RpNation Monthly: June 2016


I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!

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JUNE 2016
It's been a busy month! A lot of us had finals, or work got hectic, or some major life event just occurred. I've yet to figure out what it is about this time of year that just bowls everyone over every time, but when I do... I'll let you all know. Promise. Anyway, there are a couple changes to this month's newsletter! Namely, it's being done exclusively by me, save for a couple of very fun things from some other mods. Believe me, they will make this read worth your time.

Site Updates

  • May 7, 2016 - Summer Fundraiser - We are running a fundraiser aimed at improving our website with quality of life updates. You can donate here, and at the end of the campaign you'll receive a specially-made badge. Regular monthly donations are still ongoing and can be accessed here!
  • May 20, 2016 - Regarding The Helper Initiative - The Helper Initiative has been disbanded in favor of less exclusive ways to recognize helpful users.
  • May 24, 2016 - Find More Roleplays By This User! - For each user, there is now a super easy button that takes you to a list of all roleplays by a that user.

May Donation Badge


I think we can all agree that the umbrella to protect us from April showers was positively adorable. For this month, we'd like to reveal the fruition of all that rain - May flowers! Thank you to everyone who donated in the month of May; you've all been awarded this flowerpot to spruce up your forum posts, courtesy of @welian's blood, sweat, and tears!
Incoming Staff


@Gilzar, Moderator


@Anomaly, Moderator

Harassment Bullying happens everywhere. Schools, the workplace, and even online. Often we encounter verbal abuse on the internet, and sometimes people let it happen, feeling that there are no resources to help them or that they are being too thin-skinned. On RPN, this isn't the case. If you're being harassed on RPN, here's what you can do.
Block them.

This way, you will not be able to see content from them. It's a wonderful tool which I myself have used in the past. However, sometimes users will find their way around a block, either by using mutual friends to contact you or creating/using alternate accounts, or perhaps talking about you to others. In this case...
Report them.

Staff will not discipline every solitary instance of impolite behavior, but consistent abuse or harassment is something we have not, do not, and will never stand for. Don't be afraid to report this person. They are not your friend. They are not "having a bad day." They are a bully, and it's well within your rights to rock the boat a little! Furthermore, a report is confidential. If an offending user is issued a warning, we will not tell them who reported them. But unless YOU report it, we can't do anything to help.

If you report it and the behavior continues, report again. And again. And so on. We won't rest until you can.

A Note: Sometimes, people may behave in a way which offends you, but which is not really harassment. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our Site Rules. As much as we want to see all our users happy, we also want to make sure we aren't being distracted from cases of rule-breaking by a deluge of run-of-the-mill disputes.

Go now and be decent human beings to each other!


A special contribution written by @Sunkissed.

Strawberry Cream Cake Recipe


no slide​
m e t h o d


❥ Preheat the oven to 170°C, gas mark 3

❥ Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl and add all of the other ingredients. Whisk with an electric whisk until it has a smooth texture.

❥ Put the mixture into a cake tin and leave in the oven for 30-35 minutes.

❥ When cooked, let the cake cool for 5 minutes, then cut around the edges of the tin with a knife.

❥ After this you can make the topping. Whisk the cream in a bowl and spread it across the cake.

❥ Top with strawberries and you're done!

t i p s

✥ Make sure to let the cake completely cool before removing it from the tin.

✥ Do not whisk the cream too much otherwise the fats will seperate from the water particles, creating butter.

✥ Using a cooling rack while icing the cake is a good idea.

Sooo... Remember how last month I said that there was just so much wonderful content? And that it was a really difficult decision? And I would have picked more if I could? Well, you people need to calm yo'selves, because you kicked it up to eleven this month, which I didn't even think was possible. It's physically painful choosing only five features when I'd really like to do about fifteen! So again, everyone... keep doing what you're doing! It's wonderful. And on that note, some especially wonderful things...

