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Fandom RWBY // Canon x OC Fest // Character Index [CLOSED]



Hi everyone. The character sheet is in the spoiler. I'm not going to be extremely picky about it; we should be good as long as it reflects that you write at a casual or higher level, and avoids cliches (such as "their semblance gives them immense power for a period of time but they're left vulnerable afterwards" - seen it too many times). Even then, if you can come up with a fresh take on an otherwise overused idea, I'll accept it.

Table of Contents:
Color allusion:
(color name rule will be enforced)
Age: (17 is good, unless there's some strange circumstance like Ruby's where they enrolled early or late)


(anything that could hinder them in battle, including personal weaknesses, counts)


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Name: Ferryn Typhon
Color allusion: Ferryn is derived from ferrant, an Old French word meaning "iron gray."
Age: 17
Species: Human

Weapon: Tempests - two shotguns, which extend into dual Dane axes as tall as she is. The axe blades extend from the stocks of the guns, so Ferryn can threaten one enemy with the axe and another with the gun. She can also use the recoil from her guns to propel herself around the battlefield.
Semblance: Haze of Rage - when Ferryn uses her semblance, a baleful iron-gray glare will fill the immediate surroundings. Objects affected, up to a certain size, will fly about and "attack" indiscriminately. People affected will feel violent anger clawing at their minds; only those with well-honed self-control will be able to resist flying into a frenzy. This can make the affected people stronger, but also cause them to make reckless and predictable mistakes. Ferryn is unaffected by the Haze of Rage. If she expends more aura on her semblance, she can make it last longer, and affect a wider range, larger objects, and more disciplined targets.

Weaknesses: Ferryn is vulnerable if an enemy gets too close to her for her axes or guns to work. Her precision and control are poor; due to the size of her axes and spread of her shotguns, it's hard for her to hit fast-moving or agile enemies. She also is still learning to use her semblance, meaning she can make someone stronger than her in their anger. Finally, she needs to be able to concentrate to be able to dodge flying objects while using her semblance.

Personality: An ambitious girl who's determined to overachieve as a student. She has an intense focus and devotion to anything she sets her mind to, as well as a tendency to burn herself out. At her best, this devotion drives her forward and may even stir others' determination. At her worst, she is reclusive and depressed, not knowing where to direct her anger. She'll lash out at anyone and act rashly, because she needs to scare her surroundings into being under her control again.

Bio: Ferryn's parents were the wealthy owners of a company that manufactured weapons and sold them to an exclusively human clientele. She enjoyed peaceful life until she was twelve, and her parents were murdered by the White Fang while she hid in a closet. Witness Protection moved her to Vale, where she was forbidden contact with anyone in her old life.

Grief and loneliness devastated Ferryn, but as she adjusted to life with her new family in Vale, those feelings gave way to anger. Understanding. Motivation. Living in a city more integrated with faunus taught her that her parents' discrimination against faunus was wrong. And while she couldn't forgive the White Fang for their actions, she knew they came from a place of righteous indignation. Remnant's injustices led to discontent, which led to violence. Ferryn thought: if I could tear everything down, I could rebuild it into something better for everyone. So she trained to fight, hoping to become a Huntress that would bring the White Fang and other groups to justice.
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“I know...good people vill die out zere...even with my semblance...I kan’t possibly save zem all...but...verdammt...that won’t stop me from trying.”

Name: Albrecht Von Stehlen (Noble Steel)

Nickname: Albert, Doc, Steel Wheels

Species: Human

Age: 17

Personality: Albrecht on the outset seems like a anxious fellow, and indeed he is shy to make contact, but by no means unfriendly. Not one to be the first to approach a person, and he always manages to sound nervous on first impression. At least, whenever Albrecht is speaking to strangers. Once he gets comfortable around you he’s rather pleasant company. Albrecht is rather thoughtful and is good to talk with if one wants to feel calm and perhaps even at ease. The lad is quite a good listerner, always listening patiently to whatever it is anybody has to say to him. Albrecht has a number of hobbies to keep his mind off of...certain things, but Albrecht is quite talented in most of them and willing to share his interests. This doesn’t mean that Albrecht doesn’t enjoy laughing, although it seems that now and days Albrecht has been smiling less and less.

