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Fantasy Rosewater Execution Firm


BA Freakin' Overlord
"Good and evil. Two sides of a coin, right? Can't have one without the other, right? Around here most of us know Good and Evil aren't just some philosophical concept, they are as real as either of us. Sure, they don't have much of a form but they got a will and way to express themselves. Most of the old tales and legends about the supernatural we have come from extensions of their will. At some point Evil started overpowering Good. We don't know exactly when, but we got evidence that it first started around Mesoamerican area during ancient times. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself here. You'll find out plenty about Evil's will and ways when you're out on the field. Just come back in one piece, alright? We're short enough on manpower as it is."

Rosewater Execution Firm takes place in a fantastical version of modern day Earth. As a member of an understaffed state-sponsored firm you'll be sent on contracts to try and assassinate Evil's forces around the world. Just be careful out there, on top of facing often superior enemies you'll also have to not fall to Evil's corrupting influence as well.

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As the sun finally rose to indicate dawn Brian was already up and out to begin the work day. While most people on the busy city streets were either in traffic for their morning commute or walking the sidewalks to get where they need to go, the older man was already up for the past couple of hours. As he parked in the parking lot behind his precious Firm he took one look at his car's clock. '7:30 huh? Business as usual this morning...' he thinks to himself as he takes the key out of the ignition and steps out of his vehicle, taking his walking cane and closing the door soon afterwards. On the outside, the Rosewater Execution Firm's building was unremarkable and just like any other office building on the block. Hell, almost everybody that went by it on their day to day routine probably just thought the building housed whatever matter of pencil pushers the city government wanted at the time the building was made. They were close in that assumption, but off the mark. Good thing about looking plain is that nobody batted an eye at the fact that few people seemed to ever enter and exit the place Brian's walking cane made a gentle tapping sound a he walked up to the building's back door, unlocking it with his key and heading in. He turns some of the lights in the building on as he makes his way to the front of the building, exchanging greetings with the secretary at the front door as he went to the front door and unlocked it as well.

"If I recall correctly, we had a few new hopefuls coming in today, didn't we Vivian?" he asks himself as he slowly walked up to the secretary's desk, a large wooden desk with a computer and many other essentials to her job. "Yes, that's right Brian. Send them to your office like the usual routine?" she asks him. Brian nods in affirmation to her question. "That's correct. I'm heading up there now. Have a nice day." he replies, then walking up to his office. Many pictures lined the hallways of the building, especially the hall to his office. People and events in the past and present lined these pictures, all of them a story of their own. As he sits in his brown, cushioned chair he prepares a few things for the day ahead and for the event of the new 'employees' that showed up today. At this point it was 8am sharp, the official "opening" time for the building.
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Veronica Chang

The building looked like almost any standard bureau complex, flat walls at the sides, paneled with large and darkly tinted windows, sweeping glass double doors leading into the front foyer. It was obviously a federal agency bent towards secrecy, or at least privacy. There was no sign to indicate this was the right place, but Veronica was certain she had followed her given directions explicitly. "Rosewater Execution Firm. We meet again," she said dryly to herself, standing outside of the entrance, clutching only a simple briefcase by its handle in one hand, her other hand being tucked into the pocket of the suit jacket she had chosen. 'First impressions.' This formal wear was far from her style, she preferred a more loose fitting attire, mostly to mask her thin frame. She often received questions regarding her size and weight from her various hosts at her traveling waypoints, several were convinced she was anorexic, though many could attest that she ate significantly more than should be possible for someone of her slim physique. The hand in her pocket retracted, pinching the stem of a lollipop between her thumb and index finger, lifting it to her lips where she peeled the wrapper away with her teeth and dropped the paper into the palm of her hand while slipping the candy into her mouth. 'Cherry. It had to be the cherry one.'

