RpNation Monthly: March 2016


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!

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MARCH 2016
Hello, lovely ladies, gents, and otherwise to the kick-off of RpNation Monthly. It's been a few months since our last newsletter, but I, the staff, and all of the Helpers are very excited to kick this off all over again. We hope you enjoy the first issue of the new year and look forward to many more exciting issues in the future.

~ @readingraebow[/font][/h]​

How did you come across RPnation?

I came across RPNation on the internet, I believe it was on a website of the top 10 best roleplaying websites or something like that.

When did you start writing?

I would say about eight years ago just as I was graduating high school actually. I got into role playing during the long periods between college courses. It was a fun way to pass the time, and I had always enjoyed reading fanfiction and such so it seemed a natural progression.

What is your favourite genre of RP and why?

I’d say fandom probably, it’s how I got started for the most part and where a good deal of my inspiration comes from. I am something of a sweaty fangirl at heart and I have a tendency to dive headfirst into any fandom I happen to currently being obsessing over. So this makes roleplaying a natural fit as it gives me a chance to explore my many wild theories on what is happening in the canon storyline, or flesh out any plot points that the source material glosses over. I’m especially fond of crossovers or fusions where I get to take the things I love from one fandom and shoehorn them into a totally different fandom for twice the fun.

What hobbies do you have outside of RpNation?

I read occasionally and I watch a lot of superhero TV shows and listen to various nerdy podcasts.

Do you have any hopes for future RP ideas?

Well I have a whole plot archive that I am always adding to, with various fandom and original ideas stored from failed roleplays or new plot twists in my current shows. I don’t have any plans on making any big projects in the near future but I am eagerly awaiting the new Batman v Superman movie for some fresh ideas for superhero 1x1s.

What is your favourite part of RpNation?

The discussion forums actually. Don’t get me wrong I love the way roleplaying is set up but I find the discussion forms to be a fun way to keep me entertained while I wait for posts and a great way to see other people’s ideas on roleplaying. I’ve learned a lot of cool things from adding my two cents in and some of those ideas I’ve incorporated into my roleplaying.

How did you get the inspiration for your username?

Oh well as all my friends will tell you I’m an incorrigible punner. I love alliteration, puns, and plays on words. Most of my usernames tend to reflect that, being either plays on words or something to do with cats.

My current username was a blast of nostalgia actually, based on the Reading Rainbow show from waaaay back in my early childhood. I have hazy memories of being wildly entertained by it as a squeaker and I liked the fact that it played well with my given name. Reading Rae Bow - combines my nickname with reading rainbow for a whole lot of fun.

My first search really took the pun a bit far featuring Rainbow Dash and various lyrics from the show.

If you could be one character from a movie/book what would it be?

Oh that’s a toughie, I have a lot of favorite characters but if we’re talking who I think it would be the most amazeballs to actually be in real life? The Flash from DC. Not just because he has really cool powers that include time travel and running to different dimensions. But because he has a really tight family bond, a bit of nerd swagger, and has a generally good nature about him.

Plus okay it’s a little bit just because he has an awesome suit and superpowers. I’ll not lie.

What is your favourite movie/tv show/book and why?

Ooh another toughie, I have a lot of favorite TV shows, books, and movies. I couldn’t begin to tell you which is my favorite book as it changes too often. But I will say Under the Red Hood and The Flash (CW) for favorite TV Show and Movie.

I love the family dynamic of Under the Red Hood ( it’s about batman reconnecting with a son he thought was dead ). There are a lot of themes about acceptance and returning home after being essentially disowned. The artwork ( it’s an animated movie ) is phenomenal and the performances are top notch. I have probably watched it three or four times already and would gladly watch it several more.

For the Flash, I’m a sucker for superheroes, camp, and comic books. The show does a great job of combining all three elements with a moving storyline that weaves in mysteries, family drama, and the occasional whodunnit. I’m always eager for the next episode and can’t get enough of the adventures.

Do you have any advice for the readers, about RPing?

Well that’s a complicated question, I have been known to go on tangents about various different aspects of roleplaying in the past. I guess if I had to narrow it all down to two main points it would be :

Patience - Not just with posting or waiting for a roleplay to get off the ground, but patience with your partners in general. Not everyone is going to be at your same level or consider the same things important. We all have different opinions and limits and it’s best to accept that from the beginning.

Communication - There are no stupid questions or bad ideas. I would rather listen to you rant at me for three days about some overly convoluted plot that takes twelve typed pages to fully explain than have you give me just “yes or no” answers. I know a lot of people have trouble putting themselves out there and my biggest advice is just go for it. Even if you fail you’ll most likely get some feedback that will help when you try again.

Interview conducted by @SpectroVector.

Closing Thoughts

Woo! With a brand new layout, brand new content, and even several brand new Helpers, I should hope reading this month's newsletter was a refreshing experience for you all. This has been a time of reinvention and renewal, and I think the return of the site's monthly newsletter is proof positive of that. I look forward to continuing to celebrate the site, its members, and all that they do here in the coming months.
~ @Anomaly

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And now some words from the MotM:​

Very well written, and pretty cool how you promote other roleplayers for their art and whatnot.

I suck at BBcode, and the art section really interested me. I'm glad this was my first recent Newsletter article I've read. ;3

Great job guys!!!~ Looks great!!!!!~ >W<

xD :3 :D (Though, I found two grammar/spelling mistakes... fufufufu~) I hope next months will be just as good! (I'll also try and apply as helper. :3 Sounds interesting and I always like helping out the newbies!~ They remind me of little kittens/puppys, stumbling around like I once did until they work things out... *Sigh* Good memories. xD )

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I've read a couple of the past newsletters before this one...and you continue to surprise me with their quality. Every time. :) Very, very well done to the Member of the Month, Roleplay of the Month and its respective host and participants and just...jolly good show indeed. :3

(I applied to be a helper a while ago....still waiting. xD )

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