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"Not really, but if you would like to accompany myself on my next job, we can," Kevin said smiling gently at Meriza. Then his phone rang. Excusing himself he picked it up and said, "Kevin 'Dracokage' Dobson here."

"Dobson got a job that requires two people. If you can get another person it's yours," the voice said.

"Give me one minute," Kevin said then covered the phone and said, "Meriza, would you like to come with me on a mission?"
"It'd be nice but I can't, someone has to cook for these guys and watch out for them" Izzy smiled slightly glancing up the stairs.
Izzy stiffened, they couldn't let anyone find out they were werewolves. "No, it's really best that I stay here. My days of traveling are over"
"Oh okay, just so you know I can tell you're not human," Kevin said whispering the last part into her ear. Then he got back on the phone and said, "Sorry, I cant do it."
Izzy opened her mouth to say something but couldn't think of anything. She was glad Violet had headphones on or she would have heard him. She wasn't sure if she could trust Kevin or not.
Um I guess, we can go up to my room" Izzy stood up and led him to the second floor to her room. It was pretty plain with dark red walls and nothing but a bed, dresser, and desk.
"It's a nice room. Meriza, do you know of the Hyuchiha clan? A clan of hunters," Kevin asked a he looked at her gently.
Not that I know of...why?" She didn't like the idea of a hunter, especially being a werewolf.
"Well, they are on the way here. I only know because my biological father is a hunter and his orders usually come to my mind. Do you want to warn the others like yourself," Kevin asked gently. Looking at Meriza he knew this would not end without blood spilled.
Why are they coming here?" Izzy stepped back. "Did you tell them about us? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!"
"Meriza, look at this," Kevin said handing her the phone with the text he had gotten earlier.

Dear Kevin,

We are attacking this place where they are having a party tonight. Information says werewolves live there, stay away if you don't want to die.

-Your father
"I can help protect you all, but i'm going to have to bring you to my place. Is that alright with everyone," Kevin said looking at her tenderly. Nearing her, he placed his hands on her face and said, "Meriza, I trust you and your family. Last time you saw me, it was in passing five years ago."
"I-I guess if everyone's okay with it but will we have enough time to grab everything we need?" Izzy looked at him still a bit concerned for everyone's safety. She didn't understand why he was being so nice to them. 
I have to go bye
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"Just watch," Kevin said as he placed a scroll into the wall. Suddenly a portal appeared and he said, "This is a link between this house and my own. If everyone is willing, move in through here."
Meriza's bit her lip "Alright, I'll tell everyone to pack a bag quickly and meet here" She quickly went out and down the hall informing everyone what was happening and what to do.
Kevin went through the portal and freed up a lot of the rooms on the second and third floors of his house. Returning through the portal he said, "Everyone can grab a room on the second or third floor of the house with the exception of the one labelled Dracokage."
"Everyone make sure they have their tags!" Izzy reminded as Violet came over hauling a bag. "Iz Im scared, what about the house?" Izzy wrapped a reassuring arm around her. "This is our only choice"
"Look, after they come through I will buy this house so the hunters won't ever suspect it," Kevin said looking from Meriza to her friend. Sighing, he waited for everyone to move through the portal. Closing it, he left the house and drove to his own home. Walking inside he said, "Is everyone alright?"
"Everyone's here, I told them to room in groups just in case" Izzy told him carrying a small bag. Around her neck she now wore a necklace with a light green stone and a dog tag on it.
"Is that an emerald," Kevin asked looking at her necklace. Smiling he pulled up the necklace her wore with an emerald and a sapphire on it.
Um, I don't really know..." Izzy looked down at it. "That or it's Peridot, it was given to me when I joined the pack"
"I was given this stone by a guy who was like you guys. He saved my life when I ran away from the hunter's association. The sapphire was given to me by my mother," Kevin said honestly.

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