RWBY Chapter 1 Intitiation Day

Rouge gave the perpetrator a glance that showed neither anger nor malice. His interest lasted no more than a second. He sighed, then collapsed noisily to sit on the floor much like how Walter had done. "Don't give them the time of day." He said sourly. "Walter has the right idea. I fear our legs will become tired noodles by the time of the tests. When we really need them."

When Rouge noticed Amethyst had gone to console the faunus, he just watched from his seat with a blank expression. The faunus had two sets of ears. One was human and the other triangular-cat set that twitched ever so slightly. Along with that, he had a tail. Nothing Rouge hadn't seen, it was just the setting he saw them in was... jarring to say the least. He could count on one hand how many faunus he had met whilst at Shade.

"Huh." He gestured a bit to Walter. "Check this out. A faunus is... uh... Walter?"
Nothing, not even a peep or slight movement.

He was motionless, curled up in a ball on the floor.

Rouge gave the perpetrator a glance that showed neither anger nor malice. His interest lasted no more than a second. He sighed, then collapsed noisily to sit on the floor much like how Walter had done. "Don't give them the time of day." He said sourly. "Walter has the right idea. I fear our legs will become tired noodles by the time of the tests. When we really need them."

When Rouge noticed Amethyst had gone to console the faunus, he just watched from his seat with a blank expression. The faunus had two sets of ears. One was human and the other triangular-cat set that twitched ever so slightly. Along with that, he had a tail. Nothing Rouge hadn't seen, it was just the setting he saw them in was... jarring to say the least. He could count on one hand how many faunus he had met whilst at Shade.

"Huh." He gestured a bit to Walter. "Check this out. A faunus is... uh... Walter?"
Ari had looked over when she heard commotion to Amythest and Crimson. Anger flared up when she realized that he had been picked on just becuase he was a Faunus. In her village their was a Faunus family and even though they were as poor as the rest of them they still helped out anyway they could. 

Her attention was soon diverted over to Walter. "I think he's unconscious. I'm gonna check it out Azura. Maybe I can help." She went over to the boy and noted he was definitely out of it. Looking at Rogue, whom she hoped knew the others medical history, she asked. "Is he ok?"
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Rouge sighed, giving another open handed shrug with eyes closed. "Must be broken." He said, blissfully unaware of the irony he'd committed.

Sharing in the newest stranger's concern. He daintily poked the boy's head a bit.

(I have no idea what would happen, physically, with the camo shields and all...  so... you decide Panzer.)
(The shield is mostly like a giant bubble, its flexible.)

A small sliver of purple is revealed , it sank slightly but soon retook it's form.It's glow soon disappeared.

It was almost almost like a invisible bubble that surrounded the kid.

A protective shielding.

It was similar to the ones used by T1G3R droids.

Rouge sighed, giving another open handed shrug with eyes closed. "Must be broken." He said, blissfully unaware of the irony he'd committed.

Sharing in the newest stranger's concern. He daintily poked the boy's head a bit.

(I have no idea what would happen, physically, with the camo shields and all...  so... you decide Panzer.)
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Rouge inhaled sharply, pulling his finger back. His face contorted, mouth opening and closing with no words produced. He found some keen students glancing their way, more specifically at whatever had shimmered. Walter still did not respond or even twitch.