Featured Prose
This month's featured prose is a collection of fiction. Many of the pieces are labelled with some variation of "to be continued," which is frustrating, because these stories really pull you in and make you want to read more! @milkmold seems to have a particular way with concepts, and their thread content/ment is chock full of really intriguing ideas.

“Would you like us to turn on the light?” The voice clips in again.

Oh god. I’m so helpless. “No! Uh, I mean, no thank you. I got it.” I fumble for a few more excruciating seconds before I finally find the handle, lower than the focus of my previous scrabblings. I shuffle out of the closet into the blinding light and turn, hesitate, then close the closet door gently on one of the keeper’s mass of limbs unfolding from the closet ceiling. I wait, but no noise tells me whether the robot still moves within the closet that I fully intend to return to wallowing in. I wait, then ask, “Are you still in there?”

“Yes. After all, we are literally the house. Omnipresent and all that. Or did you mean simple physical presence? In that case, no. We probably have better things to do than linger in the dark.”

Oh, great. Now there's a robot judging me in addition to Lumi.

Featured Art/Artist

@Entarriance is a skilled artist who creates lively, colorful drawings. Their artwork really conveys personality, especially through posing and facial expressions, and you can tell how much love and thought have been put into the characters they draw! Their art thread, Oodles of Doodles, is updated with new art pretty frequently. Give it a follow!

Featured Tutorial
@DividesByZer0 strikes again, this time with a helpful thread about characterization in roleplaying. Their advice is perfect if you want to learn how to use your character to help yourself and everyone you roleplay with get the most out of the experience! Their primer, which you can read here, actually includes two distinct guides - "Pro Tip: Proactive Vs. Reactive" and "Guide to Awesome Characters." Both are everything we look for - thoughtful, coherent, and relevant!
DividesByZer0 said:
What gets interesting about a story isn’t when some Big External Plot is set into motion. What’s interesting is when the proactivity possessed by multiple characters competes. This push-and-pull of character motivations, decisions and reactions is how stories that matter are created. Because they’re stories about people, not about events, and people are why we read stories. Because we are all made of people. Our lives are made of us and all the other people around us. We live in a people-focused world because we’re solipsistic A-holes who think that unless we behold it and create it, it probably doesn’t matter. And in stories, that’s pretty much true.
Featured Discussion
People are weird. Words are weird. Society is weird. Put it together and what do you get? Really, really, really weird laws. @Little gasmask has started a thread about cool laws in various countries, which you can view here. If your country, state, town, or whatever has a law that always makes you smile or laugh, please come share it!
hyakinthos said:
Whaling is illegal in the state of Oklahoma, which is completely landlocked.

Featured Character

If you're seeking chuckles, look no further! This month's featured character is a charming little gnome with a thing for fire and trees. Kind of a strange combination, that. Benson Beetamer is quite the character, and one would imagine he is very fun to play! @BadBadger has provided a fun read with his character.

Roleplay of the Month
This month's RP of the month is a very active campaign set on a new earth, following a group of explorers. It's open to new players, and it's very involved! One of the most impressive things about this roleplay is how thoroughly it is maintained. Everything is so well put-together, and players enjoy a robust experience which is definitely moving forward. Without any more ado...


Crimson Canines
And now some words from the GM, @Zer0:

Q: What are some of the things that inspired or influenced Crimson Canines?

A: I'll be delighted to tell you, but first allow me to thank all my players both past and current for playing the campaign and weaving the story with me. And also God because I prayed to Him for a lot of the plot related stuff and the character sheets.

Thank you very much to @CoconutLeaves, @CkSmalling, @thespacekid, @Beowulf, @Musical Dragon, @AyyyLmao, @Orpheus, @Commisar Darman, @DJGomez, @LocoBlock, and @Cryo for playing with me! I mean it, guys.

So, Crimson Canines was inspired by the games: Phantasy Star Online, Xenoblade X, Monster Hunter, and Metal Gear V.

The first three inspired the wild, realistic, yet slightly alien-ish look of the world, the giant creatures that live in it, and their neutral animal-like behavior. The world gives off a feeling that when you go out on an adventure or mission, chances are you're going to encounter interesting and challenging things you've never seen before.

