RpNation Newsletter: November 2017


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
November Newsletter
It's that time of the year again, but fear not ye students, winter break is almost here! To help take the edge off your stress, encourage your procrastination, sit back and enjoy this month's newsletter.

Housekeeping Announcements
Many thanks to
november by cdex.png

Member of the Month
One might even say this is an…Interview with a Vampire. *puts on sunglasses*

When did you start roleplaying? Where was it? Did you enjoy it at first?
Funnily enough I started roleplaying because of a friend of mine who was a complete writing nut. Or rather we actually got to know each other over it. Back in fifth grade, which was a good 13 years ago. We didn’t really have a lot in common except a similar taste in literature as we both were really into stuff like Bartimaeus and Eragon. Which is what kinda sparked us writing our own little fanfiction-like stories set in those universes.

Looking back it’s pretty funny, seeing that the quality of that stuff was just…special, yet it’s where I actually really got into writing with a partner.

How did you discover RpNation?
Through an epic quest taking me through ancient ruins filled with all manners of nasty critters, dungeons hunted by undead and hellish pits of the abyss….Or well, just a quick google search for “Roleplaying forum” back in 2016 when I was in a writing mood!

What are some other hobbies you have besides roleplaying?
Scribbling, sketching, drawing and illustrating the stories I write is one of my favorite pastimes since I can always just resort to covering my university papers with sketches.

Another big passion of mine is music, be it listening to it, engaging in flame-wars over which genre’s the best or even doing some of my own as I do play bass guitar and a bit of electric.

Hiking and Swimming are great ways to keep in shape too, with the former being especially great during autumn and winter in these parts!

And last, but certainly not least, I tend to obsess over movies, books and Tv series, consuming a ton of media. As expected as someone who studies Film as their minor.

Are you excited about any books, shows, or other related elements of media? What are they?
As already mentioned my interest in media always shifts, depending on my mood.

Sci fi on my mind? Bladerunner it is!

Fantasy? Damn, gotta spend over 10 hours rewarching all of LotR!

But something I’m a huge fan of, and what I usually come back to is modern supernatural stuff!

Recently it’s been the crime show “Grim”, totally worth a watch!

What is your favorite animal? Why?
Oof, that’s a really tricky questions since I love all critters!

If I had to choose though it’d probably be either faux-vampire bats or snow owls. The latter just being a really cool avian species, pun very much intended.

I’m not a fan of large animals to begin with and prefer pettable ones, especially flying ones. Because come on, wings are pretty bloody awesome!

What is your favorite food? Drink?

Alright, I’ll be serious for a while.

Spicy stuff is my bane, as are sweets. I love stuff that puts your taste buds to the test. That’s why I love cooking with all sorts of spices.

Pizza with peppers, thai curry, the list goes on!

As an University student I can’t deny that caffeine is what keeps this frail body working.
Wouldn’t really say it’s my all time favorite though as I do enjoy hot chocolate on cold days.

If you were to be stranded on an island, what three items would you have an why?
A parasol
A copy of Pirates of the Caribbean
And seaturtles, mate!

What era would you want to be born in and why?
Well, life sucked (in a bad way), during a lot of the earlier periods.
I’d have to settle for the 80’s.
Great fashion and even greater music, who wouldn’t want to be able to see their idols in their prime?

If you could play every single instrument basically or play one instrument completely flawlessly, what would you choose ? If the latter, what instrument?
As neat as being able to be a walking band on your own, I’d probably go for the piano. It’s just such a versatile instrument and it has all the class, and that’s coming from someone who listens to rock 80% of the time.

If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which color would it be and why?
That’s an easy one.
Goes with everything, always stylish and doesn’t make you stand out like a sore thumb!

Would you rather be a background character in a music video that's extremely well known or be the main character in a movie no one has heard of?
Ha! Loophole!
Doesn’t mean the movie has to suck!
Bladerunner isn’t really common knowledge and nobody even knew it existed until they made a sequel! And yet it’s regarded as one of the best movies of all time.

So I’ll go with option B, a true gem that’ll be a cult film in a few decades!

Got any RpNation projects? Tell us about them!
Still trying to figure out how to actually get an actual long-term vampire mystery roleplay underway that doesn’t die on page two.
Sacrificing virgins to the chaos god didn’t help so far, maybe I’ll have to get some co-gm’s to help me. *wink wink, nudge nudge*

What advice do you have for the newsletter readers?
There’s a newsletter?!

Probably the best advice I can give is not to jump into a rp if you’re only mildly interested in it. It almost guarantees that the roleplay will fail because crucial characters drop out of it or the gm isn’t 100% invested in supervising it.

Save yourself, and others, a headache and think twice before either putting up an Interest check or putting a quick “interested” in said thread.