Indeed, often times when you see Albrecht he either has a neutral expression or a tired one. It comes from both a sense of anxiety, especially for his family, as well as the occasional PTSD flashbacks, which could occur at anytime. Albrecht is also particularly hard on himself, and it often seems like he’s carrying alot of burden on his heart, in-particular when he thinks about his immediate family.

However, when the situation becomes demanding or critical, that’s when Albrecht snaps out his normal attitude and becomes serious. In fact, the level of concentration that Albrecht posses is quite astounding, even under the most extreme of circumstances. Albrecht determination and resolve in these things lend well in battle, especially if things are going South. However, battle is not something that Albrecht enjoys despite everyone’s else's excitement, but though he loathes to battle, when hard pressed into fighting he will give it his best. It’s this attitude that makes him better in a supporting role, always one to rush to a teammate’s aid when they are in-trouble. This also goes for the enemy to a small circumstance, as although he may not activated fixing them up, he nevertheless tries to keep them alive. Albrecht sees all life, no matter who they are or what they have done, as valuable, and will work hard to try to preserve it for both friend and foe.

Albrecht stands at about 5’10” and is actually quite athletic in muscle tone, although usually most of these features are hidden underneath his clothing. Albrecht’s hair color and eye color are both a steel grey color, while Albrecht maintains a undercut hairstyle that he maintains daily, although similar to his body, Albrecht’s hair is hidden under his helmet. All in all, there are some who may describe him to be rather adorable, although more often than not Albrecht’s default face these days are more tired than anything.

Albrecht’s uniform is based off of the penal battalion uniform that his father led. Albrecht wears a stahlhelm styled helmet, but instead of steel black it’s painted white. Additionally, there is a red cross painted on the left and right side of the helmet, while his emblem is painted larger on the front of the helmet and in bright red. Furthermore, the helmet is warped around by a band of sorts, which straps two syringes to the right side of the helmet and two violets to the left side of the helm. When not wearing his helmet, Albrecht’s wearing a steel grey field cap, with just his emblem pinned to the front of the cap. For the torsal, Albrecht wears a steek grey M40 style tunic for his torsal with steel black highlights along with a white undershirt. In addition, Albrecht usually has a pair of goggles dangling from his neck, and is often seen with a pair of white gloves and a white armband with a red version of his emblem that is worn on the left arm. On more combat heavy missions, Albrecht dons a white ballistic vest with a large red cross symbol painted on the chest and back of the vest. As for the lower body, Albrecht wears steel grey trousers held up by a Y-strap belt. The belt also houses a number of pouches, including some of ammunition pouches. The trousers are furthermore tucked into Albrecht’s black jackboots, which are thigh high. On everyday occasion, Albrecht could be seen sporting a white messenger bag that contain mostly first-aid equipment and some extra ammunition with additional space for storage. On longer missions, Albrecht can take along a rucksack backpack for additional supplies.

Albrecht’s Beacon uniform is identical to most students, wearing only his field cap along with the white red cross armband on his left hand.

Emblem: The steel grey colored medical cross with a serpent wrapped around the pole in the middle.

Weapon: Arzteswächter- The Arzteswachter is a very sleek looking MP-40 styled SMG with a sling. Albrecht’s weapon lends well in a close-quarters, as Albrecht doesn’t have to really aim as much and the weapon itself is relatively compact for close urban environments. The SMG is capable of transforming into a rather sturdy mace, that also doubles as a miniature panzerfaust(the idea of Albrecht’s siblings). For the most part the Arzteswachter is carried in it’s ranged form but often stored in it’s melee form on Albrecht’s belt.

Semblance: Aura Transfusion- Albrecht possess the ability to link his aura with another person, with or without an aura. This in effect allows Albrecht to transfer his aura to another individual, bolstering their aura reserves while protecting and healing the individual that he is locked onto. Albrecht doesn’t necessarily make physical contact with the individual, the young man just needs to be close enough to get a feel on their aura or otherwise. Albrecht can stray away from said individual for a short distance while their aura are linked, but the link will break if Albrecht is too far from his intended target. A darker side to Albrecht’s semblance is that he utilize it in a reverse effort, effectively leaching aura off of the individual he is linked with. Albrecht is currently unaware of this effect, as he has never once thought about reversing the use of his semblance.

