Royal, medieval kingdom roleplay?(Can't even think of a title yet)


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Okay guys, so I've been thinking about this roleplay...

You see, I usually roleplay in fantasy academies roleplays, and you know, or those fairy-ish roleplays, cool-fighting-with-wonderful-technology roleplays etc etc. The thing is, I've always wanted to try those old western style, medieval-ish roleplay once, maybe just to get out of the usual mood, I guess, and try something new.

What I mean is, a roleplay with kings, queens, knights, assassins, villagers, hunters, thieves, etc. Make it a fantasy, and there shall be werewolves, vampires, witches, etc. You know what I'm about, right? The thing is, I feel like people these days rarely show interest in such plots, therefore I decide to..maybe discuss it? o3o

So I'm forming this idea in mind, a basic concept, and if possible, you guys can help make it better, change, or make it more solid. o3o

There shall be a kingdom, a kingdom with two castles, or two sides. Two kings, I prefer related but if not it's okay, both wished to rule the kingdom, therefore the kingdom was set in half for each to rule one half. Despite this, a war is going on with each of them trying to conquer the other half of the kingdom. It's cliche, but I want to form the most basic conflict for the RP, for a main story to go on or background setting to be clear.

Let's call the kings King A or King B for now.

Roleplayers who participate in the RP can either side with A or B, or belong to A's or B's half of the kingdom. Of course, they can be neither, not naming him or herself to be belonging to any halves.

And the Kings' wives shall obviously be the Queen.

While war is going on between the knights and warriors off in the field of war somewhere within the kingdom, the time is marked as a Dangerous Age. It is where assassins, knights, etc rise above their grounds to fight and protect what they need, for during the war there are still towns, villages, people, who are safe without being attacked yet. People live in fear and frustration, providing and giving harsh taxes, but many still managed to live.

Any roles, ranging from normal villager, to assassins, to pirates, to witches, to princes, princesses, or knights under each king(also a role) are welcome. Any careers are okay as well, may as well be a thief or hunter, etc.

Normally, any careers related to the king and the castle (knights, guards, princes, Queen, Etc) shall deal and be related with the war more. (Ex having the princess protected by guards or knights due to possibly assassination)

Due the war going on and the rivalry, fights may form as an enemy sees an enemy, therefore starts a fight. Due to having a war setting, during the roleplay, invasion into a town, into the castle etc, may also happen, creating more conflicts...but it all depends on how complicated you guys want the war to go. You can either be away from your safe towns as part of your warrior members, fighting in a huge bloody war against your enemies in collapsed towns, field, or other places, or staying within the towns close to the castle, safe unless any enemy attacks, protecting what you need to.

Of course, you can just be a simple person trying to live in the kingdom, or a simple merchant, or roles not strongly connected to te war.

That's all the general idea I can think of and say now, if you guys are interested and have ideas to make the roleplay plot better please do tell. However I do really want to have a royal-medieval ish roleplay.
This sounds like a really interesting idea, though as a suggestion you should lessen the amount of players more. Maybe adding in spies or similar?
Finally! Something I have been looking for!

I am rather excited for this, yep.

Dibs on being a servant/cook.
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I probably wouldn't play but I do have a Western Medieval fantasy setting that you'd be welcome to use and modify. It's intentionally set up for courtly intrigues and power struggles.
I like the idea! Quite interesting ^^

But i have to agree with lessening the amount of different positions. If say, only a few people pick to be royals and the rest decide to be some sort of villager (merchant, townsfolk, etc)- there is not going to be much interaction between those different positions unless the royals risk leaving their 'castle' in the midst of a war going on.

A suggestion i have is to pick a designated setting. Instead of having the overall setting ( two kingdoms and their village and the war scene) available, maybe have just one or two settings instead ^^

If possible: you can also mash up the setting and positions. Now, what i just typed sounded utterly confusing,yep , I know. Perhaps you can have people who wanted to be villagers work in the castles such as

Pastry Chef: Formerly Village Baker

Also! For the war scene, instead of knights, maybe you can have some sort of magic guild to fight for the kingdoms.

Just a few suggestions....i'm sorry if they don't seem clear ><....
AH, as i thought- i wasn't clear > w >..

What i meant by that was cutting out one of the settings and having just two of them instead such as : Castle and War scene or Village and War Scene

(If you cut away the war scene that won't be quite fun ><)

If you don't want to cut any of the settings, my other suggestion was mashing them up: such as having the village as the war scene.