He looked to the stranger. "D'ahhh... He's... probably tired from the flight. Or just not good with girls. One of the two." This caused many of those curious gazes to lose interest, all but a few stares returning to their own chatter. Rouge gulped, and made to stand from the floor. "Name's Rouge. This one here is Walter. We go way back. Like... it must have been... man, at least ten minutes now? How time flies, am I right?"
Ari blinked at the shimmering light. "That's a new one." She sat so she was blocking Walter from any onlookers. "Ten minutes, why you're practically blood brothers." She gave him a smile "I'm Ari.  Nice ta meetcha." She looked back at the unconcuios boy, "don't think smelling salts will work on this one. Think I'm gonna have to just give him energy and see what happens." She bit her lip at the thought, after all if touching him made him glow who knows what would happen if she added aura and energy to the mix. Ari looked back at Rogue with a thoughtful expression.
"You as well..." Rouge hesitantly returned to his cross-legged seat on the rather clean floor. Though taken aback at this person's fervent and sudden worry of Walter, he kept focus on the boy, stroking his chin while humming sagely next to Ari. "You're thinking about giving a boy you just met some aura treatment? That's mighty generous of you."
Ari blushed and waved her hand dismissively, "not really. My semblance is pretty much healing so it's kinda what I do." She looked at Rogue, slightly relieved he sat down. "I could say something similar for you, you haven't left even though there's nothin in it for you." Ari knew that bringing his attention to the fact might change it but she pushed away that concern.
"Gotcha. You go do your medic thing." Azura smiled, as Ari walked away. She'd heard the guy talking too, and it had really made her pretty angry. Acting like people were weak just because of how they'd been born, or treating someone like a freak because of it? After all her bad treatment growing up in Atlas, it really was the easiest way to make her angry. So, while the group gathered around the unconscious boy, Azura walked over to find the bully. Sure, sure, she knew that she wasn't supposed to drop to his level or whatever, but that was much less satisfying than just beating him to smithereens.

So once she reached the older bully, she tapped him on the shoulder. "I couldn't help but overhear your little conversation over there. Just thought I'd like to prove you wrong about girls not belonging here." she spoke, with a smile that was downright murderous-looking. "Unless you're scared to take me on, that is. I wouldn't blame you." 

The things she was saying were designed to make the bully angry, and provoke him into attacking. If he did, then she'd have free reign to fight back. And honestly, when it came to fighting people one-on-one, nobody was better than Azura Muir.
"Careful now." He held a finger in warning, his brown lips smirking wryly. "Inflate my ego, and it may yield unsavory results." He nodded towards Walter. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see this 'healing' in action. Sounds interesting enough to stick around."
The battery was still rechargin,walter was still curled  up into a ball on the floor. He twitched slightly,as the CPU wanted to reboot itself from the detected poke from earlier.

[Battery Power 25%]

Walter's head lifted slightly, revealing hus dark and empty eye that he had tried to hide before shutdown. It quickly fell again, but the head was tilted up, keeping the eye in sight.
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Ari smiled, "I'll try to be a little more careful from now on." She became hopeful when Walter moved but sighed when he went still again. "This is a little weird so I guess I'll start off small." Steeling herself she raised her hands over him and a faint light surrounded him, giving him energy. She couldn't help but notice the eye and ponder on it before focusing on what she was doing. "Instead of focusing on a specific area I'm working on the whole thing, problem is that it makes the healing thing a lot less potent. That's not even thinkin about if his body doesn't accept it."

(Panzer, it's up to you if it works or not:)
"Gotcha. You go do your medic thing." Azura smiled, as Ari walked away. She'd heard the guy talking too, and it had really made her pretty angry. Acting like people were weak just because of how they'd been born, or treating someone like a freak because of it? After all her bad treatment growing up in Atlas, it really was the easiest way to make her angry. So, while the group gathered around the unconscious boy, Azura walked over to find the bully. Sure, sure, she knew that she wasn't supposed to drop to his level or whatever, but that was much less satisfying than just beating him to smithereens.

So once she reached the older bully, she tapped him on the shoulder. "I couldn't help but overhear your little conversation over there. Just thought I'd like to prove you wrong about girls not belonging here." she spoke, with a smile that was downright murderous-looking. "Unless you're scared to take me on, that is. I wouldn't blame you." 

The things she was saying were designed to make the bully angry, and provoke him into attacking. If he did, then she'd have free reign to fight back. And honestly, when it came to fighting people one-on-one, nobody was better than Azura Muir.

Crimson was still shaking from the attack, seeing that someone stood up for him gave him little hope, but gave him some, "You''re defending me?" he asked her, almost crying.

