Rule of Vampires

Keyla looks at Lily who was a lot more plesent then her master it appeared. Keyla was blind so being called unattractive wasn't that irritating. She smiled. "Yes Africa is quite the cat...and I own the castle completely. It was handed down from my father." She said and then stretched out her wings wide and she yawned. "I decided to open it up since it was so big." She said smiling.

Flower nodded. "My name is Flower." She said and then smacked Noel. "Got it...FLOWER!" She said and then glared. "Shall I see if I can help with getting my name through your thick skull?" She said raising a fist.
Noel raised his hands to his face like he was ready for two hi fives except one clasped his orange beverage. "Listen Petunia. Is it that time of the month or are you always like this." Noel was annoyed with this flower girl the winged blind one wasn't a problem. This white haired girl was angry and annoying, two things when combined drove Noel insane.
Flower looks at him and then rubbed her head annoyed. She moved off. "Africa....attack." Flower said and Africa jumped up and charged straight for Noel. Flower smirked and continued cooking the meal for her master and his guests.
Evangeline was about to continue the conversation with Zane, but she heard the commotion in the kitchen, and walked in calmly, looking at the Lion gunning for Noel, and she yelled. Her voice was scary authoritative, and she was annoyed to boot, "STOP!" She shook her head, "Are you all children?"
Zane grabs Noel by the collar and yanks him out of the way "Yeah. Flower's not very nice." he chuckles then looks over as Evangeline yells at the group "What exactly happened to cause this?" he looks at Noel questioningly before letting go of his collar
Keyla walked over and petted Africa to calm him down. The large beast rubbed his head on keyla. She looked at flower who ignored it and continued cooking. Keyla chuckled silently. "Sorry about's just a bit of fun on flower's part...I don't think she was going to let again here cause Noel any harm." She said standing up straight.
Evangeline sighed, looking at Keyla, then Flower, "Ok. Just... don't maim each other. Ok?" She turned, catching the back of Zane's collar in a fluid motion, and pulled him again to the other room. Once there, she shook her head, her eyes red, "What were you saying?"
"That we can hide it from your father. And when he finds out, at most he will send someone to try to kill me. They won't succeed. My other side is fighting really hard to get out right now. And if someone comes after me he will break out. And someone. Not me. Will die." he smiles and looks at her hopefully "So, want to give it another try?" he offers a hug and smiles slightly.
Noel turned to look at the guy who grabbed him... "You can let go now... I'm not going to kiss you." Noel refixed his jacket after he swatted Zane's hand off of him. "Listen Plant! you really are STARTING TO PISS ME OFF!" Noel barked as he stomped his foot in protest. He sneezed again after a second or two because of the lion.
Evangeline closes her eyes for a moment and gives in, "Alright... but we can't hide it from people. My father will just have to stuff a sock in his mouth..." She could hear yelling from the other room, and was about ready to pin someone if they didn't calm themselves. She was still really thirsty.
Flower looked at him with a blank expression. "Oh look there's a door...use it." She said more or less saying where's your point. She wen back to cooking. Keyla stood there listening to the two carefully incase a fight broke out. She wasn't sure what flower was going to do and even more worrisome....Noel.
Zane smiles amd hugs her tightly then backs away "You never got to feed after I fed off of you. Feed from me." he holds his wrist out to her "It's not good for you to not feed. Especially after I took so much from you."
Liliana glared at Noel, and was a little annoyed at flower too, "On second thought, I'm not hungry." She pulled him the other way hard, not wanting a fight right now. She pulled Noel by his arm, and didn't care if her nails were oh.... 'accidentally' scratching him.

