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Realistic or Modern Running With Wolves|Characters [CLOSED]


Chosen callsign (nickname):

Age (28-36):

Height (5'11"-6'3")

Appearance (no anime. preferably a pic but written descriptions are fine):

Origin (US Navy SEALs, British SAS, French GIGN, Russian FSB):

Skills(your characters will be trained in every one of these forms of combat. chose one they specialize in;
close quarters, sharpshooting, scouting, ground assault, medical):

Back story (nothing intricate. just why they joined service and how they climbed the ranks):

Personality (no hotheads or trigger fingers):

Notable features (scars, tattoos):

Years in Wolfpack (5-0. 5=from the start, 0=newbie):​
Dita (Happy Warfare) Bernadette (Brave as the Bear)
Chosen callsign: "Bear"

Age: Twenty-nine years old

Height: 5'11"


Origin: US Navy SEALs

Skills: Sharpshooting

Back story: Dita was born in America to two Brazilian parents, who were illegal aliens. She grew up quickly, realizing that the word wasn't an easy place, especially for her family. Once terrorism became worse, and aliens were deported back to their original countries, Dita was alone. She then saw it as her duty to help stop out terrorism, and to stomp out the hate seen towards aliens, such as her beloved parents.
When Dita joined the US Navy SEALs, she was highly disrespected and pushed, due to her foreign ancestors. She was doubted and seen as weak, especially for being a female. Yet she persisted, and never gave up. If she failed, she did that challenge until she had it perfect. She was more persistent than most of the males who trained with her, which caused her to climb the ranks quickly and efficiently.

Personality: Dita is reserved and silent, yet deadly. She is capable of out smarting many, and should have chosen a tactical type of job. She is quick to think, and able to process a solution to a problem within seconds. Incredibly persistent and honest, she respects everyone around her highly, even if they are lower in rank.
She has always been an incredible shot, and enjoys handling guns. She can use almost any gun you place in her possession, and she can cover anyone from a respectable distance.

Notable features: Dita has a scar that cuts through her left eyebrow, and one straight scar under her left eye. She doesn't tell of how she received them, and refuses to explain any deeper than, "why should you care?"

Years in Wolfpack: 3
Name: Theodore "Theo" William-Henry Davis

Chosen Callsign: "Big Bird"

Age: 33

Height: 6' 01"


Origin: British SAS

Skills: Ground Assault

Back Story: Being born in Wales to two loving parents, Theo had a steady and eventful life. Skipping ahead, to the end of High School, Theo was still undecided on what he wanted to do in life. He knew that he wanted to help people, but he didn't know how. That's when his father helped him understand that the best way to help people was by fighting "evil". And with the growing threat that was ISIS, Theo decided on his career within the month. After High School, Theo got a full-on job as a manager for a local car dealership. Yes, he did make a LOT of money, but he found no joy from his job. Nearly ten years later, Theo had gotten married, had a daughter, and was expecting twin boys within the next three months. Yet, he was still unhappy. This was due to the fact that he still didn't follow the career he wanted to. So, when he got permission from his wife to join the military, he did. Theo spent two years in the British armed forces until his commander had finally realized his potential and signed him up for the newly made "Wolfpack". Now three years later, Theo has gained respect amongst those of his colleagues and holds the highest rank he has ever achieved.

Personality: To put it short, Theo is a caring dare-devil who holds no remorse for those he kills, as he knows those who he kills are the enemy

Notable features: (none)

Years in Wolfpack: 3 years

Extra: Theo is bilingual, and can speak Welsh and English​

Name: Alexander Raymond

Chosen callsign: He is called by a few names in the Wolfpack. They are Reaper, Alpha, or Alpha-1

Age: 32

Height: 6'1"

Appearance: As seen above, but on mission he wears a skull mask.

Origin: US Navy SEALs

Skills: Alexander needed to perfect all forms of combat in order to be leader of the Wolfpack but he has truly perfected close quarters combat.

Back story: Born into a military family, Alexander was always interested in the military. While in school he excelled in academics and athletics. He was originally going to go for the Marines but his father told him he could do much better. So Alexander went to the SEALs. While there he smashed the training program. When the Wolfpack was in the making, those who made it realized that it needed a leader. Looking through the SEALs they found Alexander's file. Seeing his reports and statistics they immediately assigned him leader. Now he trains and leads the agents of the Wolfpack.

Personality: Alexander is stern and serious. He needs to set an example for the agents that comprise the Wolfpack. He has no empathy for the enemy, for he knows the enemy's agenda. He is caring for the newbies and respectful of the older agents, but don't disrespect him or he'll make you fear him more than death. He also has a deep, raspy voice that could intimidate even the toughest soldiers.