The inside of the building was significantly larger than she had expected, it was cold too, both in temperature and its square, modern decor. This place was efficient, whatever it entailed, whoever ran this operation was apparently effective. 'I think we'll get along just fine,' she thought as she approached the front desk and the secretary seated behind it. "I have an appointment with Mr. Rosewater, I believe he's expecting me," she said in a nearly monotone voice. It wasn't worth wasting her limited supply of emotion on a desk jockey within the first minute. After receiving instructions on how to reach his office, she nodded curtly and replied with a simple, "Thank you." Keeping emotionally detached didn't mean Veronica forgot her manners, she simply invested very little in connecting to what amounted to a human doorbell. The elevator across the hallway opened, then closed after swallowing Veronica inside of it, then spit her out on the floor she was told contained Mr. Rosewater's personal office. She strode briskly down the hallway, stopping outside of the door marked with the plaque labeled 'Brian Rosewater.' She crunched the last bit of her lollipop between her teeth before removing the paper stick and slipping it into her pocket. After a sharp knock, she called out in a more impassioned tone than at the front desk, "Mr. Rosewater? I'm coming in."

Without waiting for a response, she quickly stepped inside of the door and carefully closed it behind her, then turned to face the middle-aged man seated at his desk. "Mr. Rosewater. My name is Veronica Chang. It is a pleasure to meet the man who saved my life."

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Stickdom said:
Veronica ChangThe building looked like almost any standard bureau complex, flat walls at the sides, paneled with large and darkly tinted windows, sweeping glass double doors leading into the front foyer. It was obviously a federal agency bent towards secrecy, or at least privacy. There was no sign to indicate this was the right place, but Veronica was certain she had followed her given directions explicitly. "Rosewater Execution Firm. We meet again," she said dryly to herself, standing outside of the entrance, clutching only a simple briefcase by its handle in one hand, her other hand being tucked into the pocket of the suit jacket she had chosen. 'First impressions.' This formal wear was far from her style, she preferred a more loose fitting attire, mostly to mask her thin frame. She often received questions regarding her size and weight from her various hosts at her traveling waypoints, several were convinced she was anorexic, though many could attest that she ate significantly more than should be possible for someone of her slim physique. The hand in her pocket retracted, pinching the stem of a lollipop between her thumb and index finger, lifting it to her lips where she peeled the wrapper away with her teeth and dropped the paper into the palm of her hand while slipping the candy into her mouth. 'Cherry. It had to be the cherry one.'

The inside of the building was significantly larger than she had expected, it was cold too, both in temperature and its square, modern decor. This place was efficient, whatever it entailed, whoever ran this operation was apparently effective. 'I think we'll get along just fine,' she thought as she approached the front desk and the secretary seated behind it. "I have an appointment with Mr. Rosewater, I believe he's expecting me," she said in a nearly monotone voice. It wasn't worth wasting her limited supply of emotion on a desk jockey within the first minute. After receiving instructions on how to reach his office, she nodded curtly and replied with a simple, "Thank you." Keeping emotionally detached didn't mean Veronica forgot her manners, she simply invested very little in connecting to what amounted to a human doorbell. The elevator across the hallway opened, then closed after swallowing Veronica inside of it, then spit her out on the floor she was told contained Mr. Rosewater's personal office. She strode briskly down the hallway, stopping outside of the door marked with the plaque labeled 'Brian Rosewater.' She crunched the last bit of her lollipop between her teeth before removing the paper stick and slipping it into her pocket. After a sharp knock, she called out in a more impassioned tone than at the front desk, "Mr. Rosewater? I'm coming in."

Without waiting for a response, she quickly stepped inside of the door and carefully closed it behind her, then turned to face the middle-aged man seated at his desk. "Mr. Rosewater. My name is Veronica Chang. It is a pleasure to meet the man who saved my life."

Brian hadn't much time to react to whomever was knocking at his office door,but recognized the name when she said upon entering. One of the new employees for the firm! "Ah, Miss Chang. Please, come on in and have a seat." he offers, motioning to the chair on the other side of hi desk as he put a few files aside. They were the applications and files of what information he had/found on some of today's new people. He spent but a moment appraising the new person. Despite having it confirmed that she was indeed 24, her small frame and large glasses made her look somewhat younger. Would she be able to handle the events that would unfold on the job? The older Executioner sincerely hoped so. With her attire and the way she carried herself she sure looked the part.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, we appreciate your cooperation on this." he begins as a small greeting to her before she can reply as he waits for her to sit down. He was rather glad for the possibility of hiring, since recent times have been pretty trying on the firm. "Before we get into fine details I'm going to cut to the chase on one point I wish to make: This is a very dangerous line of work, Miss Chang. You likely already know that though, since you managed to get in contact with my business in the first place."
◇ Katari Lusung ◇

New life, new job.

