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Keiji Sore


[SIZE= 16px]"..mmph.". Tsukimo covered his mouth before he could finish his sentence. He was at least a head taller than Tsukimo so it was impressive. But still, he was still pissed off about it all. He put back his hammer before he could attack Tsukimo accidentally through his rage.[/SIZE]


" Yeah! I KNOW. I was just asking what question you guys think I should ask!" he said while waving his arms wildly yo emphasise the point. He sighed and stared at the strange man with a dirty glare.



before she opened the door, sachi moved her headphones up over her head, freeing up her hands to do so. sachi stepped out, bristling with anger. more than anything, she hated the disturbance this had obviously caused among the whole group. she paced a few steps behind keiji as he went, face almost red with rage, as he searched for the man responsible for the music. she wasn't as obviously upset at he was, but she still walked stiffly over to him, her hands clenched into fists beside her. her eyes fluttered closed as she heard keiji angrily screamed, a frown moving across her face for a moment, but she kept in line behind him. she didn't really notice avyn even as her eyes looked over her, her mind otherwise occupied.

when the music came off, sachi's posture noticeably relaxed, her troubled look relaxing back into mere exasperation as she moved her headphones back down to her shoulders. as the man - gabriel, apparently - talked, she didn't seem to want to give him the time of day, turning away from him to rub her temples. she did listen, of course, but it only seemed to make her rub her temples more exaggeratedly, as if to imply the sound of his voice was almost as bad as his music. she rolled his eyes when he finally finished, her body having tensed up again throughout his speech. she didn't care to ask him any questions if it meant having to hear him speak again. he oozed arrogance, in a way that hardly befitted him. shsl patient? his talent was sitting still while other people did the hard work? fuck him.

her arms folded, and she shrugged. "beyond that, there are easy non-answers to that question. 'outsmart monokuma', for example." she shook her head. "someone already thought this out for him. nothing we ask is going to change our standing here." she stood inhumanly still, as if she was straining all of her muscles in place.  it was probably amusing for him to watch them struggle for a question, which was exactly why she was reluctant to even participate. "and even if we did find a question he couldn't weasel out of, who's to say he wouldn't just refuse to answer? or outright lie...?" 


Tsukimo nodded. "I-I agree. He COULD just lie. B-but we might as well think carefully, r-right? In case he DOESN'T lie. Don't get me wrong, I'm s-sure he will lie. His "j-just kidding" thing s-seems to support that. B-but we might as well try anyway, r-right?" He had no faith in this new person. He was a scientist, though. He knew to do everything carefully and consider even the unlikeliest of events. He could consider this a trial in an experiment. Granted, no scientist in his right mind would only do one trial of an experiment, as this man was forcing him to. He didn't really have a choice, though.

The deep sea diver looks at the man and the group of student worriedly. She doesn't understand what is going on, but the mention of dying is brought up again and the group over there is looking grim, well, most of them anyways. Not wanting to stand in the snow by herself, Avyn circles the man to join the students on the wooden porch, giving him a wide space as she walks. Knowing that she is a newcomer, she lets the others talk among themselves to ask the man a question. 

"We should just ask the first question and get it over it," Avyn speaks out after a moment where she thinks the atmosphere is too tense, "I mean the open-ended question, not the yes or no question.

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sachi sighed, waving a hand dismissively. "...you're right. i just-" she suddenly inhales, and doesn't really finish, just lets it out thoughtfully, again frustratedly readjusting a lock of her hair. it just wasn't that easy to think when she could feel the stare of that pissant from behind her, probably eating up their discontent. or, maybe it wasn't just a feeling of someone behind her - she finally notices avyn when she starts to speak up beside her. she nods, settling a little more.

"i agree. again, i can't see any other question potentially doing anything productive for us. and if his answer is useless, we're no worse off..." maybe she was hastily jumping on to the other girl's suggestion because it hurried things along, but like she had said, it couldn't make things worse in her eyes. unless 'gabriel' planned to make serious on his threat to kill them all. even then, considering what tortures monokuma was lording over them, could she even bat an eye at some scrawny teenager? hell, a few minutes ago, keiji, even younger than even she was, looked scarier than this brat. this was nothing. she looked toward tsukimo and keiji again, waiting for the verdict.


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Keiji Sore


Keiji rested on his good leg with his arms crossed. They were right. It would be pretty useless if there's no guarantee that he would be telling the truth. But they should ask something, anything. Even proving something is wrong proves something is right. He thumbed his nose.


He stepped towards Gabriel with utter hatred. Contempt in his eyes. He looked back to the others, waiting for a nod or something.



Gabriel Hollowell

".....How do we outsmart Monokuma to escape this mountain without killing each other?"

