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Realistic or Modern Runaway Rejects (Tate & Queen Mei)


Your Queen

If you are not Tate or Queen Mei, please do not post here.

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Full Name: Oliver A. Roderick.

Nickname(s): Oli (primary).

Age: Seventeen.

Gender: Male.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.

Openly?: No.

Hair Color: Deep brown.

Eye Color: Cinnamon brown.

Height: Five foot nine.

Build: Slim | Muscular | Toned.

Personality: Intelligent | Impulsive | Street-Smart | Assertive | Independent | Callous | Cocky | Mistrusting.

History: Oliver grew up in the suburbs as an only child to a suffocating, over-bearing mother and an alcoholic father. Now, things weren't necessarily bad when he decided he'd had enough and hit the rode. No, things were as they usually were. He knew with the grades he had, he was never getting into college like his mother was pressing him to look to. They didn't have the money to put him through, either. The thing was, Oli didn't even want to go in the first place. He wanted to do his own thing, take care of himself, which is what he's now doing.



June 2nd, 1998.

Age He Ran Away:


Currently Resides:

Some place near New York City, New York.

Run-Ins With Authority:

In the past, yes. Currently he's been living under the radar.

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Name: Angelo Rodriguez

Alias: Archangel

Age: Sixteen

Birthdate: March 10th, 1999

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Out Of The Closet?: Yeah. He doesn't care.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Light blue-ish gray

Basic Appearance: Angelo has a slim build, with defined muscles - especially around his abs, "V" muscles, calves, and biceps. He has a slight hourglass shape, which he uses to his advantage, trying to get things by seduction if not by fighting or convincing words.



~Fun Loving



~Street Savvy



~Loves Sex

~Loves Music

Biography: Angelo was born into a poor family, in a very poor neighborhood. His mother was Mexican, and an illegal immigrant until she married his dad. He'd been working since he was about seven, trying to make money for his family. Then his brother ended up getting custody of him when he was thirteen, and Devin was nineteen. His parents had both died in a car crash, and they were left alone. Within a few months he had run away, and he's been running ever since. He knows how to survive on the streets, and knows how to get what he wants.

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