Thus was what Katari thought as she looked at the spectacular building in front of her. "The Rosewater Execution Firm." She said out loud before walking into the building. Katari scanned her surroundings as she was impressed by the architecture of the interior. Katari pulled her petticoat closer to her body as she felt the cold temperature of the space. Fantastic. It's cold as hell in here. She thought to herself as she walked over to the reception. Her wedged heels clicked against the marble flooring as she took out a folder from her coat. "I'm here to see Mr. Rosewater from this." She was told he had company already. "I will wait outside the door then." After receiving directions, she made her way to the elevators and pressed the button. She carefully felt the necklace around her neck that had a sapphire gem implanted in it. Katari thought about her father with her eyes closed before realizing that the elevator doors were open for her. She stepped inside, and looked out the glass enclosure as she escalated floors up. Finally, it stopped. Katari looked around for his office and saw it's isolation from the other offices in the corridor. "Alright."
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Veronica; In Mr. Rosewater's Office

Taking the offered seat, she cast an appraising eye over the elderly gentleman. He was tidy and well-kept, dressed in a smart suit not too dissimilar to her own, though it was appropriately sized for his stature. He was direct and brusque, he didn't waste any time. Veronica was certainly going to like working for this man.

"I understand, sir. I was witness to a part of our opposition nearly five years ago, though your organization handled the incident and it ultimately lead to my seeking this establishment. I am fully aware of the risks and liabilities involved and if I can serve my part to prevent another massacre like the one that took my father from me, then use my talents as you wish." As he was straightforward with her, she felt it appropriate to be equally upfront. She set her briefcase onto the desk in front of her, unlatching the clasps that held the lid firmly close and turned it towards Mr. Rosewater. "My tools, sir, I hope you will find them satisfactory to our purposes." Inside of the first layer of the case was a select assortment of small blades, several shaped in the form of scissors, a nostalgic touch that Veronica had had custom made for her. Alongside the knives, there were several more eclectic weapons familiar to her from her martial artistic studies, such as one similar to a set of nunchaku, but in three longer sections with an iron spike on either end to the two outer rods, altogether a three-sectioned staff; and what appeared to be little more than a ridged steel ball on a chain, a Chinese meteor hammer. "I am proficiently trained in their use in close-quarters combat, trained under several masters of the art, as well as having some skill in unarmed techniques." These words were stoic and paced, as if she were reading her qualities off of her resume, which she may well have been. "I also carry several incendiary weapons such as smoke and shrapnel grenades, as well as skill with firearms, though I possess none of my own."

"As for my possession of these items, I have spent the last three years taking several contracts as a bounty hunter while I was abroad, seeking only criminals and denizens of what you refer to strictly as 'Evil'. Puppets." She paused here. Having left out the details that she had merely searched for forces of Evil, never actually discovering any, she wondered if she should feel guilty, it could be taken as an intentional misdirection or even a direct lie. But that was a detail that she could return to if rosewater brought it up, she wasn't done selling herself. "As far as my abilites, I noticed a section on your application inquiring as to the possession of any talents outside the realm of the ordinary. I assume you are referring to what most would call 'powers'. I have discovered some control in myself over the element of water, though I am not certain of the extents or limitations to which I can develop them as of now. I am not a professional hunter or assassin at this point in time, but I hope that through this Firm and your leadership, I may become one of your most effective agents."

She stood from her chair at the end of this speech and bowed her head low, waiting for his response. Surely he was not expecting such an outpouring of information, given so calmly as if she had been speaking in time to a metronome, one word following the next in ordered step. Despite her stoic persona, she felt the slightest twinge of nervousness, wondering if perhaps she had overdone it, or come across as a reckless 'weapon-for-hire' rather than a skilled agent.