Oh! Another suggestion i have is to have the two castles/ kingdoms on a floating island while the war scene takes place on..non floating land.

That way, the kingdoms can steer clear of direct attacks from the war, unless....the fighters are on dragons or something ^^;...maybe a barrier can protect the castles? I mean, the barrier would be strong but it won't last forever, the magic users may have to take turns keeping the barrier in place!
How about the war scene, the busiest town in the village connecting both halves including both of the castles? (If that's even possible.)
SilverBlack said:
How about the war scene, the busiest town in the village connecting both halves including both of the castles? (If that's even possible.)
Depends on how 'realistic' you're aiming for. Two castles sharing a town would be the result of some fairly singular but reasonable historical factors (such as a settlement which has experienced annexation by different national groups with one intending a kind of cultural one-upmanship via displays of superior architecture and grandeur).
i think having both villages of the kingdoms being used as a single war scene (with a clear boundary line between those villages) might be better instead of the village being shared between the kingdoms. Maybe if that busiest town was some sort of trading sight between the two kingdoms it would make a bit more sense.
Probably not too big, or else the rp's gonna be too...broad? But not small either.

Hmm..Aiakaos makes sense.

The thing is I doubt trading will make sense...They're enemies after all. And I want the war scene and the other villager/castle/town scene to be separate unless invasion occurs. ><
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Ah....that is true ><

But i don't understand the part where you want the war scene and others to be separate? I thought the kingdoms were once shared but split apart by the original king?

And...i'm just curious but are you going to have it ((the overall kingdom and village setting)) on flying islands? Will there be sages to fight in place of the knights and assassins? I just thought it would be more thrilling that way ><
I'd say first of all that the layout of the kingdoms could be the castle near the center with a single large village surrounding it, and there could be different districts or something, to provide a sort of distance between different scenes that may be happening at the same time but at separate places.

Also that idea of a trade route as the link between the two would be good because since the kingdom was divided there could've been trade at one point, and possibly between the divided kingdoms at the beginning. Then there could be a village along the route which used to be a wealthy place (ya know, like Corinth) but now is basically the front of the warzone.

But speaking of trade, is there a 'rest of the world' that has any part to play in the plot? Like are these kingdoms supposed to be the capital of everywhere and stuff, or could there be foreigners, maybe there's a king C that plots to attack during the chaos (causing A and B to need to work together), and what about allied forces?
Alright guys I've been off for a few days and hm I see some nice ideas popping up here.

Flying islands or not? Haven't thought of that. I don't really mind. Do you guys want it to be on flying islands?

@Coatboy The Pocketed 's ideas are the best so far. I like it! Wait, does that mean there will be two castles, each in the middle of a large village of both Kingdom A and Kingdom B? (Like, castle A be in the middle of the village of kingdom A, and castle B be in the middle of the village of kingdom B)

The trading routes and the location of the war-zone are nice.

At first I didn't think of the idea of the "rest of the world" lol. To me in the beginning they just exist but does not take a major role in the RP. Now that you talked about it it WILL be interesting to add in the rest, perhaps a kingdom C, a king C, like you said. Although if doing so it will make the setting of the RP more complicated.

(I don't mind complication, personally I love it as long as it doesn't make everything way too confusing yep.)

Magic or advanced technology is definitely nice to be added into the RP. The kingdoms/the world can be consisted of both robots and wizards.
What if the castle of the original, united kingdom was torn down and used to build the new castles of the divided kingdoms, and the trade city was built on the site of the first castle. Then, maybe A and B both expanded outward into the unsettled land that was the territory of the original kingdom (can we call this one 'O'?). I was thinking that there being fewer villages concerned with, it would be less complicated in that respect, and districts would leave a better idea of place.

The whole rest of the world thing doesn't have to complicate things very much. Most of the foreign nations shouldn't need much depth, and there should only be a few that effect the plot much, maybe just something like NPC foreigners or possibly some news about some stuff I don't know. There doesn't really need to be very many scenes, if any, that take place outside of A, B, or maybe C. At the most maybe just up to 3 or 4, at the very most, kingdoms or nations besides those as far as the ones tied to the plot go. Hey what if C was on a floating island? and they'd have more advanced technology and wizardry.
@Coatboy The Pocketed

These ideas are great. I've been busy lately so sorry for not reading it sooner and replying faster. Thanks for all these ideas and I shall use it to make the roleplay. :3

Of course, if you guys have other ideas feel free to share.

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