The kid smiled and laughed loudly, way over exaggerated. He ran his hand through his jet black hair and inhaled deeply. "Out smart the bear? Ha! You can't. But I am unsatisfied with the answer as well so i'll answer it with a different person. The Mastermind. You CAN outsmart The Mastermind, and this is how: use the one he loves most!" Spoiler, she lives among you!" The kid started laughing quietly, then it got louder and louder. "The funny thing is, you all know who the mastermind is, well you dont at the same time. You forgot but it wasn't because your memories were erased, you people are just so cold. heh heh....HAHAHA" He began gripping his stomach as he laughed, it was less forced this time and more...demented. "Well i've decided to answer just one more question, make it count." He said after he regained his composure from laughing.
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[SIZE= 16px]sachi didn't look behind as he talked, even when he started doing that creepily loud laugh. she just stared defiantly forward, her teeth gritted in an obvious and uncomfortable way. what the fuck? was what he was saying even supposed to seem like it made sense? why would a supposed mastermind be keeping something he supposedly loved amongst people he was sending to slaughter? what would he even have to gain from something like that? she shook her head, rolling her eyes again. this was so stupid. which was maybe why it was still managing to get to her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"...i am fucking cold." she snapped bitterly, rubbing her cheeks to try and channel some heat back into them.  he could say whatever he wanted about her. plenty of people certainly had in the past six years. this dramatic revelation, or his insults, didn't really do much to change her mind. if it got her away from this place, sachi didn't care who she was. she had just been damned by association, whoever the fuck she or the mastermind was. "who is she, then?" she asked, looking over to avyn, and then to tsukimo and keiji. "if she's our out, then who is she?"[/SIZE]


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Keiji Sore


Keiji had no idea what Gabriel meant. What the mastermind likes is a girl? Is that what Gabriel means? Anyway, he was looking like something Keiji wanted to punch. He couldn't help but grit his teeth. He nodded as Sachi asked that question. That seems reasonable.


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Avyn's eyebrows draws downward at the man's answer, clearly confused, but at least the man cleared somethings for her. Her memories, and with everyone's else's, are wiped. That answer of course has to sprout more questions to the already piling list of questions she wants answers to. The girl jumps from one foot to another because of the cold and decided that the group have stayed outside long enough.

"We should think of our next question inside or something." Being with the group now, she can feel the anger coming out from Keiji and she notices the pastel green eyes looking at her direction. Avyn crooks her head towards the other girl before she looks into the warm Lodge. "Maybe we should ask him how sane he is or if anything he is saying is reliable... or maybe not that question. He got to be to answer any question we might be asking. Maybe we can ask for his option about this whole thing. Or ask him how he would get out without... er, killing.... Orrr... We can ask something regarding to our memories, or a way to get off the mountain?" For a girl who stood so long in the cold sure can think of lots of questions on the spot. Even Avyn is surprised by how much she can think in the cold. Nah, she's just kidding herself, but these are nice questions to ask she admits. 

Keiji Sore


" Why would that matter? Why would we care?" Keiji turned back to answer Avyn with empty eyes. Gabriel might as well be a pole-dancer for all he cares. What he says might be true or not but it's begging the question if he is lying and they ask him whether he's lying. It wouldn't prove anything. Anything else is irrelevant to escape here. Keiji just wanted to go home.


He put his hands back into his pockets. It sure is damn cold though. Better get it over with, Keiji thought. " We might as well listen to whatever he has to say. Whether it's true or not...." Keiji answered slowly to Avyn. " We can find that out later." he continued as he straightened his glasses.


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"Wait," Tsukimo said as he held up his hands. "All of this is foolish. We need to gain as much information as we can in a single question. Why not simply ask, 'What is everything you know, yourself or by proxy, regarding this mutual killing life?' That could yield us anything we could desire out of him."

@TripTripleTimes @NANANANANANANANANANA @rusticyawn
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"no," she answers curtly to avyn's request to go inside. she folds her arms back up. going inside would just prolong the discussion unnecessarily, and beyond sachi's own interest in keeping it brief, it was pretty clear that gabriel was exceptionally capricious. he had said it himself he was answering questions for the sake of being entertained; if he just got bored and decided to leave, they'd be losing a question they otherwise could've had answered. after tsukimo speaks, sachi moves slightly closer to him, tilting her head down to stare directly at him.

"if this were a fair game, that would be the ideal question," she admits. after she does, though, she points towards one of the nearby monitors, at the camera that had been trained on gabriel that brought them out here.  "even if hollowell assured us he'd answer any question we asked him, honestly even, we're not only playing against him." she turned her head back towards him, sighing. "so, we might get an answer to that question, but he basically just put forth the question i suggested himself, which means he's almost certainly willing and able to answer it. that in mind..."  she started to back off back beside avyn.  "...ask whichever."


