone and get an update on the situation.

He took out his radio and pressed in the button on the side "This is John coming in, is anyone still by the cafeteria? Are evacuations still going on?" He waited for a response but was met with only static on the other end. "Damn, no ones on the other end." Smoke poured from one of the buildings as a flock of nevermore were engaged against some ships. John turned to the two other people on the roof and was about to ask them what next when his eyes saw a rather devastating sight. The dragon that was supposed to ensure that Beacon would fall was frozen in stone, perched on top of the CCT tower like a giant gargoyle.

"What the fuck happened?! What the hell do we do now?" Without the dragon once those ships took care of the nevermore there would be no stopping them from coming in and sweeping up what remained of the grimm when all was said and done. He needed to regroup, find any of the remaining fang members and try and get the hell out of Beacon. He doubted that the soldier would be very tight lipped about the fact that John had tried to kill him. Making a quick decision he lied "I'm going to try and find another area to try and call my friends. If they're still evacuating please try and make them wait a bit longer." He then turned to his side and began running across the rooftop before jumping the gap in the opposite direction of the caf.

After traveling by rooftops for a small amount of time his ears picked up on something strange. It sounded like someone was humming, and judging by how soft it sounded John deduced that the noise was coming somewhere a few buildings down. He ignored it for the most part as he continued his trek across the rooftops before he stumbled before a jump. His left foot slipped just before the end of the rooftop as he ended up slamming into the brick wall of the building he was jumping to. His fall was short lived as he fortunately landed in an open dumpster which thankfully hadn't been emptied before the attack. Well, thankfully being the operative word.

"Ughhh so gross." John said as he tossed what he hoped was a wet deflated balloon out of his hair. He climbed out of the dumpster and scanned the alleyway he was currently in. It was a dead end to his left and to his right it lead back out to the streets. The humming sound was closer now as he slowly peeked around the corner of the alley. The sound seemed to be coming from a single trashcan in the street. John's curiosity got the better of him as he slowly crept towards the trashcan, his right hand gripping his knife inside of his pocket. He stopped before the trashcan and after making sure he wasn't in any serious immediate danger he yanked the lid off and raised the knife out of his pocket. He was surprised to find a small cat faunus humming to herself and it showed on his face. "Umm..." he didn't know how to react to this as he lowered the knife to his side "Hey there little girl, are you alright? Did you lose your parents?" He asked awkwardly as he once again looked around.

thetasfiasco thetasfiasco , Trombone Geek Trombone Geek , Ian Temero Ian Temero
Aiyanna Imari
Location: Somewhere in Beacon
Interactions: Ian Temero Ian Temero

Aiyanna's breathing was heavy as she ran through the streets of Vale. She had decided that instead of seeing the one on one battle with her team she was going to explore the streets, and with her luck Beacon was attacked. She had helped out some citizens on the way, and now was sprinting to try and catch one of the few remaining evacuation ships. She turned a corner and came to a halt as she saw a girl fighting some beowolves.

Aiyanna turned Echo into weapon form, having decided to help the girl so she wouldn't miss the ships. She jumped forward and slammed the head of Echo down on one of the beowolves skulls, successfully crushing it and the grimm began dissolving. "Hiya! Names Aiyanna, hope ya don't mind if I help!" she said as she offered the girl a wide smile before turning back to the grimm and getting ready to strike again. Now that she got a closer look Aiyanna was pretty sure that the girl was a student at Beacon, she just couldn't recall what her name was.
Sergeant Sigi Grauer
Location : Beacon's Rooftops
Interactions : Trombone Geek Trombone Geek

Sigi paid little attention to the White Fang member's struggles, and eventual disappearance. Though, he slowed down to allow the student to catch up once he realized he was moving a little fast. He eventually stopped and turned to face the student, allowing him to catch up completely without wasting any stamina. "Hey-" He caught his breath, "I think we should see if we can get the sprinklers throughout the school's halls working. The White Fang must've sabotaged an essential water line before they attacked.." Either that or they damaged an electrical component; but they didn't have the skills required to fix something like that and make it to an extraction ship. "You're a student here; do you know if there's somewhere we can check to see where the damage is? Some sort of janitorial support terminal." Any normal janitor's closet would probably have what they were looking for; but Sigi wanted to be as specific as possible.

He glanced over to where the training room was and shook his head, watching the flames curl up around the charred roof. "It could be days before that fire burns itself out. There won't be much left to come back to if we don't do something soon."
Meer Glas | Location: Beacon's Rooftops > Beacon Cafeteria (?)
thetasfiasco thetasfiasco

Meer paused next to the Atlesian, looking around when he noticed the White Fang member was gone but deciding it mattered little, so long as the punk didn't come back to try and kill the soldier (and by extent, Meer himself) again. He didn't seem phased too much by the running and climbing, breathing deeply (in four, out four, repeat) to slow his heart rate back to normal. He listened closely to the Atlesian's plans, following his gaze to watch the violent wave of fire engulfing the campus, and nodded. "I befriended a ton of janitors while I was here. They're always the best people to talk to, to be honest. Uh--anyways. Follow me!" He turned and began leading the way, right hand resting lightly on Altewache's long hilt, fingers wrapped around barely, ready to unsheathe at the slightest hint of an attacker. The halls were littered with rubble, glass, and.. discarded weapons. Meer shivered at the implications of that.

After a while of picking his way along the destroyed hallway, Meer paused in front of a bashed in door, wood door and stone frame mixing with a gross twist of metal. Metal that was stained just barely with rust. Except it was redder, and coated the sharp tip of the impromptu spike.

"That.. looks lovely.." Meer muttered to himself, slightly upset at the more unfortunate side of Beacon's fall being revealed. "Um.. If we can get this crap outta the way, we should be able to look inside.. I doubt the White Fang thought of damaging the water pipes, so this would be the source of the issues.. Although if they did, there's a more obvious, accessible closet back near the amphitheater," Meer offered.
Lilith Falciani
Location: Somewhere in Beacon
Interactions: seasonedcat seasonedcat

Lilith wasn't exactly struggling with the beowolves, the creatures being the most basic of the Grimm were hardly a challenge, but trying to protect two people at the same time was proving to be difficult. So when an older student dropped in to help it was a relief, though the only thanks the stoic woman gave was a nod. Between the two of them the monsters were wiped out quickly. As the last wolf fell Lilith turned to Aiyanna and gave her another nod. "Imari." She then turned and began to walk away, fulling intending on leaving the civilians with her and retrieving her sister.

Lilly Peggy Falciani
Location: Trashcan, somewhere in Beacon
Interactions: Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin

As the song that Peggy was singing was about to reach the best part (at least in her opinion) she began to hear footsteps coming towards her. Her ears shifted towards them but she didn't pay them too much mind. They weren't Lilith's and no Grimm was going to find her cause she was happy! She continued to hum and was about to reach the best part (there were two of them, you know) when the trashcan lid was yanked off. Glowing pink eyes looked up at the young man standing over her and her ears tilted as he spoke.

"Nope!" She answered with a smile. "My sister told me to hide here after I asked her to help some people! I'm just waiting for her to come back!"

"Could you put the lid back on?" She then added politely.

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