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I like the Shotgun axe chain weapon. Make it a chainsaw and not a chain weapon and you have me sold :D Be like gears of war and shizz XP
Ehh the chainsaw might be a bit much since the weapon is supposed to be more slim and compact.

But fuck it, I'll give it a shot. Maybe I can have the chainsaw blade stored inside of the weapon or make it a fight able sheath like how Blake can fight with hers. xD


Cut some Grimm in half maybe? Mine is an interesting weapon :D
Heheheheh nearly finished with my profile -cries- Its getting late here though and I need to head to bed But I don't want to miss my spot here I fear it will fill up before morning!
And Done with mine! I think it is pretty decent, nowhere as good as Muze's. SHe makes awesome CS's
O,O thank you Jacob!!! ^.^ -blush- Sadly though I must go until dawn O.o -eyes forum over like hawk- I will be sure to finish up my profile as soon as I wake up! That way hopefully I wont loose a spot in this rp! So Excited!
I think this RP is okay-ish enough to finally open for business! I'll have the student spots listed in the "Notes" tab for the time being, but I'll make a note of the spots open in the "Sign-Up" tabs. ^__^"
Me too! I honestly would like to see Cider's team be season based. xD Like a characters having a winter feeling to them while another is based on summer.
And done ^.^ -dansu dansu- Now the wait and nervousness of will my character make the cut!
gUYS. So right now I'm working at an apple orchard that one of my friend's family owns and during our break my friend gave me an Apple Cider slushy and a few Johnathan Apples and while I was eating it hit: I'm devouring my own OCs. QOQ LIKE I FEW SO EVIL.
xD !!!! Oh my goodness you that ready to harm your own charry! If that is the case FEARS for my own LOL.
;-; WORST PART IS THEY TASTED REALLY GOOD. QOQ Also I'm about to switch over jobs and start doing apple orchard tours which means I won't be active for two hours.
Next thing you know one of you guys creates a dictatorship while I'm gone. xD
Lol no never...- Glances about hiding her own symbols flag under the couch with a foot. - xD

We waiting to start in story posting until members are filled?

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