Notable features: He has (ironically) a tribal wolf tattoo on his right shoulder.

Years in Wolfpack: 5 (duh, he's the leader)​
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Just a reminder, your character's name is unknown to everyone else's characters except mine and Mendaian's.
"It's easy to die, the true difficulty lies in keeping those who should be dead Alive."
Ewan Nikita Alexeev
Chosen callsign:
Appearance: As seen as above, when in low danger/ difficulty mission, however has a full tactical set(Below) when needed.
Full tac.jpg
Origin: Russian FSB

Skills: Medical. As it is known world wide that the Russian FSB's are trained to kill, and enjoy it, thrill died on Ewan early into his life. It was for this reason Ewan took up Medicine, testing himself how close to death's grip he could save someone.

Back story (nothing intricate. just why they joined service and how they climbed the ranks):
Life for Ewan was not filled with Joys and rainbows compared to his American and British "allies". His Life began with two parents, and six older brothers, who fought amongst themselves to be the strongest of the family. With seven children, and with his father being a coal worker, and natural resource worker in the northern portion of the state, and his mother being a factory seamstress, left the children to fend for themselves. While the fourth eldest brother Dmitri, took care of Ewan, he was killed by the second Eldest Yachov, when Ewan was twelve over a simple disagreement. At the age of thirteen Ewan found himself mixed up with a Russian Gang, and was wisked off away from his family to become a "Look out", and "Side man". It was then at the age of fifteen when Ewan had his first and final run in with the Russian Law, where he killed three Russian police officers, before attempting to flee the area. He was then quickly apprehended. Spending the next three years in prison, Ewan was moved from prison, to prison, due to his gang affiliation, once he turned eighteen Ewan was offered a deal by the Russian government to attempt the training for the Russian army, and then the FSB's. Fail at any point in the training, and sentenced to Life in prison, pass, and all crimes would be exonerated. Through trail by blood and hell, Ewan passed each task set before him, and quickly climbed the militaristic ladder of the Russian military ranks.

Personality: While quite reserved, and quiet throughout his life time, Ewan has found that there is a proper time and place to speak and act accordingly, as such he keeps his speaking to a minimum. However when his unit is not in harms way, Ewan can be found "attempting" to tell jokes to those within the unit. While he does not consider himself a "Jokester", by any stretch of the imagination, he finds that comedy keeps those around him less likely to be miserable with the task at hand.

Notable features (scars, tattoos):
Left armReaper 2.jpg
Right shoulder:Lighthouse Tattoo.jpg

Years in Wolfpack: "5 Long, and painfully idiotic years"
Name: onésime josué deniau

Chosen callsign (nickname): gelure (frostbite)

Age (28-36): 29

Height (5'11"-6'3"): 6'2


Appearance (no anime. preferably a pic but written descriptions are fine):

Origin (US Navy SEALs, British SAS, French GIGN, Russian FSB):
French GIGN

Skills(your characters will be trained in every one of these forms of combat. chose one they specialize in;
close quarters, sharpshooting, scouting, ground assault, medical):

Back story (nothing intricate. just why they joined service and how they climbed the ranks):
Onésime joined the military initially to try and get his technological ideas out there, but never got around to it. Instead he kept to himself doing his work. He ate, drank, and breathed training. He spent his time pushing himself and trying to set new limits to how well he could aim, while on the meantime using special custom-made bullets for his rifle that released a deadly paralyzing poison into the target for non-lethal takedowns or in case he didn't kill the target in one shot.
Personality (no hotheads or trigger fingers):
Introverted, mostly quiet. Spends most of his time training or tinkering with devices.

Notable features (scars, tattoos): he's missing his left pinkie finger.

Years in Wolfpack (5-0. 5=from the start, 0=newbie): 3
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I know he's soldier 76. It took me so long to find an image that I liked for this character. And he was like, the best match XF.
"Go To Gulag!!"

Name: Jarslow Wojic
Nickname: Comrade
Age: 35
Call sign: Mr. Stalin
Height: 5'9"
Skills: Extreme Sharpshooter (Comes from a family who has served in the Russian Anti tank rifle division since world war 2) The PTRDS 1 anti tank rifle is known to be a Deadly rifle and when the user has mounted a sniper scope to one It becomes a 1 hit 1 kill death machine, If you can control it's recoil.
Origin: Russian FSB
Appearance: (As seen above)



Callie Kingson

Chosen Callsign:








X - She sometimes wear this on missions but she mainly were this one - X






Callie grew up in a Miltary family, her dad and both her older brothers were both marines so she felt like it was her job to do the same. Her family didn't like the idea of the only girl since their mom had passed away when Callie was born going off to war. They tried to change her mind but she wouldn't budge. She decided to go into the US Navy Seals then the marines. She learned how to fight and was really skilled at it since her brothers taught her and she was shooting guns since she was 10 with her dad. She was pushed and shoved because she was a girl but she soon taught them who was business as she moved past them in rank. She was at first only doing it to prove a point but she soon became to love the military. She couldn't see herself anywhere else. She pushed herself to do better each day and moved up in rank faster and faster because of that.


