Rule of Vampires

The Writer

Your Doom
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Keyla was inside the house. She slowly started to clean the kitchen. Keyla found it a bit difficult….when you can’t see. Yes, Keyla is blind but she is far from helpless, you could say she has certain senses that can detect other people around her. Her hearing wasn’t too bad either. She lifted her wings a bit behind her and then turned to the window when she heard the sounds of horse hooves. She blinked unable to see who it was. She sighed and then turned to walk out of the kitchen. She turned down the hall and stopped at the door front door hearing the sound of humans. It was a slave trader, how dare he step foot on her property. She clenched her fists. The sound of chains irritated her. It was bad enough to have vampires in her home, but at least she could help the slaves in a small way.

Deathwish was walking down the hallway on the third floor. He was holding a book in his hand reading it as he walked. He was stealthy, not making a sound in his movements. He looked up and closed the book within his hand wondering what had just arrived. He turned to a window but the roof of second floor blocked his view. He turned toward the stairs. This castle was interesting to say the least. He did like to observe the other vampires that had come to call it home. Once he had reached the fourth floor he looked outside, his eyes widened to see a girl in a cage. Her hands were bound by chains at the top of the cage and she seemed to be calm at the moment, more surprising than her unusual restraints was her hair. Her hair was white as snow, it was long and covering her face. He put his hand to his chin wondering to himself. It was interesting indeed, a random slave owner arriving here with a rare human.

Nick was in a large living room. He sat the couch drinking a bit of wine by the fire. He put his head on the arm rest of the couch as he was laying on it. He sighed a bit and looked around seeing if his slave was nearby. He was bored but didn’t find it needy enough to bother his slave if she wasn’t around. Nick was a more laid back guy so he found it useless to yell in such a quiet castle.

Flower was the girl outside in the cage. Her hands tied above her. She had her hair covering her face but when she looked out to the slave trader, eyes burning with furry at him even he could see her green eyes through her hair. She was cleaned up as if to attract more vampires to her. All the slave trader wanted was to have her out of his hair. She jerked on the chains a bit but found it useless to try for the moment. To the slave trader she was like a dragon, rare, unseen, but very dangerous. She watched as he tried to ignore her stare.
Rozaline walked around in the castle, carrying a tray of food to serve her master with. She put the glass of fine wine there because she knew how quickly he could drink it down. It wouldn't have been smart of her if she didn't think ahead and didn't have the wine carried on the tray---otherwise Rozaline would've had to walk through the spacious castle again just to get to the kitchen. She would put up with it, either way.

Rozaline finally entered the living room, peeking past a wall to see if he was there and he was. Sitting in front of the fire on a couch.
Nick heard her coming and then looked as she peeked in. He closed the book and then slowly sat up with a smile. "Ah Rozaline." He said and then chuckled. "You know timing my dear I was just hoping you would come." He said and then set the empty glass down on the coffee table. He waved his hand for her to come in. He looked at her and then waited for her to bring the tray of food.
Waiting for her master to buy her, she awaited in one of the top floor rooms with her sword in her lap. Swinging her legs from side to side she thought about the time when they came to her house. She didn't care for her father after she learned the truth, so she gladly went with the vampires. Below she could hear a helpless slave screaming out for help. Edo only shook her head multiple tims as she shrugged. To her it was useless and besides whhy waste your time being a human when you can do so much more. Sure the title of slave wasn't the best one to have but at least you get to prove your worth. She chuckeld as she thought.
This small girl slowly sat up from her bed. The bed in which took up half the room spacious but she liked it. The small girl let her eyes flutter open as she crawled out of bed and sat at her mirror. She smiled and began brushing her white teeth. She walked to the door after applying red lip gloss to her pale pink lips. The girl put on her gown and opened her door she was hungry but had no servent as of yet due to her last blood lust for the human. She glanced around what was her name again? It was elegant but she was too dazed to remember as she usual was when she awoke."Death? Elegant Death? No no... 'twas shorter......"she murrmured as she took the time to gaze out the window at the slaves."...... Hopeless battles?.... I would think not...."she added in as she began walking then it hit her,"oh yes Opal....."she thought aloud and nodded. Yes this was her name the gem of death Opal.
Rozaline was never quite sure why Nick spoke the way he did, from what she could easily gather he was a flirt. She stepped forward, taking a small breath as she did so. Don't trip on something, Roz... she thought, glancing at Nick and at the same time, making sure the glass of wine stood where it was. "Your dinner," she got near enough to him and served the food to Nick. In her eyes he was unpredictable, and she averted her brown eyes away from his scarlet ones.
Opal took a step into the living room and glanced around she spotted Nick and his slave."sorry to intrude"Opal said and left just as quickly as she came. This wasn't an facade a act she put on... No no she was just feeling a bit sluggish and didn't really remember where she was going. Her stomach growled so she peeked into the kitchen. She glanced towards the slaves again,"maybe I should by one"she thought then stepped outside and looked at them all,"hello"she greeted the slavetrader as she looked around,"which is your hardest worker?"she asked dazedly. She wanted one to cook for her that would be the first task,"but..... I want one that is smart too"she added wanting one to be able to pick out books for her to read. She wouldn't touch this new slave she wanted one to have for as long as she could. She wouldn't snap down on it's neck so easily.
From bheind the slave truck goto stepped out. Rubbing the back of his head he yawend , as he walked past the slave trader and into the house. before he could make it past the opening of the door, the slave trader told him to stop. The tall blonde man looked back at him will narrowed eyes that were filled with annoyance. " look here you quiviling mule..i am goto on of the top vampires that feed your incomplete sleves. I am the one who helps your pathetic family when there low. Know your place." He smiled as she continued to walk into the home.
Opal blinked a bit watching the man walk inside. What a brute what a slim ball..... But his high and mightiness intrigued her. Had she found a new playmate? Maybe so she would be sure to provoke him before the end of the day. If she could muster up the memory she then returned her gaze to the slavetrader. Opal tilted her head,"your best slave sir...."she asked again this time a bit more impatient. She was growing hungry and wasn't going to stand for idiotic men. Soon she would lose her temper if he didn't respond.
Flower looked at the two vampires that had come out one went inside and the other continued to talk to the slave trader. Flower narrowed her eyes and then looked back at the house wondering what else was in there. She looked up at her sore and aching arms. Her wrists were red from the chains. Yes she heard the space trader make his way down the slaves trying to sell each one to the vampire looking for a slave.

