Nichole nodded and blushed more as her stomach growled louder this time. She laughed nervously and walked to the cafeteria with them holding kai close so he wouldn't be running everywhere. Nichole petted kai and looked up at Dom and Abigail thinking a bit.
The Elder The Elder Mane Mane
Nichole began to blush crimson red and nuzzled her almost seeming to purr softly like a kitten. She blinked and blushed more shaking her head embarassed. "Abi..did you have to demonstrate now?" Nichole asked flustered as she gripped her shirt looking away.
The Elder The Elder Mane Mane
Dominic raised an eyebrow towards Abigail's statement. He found it slightly weird but also interesting. Wow that's a unique ability. Mine is teleportation. It comes in handy for long distance travel. He said with a grin.
Abigail giggled sweetly.
"Oh, but you're so cute when you get flustered like thaaaat!"
She poked Nichole on the nose playfully.
"Teleporting, huh? That's cool! Sounds really useful, yeah...I'mma grab some food!"
And with that she skipped over to the foodstuffs.

twilight sparkle twilight sparkle
The Elder The Elder
Nichole blushed crimson and flailed. "D-don't say stuff like that!" She said even more embarassed. Nichole went to get some spaghetti and grabbed kai something to eat as well. She then looked up at dom. "So what do you like to eat?" Nichole asked softly trying to make a conversation.
The Elder The Elder Mane Mane
Dominic went towards the food line, grabbing him a tray and plate. The question is what don't I eat. He chuckled and filled his plate up with spaghetti. I really like Mexican though. That'll always be my favorite. He grabs two bowl and fills one up with grapes and pineapples, and the other with baby carrots. He walks to a circular table and sits down. He realizes he forgot a drink and looks over at the drink machine. He teleports a sprite into his hands and sits down. Another perk of teleportation. twilight sparkle twilight sparkle Mane Mane
Nichole giggled and nodded fixing a plate of spaghetti and added a bit of sugar to the tomato sauce then put on alot of cheese. She got kai some meatballs and went to sit down with Abigail and Dom. Nichole got her a strawberry soda and some garlic bread beginning to eat.
Mane Mane The Elder The Elder

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