RWBY : Denimique Rune


Roleplay Availability
FULL NAME: Denimique Rune (Color Relation Denim)


AGE: 17

GENDER: Female

SEXUALITY: Bi - Sexual

SPECIES: Arctic Fox Faunus

OCCUPATION: 1st Year Student : Beacon Academy


    Her ability allows her to control up to four handfuls worth of Blue Cold Fire at one time. With this amount of energy to start she can do elemental bending in very much similar style to ‘Avatar the Last Air Bender’s’ WATER benders as the energy trails her hands or feet or is projected onto a weapon. This fire is not only blue in color but is simultaneously hot and freezing cold at the same time.

    - Limits: 5 Foot Radius from her body but will retract like a yo – yo when cast from her body or weapon in swipes and slashes. She can also attach up to 3 bolts worth of the fire energy for firing with her bow. Energy drains her QUICKLY ( 3 post active use limit and 4 post limit cool down before use again) If used back to back in three limiter / cool-downs she will loose partial eye sight and gain an killer migraine. Normally takes about two days to fully recover from these headaches and partial blindness.

    - Side Effects: Her eyes light from pink to bright turquoise blue.

    - Future Possibilities: In time and with LOTS of training she hopes to gain better control of this ability. As she currently sets things ablaze on nearly a daily basis she has little to no control over the ghostly blue fire. With time this energy will also grow to expand further from her and she will learn to control more of it at one time. However in essence this is her SOUL’s very presence outside her body, she only has so much of it. She may also learn in time (if oaky with admin) the secondary form of this cold – hot flame. And will be able to partially freeze things.


    Special Talent to Manifest a Fox Claw and that works as a short distance grappling hook. (I can take this out of course )

    Color: Dark Magenta : Manifests

THEME SONG(S): Lindsey Sterling's || Take Flight


" R W B Y "

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