Nick looked at her and then tilted his head. He gently took the tray from her. "Thank you." He said and then he set the tray down. He grabbed her chin and tilted it up. "Why hide such lovely eyes? Is there something to fear from me?" He asked looking at her wondering what she had gone through.

keyla stepped aside as one of the vampires came through the door. She looked at him with her white eyes even through they could see nothing. She put her arms in front of her and gently grabbed each of her hands in the other. She gave him a slight little bow, her wings folded nicely behind her.
The slave owner looked around frantically then pulled a female out with a sowrd. She landed on the ground. Her boots making a click sound as she pushed the man away. " a bit more gentle huh pal." She pulled away and looked at the house. The slave trade pushed her forward. " would this do mam." Edo looked at the female . " male male buddy i said he has to be a male." The slave trader ignored her rant. " will this do mam."

Goto stopped and looked toward the one that had bowed. Intresting he thought, nice mannaers good body easy, to understand. He didn't mind this one so he turned toward her on the back of his heals. Returning her kind greeting he to gave her a bow. " thank you for your kind greeting."
Opal blinked,"don't be sexiest"she told Edo then let out a yawn."hmmmm if she can cook I will take her"Opal said then looked at Edo,"but she looks skilled and strong..... Enough to protect....."she mumbled then rubbed her eyes a bit. Opal glanced at the girl in the cage with confusion. Why was such a pretty lionness sleeping in her den? Oh well she must be waiting for her lion tamer. Opal didn't have the patient so returned her gaze to the girl.
"Ofcourse I can cook." She stared at the vampire as she griped onto her blade. " fine..I wont be sexiest." The slave trader let out a sigh of relief as Edo bowed the sowrd going accrossed her chest diagnaolly. " are you in need of some food." She stood back up as she walked closer.
Opal nodded,"yes..... You can call me Mistress, Ma'am or Opal you choose im not picky.... But what is your name?"she asked. She then handed the slave trader a bag then again looked at the lioness tempted to set her free."I want you to loosen the grip of the lionesses chains and feed her something nice...."Opal told the slave trader giving him a pouch with more money inside."come"she told Edo as she began walking inside.
Following her inside she walked behind her . " My name is Edo." She liked her name, edo which meant no love, something she always thought about when she brought up her father. " what do you usually eat mistrees" She was trying to get a good idea of what to fix, so she wouldnt spend much time in the kitchen.
([MENTION=1478]Fire of Hearts[/MENTION] just so you know Opal is referring to your chara I thought it might get confusing since she's calling hera lioness meow 0v0)
"...No," Rozaline turned her head to the left, slightly so his hand was away from her chin at least. She looked into his eyes to prove her point, but too bad she felt her cheeks warming up a bit. She didn't want to fall for Nick's words. "I simply had a nightmare the other night," though that was true, the reason was that she still wasn't used to Nick yet. Not ever able to let her guard down because the experiences with other masters were those who just suddenly yelled at Rozaline for doing one something wrong that she didn't know. "But it's nothing of your concern, so no point in saying it," Rozaline said quietly. She always talked quiet when he was around, it was a habit of doing so in front of masters.
Opal thought,"I like all foods except those that have garlic and those that have vegetables....."she said. Her face seemed to scrunch to the center as she thought of these disgusting foods."I'll take you to the kitchen"Opal muttered and continued to walk.
She nodded as she made herself a mental note. She knew exactly what to cook and the time it takes to do it. She smiled thinking about the dish as she know the mistress would like it. Still she head rather perferred a male...she accepted this female vampire.
