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Multiple Settings rusty 1x1 search! (fandoms + an original setting)


New Member
hi! my name's jack, i'm 29, and i use they/he pronouns. i'm hoping to find a couple of rps.

some guidelines/info

  • please be 18+! i'm almost 30, and frankly i don't have any business socializing with minors online
  • i'm not a stickler for any kind of response schedules. take as long or as short of a time as you want, and please let me do the same
  • response lengths depend on the scene/my mood, but i always write multiple paragraphs and try and match what i'm given. all i ask is that you give me enough to work with
  • i prefer to plot with partners, so i don't usually have any thought out already. i also prefer to get the basics down and get to the rp and then work on plotting as we write. if planning and plotting take too long, i tend to lose interest
  • i'm more interested in characters and character dynamics over super detailed plots, also, so those are more likely to get my attention!
  • i mostly play male or nonbinary characters, but i also play women when i'm in the mood to
  • mostly interested in lgbt romance, if any
  • no canon/oc
  • i prefer using descriptions instead of face claims, but if face claims are something you want, i prefer drawn ones or picrews/something similar
  • i can play a single character/double/triple/whatever you want to do
  • i'm willing to rp on-site or on discord
  • i write in third person past or present tense, let me know which you prefer
  • ditch-friendly because i am very guilty of it myself
  • i can provide writing samples, if you'd like

what i'm looking for

again, i don't have pre-planned plots, but i do have ocs for fandoms, for the most part

if something is crossed out, i'm not interested in it at the moment!


★ soulsbourne
> mostly elden ring right now, but bloodborne and dark souls are good too. i've played them all to different degrees. i love lore
> elden ring: ocs or canons
> bloodborne: ocs only
> dark souls: probably ocs only, but i could be convinced on canons

★ fallen london/sunless sea/mask of the rose
> i picked up fallen london again recently and have played through mask of the rose twice. i've played a bit of sunless sea. open to any neathy setting/time period.
> ocs only! (unless...? i am a fan of the masters...) some short descriptions of my characters under the spoiler:
★ seis: a shadowy and dangerous person of indistinct gender. they think they're very cool and mysterious, but mostly they're just mysterious. they make a living as a monster hunter/exterminator and thief, and they live in a big house with a bunch of orphans. their biggest hobbies are fighting and avoiding personal questions.
★ lemuel: once an amateur consulting detective, now a guest lecturer at the university and dabbler in the correspondence. he tends to get absorbed in his work and is driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. this sometimes leads him places he's better off not going, however. (a reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely.)
★ the rest: lilith, a zee captain with a history in the church; shelley, a veilgarden actor who never meets a stranger; the frequently-deceased daredevil, an aged tomb colonist who lives for a good thrill.

★ elder scrolls
> i am a lore fiend
> i've played morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, and a bit of eso. from most to least favorite: morrowind, skyrim, oblivion, and eso
> ocs only. again, blurbs about my characters under the spoiler:
★ malamon: a dunmer born in blacklight and raised in raven rock. he’s a traveling mage that makes a living selling potions and occasionally picking up magic-oriented odd jobs. he’s very proud of being from morrowind and picked up on a lot of his family’s attitudes about other races; this, combined with his haughty and abrasive personality, makes it quite a feat to get into his good graces.
★ ratshev: a dunmer born in the imperial city. he grew up an orphan and, as an adult, took to the road as a traveling spellsword-for-hire. he takes life as it comes and gets along with most people. he tends to keep to himself and typically doesn’t get overly involved with people, knowing he’ll be moving on sooner or later.
★ dar-zurah: a suthay-raht khajiit born to members of a trade caravan. she was raised to become a merchant, as her silver tongue was apparent from a young age. this was not the life she wanted, however; she left the caravan near the border of skyrim, looking to take advantage of the chaos of the war and make her own fortune.
★ j’siir: a cathay-raht khajiit and dar-zurah’s younger brother. due to his stature, he was raised to be a caravan guard, a role he fills without complaint. he was taken by surprise by his sister’s disappearance and set off to find her and bring her back home.

★ heron: a bosmer sailor from southern valenwood. they’ve been up and down the coasts of tamriel, including up the niben to the imperial city. in port, you can usually find them at the nearest tavern or inn, mingling with their fellow patrons as though they’re all old friends.
★ undeveloped concepts: a maormer sailor/mage, maybe a wereshark? a bosmer warrior. a nord trans woman, minor nobility. a redguard ex-legionnaire. a breton acrobat/street performer.