Metal Gear V inspired the idea of having a mother base, different factions, a classic bad guy you want to take down, the soldier-like camaraderie, and the mystery of the plot.

Combat was inspired by all four. I really like how in Metal Gear you're not unstoppable, that if you run out of ammo, or if there's too many enemies or an enemy gunship, you're going to have to be creative and patient for things to go your way.

For the machines, PSO and Xenoblade have mechs that look really cool and it is awesome to watch them take on huge bosses that have different fighting tactics-like you have to dodge this way and that, or work together as a team to hit a specific part to open up a weakness-and I like the explosions.

Q: How did you come about roleplaying? How did you discover RPN?

A: My roleplaying days began with the tabletop RPG, Dungeons and Dragons (I love it forever), then I moved to other table-top systems such as All Flesh Must Be Eaten, and then a friend's own system called Revolutions, which had a really pleasant Japanese RPG style.

Then I had to leave my tabletop RP buddies and I was looking for a "fix" for my entertainment needs, then lo' and behold, my cousin CoconutLeaves introduced me to RPN.

Q: What is the weirdest roleplay you remember participating in? What stood out most?

A: I guess that'd be my RP called, "A Terrible Roleplay" where we didn't have a CS and you could you be anything that you wanted to be. The part that stood out the most was when this one player discovered the watermelon-or was it potato-of power and he used it to flood the tower of LOL with potatoes that stopped this dragon from wrecking the tower and flung my demon-possessed assassin into the air, where he had a flash back that gave him vigor to live on, and then he broke his seal summoning forth the Black Dragon King trapped inside his left eye, thus saving his own life since that made him sprout shadow wings.

Q: What are your strengths, when it comes to GMing?

A: I can paint pictures with words and my combat scenes have tension. I also include a lot of cool pictures to show the players the environment and creatures they're facing.

My plots and their execution are planned, and the neutral and active characters are acted out in a way that they've got at least one interesting thing about them. They also take to the side so that players can have the spotlight.

Q: How about weaknesses?

A: I don't socialize much with players in the RP world unless it's related to moving the plot forward, so sometimes if a player doesn't have another player to socialize with or if the plot doesn't pique their interest, then they leave the campaign.

Balancing roleplay speed, tension time, and relaxation time is also something I'm working on.

Q: What is it that has made Crimson Canines successful?

A: The players. They move things forward.

Q: How do you garner interest for your roleplays?

A: I post nice pictures and build a world around it. For certain plots, I word it in such a way that there is a challenge, something at stake, an enemy players would love to beat, an important factor shrouded in mystery, and the feeling that you can be cool in this world.
Q: What are some tips and tricks you think others should keep in mind while role-playing?

A: For the game masters out there, I suggest having a plot. For starters, I suggest reading "Grey's Learning Annex" (thanks for making this @Grey!) here in RPN and learning about the 8-point plot arc.

I also suggest keeping your story rolling, not spend two weeks in real time or three RP pages in the same area thinking, or talking. Reading up on how to be a better GM and story teller also helps. And finally, don't give up. Even if your RP dies, put your heart into the next one anyway, because it'll make you happy.

For players, I suggest not living your real life here. When you free yourself from social or emotional needs, such as the need to beat everyone or the need to have someone special, you'll become a player who can act out varying characters with flavor, since you're free.

Q: A penguin has just walked into the bar with a giraffe and sat at your table. They're staring at you, unblinking. You:

A: Stare back slowly, confused and slightly freaked out, but my face isn't going to show that because I'm brave. And then look to the side and see the reactions of the other patrons to see if this was normal.

If it is, then I'm going to say, "Hi . . ." warily just to be polite, and then take a sip of my tea slowly. If they won't tell me what they're doing here I'm going to run away.

Q: Do you have any roleplaying pet peeves? What are they?

A: Oh! "That guy". That overpowered guy who likes to beat players so that he'll feel good, even though it doesn't make sense. Like, having his ant miraculously beat a man.