Opal sat behind the counter to watch Edo cook. She had to make sure no posion was put into her food,"your name.... If I remember it means no love..... This is intellegent..... Your parents must have known that love is not a serious emotion it's idiotic and can make you do rash things....."she explained the stretched,"I have to watch you the first time you make my food.... But why did you want a male master so badly?"she asked.
As she began to cook the steak medium well to where it would be easier to chew she would look up at her." because they show force and dominace.. i grew up knowing that men stood above all and i dont like haveing weak things." She began to make rice along with a brown sauce.
Keyla nodded. "Always, good sir." She said and then smiled at him. "Please ask me if you need anything I will gladly help." She said very happy to have such a good response. She got happy over the littlest of things but hey weren't so little to her. She looked as she heard the some of chains again.

Flower watched as the slave trader reluctantly lossened her chains. "Hey just untie me and take me into the house." She said and then looked as he had a confused looked on his face. "I go to go to the bathroom you got a problem with that?" She said glaring at him. He grabbed her chains and then pulled her out of the cage and walked inside. She walked and looked at a girl with wings and the vampire that mouthed off at he slave trader...not that she hasn't done that enough. She had slowed so the slave trader shoved her. She let out a growl and stopped hitting him hard on the head. She glared and then yelled out when he slapped her. She put her hands on the wall and glared at him.

Keyla jumped when she heard a slapping sound. She lookedtoward the sound stunned. "Who is being so daring as to do such a thing in my house?" She asked and the slave trader glared slightly. Keyla crossed her arms and walked over. She heard the girl with the chains back up a little. She looked at flower.

Nick looked at her. "My dear it is too worth mentioning." He said and then smiled charmingly at her. "I would wish my slave to be well rested not bothered with a dream." He said and then grabbed some food from the tray. "Sleep is apart of your health." He added and then looked at her. "Why don't you sit with me for a while. You may take a nap if you wish if you are tired." He said and then chuckled. "I hear it's comfortable in my arms." He chuckled again.
Opal let out a small chuckle,"humans don't really get the choice now do they...."she added,"and you don't have anything if you want dominance you wouldn't be a slave you would be something else....."she said. Opal outlined something on the table with her finger,"I'll show you around after I eat.... Then I will tell you some of your duties then you will clean my room and cook then we will plot some teasing"she said smirking slightly.
Goto smiled as he nodded his head. " then please do join me for dinner..i have yet to eat and would very much like it if you would accompay me." He smiled but also glanced over to the slave trader. " follow me dear." Hoping she would follow he moved toward the slave trader and grabbed the mans wrist. " YOU STILL DO NOT KNOW YOUR PLACE YOU INSIGNIGICATN BAFOON." his eyes lowered as he smiled. " shall i teach you what manners are."

She smiled as she put the plate with steak, rice and a creamy sauce infornt of her. " I know i can't choose my path..but hey a slave is a slave to me its just another title." She took off the apron and brushed herself off. " Can't wait to see what this place looks like...and my duties"
He WOULD know... Rozaline thought. "I'll stay, but I'm not sleeping," she shuddered at the image of him taking away some of her blood as she was sleeping. She looked at the fire, watching the flames dance and crackle with life. Rozaline gave Nick a sidelong glance. In this kind of glowing red-orange light his pale face made his eyes look the more vibrant. As much as she didn't want to admit it, but knew it was always true, Rozaline thought he was good-looking.

"Why do you want me here?" she questioned. That food was too enticing, she didn't want to look at it. Rozaline didn't have the time to eat, she had been too busy making one for him.

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