[SIZE= 16px]again, she just wanted to get this over with. she didn't have much hope that even the answer to her own question would do much to help them; the mastermind had invested too much planning into this, had too much power and money to see it fail. she figured it was worth an effort to advocate for something that at least stood the best chance of succeeding, but this was as much as she could muster. if he still was not convinced, he was free to do what he wanted. [/SIZE]


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Keiji Sore


Keiji sighed. It's really getting a bit chilly out here but they really need to ask a question,any question. There's really no guarantee that any of the answers are true. But it seems that it does not matter. What does matter is that they get as much information as possible,that's what he thinks. He nodded at Tsukimo as a confirmation.


"Sooo..." Keiji prepositioned. " What do you know about the killing game? You must answer.". Hatred still streamed to his eyes though. If the circumstances were different, Keiji would be whipping out his hammer.


[SIZE= 16px]@LunarShines[/SIZE]


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Tsukimo swiftly shook his head. "No, no, it must be worded "WHAT" is everything you know! If you ask 'Can,' he could simply say 'yes,' and that's the end!"
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The monitors across the peak suddenly switched on and after a few seconds of static, the despair inducing bear appeared on the view screens. "Goooood Moooorning! It is now Daytime! Get up, enjoy some hot coco, and enjoy another chillingly splendid day!" The monitors flickered and then cut off leaving the mountain in an eerie silence. Besides Monokuma's irritating voice, the day actually looked great! The sun shone bright and there was no clouds in sight! Ice-sickles dripped from the buildings and the snow became more mushy than usual. It was rather warm outside but not enough to melt the snow. A slight breeze blew throughout the areas, the day seemed perfect. Was it too perfect?


     With Monokuma's morning announcement underway, Miki Nakata slowly woke from her peaceful overnight sleep. Now fully conscious, she slid out from the comfortable covers of her twin-sized bed as her bare feet hit the floor. With a long yawn, she stood up from the bedside and proceeded to "make the bed" as if it were her own back home. She listened intently all the while to the speech on the monitor for any important information the strange stuffed bear might have said. With the covers tucked back in and the decorative pillows fluffed up and put back in place, she felt much less motivated to sleep in now. After she heard the welcoming nature of the announcement, she couldn't help but give a naive smile. For someone who kidnapped her only a day ago, he at least seemed like a gracious host!

     After getting herself ready for the new day, Miki fixed up a cup of smooth Kocha tea after picking up the ingredients from the shockingly large assortment of tea variants at the living room counter. After using the mixing spoon, cleaning it, and putting it away, she was ready to head outside and greet the new day! As she stepped out onto her cabin's doorstep with a red scarf wrapped snugly around her neck, she was surprised to find how warm it actually was outside her cozy little cabin. The cool mountain breeze helped balance the temperature perfectly—in all honesty, she probably didn't even need the scarf. The uniformed maid stepped out onto the wooden porch and found a wooden bench to sit at and quietly sip her tea. The snow painted the "front yard" of all the other cabins a pretty white. She crossed her legs and took a sip of the tea, which brought a pleasant smile to the maid. It was the simple things in life that could make one the happiest...

     Swing music played through the speakers and drowned out the whole mountain. The area where the man was dancing was easily noticeable, it was outside the Lodge where everyone first woke up. The man spun around to the music as if he had no care in the world, who was this man? And did he know of their current situation? The music continued playing and was still deafening, perhaps the man knew of this or else he would not be dancing to it.

     The sudden blast of sound from the camp's loudspeakers made Miki jump and spill a good portion of the black tea onto her lap and the floor of the porch. She gave a dejected frown and quickly stood up from the porch, making sure to hurry inside to grab anything she could to minimize the staining to the floor and her clothes. She probably needed to change, too...in the meantime, she wasn't able to catch the grown man dancing in front. 

     "If the music were quieter, then it'd actually make for some nice BGM," she thought to herself while she pulled out a new uniform and cleaned her previous one.

     Moments later...

     After fixing a new cup of tea, cleaning everything, and changing, The SHSL Maid stepped back out onto the porch and took a couple of tranquil breaths to compose herself. Then, she confidently stepped forth onto the yard to see what all of this commotion was about. Her hands clasped her teacup in front of her as she moved down the lightly snowy expanse in her black dress shoes.

     Confused as she might be since the moment she was kidnapped by a two-faced bear and then literally dropped onto this mountain, Miki decided not to let that sense of loss and confusion show in the way she carried herself. She stopped just on the fringes of a group of teenagers, sipping mindfully from her tea as she passively listened in on the ensuing argument.

