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Rosemoor Academy


Before Long Everything had changed



Long ago this world and many others moved a long a similar path, Humans and Other Beings lived together almost silently and unknowing. Yet every so often, the Humans would target others whether they are monsters or other more humanoid creatures, simply because they were different. The others decided that most of them had had enough and decided to create their own city where they could live in peace away from the humans, away from persecution.  The Venice of Clouds was formed, and after a few years of unrest, it settled down and became the silent capital of the earth, reign above those underneath by inviting regnants to discuss politics and decide the fate, yet of course petty human wars get in the way.  And the Venice of clouds slipped silently into history, occasionally mentioned as the playground of the gods.

Hidden histories reveal that one day, the city in the sky as attacked, and most of its population was killed. The Emperor was left alive by some miraculous force, but the prince one the other hand was not so lucky and was killed during the attack. Any contact with any outside worlds from that point on was completely severed. And the Venice of clouds fell into ruin.

Rumors of an attack like the one on the Venice of clouds so long ago, yet on a much larger scale have been spread through running through the circles of well off magic families. That the man who lead the attack long ago, is not done. Sighting of inky black creatures have appeared all over the world, murders of non-humans occurring more and more frequently. Across all planets across all dimensions the rumors are the same. The worst one is, that he is aiming for a throne much higher than any king.

As these murders increase and these inky black demons appear…Some magic folk have taken matters into their own hands. Yet there have been sightings, sightings of people with powers that could surpass these inky monsters, people who fit descriptions of some of the most revered citizens in the Venice of Clouds, They were called Demigods, protectors, Data Keepers, Enfanti…



San Francisco is far from the center of the world yet that's seems where this story starts, Located in Lower Pacific Heights there is a school. Rosemoor Academy, Only the best and the brightest or the highest paying are Allowed to enter this school for future CEO, scientist and diplomats who will run the world. At surface level, all these kids seem completely normal, yet maybe rich or intelligent students, but some of these children aren't what they appear. Uniforms are required for the Academy, but what else is expected of a snobby rich school.


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The sound of wooden heels slamming into the sidewalk resonated in the cold damp three a.m. air. Stumbling drunks completely ignored the sounds as they wobbled about, city like this, that’s how empty the streets would ever be, but they were just empty enough. Inky black creatures appeared seeping out of cracks, launching and grabbing a girl by the legs. She struggled and struggled, put it seems like all her struggling wasn’t enough and the blackness consumed her.  But within seconds the inky black creature began to move violently, as if it were being attacked from the inside out.  A silent explosion came and the inky blackness splattered across the alleyway, appearing almost like blood in the darkness of the night. A foot slammed down on a limb trying to resurface. The creature screeched as it looked at the girl it had tried to eat. Eyes the color of fresh blood glared down at it as a crossbow appeared into her hand and the girl fired several dozen shining arrows into the inky blackness as it screeched in horrible pain.

“Heu!” The girl shouted at it before the inky black creature gave up and settled with its fate, and died.

The girl was out of breath and she fell to her knees.

“Crimson…” A boy’s voice rang out and the girl turned around to see her own face. The boy walked over to her and helped her up.

“Was that the last one?” Crimson asked.

“I think so, I’m not picking up any more.” The boy replied.

“Oh thank Aria.” She responded quickly, watching the Boy, Her brother move his hand across hr face roughly.

“It got you… a lot actually.” He muttered, but he hadn’t been unscathed from whatever he had been fighting either, his white shirt splattered with red and black and his neck almost completely covered in a now sticky dry red residue.

“You more than me Lil’ Bro” Crimson responded cheekily.

“We’re literally the same age.” He responded rather quickly.” Anyway lets go, there’s no use for us if we stand it this alleyway waiting for some humans to call the police on us after seeing this mess.”

“This is such a pain…Why do we have to go to a school anyway, we know a lot more than the humans do….” Crimson said.

“Because that’s our mission, we have to find the nest of these Imps before we can move on. Ruby said that this might be the next place He attacks, and if we keep the imp numbers low than we can protect this place.”

“Luz…Since when do you listen to big sister Ruby?” Crimson said.

“Shut up.” Luz responded rapidly.” I’m just saying its better we listen to our orders for now.”

“I would rather go straight for the kill, after what happened…”

“I would Too, but for now we should listen to Ruby, She’s the eldest of us all now.

Crimson ignored the last part of his sentence. “But really, what could Rosemoor academy even really teach us…and uniforms, Luz!”

“Could you not be such a child for once?” He asked.