Use the undo button when it happens, or try to use the 'cut' tool with a right click in the right spot, it's a pain, but it works.))



"Of course! No, one should be treated like that. If today wasn't initiation day I would've punched his lights out." All of a sudden a lot of yelling came from behind her.


"Well, well did the kitty send you over here little girl." he laughs. "Why don't you go home and be a little house wife or something." he pretends to sweep the ground with a fake broom. Amethyst could tell the boy was about to have a rude awaking. She quickly walks over and grabs the girls arm. "Will settle this during initiation. Catch you later." the boy rolls his eyes and jogs away to a group of his friends. She begins trying to pull the girl away. "Sorry about that. I know you wanted to be him up nut doing it now could get you disqualified. I will make you look like you can't hold back and that's bad rep."


She stops in front of the fanus. "Doing okay, bud, you should think her to she was about to knock him out for you." she says looking at the girl.
                                                                                            Mr.Ozpin and Mrs.Goodwitch

Mr.Ozpin walks onto the satge and taps the mic. "Welcome students and welcome to Beacon Academy. I not one for speeches so I'll make this quick. Beacon is not a place for slackers, that will get you no where. But working hard and being a team player you will get a very rewarding time her. With that I pass the mic to Mrs.Goodwitch." Ms.Goodwitch walks on stage. "At this time I would like all 2nd years and up to please head to you 3rd hour class." All the upper classes leave leaving the initiates. "Before we begin I want to let you know the line of work your going into is important so please take it seriously. I will now be announcing teams. Usually you don't get your team until afterwards but at beacon you expect the unexpected." She calls out the first two teams then comes to team three.

"Team three will be leader Amethyst followed by Crimson, Rouge, and Sora" She calls out two more teams afterwards.

"Team six leader Azura followed by Walter, Ari, and Brisk."

"These may not be your permanent teams. The initiation will determine if you stay with your current team. At this time get with your teams and head to the ship outside." she gives a slight nod and walks away.

(Brisk will be a NPC I play as until @animefan374 post his cs. He should be making one soon.

@Panzer @CERBERUS177 @boo @Raikou Kaminari @cokemonster @Lasrever
Aozora slipped back in just before Ozpin gave his speech, he was glad to see he arrived almost perfectly on time. He dodged all the upperclassmen as they left. He was surprised that preliminary teams were being handed out but he had no problem with it. He didn't spend his time getting to know the others so he simply waited for everyone to collect together and then surreptitiously appeared next to the team of three making it four. In his mind he was trying to put to letters together to see what their team name would be which came are to ACRS(acres) and ARCS(Arcs).

Though it was funny they used the short hand version of his name. Without it, it would be AARC(Arc). He would have to get that straightened out later. Even if it meant when final teams were announced corrected the announcer. After she told them to group up and roll out he turned to Amethyst. "Sorry, we haven't met or rather I haven't met any of you guys. Was busy prowling the campus, but I'm Aozora or Sora for short." he explained.

@MidnightStar @CERBERUS177  @cokemonster
The loud sound had forced walter awake from his 'nap'. He scrambled back to his feet from being on the floor. 

Looking up from the ground, he found his friends looking at him. With a raised eyebrow, he asked "what did I miss?".

@cokemonster @boo
Rouge didn't immediately reply to the aloof boy. He instead gave Ari a look with some meaning along the lines of: "Don't kids say the darndest things?"

He rose swiftly with a brisk sigh of relief. "Farewell for now Walter, Ari. I do believe we'll cross paths again, but until then." He gave a tiny wave as he parted from them. Turning his head, he added "Oh yeah and look for someone named Azura."

With that, he joined Amethyst and a stranger. Aozora, he introduced himself as. A prim, regal young figure just shy of portraying an intimidating man.