As Miss Chang went over her clearly long list of qualifications, Brian kept his attention split to her and her small armory of weaponry. If what she said was completely true and none of it an exaggeration, then Brian lucked out big time. She even had a basic understanding of her own 'powers,' as was his shorthand term for the latent abilities that lurked within all people. Not everyone understood such a fact nor could many use them to any effective degree, but that could be easily fixed. He knew of some ways to make a person's talent far beyond what regular people could hope for. Wait, that massacre five years ago? After a moment the older man remembered. The 'Dark Rabbit' incident as many of his colleagues had taken to calling it. This bit of insight gave Brian some more understanding as to a good reason she had come to seek him out.

Slowly standing up out of the chair Brian Rosewater returned the bow to Miss Chang. "And I hope for to have a long, successful career here, Miss Chang. You're obviously well qualified and I'm sorry to hear you were there during that incident. You'll have plenty of time to learn the extent of your latent talents here. I've perfected ways for my Executioners to unlock them. When you're no longer a novice we'll be discussing it again." he explains with a small smile on his face. "Welcome to the firm, Miss Chang. Make yourself at home here in the Firm. I'm expecting a couple more people to arrive soon in order to finalize their employment here. When I'm done discussing matters with your new coworkers I'll be giving all of you your first assignment. I'll call for you over the PA system if you're not up here when the time comes." he explains to her. "In the first floor basement is where my agents are to keep their equipment when they're not on the job or keeping it at home. May I recommend starting there?"
Veronica; Mr. Rosewater's Office

She bowed her head again at Mr. Rosewater's acceptance of her admission to the Firm, inwardly pleased that she had secured such a position. His suggestion to visit the basement storage facility was taken and noted, as was his comment of the other applicants. 'So, I am not the only one after all. This should be an interesting diversion.' "Understood, sir. Thank you for you time and your consideration. I look forward to serving under your leadership." She collected her briefcase and backed towards the door in the polite fashion of her heritage, then turned and opened the door to exit the room. Stepping out into the hallway, she noticed another girl there, several years younger than herself. 'Nearly as old as I was before the incident. Perhaps my story is not as uniquely tragic as I had thought.' She gave the other girl a polite smile, barely raising the corners of her mouth, "Mr. Rosewater will see you now."

Stickdom said:
Veronica; Mr. Rosewater's OfficeShe bowed her head again at Mr. Rosewater's acceptance of her admission to the Firm, inwardly pleased that she had secured such a position. His suggestion to visit the basement storage facility was taken and noted, as was his comment of the other applicants. 'So, I am not the only one after all. This should be an interesting diversion.' "Understood, sir. Thank you for you time and your consideration. I look forward to serving under your leadership." She collected her briefcase and backed towards the door in the polite fashion of her heritage, then turned and opened the door to exit the room. Stepping out into the hallway, she noticed another girl there, several years younger than herself. 'Nearly as old as I was before the incident. Perhaps my story is not as uniquely tragic as I had thought.' She gave the other girl a polite smile, barely raising the corners of her mouth, "Mr. Rosewater will see you now."


◇ Katari Lusung ◇

Katari acknowledged the woman older than herself by a few years and nodded to what she said. "Ah, thank you." She walked inside the room and bowed at the man at his desk. "Good morning (afternoon?) Mr. Rosewater. I am Katari Lusung, it's a pleasure to meet you sir." She took a seat across from him, and crossed her legs. Katari took the time to observe the man and his attire before talking a little about herself. "I was born in Tokyo, Japan with my mother and father until they moved out. I learned most of my combat skills there, and I believe I can be of use to your organization. Taking down Evil's forces will be easier with me aboard." She folded her hands in her lab, slightly nervous being in the office for a dangerous job. If it wasn't for her father and bankrupt mother, she would've never came here. But there was no turning back. @CoreyXIX
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Aelos said:
◇ Katari Lusung ◇