“Could you not have a giant stick up your ass for once?” She retorted and watched him begin to fume.  “See you at home!”

January third, the day that the new school year of Rosemoor academy officially began. Students greeted each other cheerfully as limos and bikes appeared on Octavia St. dropping off students of all demographics in similar uniforms.

Rylan had been in this strange world for a few weeks now, and he'd almost gotten used to the daily life. He'd found a place that exchanged gold for money, and bought a small stone house. He hadn't originally planned to be here but in the chaos he'd unknowingly stepped through the rift, a one way gate to unknown worlds, and this was where he'd ended up. Now he was at the first day of some kind of school, which he had enrolled in simply because he was interested and he'd never seen such a large one. All schools back home had been relatively small, and Rosemoor made them seem even smaller than he'd previously believed them to be. He observed the area and people around. Rylan wasn't entirely sure what he was meant to do for now, so he just relaxed and watched as he thought about the differences he'd seen between here and his home.
“Excuse us you but could you move, you’re kind of blocking our way, dude…” Luz said directed at Rylan who undenounced to him was smack dab in the middle of the sidewalk making it almost impossible for either of sibling to get around him without being pressed up against a wall or running the risk of getting hit by a passing limo.

“Are you okay or are you just star struck because of the amount of socialites that go to this school?” Crimson asked quickly looking Rylan over.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about where I have to go. My old school was considerably smaller than this, I'm just not used to it or the city." Rylan said as he moved out of their way, continuing to walk. Their sudden appearance had startled him though it didn't show, and he figured he was just a little paranoid since what had happened back home. He still wondered about what exactly happened and if that woman had meant for all this to happen, it wouldn't surprise him. He frowned slightly as the thought crossed his mind, he hadn't intended for his thoughts to wander today.
“This is still one of the smallest schools in all of San Francisco though!” Crimson said quickly walking in front of her brother to talk to the stranger. “The next one is Santa Marina’s! And that’s an all-girls school! Wait did you come from a middle of nowhere town?”

“Crimson.” Luz said in almost a scolding tone.

“What! Oh! My Name’s Crimson by the way! Me and my brother just moved here too!”

“My brother and I.” Luz proceeded to correct.

The girl quickly stuck her tongue out at him.
"It was more like a tourist town. They just kept their schools small to fit with the whole aesthetic thing. I'm Ryden, nice to meet you." He replied, slightly amused by their banter. He left out why it was a tourist town since he wasn't entirely sure such things existed in this world; Ryden certainly hadn't seen anything like it, but he also hadn't travelled around. So he only knew a bit about this city, and that didn't even amount to much. It was enough to get by without being too weird, or at least people hadn't seemed to think he was overtly strange. 
“Ah one of those towns.” Crimson responded. “ Ah! Nice to meet you Ryden, the stick in the mud over there is my twin brother Luz.”

“I can introduce myself.” Luz said. “ Nice to meet you.”

“Never once did you ever introduce you were always hiding behind me.” Crimson said.

“Oh you wanna bring up childhood, okay. “ Luz said. “ I didn’t leave your side because you would have cried if I did.”

Crimson glared at him. “ There is no need to be rude.” She quickly walked past the school gates and locked up her bike. Everyone was still socializing in the center garden of the school.
Rydan nodded to show he was listening as they spoke, he didn't really have anything in particular to add to the conversation. He just thought about things as they spoke, and wondered what this school taught. He'd never been one of the people who complained about school, or anything really. He spent his whole life intent on having the most positive outlook he could have, and that had faded for a few days when he first came to this strange city. He still wasn't entirely optimistic though, since his life had been completely destroyed back home and now he still had to get used to everything here. Not seeing fairies or gnomes was still a very odd feeling to him.

((I am so sorry for disappearing, I realized I was late for a meeting and I just got home a little while ago.))
"So how did you get into Rosemoor?" Crimson asked. " Our sister pulled some strings so we could attend. Are you really smart? or a you rich?"

"Why are you like this." Luz said not so much asked. He watched Rydan carefully, from the moment they had met everything about him screamed not human, but it didn't scream anything else. this boy was something that wasn't human but wasn't a werewolf or a witch, not even the familiar metallic scent of a vampire came off him. That was what was suspicious, and the fact that beyond all of this Crimson was still talking to him as if he were simply a human and nothing more.
"I guess I got in with intelligence, I never really considered myself a genius though. You say your sister pulled some strings?" Rylan replied. He knew he had some money but he wasn't what he classified as wealthy and he had got in with the knowledge he had. He'd just always considered himself average, certainly not remarkable. Especially when he'd had to go to a demon for help, and he didn't see through her trickery. He wondered if this world had any fullborn demons. He wouldn't be surprised, he'd heard they were everywhere.

