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Fantasy Ruin of Aetra

Play On Words

Musical Goddess
There are many kingdoms in Aetra, our world. All are different, all are powerful. And none can be overlooked:

First, Ghraet. The land of night, where all light eventually gets extinguished, and none of light can be truly happy. Vampires, Dark Elves, the Undead...

Second, Leav. The land of life, where plants flourish and bloom no matter the season or time of day. Light Elves, Harpies, all light creatures are welcome.

Third, Drakaj. The land of Shifters, where no animal is just an animal, where no person can be trusted. Shifters and humans reside here.

Fourth, Jark. The land of trade, where the filthiest live and get rich off goods. A harbor town with plenty of reputation. All species have passed through here.

The rest... Those are for you to decide. They are open for applications, and whoever makes them controls them as their ruler, if they are accepted.

The Kingdoms have had peace for generations, aside from trivial spats that last for a year at most. But tensions are rising. Assassinations, theft, everything disgusting is happening. And none can stop it now. It can be slowed, and allies can be bought. That is your job, as the new monarch in town, or the new Regent(Second in command). Or perhaps you are just a citizen, who happened to be caught in the crossfire.

So basically this is a kingdom/fantasy RP. All acceptable species and their abilities will be on the thread, which will be made if I get enough interest. I will consider allowing you to add a species to the list if you PM me.

Reply below if interested?
Angelostar4 said:
This sounds interesting to me. I'll join.
Awesome. I'll tag you when it starts, if it gets more interest. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please tag them.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]Awesome. I'll tag you when it starts, if it gets more interest. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please tag them.

Sure thing.
[QUOTE="String Theory]I'll join! When are y'all going to get started?

The link is above, so you can check out the actual thread.

As for the assumed starting date, we don't know for sure yet. There's a LOT of lore and work that has to be put in, so it'll take more than a day or two. But we're working, and hopefully it'll start soon.
[QUOTE="Play On Words]The link is above, so you can check out the actual thread.
As for the assumed starting date, we don't know for sure yet. There's a LOT of lore and work that has to be put in, so it'll take more than a day or two. But we're working, and hopefully it'll start soon.

Cool, I just joined this site so I'm not totally sure how you set up an rp on here. Should I post a character sheet somewhere?
[QUOTE="String Theory]Cool, I just joined this site so I'm not totally sure how you set up an rp on here. Should I post a character sheet somewhere?

If you scroll up, I posted a link above, that's the actual thread. There's a tab that says 'Character Sign-Up', hit that, read the CS template, and just fill it out. I'd suggest you read the Overview first. It's a lot of info, but it's essential for creating a char. If you have any questions(Like why a lot of it is blank...), just ask me in the 'Out of Character Chat'. Make sense?
[QUOTE="Play On Words]If you scroll up, I posted a link above, that's the actual thread. There's a tab that says 'Character Sign-Up', hit that, read the CS template, and just fill it out. I'd suggest you read the Overview first. It's a lot of info, but it's essential for creating a char. If you have any questions(Like why a lot of it is blank...), just ask me in the 'Out of Character Chat'. Make sense?

Will do, thanks for the help!

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