"Your blood is a newborn's though basically," she said, looking at him, her head tilted to the side, "It would be only as good as an animal's at best. It is unlikely that it would taste good... However I will do this." Eva walked up to him and kissed him lightly, closing her eyes in bliss. Her fangs scrapped against his lower lip, and she sucked on the blood from it happily.
"Wait, wait!" Noel was getting dragged by Lily back to the room "I COULDA TAKEN HER! why... did you stop me?" Noel looked at her now as she was pulling him, swiping his arm back and rubbing where she had pulled him so forcibly. "alright alright.... I feel bad. I'll order us some food anything you want!" Noel was trying to bribe her to make her happy because for some reason he felt he was in trouble.
Zane smiles like an idiot for a second before regaining his composure "I've been a vampire for six years, I probably don't taste that bad." he smirks and pecks her on the lips quickly "Not as hood as you though. Obviously." he chuckles before looking into the kitchen "I assume we should go back in there before they murder each other. Unless you want to feed off me." he taps his neck
"Wait my ass. Even I know Evangeline. TV, ever heard of it?" Noel tapped his arm lightly, "She's a big face with both humans and Vampires. She comes to the free land a lot, talks to us, trying to make things better. She's like... ancient or something. You don't want her pissed at you. Ok?" she glared at him, then sighed, her anger deflating, "We could go out to eat... Just go to some Greek place. Vampires still like the taste of human food right? Just doesn't give you guys sustenance?"

Evangeline looked towards the kitchen again, and then back to Zane, "They are fine. It will resolve itself..." Her eyes were still red, and before Zane could even realize it, her fangs were in his neck, and she was drinking deeply.
Zane stumbles back slightly and his back hits the wall. He chuckles and wraps his arms around her waist "Hmm. I forgot what it felt like to be fed off of." he smiles and lets her feed. It was only fair. He fed from her and drank way too much. He kind of owed her. And he didn't really mind her feeding off of him
Evangeline bit down harder, and sucked harder for a moment before releasing him, and licking up his wound, sealing it quickly. She smirked, and looked at her handiwork, a nice large hickey on his neck. Her eyes were a bright red still, and she kissed him hard, then pulled away, walking to the other side of the room as she looked at stuff, "You ok?"
"She looked like a stuck up B!%*$, so thats whatever her name is." Noel looked at Lily with a little disgust about how important that nobody woman was... "AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN PISS HER OFF!" Noel was offended by her assuming he would. "Besides if she wanted to make society better make it a damn republic or democracy, who needs kings and rulers anyways. It is just to oppress and control. Growth of civilization slows behind the ideals of one figure head, seems pretty god damn stupid if you ask me." Noel crossed his arms and threw his head to the side like a child being angry at someone.
Lily rolled her eyes, "She doesn't want to be the only one to rule, at least from what she's said. She is just powerful. I don't really want you hurt, so calm down, and stop acting like a little kid." She poked his chest lightly, "How old are you anyways?"
Zane pushes off the wall so he was standing up straight. He touches his neck and then smirks "I'm great. You?" he appears infront of her and opens his mouth running his tounge across his fangs. He was kind of dizzy but he just shrugfed it off. Now he was thirsty again. He would just find someone later to feed off of. He grabbed Evangeline's hand and smiles slightly "Flower is going to be very sucpicious." he laughs then looks at her and smiles brightly his blue eyes happy
"older than you." Noel stuck his tongue out at Lily as if solidifying what she had just said. "You sure do know a lot about Mrs High britches... kinda annoying if you ask me." Noel cleaned his ear with his finger as he said this. "If you want go be her and or crazy creepy weird guy's slave. Those two freaks need to get a damn room if they act like that outside. Some princess she is a disgrace." Noel was getting fired up as he hated the nobility and everything they stood for this princess was no better than the rest of them.
"You are right..." Evangeline said, looking into his eyes, wondering how long this side could hold on until he shifted to the other again, "Let's go to her." She grabbed his hand as well, and moves off to the kitchen again, and sees that the Noel and Lily are gone, "Hello Flower, all is well?"
Zane was still smiling as he walked to the back of the kitchen and leaned back against the wall. His thirst was making it even harder to stay in control. One little slip and the other side took over. He closes his eyes to focus on staying in control. He hums to himself quietly and eventually opens his eyes looking around the room then back at Evangeline. His eyes fixed on her.

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