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Roses Quest for Gay


Senior Member

Before you get too into this, I'm looking for male/male not female/female


Hello whoever is reading this!

♦ As you may have noticed, my name's Rose. Well, i's not my real name... Anyway! I am a very queer asexual who's just looking for a fun time. 

♦ Although I'm asexual, that doesn't mean my characters are ;D

♦ I'm usually able to post multiple times a wekk, hopefully multiple times a day. I'm in Australia on Australian Eastern Standard Time, so be aware of that. I also go to school and whatnot and life comes before roleplay (unfortunately)

♦ I love all sorts of genres. Fantasy with a mix of modern is probably my favorite though.

♦ I love love love to play multiple characters, so you can probably expect that from me in most roleplays, even if they're just a side character

♦ Usually I post around a two paragraphs per reply

So, enough about me, more about you!

♦ I'd love it if you could manage to get a few replies out a week too. Obviously I know you hopefully have a life so it's not necessary but I'll probably get bored otherwise

♦ I'd also love it if you could manage more than just a line but I'm not expecting a novel out of you, just somewhere in between. 

♦ Of course, I'd hope you can write well. Mistakes happen but just make sure it's not every single word

♦ Contribute to the plot! It's a huge pet peeve of mine when my partner is just a plot starfish ;~;

♦ Feel free to talk to me OOC just for fun, I love getting to know my parter :33

Made it this far? Whew!

On to the good bits!

Generic Pairings:

Bold is my prefered role. If it doesn't have a bolded role, it's a free for all

  • Vampire/Human
  • Newly turned vampire/Older Vampire
  • Djinn(genie)/Human
  • Jock(bully)/Nerd(victim)
  • Merman/Human
  • Werewolf/Vampire
  • Scientist/Merman(or anything else supernatural)
  • Angel/Demon(/human)
  • Prince/Prince(or peasant)
  • Policeman/Criminal
  • Witch/Witch Hunter
  • Childhood Friends
  • Straight Friend/Gay Friend


  • Muse A is kind of unpopular that manages to score a date with Muse B, possibly the most popular guy in school (or wherever it's set.)
  • Muse B died a terrible death without ever getting to say goodbye to their loved one. Muse A looks just like them. Shenanigans ensue.
  • Muse A just saved Muse B's life! It must mean something. Maybe they were meant for each other.
  • Whenever you meet your soulmate, your chest starts to glow. What happens when Muse A and Muse B start glowing for each other when they absolutely hate each other?

See anything you like? Feel free to leave a reply here or PM me :33
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An epic, noble quest. 

Would be interested in:

Newly turned vamp / old vamp 

Witch x Witch Hunter

Childhood friends

Str8 frend x ghey friend
Hi there! It's nice to meet you :) I'm really interested in rping with you on the topic of:

(these are not written in any order; other words, it's RANDOM! :3 )

1. Childhood Friends

2. Jock(bully)/Nerd(victim)

3. Policeman/Criminal

4. Newly turned vampire/Older Vampire

Looking forward to your reply! :D

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