@Assailant @LunarShines @NANANANANANANANANANA @rusticyawn

Keiji Sore


Keiji turned around to see another new arrival. Seriously. How many new arrivals are there? He sighed to himself. He shouldn't be surprised really. It seems like Monokuma had enough money for absolutely anything so he must be rich. That's what he concluded. The girl was wearing a maid costume so it was obvious what he talent was. A fetishistic one probably. Despite just being dropped off,she seemed calm. Not the malicious calm of Gabriel. More like a servile calm that calmed everyone else.Her eyes was a dull blue,he noticed. Innocence. He thought. Not that it will last for long, he added cynically.


He straightened his glasses to meet Miki's eyes. He turned around. "Uhh.....hello? May I k-know your....ummmm...name?"


He straightened his glasses to meet Miki's eyes. He turned around. 

"Uhh.....hello? May I k-know your....ummmm...name?"

    "...Mm?" Miki was genuinely surprised that someone noticed her standing on the sidelines so quickly. Maybe she wasn't as quiet as she thought she was. "Nakata...Nakata Miki," she said simply as she rested her left hand at her neck. "What's yours?" 

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    "...Mm?" Miki was genuinely surprised that someone noticed her standing on the sidelines so quickly. Maybe she wasn't as quiet as she thought she was. "Nakata...Nakata Miki," she said simply as she rested her left hand at her neck. "What's yours?" 


Keiji Sore


"Ohhh....uhhh.....Sore Keiji." he stuttered out in the cold. He crossed his arms to heat up himself. She seemed like a pleasant girl but unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a good time to talk. He turned back to glare at Gabriel, that bastard. He dripped hatred out of his eyes. Get over with it already!
Sehema Rijinder

SHSL Archer


"Are you fucking kidding me?" The annoyed voice of Sehema broke through the arguments and introductions. Her voice and facial expression told the group that she was even more annoyed than usual. The crunching sound of her feet walking in snow continued until she stood in front of the group. She didn't really expect the group to just run where the bizarre boy was, deafening music and all. From his laugh and his demeanor, Sehema still found him quite odd and somewhat uncomfortable to be around. For someone who seemed to be a student as well, he knew more than they did but why just him? The blonde archer crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes. "You mean to tell me that I've been kidnapped by a lunatic and the only way to leave without killing anyone...is to find and use the peasant that he's fallen in love with against him? It's like a cliched manga storyline." At this point, she would face down while rubbing her temples. "At this rate, I'd welcome being killed by a snowstorm. Anything to get out of this mess. And who are you?" She focused her attention to the newcomer, Miki Nakata, in a short and curt way. Despite her annoyance, she realized that there was some truth in what Gabriel had said. Anytime she tried to remember anything about her school life, she was struck with a headache and a nauseous feeling.


As the others waited for their question to be answered, Sehema held back a question of her own. How come the SHSL Guinea Pig knew more than they did? Was he in cahoots with the mastermind? For that matter, was he the mastermind? He seemed to be unhinged enough to enjoy this sort of thing. Even his grating laugh proved that there was a few cookies missing from his jar. "Please do hurry and answer the question before my anger gets even more apparent. Trust me when I say that unlike the rest of this lot, I do not have the patience or tolerance for those who don't know or understand their place." Her emerald green eyes focused on Gabriel while icy, venomous words spewed from her lips. 



"Sooo..." Keiji prepositioned. " What do you know about the killing game? You must answer.". Hatred still streamed to his eyes though. If the circumstances were different, Keiji would be whipping out his hammer.



Gabriel Hollowell

"You see, I know many things of it, everything to be exact! I cant tell you all of the secrets, but I can tell you why." The guy cracked his knuckles as Monokuma ran out of no where and placed a chair below him. Gabriel took a seat and sighed. "You see, you are all terrible friends and you have to pay for what you did, otherwise what the hell is justice am I right?" This time he didn't smile or laugh, his head was looking straight down and his hair was covering his face. After a few moments of silence, he quickly jumped out of the chair and grabbed a hold of Sachi's throat and started choking her, he was noticeably crying. He then screamed and lightened up his grip, after he wiped his face and stopped his crying he said quietly "Why don't you remember me?" 

@NANANANANANANANANANA @LunarShines @Captain Gensokyo @rusticyawn @TripTripleTimes @Assailant 
Tsukimo recoiled a bit. "T-talk about a basket case." Tsukimo thought for a moment. "So, we did something, and this is vengeance? That's a weak motive... albeit, one I didn't expect." He walked up to the man. "I-If that's really true... say something that proves it. Tell us something only one of us would know, that we haven't said yet. P-prove you know us."

@NANANANANANANANANANA @LunarShines @Captain Gensokyo @rusticyawn

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