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Fandom Royal Academy CS

Name: Oswald Dudley
Hero Name: Tea Time
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 162.5 cm
Weight: 13.6 kilo
Eye Color: Blue (Brown when quirk activates)
Hair Color: Blond

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Backstory/Background: The youngest child of Duke Bradley Dudley, Oswald has always been expected to live up to his family's expectation and keep up appearances. He grew up in the shadow of his older sister Oliva, A pro hero and the heir to their fathers Duchy. She always picked on him as he grew up, and called him a crybaby or a tattle tale when he would go to his parents about her treatment. In all he has five brothers and sisters counting Oliva.

Primary school was hard on him despite his family's title as children regardless of class are cruel. It did help him grow thicker skin in a way his bully of an older sister didn’t. It would not be proper for the son of a Duke to be seen crying in public and staining his handkerchiefs in tea after all.

He never really wanted to be a hero, It was thrust upon him by his family. As his sister slowly started to step down from her Pro Hero lifestyle he was informed by his parents that he would be expected to take her place as a hero for the family. His other siblings ether didn’t have suitable quicks or were simply already committed to their chosen walk of life. But Oswald being the youngest and just finished up with Primary school would be a perfect fit. Despite the… oddities of his quirk, an odd combination of his mother's temperature oriented quirk and his fathers food oriented quirk, It could be very useful and handy.

He doesn’t want to be a hero but as it is expected of him he will do his best to do his family proud.

Personality: Still somewhat of a crybaby Oswald will dissolve into stuttering when nervous or upset. Though he is very good at resisting the urge to cry in public he will often bawl in private. He’s nervous and slow to trust others due to his history with bullies but will keep up a polite and friendly demeanor regardless. He likes reading and studying as well as a good cup of tea, he dislikes sweets, and bullies and is not particularly fond of coffee as it makes him jittery.

Quirk w/Description: Teakineses - The control and manipulation of Tea. Oswald can produce tea from his body and manipulate it. If his body temperature is cold the tea he produces is icy, if his body temperature is hot it can come out boiling and if his body temperature is average its tea flavored sludge. The flavor of tea is dependent on what sorts of herbs and spices he’s eaten recently. Even his sweat and tears are tea.

Hero Costume:




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