Callie is silent, she will not talk if she does not have to.She almost refuses to talk even if she have to. You could almost call her mute. She is very intelligent and can figure out a problem and know what to do with it in a few seconds. She hates being touch and will flip you over if you do. She is stubborn, but a little understanding.

She is quite skilled in close combat and almost masterfully skilled at scouting and not being seen. She can handle guns well but only use them in an emergency because they are quite loud.

Notable Features:

She has two scars that go across her cheek. She doesn't talk about them at all. She has multiple scarring on her back and legs but no sees them.

Years in Wolfpack:

1.5 years
Mitchell Patterson

Chosen callsign:



British SAS

Ground Assault

Born to a rather well off family, Mitchell lived a relatively calm and unburdened life. He was certainly intellectually capable, facing only a handful of challenges throughout his academic career. As such, he found it necessary to come up with said challenges himself. Eventually, he would find himself taking up more strenuous physical activities, becoming a decent athlete-in-the-making, so to speak. After graduating, he found himself working multiple jobs over the years, and while many were satisfying and well-paying job, Mitchell never found one that he was ready to commit to. Within a few years however, he took up gunmanship as a hobby of sorts, discovering his proficiency as a marksman along the way. One thing led to another and before he knew it, he was enlisted in the British Army. Once in service, Mitchell put his talents to good use during his time in military, which was made apparent as he would be eventually be referred to the Wolfpack.

Self-driven and motivated, it's no surprise that Mitchell has gotten where he is today. He's a very by-the-book person who intends on seeing a plan through once it has been decided upon. Being a heavy thinker, he's frequently caught staring or lost in thought. Regardless, he is capable of remaining level-headed in dire situations, to which he attributes much of his success on the battlefield to.

Notable features:
As expected, years of service has left him with a number of scars on his body, though none of them are overly prominent or especially noteworthy.

Years in Wolfpack:
Welp, after requesting a sitrep on hosted projects I now have to just do a regular thread. I just don't like to because I see them as sloppy when dealing with different locations. Oh well. I can't put this off forever. I'll have a few threads up tonight for the rp (ooc, rp, and extra info).
No, not offensive, just not legitimate. Comrade would be a fine callsign. Also, he looks like he is from WWII. This RP is set in 2023.

Name: Miranda Dawson

Chosen callsign (nickname): Citadel

Age (28-36): 28

Height (5'11"-6'3") 5'12

Origin (US Navy SEALs, British SAS, French GIGN, Russian FSB): British SAS

Skills(your characters will be trained in every one of these forms of combat. chose one they specialize in;
close quarters, sharpshooting, scouting, ground assault, medical):

Miranda is skilled in scouting and infiltration. Her main skills revolve around gathering intel and layouts for the team when it comes to assaults and infiltration into known enemy strongholds.

She works both on the ground herself as well as the most up to date drones and tech to scout out hot spots as well as hacking to find locations for the team to attack

Back story (nothing intricate. just why they joined service and how they climbed the ranks):

Miranda was born in Melbourne, Australia into a military family, her brothers all joined the Australian army, but Miranda moved to the UK and found her calling in the army there instead.

She is a perfectionist at heart and this relentless drive and cold efficiency quickly gained her notoriety with the higher ups and she climbed the ranks until she was drafted into the SAS in an infiltration/scouting role.

Her successful digging eventually got her nominated to a position in the wolfpack, her skills earning her the name "Citadel" a play on his meaning of fortress since it was her job to relay up to date info to the team when needed both in and out of the field.

Once in the team, she re-located again her family being told a generic story that she was joining a research and development team in the US. For security purposes she could not tell her family the truth of the team she had joined.

Personality (no hotheads or trigger fingers):

Miranda generally is all business when it comes to work, she has a slight ruthlessness about her when it comes to dealing with fact finding missions and working with the team. Because she is so focused on her work it makes her appear cold to anyone who is not on the immediate team itself.

It takes a while to see that she hides her own worries under her cold exterior. Afraid of something happening to any of the team so she makes herself seem cold and indifferent but the team have cracked through the facade over her time with the team.

Notable features (scars, tattoos):

Because most of her work is out of the field she has no scars to speak of, but she does have a star tattoo on her wrist as a reminder of a friend she lost some years back while living in Australia.

Years in Wolfpack (5-0. 5=from the start, 0=newbie):

She has been with the team for a year now

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