Katari acknowledged the woman older than herself by a few years and nodded to what she said. "Ah, thank you." She walked inside the room and bowed at the man at his desk. "Good morning (afternoon?) Mr. Rosewater. I am Katari Lusung, it's a pleasure to meet you sir." She took a seat across from him, and crossed her legs. Katari took the time to observe the man and his attire before talking a little about herself. "I was born in Tokyo, Japan with my mother and father until they moved out. I learned most of my combat skills there, and I believe I can be of use to your organization. Taking down Evil's forces will be easier with me aboard." She folded her hands in her lab, slightly nervous being in the office for a dangerous job. If it wasn't for her father and bankrupt mother, she would've never came here. But there was no turning back. @CoreyXIX
"Good morning to you as well, Miss Lusung." he says with a slight bow of his head to the woman. She did seem a little uneasy to be here, a stark contrast to the other employee that had just left. He wouldn't deny that more people would make the job easier but he wanted to ask her a couple questions. It was mostly just too accurately assess her and get a feel for her strengths and weaknesses. "I have a few things I would like to ask of you first. I noticed you mentioned that you had some combat experience, but on the application you left one spot blank: Under the section 'Unusual skills of note.' I'm simply curious about whether or not you have a 'power.' " he asks her. It was somewhat unusual for a person in his firm to not have one. Maybe it just hadn't been unlocked yet?
It was a several minutes after 8:00. Vuokko was walking to her new place of work. The cold air made her knee stiff, making her walk unevenly. She ws excited,but intended to keep her excitement internalized for her first day of work, keeping composed. She entered the firm's front door, and was met with an equally cold atmosphere. it was different though - dryer. It reminded her of home. And in the office's foyer, she noticed a lady, presumably a secretary, seated at a desk near the entrance. In a thick Finnish accent, Vuokko proceeded to speak, "Hello, miss. I a here to see a Mister Rosewood?" The secretary proceeded to point her to the direction of Rosewood's office, as well as notifying her of Rosewood's other guests "Kittoksia." She thanked her, formally, in her native language. Vuokko proceeded to the floor in which Rosewood resided. As she drew near the office, she noticed two girls; one appeared younger, and was entering Rosewood's office; the other one was about her own age, leaving. She was rather thin, and held a briefcase in hand. Vuokko waved calmly to her, in lieu of a spoken greeting. @Stickdom
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CoreyXIX said:
"Good morning to you as well, Miss Lusung." he says with a slight bow of his head to the woman. She did seem a little uneasy to be here, a stark contrast to the other employee that had just left. He wouldn't deny that more people would make the job easier but he wanted to ask her a couple questions. It was mostly just too accurately assess her and get a feel for her strengths and weaknesses. "I have a few things I would like to ask of you first. I noticed you mentioned that you had some combat experience, but on the application you left one spot blank: Under the section 'Unusual skills of note.' I'm simply curious about whether or not you have a 'power.' " he asks her. It was somewhat unusual for a person in his firm to not have one. Maybe it just hadn't been unlocked yet?
She adjusted her coat and titled her head at this question. To be honest, she had no idea what that part of the form meant. "I don't believe what that means, sir." Katari says as she looked at him a bit confused. Power? Do those really exist? She asked herself these questions as she looked back at him. "I, ah, apologize for that blank space sir. Forgive me." Katari says, biting her lip.

Aelos said:
She adjusted her coat and titled her head at this question. To be honest, she had no idea what that part of the form meant. "I don't believe what that means, sir." Katari says as she looked at him a bit confused. Power? Do those really exist? She asked herself these questions as she looked back at him. "I, ah, apologize for that blank space sir. Forgive me." Katari says, biting her lip.
Well, that explained a lot! The woman before him hadn't a clue as to what he was talking about. "No, it's perfectly fine." Brian replies, giving a reassuring smile in order to try to put her at ease. "Everybody has a connection to basic element, even from the time they are born. A lot of the times it shows. Ever knew a fisherman who almost always managed to find a few fish, even in the worst of water? That's his talent of the water flowing through him, even if he didn't know it. Your power still sleeps, but if you stay here for long enough it will awaken." he says as he tries to explain the prospect of it to her.
Veronica; Execution Firm Building

Barely making it down the length of the hallway, she came upon another assumed applicant. 'They have only been women so far, these new employees. Other than Mr. Rosewater himself, I have not seen another male in the building. I wonder about his... interests. I would certainly never guess him to be a man of unsavory character. Still, he can be like any other old eccentric, I suppose.' Veronica acknowledged the hand wave that this new appearance had given towards herself with a curt nod of her head. "Mr. Rosewater is currently occupied with another applicant, if that is you intention." She passed an eye over this new arrival, she appeared to be as old as Veronica herself, if not a little older, and she had eye-catching silvery hair, quite the opposite of her own matte black. "You are here for an application, are you not?" She said this in a tone of voice that had hints of disinterest, as if she really didn't care what the reply would be, but it was meant kindly enough, as kindly as a direct query could be. Veronica did not believe in making idle conversation, talking was merely a means to communicate information, and words spent on frivolous chat were words poorly wasted.