Rouge introduced himself curtly, offering nothing else from sheer excitement and anxious impatience. His gelled back hair barely moved as he nodded towards the masses of inductees in exodus out of the atrium. "Shall we depart now, or gather whoever this 'Crimson' is?"
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Ari blinked when Walter shot up, "I guess your feelin better then."  Standing up she knocked off some dirt and smiled at Rogue. "See you later." After returning his small wave she turned back to Walter. "Ms. Goodwitch assigned us temporary teams and as luck would have it were on the same one. Azura is our new team leader, the one standing over there." She pointed to the other girl, "now we just need to find Brisk. Oh, and head out to the ship for whatever it is we'll actually be doing."
 Walter stood for a second, frozen from the words. He was being dismissed from duty.

His confused look turned into one of happiness quickly, waving goodbye to his allies as he started for his new objective.

He soon stopped, turning around to face where he had last seen Rouge. He still had the smile on his face, but it had faded slightly.

Questions about his next objective have been generated, as he had no idea where this 'Azura' was.

Rouge was already with his group, out of eye sight for Walter.

This caused him to shoot down the idea of bothering him again, as he was programmed not to interfere with High Command AI/ Allies.

He turned around and continued his walk to the ship, staring down at the floor with his hands in his pockets, he had remembered the Stealth part of his main objective.

to serve

He finally made it to one of the teams, looking up from the ground to make eye contact with the four people in the group.

"Excuse me- is there a 'Azura' anywhere?" he asked them, the eye scanning the group.

His eye stopped at a fauna in a corner seat, twitching slightly. He seemed to have exploded into a civil war on the inside for the quick second, his eye turning red with anger.

Combat Zone

He reminded himself again of his main objective, but he could not forget that day.


(The large robot was marching down one of the paths to the forest, having come from a battle in one of the outer areas. the blood still stained his arms, brain matter seemed to cover his feet. He was the only one to survive , having to fight two battles... one of Grimm...and one of humans.

He spotted one of the Fauna villagers, a mother{not crimson's...just to make this clear} grieving over the loss of her daughter in what seems to be a fight with one of the robots. the dead drone was cut into pieces, the little head was still blinking red and the body was sparking and smoking from loss of engine integrity and wiring. Walter (The robot that was alive) approached the fauna, the heavy footsteps shaking the floor beneath him. The mother glanced back before looking back down at the corpse, whispering something before grabbing a sword and shouting curses at the robot. Walter had not comprehended what had happened yet, and so continued to approach the fauna who was currently charging at him.

She lunged and stabbed the sword into Walter's stomach , creating a giant gap in the stomach and cutting some of the wires. Everything then went blurry , but next, he found himself with the fauna in his hand. The fauna was small in comparison with him , and so he picked the fauna up with ease , taking the other hand with the wrist blade and stabbing the struggling fauna in the neck.

He was in a combat zone.

More faunas seemed to have been alerted by the noise, hiding in the bushes with guns, rockets, spears, everything. They shouted different curses to the robot as they shot him, and disabled him with a well placed rocket. Walter fell to his knees, dropping the dead fauna.

The faunas ran out to get the kill, beating the robot and shooting it. Laughing and mocking it, calling him a traitor...a defective robot, for simply trying to defend himself. He lowered his head as the battery was soon depleted.


(Jeez... that took long xD  )

 Walter stood for a second, frozen from the words. He was being dismissed from duty.

His confused look turned into one of happiness quickly, waving goodbye to his allies as he started for his new objective.

He soon stopped, turning around to face where he had last seen Rouge. He still had the smile on his face, but it had faded slightly.

Questions about his next objective have been generated, as he had no idea where this 'Azura' was.

Rouge was already with his group, out of eye sight for Walter.

This caused him to shoot down the idea of bothering him again, as he was programmed not to interfere with High Command AI/ Allies.

He turned around and continued his walk to the ship, staring down at the floor with his hands in his pockets, he had remembered the Stealth part of his main objective.

to serve

He finally made it to one of the teams, looking up from the ground to make eye contact with the four people in the group.

"Excuse me- is there a 'Azura' anywhere?" he asked them, the eye scanning the group.