I’m especially guilty of the former.

Vampunk Vampunk !​

Roleplay of the Month
GRIT by Axeykins Axeykins is a wild west roleplay with elements of steampunk and post-apocalyptic elements. This mixture creates an interesting setting sure to capture the imagination of many.

What are some of the things that inspired you to create this roleplay?
This is gonna sound funny but the idea for this was sparked by some insurance advertisement or maybe it was some bit of a show on TV. Whichever the case they showed action filled scenes of an old Wild Western type nature and it just hit me that a roleplay of that could be fun! As well as reminding me of a great old show called Trigun and the old western, post-apocalyptic, steampunk feel to that which furthered the idea.

What has made your roleplay successful?
I would say that is the level of enthusiasm from those who have showed interest and joined it. It really helped spark the idea further along and to what it is developing into now.

What do you believe are your strengths as a GM?
I like to try and give others as much creative room as possible. And work with anyone’s schedule or life happenings as much as possible. Checking in to see if they need help or what the situation is, even if it makes the forum go quite slow it’s proven better(at least from my experiences) to not stress others with needing posts frequently or risk getting left behind.

How about weaknesses?
Sometimes I’m too much of a pushover in a forum and don’t enforce rules enough or pushing a story forward more, Letting a lack in communication build up far too much. Another I would say if I ever really lose my temper for some reason and become an unending ultimate salt mine of pure saltiness.

How do you garner interest for your roleplays?
Asking friends for their opinions on the idea and if there’s any interest there. Then making an interest check on the site to get some outside opinions. Telling a basic idea for the story while the sudden inspiration is still strongest, then building it up from there as more show interest and excitement for it.

How did you come about roleplaying?
It’s been so long now that it’s hard to remember, but I believe it started with a real good old friend of mine inviting me to a Kingdom Hearts roleplay on a site called Fanpop back in ooooh….2009? 2010? It wasn’t a long lived one but it really got me hooked and joining more. Helped me in feeling out and developing characters I had only been drawing in very short comics and scenes at that time by putting them in situations I’d never think of myself, seeing different writing styles and having to think of how they would react. Seeing how a story unfolded and both having some control over it but waiting eagerly to see how some drama or twist affected it. Not to mention all the great friends I’ve made because of it as well. It all got me hooked on roleplaying for good.

How did you discover RpNation?
That would be due to another old old friend from that one site. She stumbled upon this great site for roleplaying and we’ve been here ever since.

What is the most unique roleplay you ever participated in?
That would be one called Heaven Killers. It’s since been disbanded but it was a fun Dice Roller hosted project while it lasted.

What stood out most?
How much depth to the lore and story and details in general there was. They thought of so much in it! It was amazing. And everyone was so nice and amazing at writing.

What is your fondest memory of roleplaying?
That is without a doubt all of the friends made along the way and the stories crafted with them through the years. Seeing friends grow as roleplayers and developing strong bonds with them for a long time.

What are some roleplaying tips and tricks you think others could benefit from?
Communication is important, an OOC or PM or whichever works best. A place where people can voice ideas or concerns and to discuss or remedy them. It also helps to ensure everyone is mostly on the same level of understanding and confusion is less likely to happen.

Do you have any roleplaying pet peeves? If so, what are they?
I don’t have too many but they are usually one liners that leave nothing to go off of, when someone just leaves without the slightest bit warning and doesn’t give a parting post or respond in some way first to help others move forward

Do you have any other projects in the works that you would like to share?
At the moment I’ve got nothing new in the works. Just some that I’ve been trying to kick back into gear and get going and active again.

Finally, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Is it an African or European swallow?

Axeykins Axeykins !​

Spooky Writing Contest Winners
Here are the official winners of the contest! We would like to thank everyone who participated and made this a fun event,
and we hope others enjoyed reading the stories.
  1. Submissions - If I Keep You Alive
  2. Submissions - The Inside
  3. Submissions - Pride Before the Fall

Honorable Mention
Submissions - The last dying message.

Featured Artist
We'd like to introduce the lovely artist Otakuforreal Otakuforreal . Their thread All My Drawings shares a few of their digital works. They are trying to not be shy here on RpNation, so give them some love!


Otakuforreal Otakuforreal !​

Featured Discussion
When it comes to roleplays, everyone has their own preferences. White Masquerade White Masquerade 's discussion Central Vs Decentralized Roleplay inquires about how involved and controlling players like their GMs. Do you want a GM who directs the entire RP?
No GM control at all? Or a GM/player collaboration?

White Masquerade White Masquerade !​

We asked you to give us some quote to share, here are the ones that have been selected.

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by" - Douglas Adams

"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway" - John Wayne

"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice." - Newt Scamander


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