Affiliations: Beacon Academy, Atlas, Stehlen Family

Backstory: Albrecht Von Stehlen was born into the Von Stehlen linage, one of the many aristocratic families in Atlas that had their hands among ever aspect of Atlas society, especially within the Atlesian military and Atlesian military equipment industry. Albrecht’s father was...a black sheep of the family, in some ways in the quite literal sense, as when you observe some of the family portraits of the Von Stehlen family, you notice that in ever picture Albrecht’s father stands out from the rest of the white steele uniforms. This was in large part due to Albercht’s father being quite the rebel, so to say. Albercht’s father, was one of the few non-huntsmen officer of the Atlesian arm, and it was because of his charisma among the grunts and his lead-by-example style of leadership, Albercht’s father saw himself advancement in the Atlesian officer corp despite his non-hunstmen status. However, what would be his biggest detriment was his political viewpoints, and Albercht’s father was quite vocal on these manners. The rest of the Von Stehlen family were always furious by his remarks, angered that he was making too many enemies and that he was making the Von Stehlen family look bad. They warned Albercht’s father about that scheming politicians and higher ranking officer would plot his demise, like get him transferred into the Atlesian penal battalion. In hindsight, it probably was a mistake to give a man like Albercht’s father an idea such as that, because that’s what he did...voluntarily. The Atlesian Penal Battalion was a Battalion that gave criminals and deserters another option to redeem themselves. The battalion was also where the high echelon of Atlas society would send people that...didn’t follow the status quo. Needless to say, this mixed bunch would have needed quite the individual to lead them, of which Albercht’s father was qualified for. In fact, Albercht’s father made his reputation here, it was also where he met his wife: A disgraced huntress serving her time in the battalion rather than behind bars. The two would get married(much to the disapproval of most of the Von Stehlen family) and ended up having kids. Triplets, to be exact, and Albercht was the middle of an (older) sister and (younger) brother.

Albercht grew up more or less a military brat of the Atlesian army, albeit being part of the lowest ranking of the army. Even so, Albercht grew up in quite a happy family, despite their inherit situation, even better. However, even as a young child, Albercht stood out between his siblings, not as a fighter, but as more of the scholarly type. While Albercht enjoyed listening to his father and mother talk about the battles and fights they were part of, he was never as hyped to hear them as his siblings, even going so far as being squeamish at some of the story. While loved to wrestle and run around, Albercht could be content with sitting down with a book and reading about stuff other than fighting, although that didn’t mean he never participated. It was just unlike his siblings, Albercht never really thought about being a huntsmen, or rather, he never pictured himself in that role. Fighting...it was never something he particularly enjoyed...not after…that fateful day…

Albercht was with just his father that day, who was on leave that day. They were in the city together, running some errands, when they turned a dark corner, and needless to say, they were jumped. Albercht was very young at the time, so he couldn’t do much to help in the ensuing struggles, as his father fought of the ambushers. It was near the end of the fight, when Albercht’s father had knocked a couple of them to the ground, when one of them took notice of the young Albercht. The attacker got back up with a knife, then rushed at his Albercht. One of the attackers had dropped a pistol in the ensuing fight, and without even thinking, Albercht had reached for the pistol, than turned it on the man…


The shot went off...and the man’s body collapsed in front of Albercht...who was now covered in his blood.

Needless to say, it was traumatic for the young boy...and it was after this...the idea of being a huntsmen...didn’t appeal to him as it did before...he couldn’t even stomach the idea...for the first few nights after the event he couldn’t sleep...constantly woke up with nightmares, of the face...the blood...the gunshots...it haunted him…

Though, instead of bottling it up, Albercht was lucky that his father was able to get him with some psychotherapy with a psychologist who helps huntsmen cope with traumatic experiences. Through the therapy, Albercht was able to learn, learn how to cope with what he did...he was indeed a lucky boy, he had his family there to support him every step of the way.

Albercht would get better, relatively...Albercht was pulled from combat school, instead Albercht was tutored at home. Albercht was a remarkably bright individual, at least when it came to book work...and was starting to find interest in his own subjects, when one day he found himself in a Army Base infirmary. Looking around, it was a place that saved lives, not take them...and it inspired the boy, invigorated him even...gave him a new lease to life. While his sister and brother were now working towards becoming huntsmen, Albercht found himself working hard to...become a physician...someone who saved the lives of others, and by no means was it easy but...he fought with himself hard, he wanted this to be his reality.

