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Fandom RWBY: Descendants

Well I guess until we get everyone (including wanted pairings) its pointless to try and work out team names.
[QUOTE="Flame Demon]so we still need teams

I know we do. On Friday (or before if we get all of the characters) I'll officially assign them.
Alright guys, we've unfortunately lost a member... anyone have a plan on how to fill the missing character spot? Force someone to double up? Get a new person? Npc?
RedLikeRoses said:
Alright guys, we've unfortunately lost a member... anyone have a plan on how to fill the missing character spot? Force someone to double up? Get a new person? Npc?
depends who did we lose?
Same I can create another if needed like stated before. Also @Momoka is working on her CS she's just taking forever on it, at least that's what she told me cx
Raikou Kaminari]depends who did we lose? [/QUOTE] We lost JustJazzy who was going to be Weiss' kid. But the person who doubles doesn't have to be Weiss' kid. [QUOTE=2tall2lose187]I can double also. Everyone ones doubling :P [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Pawz]Same I can create another if needed like stated before. Also [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12076-momoka/ said:
@Momoka[/URL] is working on her CS she's just taking forever on it, at least that's what she told me cx
Rantos said:
I could make a second character if need be.
I'm much too exhausted to decide who gets to double, but I'd prefer if it's only one of you. So could you guys handle this like mature beings and decide which one gets to double. *looks at Rantos skeptically*
Well, then we can let Rantos have the other spot. Also, since we should be starting this afternoon (and we're still missing two characters), I will put together as many teams as I can and then start the rp.

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