CoreyXIX said:
Well, that explained a lot! The woman before him hadn't a clue as to what he was talking about. "No, it's perfectly fine." Brian replies, giving a reassuring smile in order to try to put her at ease. "Everybody has a connection to basic element, even from the time they are born. A lot of the times it shows. Ever knew a fisherman who almost always managed to find a few fish, even in the worst of water? That's his talent of the water flowing through him, even if he didn't know it. Your power still sleeps, but if you stay here for long enough it will awaken." he says as he tries to explain the prospect of it to her.
Katari relaxed at his welcoming smile, and sat up a little more as he explained the concept of the so-called 'powers.' She nodded as he spoke thinking about what he said. She still had a large amount of questions to ask but kept it in as she smiles. "I see...so every person can unlock their element in some way. I think I understand now, thank you." She was based off of her family's polite yet quiet to others since they lived in Japan. Sometimes he forgets being a little too polite was unnecessary. "Hopefully mines will appear soon." She said with a smile and fixed the hairpins she had holding her hair up on her head. It took her hours to get it just right...of course that was exaggeration, but still.
Aelos said:
Katari relaxed at his welcoming smile, and sat up a little more as he explained the concept of the so-called 'powers.' She nodded as he spoke thinking about what he said. She still had a large amount of questions to ask but kept it in as she smiles. "I see...so every person can unlock their element in some way. I think I understand now, thank you." She was based off of her family's polite yet quiet to others since they lived in Japan. Sometimes he forgets being a little too polite was unnecessary. "Hopefully mines will appear soon." She said with a smile and fixed the hairpins she had holding her hair up on her head. It took her hours to get it just right...of course that was exaggeration, but still.
"Hopefully so, Miss Lusung." he says. If they wouldn't manifest soon she would have some trouble in the field. Still, he wondered what her power was. Water? Fire? Maybe Earth? Of course, since she didn't seem to be aware of the existence he wanted to make sure she fully knew the danger of the job. "I want to re-iterate that this is a very dangerous line of work. There's a good chance you'll see things you probably don't want to. If you think you're up to the task, I look forward to having you work for me." he cautions her. He did hope she would stay and accept the offer though. But it was her decision.
'How rude.' Vuokko thought, in reference to her tone of disinterest, 'We've barely met and she is acting so contemptible. At least have a reason to dislike me. If you don't want to talk, don't carry on.' She didn't actually expect her to talk so much beyond a greeting. She, as well, guessed that Veronica was also an applicant, based on her first few words were regarding application, as well as the fact she just walked out of Rosewood's office. Perhaps she was in a bad mood because it didn't go well. "Yes. I am. And yes. I was aware of the other applicant." said Vuokko, keeping her outwardly cool attitude. She didn't carry on any further, as the woman did not appear to be too willing to talk. She immediately disengaged, proceeding to Rosewood's office door. She waited outside for the other woman to leave. She hoped that not everyone would be so terse.
Hael sprinted into the building, praying he wasn’t late. He hadn’t meant to get lost...the building just looked so unassuming. Though in retrospect he shouldn’t have figured they’d have a big sign or anything. He pushed open the glass doors, cringing at the sudden sound they made in the large interior. A gust of cool, dry air hit him and he shivered. His bright blue eyes scanned the area, settling on the only secretary in the room.

He started walking up to her, patting through his many pockets in the large jacket he liked to wear, to conceal his sword and other miscellaneous weaponry. Reaching the desk and coming up empty handed in the paperwork he had wanted to bring he gave a frustrated smile. Today was not going smoothly at all.