But reality hardly ever follows a linear path.

One particular evening, years after the incident with Albercht, the base to which both Albercht mother and father were stationed at was raided by a fanus terrorist group infamously known as the White Fang. After the matter, it apparently seemed that this was one of the more radical cells of the White Fang, and the raid was by no means a subtle one. Albercht, like the last time, was with his father when the first explosion occurred. It was a terrifying experience for the young boy, he almost froze up...but than his father gripped him, looking him in the eyes...and told him that he loved Albercht...and that he needed him to go find his siblings and to make sure they were safe. Albercht was still terrified, but he knew his father was needed elsewhere...so he needed to be brave...he couldn’t lose his siblings...and with that, he was ran off to find them to the blaring of the sirens...little did he realize, it would have been the last time he would see his father.

Albercht would scour the base for his siblings. As he searched, something within him churned at the thought of what became of his siblings. The young boy wasn't able to find his twin brother, but he got to his twin sister...her legs were gone...and she was fading fast. Albercht couldn’t do much, besides hold his twin...and cried...it was in the heat of the moment, the intensive stress...Albercht’s aura began to glow, and it began to surround his twin...and soon her aura would return, now connected with his. Albercht’s semblance had unlocked and kicked in...the young boy was able to keep his twin alive, until the proper help arrived. By than, the young boy was exhausted, and had passed out watching the emergency personal lift his twin away.

When he woke up, he was propped up against a chair, in a hospital room. There were two others in the room...both of his siblings, and they seemed to be alright...but, something wasn't right...his brother...his brother, something seemed off. It was than he noticed his sister...she was awake...and staring at ahead...it made Albercht’s heart sink, to his see his sister like that. Albercht would try to talk to her...but than she’d break down crying...than he would embrace her...he was crying too...for they’re was much to cry about that day.

It was much later when one of their relatives arrived to brief them about what had happened...Albercht’s twin had her legs blown off during the raid...Albercht’s other twin was in a coma...and Albercht’s father was...dead...the mother had disappeared, after having to be pried away from her husband’s dead corpse.

In that moment, as Albercht’s relative spoke...it felt like the lowest point in his life thus far….

Years later, Albercht would be standing over his father’s grave….His mother was still gone...his brother still in a coma...and his sister?...she was barely coping...and what about Albercht?...well here he was...out of the three, they said he was the least likely to become a huntsman...Albercht thought so too...but here he was, in full combat kit, having returned to and graduated from combat school after the raid...of the three, he was the one off to become a huntsman...he had too...he felt that he owed it to his sister and his brother to do so...to live this life for them, now that they couldn’t...at least, it made his sister happy, to see him living the dream...and for another...he was out to go find his mother...maybe even bring her back home…

The very afternoon, Albercht would be on a flight out of Atlas...and heading towards Beacon.

  • Combat Medic- Even without his semblance, Albrecht has a very well understanding of how to administer First-Aid in a combat scenario to, if not get one back on their feet, to at least stabilize them so they can be moved.
  • Rapid Deployment- Albrecht is surprisingly quick on his feet, and uses this mobility as a means of getting himself out of harm's way and into his supporting role. Furthermore, the call for help from one of his allies will quicken his already fast pace.
  • Aura of Steel- Surprisingly, Albrecht has a fairly large aura pool compared to most hunters and huntress, perhaps a result of Albrecht determination. This means that Albrecht can take an extra hit or two, but more importantly, this means he has more Aura to transfer to his allies.
  • Eyes-on-the-Prize- One of Albrecht greatest qualities is his unshakable focus. This focus can be triggered in a variety of way(rarely is it triggered through physical combat). When it Albrecht focuses in on a certain task he becomes almost unshakable underscamstance and can complete the task at hand with frightening speed and skill.
  • First Do No Harm- After that day, Albrecht had promised himself never to take the life of another, but to save as many people as he can. Albrecht will not kill another human(or fanus) no matter how egregious they are. In fact, he might have a bad habit of trying to keep his enemies alive as well. Hurting them is slightly more plausible, but it will be more difficult for Albrecht, plus it’s almost certain that Albrecht would not be the first one to initiate first contact. Grimm are an exception to this rule.
  • Childhood Trauma- Albrecht suffers to PTSD that is related mainly to killing. Albrecht won’t freeze up necessarily when confronting a human or fanus target if it were, say, an arena setting, but Albrecht’s aim will still become a bit more shakier. However, if Albrecht were to be forced into a situation that involved his life or death, that’s when he’ll freeze up. This is on top of occasionally nightmare or flashbacks that occur in his everyday life.
  • Priority Target- Having a medical cross painted onto himself is akin to painting a bullseye on his helmet. Given Albrecht role, he’ll be no doubt the one that the opponent will gun for first.
  • Vulnerable at Range- Albrecht doesn’t have any hard counters to ranged attacks, thus he may become vulnerable if he was to be outranged.