Also, boring players. Those who just roleplay as if it was a chore, like, "I did this, then I slept. Then I woke up. Then I slept again after having a good day." I guess this is why a lot of people don't like one-liners.

At least there's "This Guy", and you know this guy. That player in your campaign who's got something going, takes initiative, and overall just makes your RP pleasant. Kudos, reader, if you're "This Guy".

Q: What's your saddest memory of roleplaying?

A: My first campaign in RPN, I won't tell you the title, that had really good players and a lot of potential died. I'm not sure why, but I think it was because the GM lost interest. I was so into it, and then it died-it was like having so much fun hiking up an awesome challenging mountain, looking forward to when you reach the summit, and then you had to cancel it . . .

Q: What's your fondest memory of roleplaying?

A: When a player of mine solved a problem I gave his character in a smart way. He was going to get caught downloading files illegally that would incarcerate him or get him killed, but he used what he had to distract the players and NPCs coming for him and was able to accomplish his mission.

Q: Do you have something in mind for your next roleplay? Can we get a few hints?

A: Yes you can. I was thinking of making a werewolf RP that revolves around Ragnarok, where it was foretold that Fenris will swallow the moon and sun, bringing and end to the world.

And this is the situation: In all the lycan tribes, the god Fenris has always reincarnated in the line of the White Fang Clan, and every time Fenris was groomed to become the king and guardian of the lycans, a symbol of strength. But this year, the year of Ragnarok, he was to be killed to save the world.

But war erupts between the Lycan Lord of the White Fang Clan who doesn't believe in the prophecy and wishes to save his son, and those who believe and wish to save the world. But one strange thing was, though the son was a powerful lycan warlock, he's never shown the great powers of the god unlike others in his past lives. White Fang is besieged by the other tribes and falls, with the son nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile, two mysterious twins appear on the doorstep of a small group of mercenaries (the players) offering them a huge sum of gold to rescue the White Fang Lord and Queen. And in another part of the world a dark man with an evil purpose manipulates behind the scenes, plotting to use this schism among the lycans to rid this world of their kind once and for all.

Member of the Month
This user knows their way around some fancy BBCode and graphics, not to mention 1337speak. They've always been willing to share their time and effort with others who need it, and have made a very useful tutorial or two as well. They are a rockstar when it comes to helping people out when code breaks and performs strange satanic acts as it is wont to do, and that, in addition to their friendly demeanor, is why they are our member of the month!


@mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y
And now some words from the MotM:

Q: When did you get started roleplaying, and how?

A: It started thousands of years ago in a galaxy far, far awa- Eh, I don’t think the dramatics work for this. I started maybe like 13-14 years ago during one of those “giant changes” people tend to go through. At the time, the popularity of the internet was just a simmer at best. My parents didn’t know what I was doing. Even I had no idea how limitless the internet can be. It was by chance that I discovered giant chatrooms via Yahoo Chat or whatever that place was called. I noticed there were rooms for something called “roleplaying” and hopped on in. Let’s just say I learned way too much and way too quickly because of those chatrooms.

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time, besides roleplay?

A: I’m pretty big on cooking and what not. Besides leaving my kitchen a mess, I get so absorbed and wrapped up in cooking shows and movies that it bridges on obsession. It usually winds up with me shouting at the screen as if I’m watching some sort of big game and someone f%#&ed up. I also collect and read cook books. My copy of “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” is dog-eared from hell to back. … I’m also a fanboy for GANGSTA. MOVING ON! And, honestly, my biggest hobby has to be formatting for roleplays. Can’t help but get into the thickets of coding and creating graphics to arrange in something sexy looking. That, and it can be a nice stress defuser.

Q: What is it that you like most about BBCode?