“I’m here for a meeting with Mr. Rosewater.” He started, doing his best to keep some inkling of professionalism. He saw the doubt in the secretary's eyes and he bit his tongue as she directed him to the elevator, telling him there were others waiting to meet with him. Hael let out a breath of air hearing that he wasn’t late. The brunette took his leave and walked to the elevator, pushing the up button a few times, feeling jittery.

The ride up only solidified his nervousness and he stepped out of the elevator, frowning at the tense atmosphere that greeted him. Two women looked locked in a conversation that was annoying one and not bothering the other. He felt heat gather on his brow as he approached, not really sure if he wanted to be noticed by either of them, but knowing it was probably too late.


CoreyXIX said:
"Hopefully so, Miss Lusung." he says. If they wouldn't manifest soon she would have some trouble in the field. Still, he wondered what her power was. Water? Fire? Maybe Earth? Of course, since she didn't seem to be aware of the existence he wanted to make sure she fully knew the danger of the job. "I want to re-iterate that this is a very dangerous line of work. There's a good chance you'll see things you probably don't want to. If you think you're up to the task, I look forward to having you work for me." he cautions her. He did hope she would stay and accept the offer though. But it was her decision.
"I understand that, sir. I will not disappoint you. I look forward to work with you as well." Katari gave a smile as she got up, and bowed to him before departing. "You must have others waiting, I will go." She opened the door, and closed it behind her softly before letting a breath out in relief. Katari glanced at the others in the corridor, and saw a male that she hadn't seen. She gave a friendly smile to all of them. "Ah, morning. I suppose we will be associates very soon?" Katari bows slightly to them as a form of respect.

@Stickdom @NunuSama @CalamariHero
Veronica; Rosewater Firm Complex

The response from the silvery-haired woman was terse and laced with what seemed like contempt, obviously Veronica's own comment had been received as being sharp and rude. 'Noted; I must put more effort into controlling my tone and forcing the emotion, they prefer it that way.' She lifted the corners of her mouth into a smile, not wholly genuine, but it was the best she could manage at the moment. She of course knew how to smile, but the past few years of being practically a mercenary and working with other bounty hunters had made her sense of humour more prone to grimdark jokes about laughing in the face of death and Evil than to making pleasant conversation in office hallways. As the other woman passed her, she quickly shot out into the open air, "I suggest we not start on the wrong foot, we will be relying on each other in the near future, let's not make it difficult with pre-formed prejudices." She continued on her way to the elevators, not waiting for a response.

Veronica stopped as a young man exited the elevator, he looked hurried and distraught, perhaps he thought he was too late. She was about to reassure him that he still had time, but the door opening behind her back made her turn sharply, ready to act if necessary. Despite not being active on a hunt, her subconscious reactions were still honed to the thinness of a razor wire. It was her first defense against Evil, after her father was taken from her, she had determined to never be caught by surprise again. But this time, it was only the girl who had gone into the office after herself, and she echoed Veronica's own sentiments of soon being colleagues. "Indeed. Perhaps we should start with some introductions." She lowered her head only an inch, a sign of respect, but not yet trust, "Veronica Chang."



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'Valid point.' Vuokko thought, 'Though, perhaps you shouldn't take such tone with your allies.' Her first impression of Veronica was rather poor. The tone of Veronica's words threw her off, causing Vuokko to perceive it as a sign of disrespect. Vuokko was already having a poor time creating interpersonal relationships at her new place of work. She felt that, in retrospect, she should have not reciprocated with a poor attitude. She was now perseverating on the thought retrospectively, thinking about alternative responses.

As she advanced, she heard her voice once more, addressing someone. She turned to see a young man. It was hard to tell, but he appeared to be stressed. She couldn't quite tell with her poor vision. She heard, then, another voice. It was from a young lady. She noticed it was the young woman who had just a bit earlier gone into the office. Vuokko bowed in return.

She had intended to enter Rosewood's office at that point, until Veronica suggested introductions, stopping Vuokko immediately in her tracks. She was, presumably, one of their allies, and thus it would be simply rude to leave everyone behind. Vuokko was conflicted. She couldn't simply reestablish her position in the confrontation, as she had already disengaged, and her meeting with Rosewood was arguably more important, but it would be rude to leave everyone behind. After a brief moment of deliberation, she determined it would be best to let the tension between their first encounter settle and meet with Rosewood first; after all, she could introduce herself later.