Theme Song:


  • Albrecht has two identical siblings, one of whom he writes letters to frequently.
  • Albrecht family owns a German Shepherd, although the caine is still in Atlas.
  • Albrecht has a...secret talent, so to say...come with his focus...
  • Everytime Albrecht utilizes his weapon’s firearm mode, his hands become shaky. This is why he lacks the accuracy the farther away a target is.
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Name: August Chesterton
Color allusion: "Chester" suggests chester brown.
Age: 18
Species: Human

Weapon: Saint's Tear: A meteor hammer done in the style of a Thurible. Different kinds of dust can be siphoned down the chain-tubbing and into the incense burner proper, granting the weapon different effects. The cord can also retract so Saint's Tear can act like a grappling hook once Chester wraps it around something secure, or more commonly to pull enemies around. The comet's "head" has different configurations, named after Celestial spheres of medieval cosmology depending on the kind of dust being used; spherical, spiked, buzz-saw, etc. Lastly the chain can solidify into a solid shaft, turing the weapon into a kind of scepter (or more pointedly, an aspergillum) for blocking or close combat.

Semblance: Bad faith: Chester can instinctually tell when someone is not being truthful. This semblance is passive and can't be turned off. Plus side, it helps questioning and combat since false testimony and a feinting move both count as forms of lying. Down side is that Chester is always aware of someone lying, even when he doesn't want to know if they are.

  • Of the most basic, Chester requires prescription glasses. Being farsighted, he can't clearly see objects or writing that's near his face without correcting lenses.
  • Chester is not the biggest or strongest hunstmen. If his enemies can close the distance, he's at a disadvantage. Which is why he prefers to keep his foes at the length of his chain if not further.
  • Chester can be obstinate about the truth. While he would never divulge a friend's secret, he would persist that one should always tell the truth. It goes beyond a moral standard when he forgets or just doesn't care to mince words or diplomatically phrase a statement. Coming across as harsh or obtuse.
  • Chester is a reflexive contrarian. He doesn't love to argue, it just comes naturally to him.
Personality: August Chesterton is a friendly but odd sort of fellow. While he's very warm and pleasant to everyone he meets, he occasionally will let slip a more pointed remark that hints to a greater knowledge of the person he's speaking to. He also observes these strange rituals and rites that he prefers to hold in private. Such as chanting while reading from a book in an archaic language. (Hebrew.) If discovered, he'll try and cover this behavior up or change the subject but he won't lie about it if pressed. In truth, Chester is deeply religious but given the general attitude of those around him, he tries to keep his piety close to the chest. Which is somewhat ironic, or dare he dread hypocritical, that he often exposes secrets while keeping his own. Whether it's a criminal covering up their crime or a friend masking their true emotions, August feels compelled to both speak and seek the truth. This has made dating hard for him. Deep down Chester is a romantic but he can't seem to find a girl where what you see is what you get. At least not one that he'd still be interested in.

Bio: August Chesterton is a boy blessed and cursed in equal measure. Born in a coastal town in Mistral called Tide Way to a loving family, his father an airshipwright and his mother an architect both friends from childhood now happily married, he grew up in a wonderful home of support in comfort. However, in wishing to earn his keep, he got a job as a delivery driver that mixed him up with a smuggling ring. He wanted to quit, but was afraid his employers might come after his parents. When he confided in them about this, his parents gave him two wonderful gifts, and two great responsibilities. They decided to induct him into their secret religion, granting him the spiritual tools to handle the evils of the world, and sent him to Sanctum Academy to get him away from his dangerous employers. In doing this though, they burdened him with carrying on and keeping the faith and of course fulfilling his responsibilities as a hunstmen once he graduates.

