
Eldritch Being

I see you and have found you wanting

Name: rumpelstiltskin 

Age:  4000 

Gender: as the deal warrants it

Sexuality: prefers women but as the deal warrants it.

Appearance: I have a slightly metallic skin that make me look sickly and my smile with teeth of different lengths only make me look creepy especially since I'm always wearing it. My short stature also contributes to my creepy and over all untrustable look.

Personality: I'm twitchy to say the least and untrusting I dislike people who aren't unsettled by me and only when they are truly desperate am I in the mood to deal or if they can find me. I like things with value of any form true value is all that matters.

Story: rumpelstiltskin

Bio: I am an Imp born of magic and all that my magical abilities and low morals I went around stealing children and such from the truly despite some times I ate the kids some times I sold them tell this one whore beat me at my own game. Yes she beat me I spun her gold and she gave me nothing I've been set back by the even but I'm not done not at all

Family: all died "mysteriously"

Relationships: I've laid with many people none I wouldn't kill

Likes:things of any type of value I accept 

Dislikes: deal breakers, and people who spy


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