★ darkest dungeon
> based on either the first or second game (haven't finished the second yet)
> canons only! just ask

★ other
> i can't promise i'd actually want to rp these, but feel free to ask
> a house of many doors. fallout (1, 3, nv, 4). fear & hunger. final fantasy xiv. pathologic 2. sun haven.


> the one exception to me not having plots is a world + character i've been developing on and off for a while. i need to write up summaries for both, but in the meantime please ask if you're interested! it's a dark fantasy setting with the main character i've developed being an undead knight. sort of a middle ground between low and high fantasy in that magic and gods exist, but almost no one is able to use magic and the gods are rulers of kingdoms. a lot of my character's story is about identity, accepting death, and a little bit of revenge.

hopefully something catches your eye! feel free to post here or pm me
Last edited:
hi! my name's jack, i'm 28, and i use they/he pronouns. i'm hoping to find a couple of rps to get me back into writing.

some guidelines/info

  • please be 18+! i'm almost 30 and frankly i don't have any business socializing with minors online
  • i'm not a stickler for any kind of response schedules. take as long or as short of a time as you want, and please let me do the same. feel free to say something if i'm taking a while, though
  • response lengths depend on the scene/my mood but i always write multiple paragraphs and try and match what i'm given. just give me enough to work with and don't be surprised if i suddenly forget how to be concise lol
  • i mostly play male or nonbinary characters, but i play women when i'm in the mood for it
  • that said, i'm not into m/f romance unless the idea is really good. any other type of romance is fine
  • no canon/oc for fandoms. i'll specify whether i'm interested in canons or ocs for different fandoms
  • i prefer using descriptions instead of face claims, but if face claims are something you want, i prefer drawn ones or picrews/something similar
  • i can play a single character/double/triple/whatever you want to do
  • i'm willing to rp on-site or on discord
  • i write in third person past tense, please do the same
  • ditch-friendly because i am very guilty of it myself
  • i can provide writing samples, if you'd like

what i'm looking for

if something is crossed out, i'm not interested in it at the moment!


★ darkest dungeon
> based on either the first or second game (though i haven't finished the second)
> canons only!
> most confident in playing dismas, sarmenti, and paracelsus, but i'm willing to try most of the cast
> my top pairings are dismas/reynauld, sarmenti/baldwin, and paracelsus/audrey. feel free to suggest others you like!
> this is mostly what i'm looking for, to be honest T_T

★ fallen london + sunless sea
> i've played fallen london and some sunless sea, but i'm open to using settings from either
> ocs only

★ elder scrolls
> i am a lore fiend and i apologize in advance
> i've played morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, and a bit of eso. from most to least favorite: morrowind, skyrim, oblivion, and eso
> ocs only

★ misc others
> mostly listing these for vibes or inspiration for original rps, or in case someone has an idea for one i'd be interested in
> under the spoiler to save space:
a house of many doors
dark souls
disco elysium
dragon age
dungeon meshi/delicious in dungeon
elden ring
final fantasy (2, 9, 12, 14, tactics)
fire emblem (blazing blade, awakening, echoes, three houses)
hollow knight
legend of zelda (particularly botw/totk)
lisa the painful
stardew valley
witch hat atelier
yume nikki


> fantasy, basically any kind
> dark fantasy
> historical settings, not strictly accurate/realistic
> southern gothic
> victorian gothic
> cosmic/lovecraftian horror
> abstract/surreal elements, whether characters/plot/etc
> monsters
> knights
> unlikely adventurers, whether it's people you wouldn't expect to be together or people who don't seem like the adventuring type
> characters that don't get along
> older characters
> established relationships
> platonic relationships
> monarch and their long-time retainer/guard
> a king and his fool
> farmer/werewolf responsible for livestock disappearing
> not really a prompt but i'm looking more for interesting characters to play against or interesting dynamics than super in-depth plotting

> futuristic settings/scifi
> modern settings without any kind of fantasy/supernatural elements
> pure slice of life; elements and scenes are fine, but i need things to happen eventually to stay interested

i feel like i wrote too much, but hopefully something catches your eye! feel free to post here or pm me
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