His eye stopped at a fauna in a corner seat, twitching slightly. He seemed to have exploded into a civil war on the inside for the quick second, his eye turning red with anger.

Combat Zone

He reminded himself again of his main objective, but he could not forget that day.


(The large robot was marching down one of the paths to the forest, having come from a battle in one of the outer areas. the blood still stained his arms, brain matter seemed to cover his feet. He was the only one to survive , having to fight two battles... one of Grimm...and one of humans.

He spotted one of the Fauna villagers, a mother{not crimson's...just to make this clear} grieving over the loss of her daughter in what seems to be a fight with one of the robots. the dead drone was cut into pieces, the little head was still blinking red and the body was sparking and smoking from loss of engine integrity and wiring. Walter (The robot that was alive) approached the fauna, the heavy footsteps shaking the floor beneath him. The mother glanced back before looking back down at the corpse, whispering something before grabbing a sword and shouting curses at the robot. Walter had not comprehended what had happened yet, and so continued to approach the fauna who was currently charging at him.

She lunged and stabbed the sword into Walter's stomach , creating a giant gap in the stomach and cutting some of the wires. Everything then went blurry , but next, he found himself with the fauna in his hand. The fauna was small in comparison with him , and so he picked the fauna up with ease , taking the other hand with the wrist blade and stabbing the struggling fauna in the neck.

He was in a combat zone.

More faunas seemed to have been alerted by the noise, hiding in the bushes with guns, rockets, spears, everything. They shouted different curses to the robot as they shot him, and disabled him with a well placed rocket. Walter fell to his knees, dropping the dead fauna.

The faunas ran out to get the kill, beating the robot and shooting it. Laughing and mocking it, calling him a traitor...a defective robot, for simply trying to defend himself. He lowered his head as the battery was soon depleted.


(Jeez... that took long xD  )


(Panzer I just wanted to let you know @CERBERUS177 has already bolted to the ship. Everyone else is still inside)
The 'group' that he had found were just random people who happened to get on the ship, as they had the same Idea as the Fauna. Walter was staring at the fauna with the blood red eye of combat.

He snapped back into reality once the group told him they didn't have a 'Azura'.

Walter nodded and started for the assembly, glancing back to make sure the fauna wasn't sneaking up from behind.

After she'd been dragged away from the fight she'd been about to start, Azura took a moment to calm down. She was going to thank the girl who'd pulled her away, but her focus changed once she heard Ozpin start to speak. 

When the teams were announced, it took her a little while to absorb what they were. Sure, they were only temporary, but there had to be some reason she was made a leader. Probably based off of her combat record or something like that, since they'd want someone who knew what they were doing in charge. No point having a leader that couldn't keep up! 

Turning to to the girl who'd pulled her away from the fight, Azura spoke. "I'd love to stay and chat, but seems like I've got a team to put together. See ya!"

So, as temporary leader, Azura figured it was her responsibility to track down her teammates. She wasn't worried about Ari for now - from what she'd seen, the girl had an okay head on her shoulders. She'd find it easier to track Azura down anyway since they'd spoken before. After all, Azura was a difficult person to forget!

Azura walked a little towards the ship, finding a little open space near its entrance. This way her teammates would at least be able to see her. "This would be so much easier with name tags or something." She muttered, watching the crowd in front of her.

Before she could run off and try to find them on her own, she faintly heard a voice behind her, from inside the ship. Well, noticed her name being mentioned anyway. Glancing behind her, she noticed a guy walking out of the ship, seeming like he was having some sort of internal conflict. Seeing as he appeared to be looking for someone, Azura figured this was the guy who'd been asking about her.

"Hey, you found me. Azura Muir, future huntress extraordinaire, at your service! And leader of team six, apparently. For now." she smirked, extending a gloved hand for the guy to shake. Oh, right, she almost forgot. "If you're looking for me, I'm guessing that you're part of my team. So are you Walter, or Brisk?" she asked cheerfully.

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