Vuokko knocked tiwce before entering Rosewood's office. "Good morning, Rosewood. I am Vuokko."




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CalamariHero said:
'Valid point.' Vuokko thought, 'Though, perhaps you shouldn't take such tone with your allies.' Her first impression of Veronica was rather poor. The tone of Veronica's words threw her off, causing Vuokko to perceive it as a sign of disrespect. Vuokko was already having a poor time creating interpersonal relationships at her new place of work. She felt that, in retrospect, she should have not reciprocated with a poor attitude. She was now perseverating on the thought retrospectively, thinking about alternative responses.
As she advanced, she heard her voice once more, addressing someone. She turned to see a young man. It was hard to tell, but he appeared to be stressed. She couldn't quite tell with her poor vision. She heard, then, another voice. It was from a young lady. She noticed it was the young woman who had just a bit earlier gone into the office. Vuokko bowed in return.

She had intended to enter Rosewood's office at that point, until Veronica suggested introductions, stopping Vuokko immediately in her tracks. She was, presumably, one of their allies, and thus it would be simply rude to leave everyone behind. Vuokko was conflicted. She couldn't simply reestablish her position in the confrontation, as she had already disengaged, and her meeting with Rosewood was arguably more important, but it would be rude to leave everyone behind. After a brief moment of deliberation, she determined it would be best to let the tension between their first encounter settle and meet with Rosewood first; after all, she could introduce herself later.

Vuokko knocked tiwce before entering Rosewood's office. "Good morning, Rosewood. I am Vuokko."




Seemed like every time one person left another was right at the door! On the bright side, such punctual people provided Brian with a good impression. So far, they have all been serious applicants and it has shown. Unlike some of his previous employees (Good rest their souls), these ones may yet prove a good crop of people. Even if it seemed they were getting off to a rough start with one another out there. "Good morning, Miss Vuokko. Please, have a seat." he says, both gesturing to the seat on the other side of his large desk while he silently assessed on what he had seen so far from her and from what he heard out there. "Thank for being here today on such short notice. I just have a few closing questions and some last minute things before we make your employment here official." he explains to the woman as he waits for her to take her seat. He would save the rest of what he had to say until then.
Vuokko gave a nod of the head, for both confirmation, and formal greeting. While he explained the purpose of the meeting, she took the offered seat across the desk from Rosewood. When she took her seat, it became apparent to her that they had a notable height difference. Vuokko wasn't surprised by the height difference between her and others, as most were taller than her, but it always seemed to briefly catch her attention.

She crossed her right leg over her left, carefully facilitating it's movement, and loosely clasped her hands over her lap. "Ask away, Mister Rosewood." She spoke. Vuokko didn't know any specific questions that might be asked, though, as she awaited the questions, she mapped out any potential responses to any suspect question subject that she could come up with.

CalamariHero said:
Vuokko gave a nod of the head, for both confirmation, and formal greeting. While he explained the purpose of the meeting, she took the offered seat across the desk from Rosewood. When she took her seat, it became apparent to her that they had a notable height difference. Vuokko wasn't surprised by the height difference between her and others, as most were taller than her, but it always seemed to briefly catch her attention.
She crossed her right leg over her left, carefully facilitating it's movement, and loosely clasped her hands over her lap. "Ask away, Mister Rosewood." She spoke. Vuokko didn't know any specific questions that might be asked, though, as she awaited the questions, she mapped out any potential responses to any suspect question subject that she could come up with.

"Well, I'd like to start off with the obligatory warning of how dangerous this line of work is. You're likely to see some things you'll wish you hadn't. I just wanted to make sure you're sure you want thus position." Brian says to her as the start of the few questions he had. Part of him was debating on whether or not to correct her on his last name, since it was actually Rosewater. He'd let it slide for the time being. "Also, I would like to know a little more about some of your abilities and previous experiences with dealing with Evil. Well, if you have previous ones that is." He says with a small chuckle. He knew from her application that she had some part of her latent power unlocked, but not a lot of detail otherwise. In hindsight, she seemed a bit like the first person he had interviewed today, except just a bit less talkative. They knew how to be professional, that was for sure.

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