While his life experiences taught him piety was something of a rarity in Mistral and really all of Remnant as fas as he knew, it never quite hit home what it was like to be of faith while walking amongst those lacking in it. August was up to the challenge though as he found duty to be very fulfilling and no better example was set than by action. During his time at Sanctum, August did some "extracurriculars" to put away the smuggling ring he had previously worked for. Which was just the first of low level criminal gangs he would help the Mistral authorities catch. By the time Chester August graduated, he was something of a hometown hero for Tide Way with a growing reputation as an amateur detective. Which began to get him noticed by more dangerous and well connected criminals.

Fortune (or something higher) smiled on him again though as he was accepted into Beacon Academy in Vale which gave him the perfect excuse to leave behind his reputation and let tensions cool down about his activities. August Chester now heads to Beacon Academy
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Name: Krimson Steele (Crimson Steel)
Color allusion: Crimson Red
Age: 17
Species: Human
Appearance: How do you stand out among a colorful cast of characters? Dress as blandly as possible! Steele stands at 6ft exact, possessing brown hair and brown eyes, lacking any sort of hairstyle or physical features that makes him truly stand out on his own. In fact, his body alone is rather...generic, to say the least, but at least his body is well toned from a combination of hard drilling and hard field work.
Essentially an M16-like assault rifle with rifle strap and a jerry rigged underbarrel grenade launcher tied on with rope. The assault rifle has three modes of firing: Single shot, burst, and full auto. Most of the clips for the gun usually are two clips ducked-taped together(each facing a different direction) for a fast reload. The properties of the rifle’s payload could be altered depending on what ammunition is used, and any explosives launched out of the grenade launcher can also be thrown.

An old 1911 design that dates back to the wars of old. However, despite it's age, it's rather well kept, and not to be sniffed at. Makes for an ideal sidearm, being easy to conceal and carry, as well as being a quick draw.
- An old war bayonet, can be used either as a knife or as a bayonet attachment for Junker, however the undergrenade launcher will need to be removed.

  • Outdoorsmen- The great outdoors is where Steele thrives, even if it’s quite deadly. This means that Steele has a advantage in more nature settings as opposed to an arena setting, as he knows how to navigate and exploit the nature around him to his advantage. This also means he’s quite the adapt survivalist, knowing how to conserve supplies and draw from his surroundings instead.
  • Gunmen- Well versed in the art of the firearms, effective at all ranges but most effective at mid-range, Steele can keep a gun steady long enough to put a bullet or twenty into the enemy.
  • Reliable Comrade- Fear is not a concept that Steele has time for, not when his comrades are relying on him. When people trust Steele, he takes that trust really serious, and will do everything in his power to uphold that trust. When it means the lives of others are upon Steele shoulder, giving up is utterly foreign in Steele mind; fear takes a backseat to courage, courage, and the will to fight on.
  • Realistic Optimist- Hope is something Steele been taught all his life...that, and never give up...but Steele seen a lot in the short span that is his life. Thus, Steele isn’t afraid to admit defeat, isn’t afraid of retreat...but it doesn’t mean he’s giving up. Live, learn, and than fight on. Anything’s possible, but nothing worth having if it's going to be easy.
  • Human World- This is the most amount of humans that Steele has every been around, thus the rest of remnant is rather...different, then what he is used to. Many people don't seem any different then those back in Menagerie, but when people try to act like things are different, it usually doesn't sit well with Steele, even if he's not fanus himself. Although not ignorant of the White Fang, Steele is always one to jump to the defense of the helpless, particularly the fanus. This usually ends up with Steele butting heads with the agressor, which also usually ends up in a fight. The opposite can also be true, for those who don't know of Steele's upbringing it might seem rather suspicious or jarring to see a human talk for them.
  • Reckless- Steele's iron resolve to stand firm and never give up also has a downside: A disregard for is own safety. Steele concern for others also makes him put his own safety as a secondary priority, throwing himself into the line of danger in an attempt to protect those around him. And if the situation is that dire, he’s ready to give everything, even his last breath...if it meant his comrades could live to fight another day.
Personality: WIP
Bio: WIP

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