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RWBY: (Closed for now, sorry!)


I drink coffee, oh and I love my fish waifus :>
Hello all!

I have a craving for some RWBY content, after finishing season three. I even have some plot ideas! But before I go any further, let me say a few things.


Yeah, if you haven't watched, or finished season three of RWBY, don't read on any further. There are some spoilers. You've been warned!

Also, let me tell y'all what kind of partner I'm looking for.

Now, I want a detailed partner. What I mean by that, is I'm looking for someone who is capable of posting 2+ paragraphs, at least. The more the better. I get bored of RP's if my partner isn't making longer, and more detailed posts. So if you can manage that, then awesome! I want someone who is capable of progressing the story, just as much as I am. Add some interesting elements of your own to it!

Some rules/misc things.

No controlling my characters, I will not control yours. No bunnying, you can't dodge everything! Especially after seeing what happened to some of the cannon characters...no god modding, etc. The usual stuff.

Now, if you're still here, cool! I hope I didn't sound too demanding or strict in my search requirements. It's just that I tend to get easily bored with RP's that I don't feel evenly matched with my partner.

Onto my plot ideas!

The first idea I would love to explore, is...to play the bad guys!

Every RWBY RP I've seen on this site is about the good guys. Why not the bad ones? Here's my ideas for this concept:

(Quick note, most of this will be based on, but deviating from cannon events. So if your a stickler for that kinda thing, you may want to skip this part.)

(Another thing I should've mentioned before all this. These ideas are rated mature for violence, language, and brutality. No sexy stuff though, that's against the rules.)

The tale of two Mercs.

During the events of Cinder's/Roman's/White Fang's/Grimm's attack of Vale at the end of the last season, a lot of mercenaries were hired to assist the assault.

These two mercs happen to actually be very skilled, and are highly renown in both the underground, and the 'main stream'. They are tasked with ensuring the fall of the school, and everything related to it. Such as the teachers, the students, bystanders, and even what remains of Atlas.

We are both kill a few students who insist on protecting their friends, and eventually the teachers (I'm thinking Oobleck and what's his name with the mustache) fight us off. Not before we tag a few scratches on them though.

After we get fought off, we regroup with the retreating White Fang, only to be double crossed by Adam. Because we were just supposed to be cannon fodder anyways. While Adam doesn't fight us directly, and bunch of White Fang drive us away with sheer numbers.

Then, being the low lives we are, swear venagance on all of them. The White Fang, Cinder, the works. We decide to team permanently, in order to achieve this goal.

That's the end of that idea. Another villain plot:

Rising Tides

What if two people, who are fed up with the entire world, just want to watch it burn? How could they accomplish that?...only one thing could give them the power they need. The Maidens.

Our characters, whom at least one would have to be female, hunt down who they believe to be maidens in order to take their powers. This would go on for a while, as we kill several potential targets.

Eventually, the organization of Ozpin's that protects the maidens catches on, and a few people get sent to 'take care of us'. After we either fight them off, or kill them, they realize how big of a threat we really are. So they sent Qrow after us.

But at the same time, we finally find a real maiden. (Which element, I don't mind.) Just as we assault her, Qrow reaches us. Will we kill the maiden, and take her powers in time? Or will we be driven away yet again, loosing what could be our only chance? Who knows.

Diverting off of the path of villains now, I got some other plot types. I really like the concept of maidens, so here's a few plots with them!

Lost One's Weeping.

Being a maiden is a lonely life. Especially when you didn't ask for it. This RP would be taking a more 'slice of life' approach.

A maiden who receives her powers at a very young age (around four or five years old) is told to live in solitude so no one figures out what she is. She takes it to heart, and for many years the girl lives in loneliness. But in her teen years, she finally figured it's worth exploring the world, regardless of what she was told.

She ends up in Vale, where she runs into the other character in our story. They either figuratively, or litterally run into one another, and a friendship blossoms from there. Maybe into something even more then just a friendship?

Another maiden plot:

No More Hiding in the Darkness!

This plot begins exaclty like the previous one. But around the girl's teen years, she begins to hear passing conversations about the bad things happening in the world. About the bad guys, the Grimm attacks, and more. She gets mad that she isn't using her powers to help stop this stuff, and sneaks away one night from her 'protectors'.

She gets lost, and finds herself in a forest where she gets corned by Grimm. Enter the other character in this story, who hears the noises of a girl yelling. They arrive to see the maiden using her elemental abilities to wipe out some Grimm, and are transfixed by the site. It goes on from there!

That last plot can also be twisted a bit, to be a lot more dark. Which is what I'd most likely prefer to do. Same goes for all the villains plots. I want them dark as the night sky~

Last quick notes: I pretty much exclusively play females. In fact, I've never once played a male character on this site. So in any plot idea, I would be playing female.

I'm only looking for a max of two RPs. Also, I'd prefer to play the maiden in the last two plot ideas. Though, I am willing to give up the role if you will concede to making the RP romance related~

As Porky the Pig said it, 'That's all, folks!' Post below or PM me, if interested!
So, seeing as I just finished S3 of RWBY just a few days ago, i'm still on a high from it and would love to do this!

I really really liked the Tale of Two Mercs, thought that was an awesome concept but I really liked the idea of Rising Tides as well! So, if you're up for it we could do both!

Hit me up if you're keen!
Man, after re-reading this I realized how poorly written this is. Oh well.


Hello! I'd love to do either of these ideas, but not both of them. So which one would you prefer?
I really like the Rising Tides idea and I recently finished RWBY S3

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