A: There’s a lot to love about BBCodes on forums, but I think what I love the most is when I “break” something. A excellent example is when the accordion codes first came out, and I wasn’t satisfied with how they look. I wanted to see if there was a way to alter it. There were other users that have played around with it and achieved some of the goals I was looking for. But, I wanted to go for the full monty to completely alter it. Long story short, the coding ultimately affected the entire thread. Posts were out of order and broken. The logo jumped to the bottom of the page. Content was fusing together. It was awful, but brilliant. It’s through breaking the coding that you get the answers you need to pull off beautiful, epic, and sexy formats. I’ll just insert a thank you for the Admin and Musician for being patient with that mess.

Q: Any book or show or other such media that you've been excited about recently?

A: Bar none, I have Preacher all set up to record for Sunday. I’m pretty damn giddy about it.
Q: What is your favourite animal and why?

A: Ocelots. Because why not.

Q: What's something embarrassing about you that you're willing to share?

A: Hmm, well there’s a lot of embarrassing things I regularly do. I’m accident prone. Like, I merely touch a display and it’s destroyed. I trip on nothing a lot. I sleep fight. Aaaaannnd… moving on.

Q: What does your ideal roleplay type look like?

A: That’s a pretty hard question. Yeah, I like the flash and glam when threads adapt BBCoding and graphics into them. But, what I’m really looking for is the content. I like a roleplay that has the potential to let me develop a character from start to finish. Rarely do I get the opportunity to look back and pick a character that’s changed so much for better or for worse. I also like a thread that has a set direction they want and are willing to work with users that want to contribute to the storytelling aspects of a thread. That, and I look for threads where users push out content in their posts. But, most of all, I think the “ideal” thread would be users that work well together and are honestly there just to have a good time. Most of the time, that never happens. But, when they do… Dear God, those are the best threads out there.

Q: What advice do you have for the readers of this month's newsletter?

A: I got a bit of wisdom to pass on to users that want to try and get into forum formatting. When users ask me how I was able to format something, I always tell them this:

“You just take a big rock, and you beat the s&%t out of the coding until it does what you want it to do.”

Honestly, it just taking an idea you want to do and making it work. It’s trial and errors. A whole lot of frustration when things are just not working. Or, you see someone that did the same exact thing you want to do and start comparing it to what you did. Don’t. Just keep beating and beating. Keep working that coding until you are left satisfied and proud of what you did. OH! And…


Closing Thoughts
I feel like every month I'm just that much more impressed with our user base. The day I have to tell you lot to do anything other than keep it up will be a cold day in hell! May was awesome; what with the upcoming contest and all the wonderful things stirring up in our brainmeats, June is looking to be just as awesome, if not moreso.

And I am very much looking forward to it~.


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[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]I really love that Roleplay of the month section


We take user suggestions, you know. Feel free to PM them to me.
Anomaly said:
We take user suggestions, you know. Feel free to PM them to me.
Oh, I'm new, lol. I wouldn't know of any amazing rps yet. But I like the sense of community on this site!
Another month gone, and the wages of resplendent imagination fill our hearts and minds with the experiences of many thousands of stories and the wondrous tales they tell.

Another month, that distances us and RPNation from the mediocrity of any contenders for the Throne of Online RP'ing.

Proud to be a part of it all.

Remember folks. "Beware the lollipop of mediocrity. Lick it once, and you suck forever!"
I think this Monthly Newsletter was one of the best I've read in a while. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I really enjoyed reading the newsletter this month! I'm totally going to try out the cake recipe as well (let's just hope I have the ingredients at home). Congrats @Zer0 and @mayhem TR4NQU1L17Y !
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Can I just say; I am loving this site more and more with each passing day...and each Newsletter. :)

Great work with the Newsletter! And a big congratulations to all involved and mentioned. :3 And to the featured creators/members/etc, keep up the good work. :) Same goes to the Staff here. <3
KnightofShadows said:
Another month gone, and the wages of resplendent imagination fill our hearts and minds with the experiences of many thousands of stories and the wondrous tales they tell.
Another month, that distances us and RPNation from the mediocrity of any contenders for the Throne of Online RP'ing.

Proud to be a part of it all.

Remember folks. "Beware the lollipop of mediocrity. Lick it once, and you suck forever!"
This invigorates me.

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