((I just realized I've been using the wrong name. That is the last time two of my characters have similar names.))

"Uh-huh! We got in with the entrance exam but our scores weren't high enough to qualifiy so our sister helped us out by i don't know pulling some strings." Crimson said shrugging. " I heard most of the kids here are geniuses, I'm scared!"

"More Like slept with the director." Luz said chaining his bike up then looking at his sister, and then giving a cold look to Rylan.

"I mean you don't have to be so blunt about who she really is to a stranger." Crimson responed.
"I'm used to it, no one in my old neighborhood tiptoed around words." Rylan stated, not minding Luz's way of speaking. However, he wondered why Luz gave him that look, it reminded him of the looks on the villagers' faces as they watched him run from his old house and out of town. It made him uneasy, and he put his hand in the pocket of the uniform to hold his mother's locket. Rylan tried to keep his mind focused on school but now he remembered the night he left and that made him want to run away, and maybe never come back. He hoped he was only imagining that expression, but he highly doubted it.

((This is the second time this year that I've gotten their names mixed up when they aren't even similar in character; Rydan is essentially a tree in human form.))
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//omg tree person//

"Still, i think that's a lost of information about our older sister that you probably would have been better off not actually knowing. Mainly cause even I'm embarrassed about how she is. Any way, Hey what class do you have first?" Crimson asked getting close to Rylan quickly.

"what just because i'm not in your class your already looking for friends?" Luz teased quickly.

"Then i know who we should look out for if we ever trade places of the day." Crimson replied. " I mean the less people who know you can pull off a skirt the better, right?"

Luz gave her a confused look, he didn't know what she was even implying with that sentence.
Rylan reached into his bag with his right hand to grab his schedule, he hadn't exactly checked what class he had first. "Well, this is my schedule." He said, showing Crimson once he'd looked it over quickly. He was a bit confused about the skirt thing as well, and he wondered if Luz was a crossdresser. He didn't think long about it, it was none of his business after all. He kept his left hand on the locket, since he liked how it felt. Somehow, Rylan thought, the locket almost felt like a heartbeat but he just figured it was his own pulse against the metal. After all, his mother never mentioned it being magic so he felt silly for even questioning it.

((I think I kinda got the idea for Rydan from combining Groot with fairies actually. He's an angry tree person currently.))
"I think me and you have third period today," Crimson said simply. " ugh... politics... why does any god hate me?" 

"Cause last time i remember a girl stealing my sword and attacking a beast." Luz muttered.

Crimson glared at him. 
"Well, that's going to be my worst subject." Rylan mumbled as the two siblings spoke with each other. He figured he could easily just say he's from out of the country if they asked but he wasn't sure what he'd do if they asked which country he was from. The more Rylan thought about it, the more he decided to say nothing of being from out of thee country. He felt that would be more trouble if he did as opposed to someone not trusting him for being secretive. He wished now that he'd done some kind of studying on this world's politics before enrolling.
The first bell for classes rung and the crowd of students began to disperse, the three hundred odd students began to walk to stairs or class rooms getting things from lockers that had been recently claimed. the chatter filled everything. 

"We'll i'm on the third floor this period wish me luck with all these super smart kids." Crimson said taking off quickly. 

"Try not to show them how you didn't pay attention to any of our lessons." Luz called out only to get the girl to turn to him and stick out her tongue. he chuckled then turned to stare at Rylan.  "So is this you're first time being surrounded by humans, demon?" the boy hadn't even bother to whisper what he said.
"I... what?" Rylan looked to Luz thinking for a second he might've heard wrong but seeing him, he knew he hadn't mistaken anything. "I told you the truth Luz. I used to live in a town which always has people passing through, and no, none of the people there were demons. I'm not even a demon, I just used to know one. Are you paranoid or something?" he said.  Though he seemed unshaken by Luz's accusation, Rylan was afraid the same thing that happened to his mother would happen to him even though she was entirely human. He hoped something worse didn't happen instead.
" Do you think i can't tell? Do you think she can't tell? you smell like a demon, and any thing else you could have possibly been has been ruled out simply by the way you act." Luz said. " Nothing smells like a demon just from being incontact with one, then you could tell who witches were from miles away just like that, and you are not a witch. Lets get this straight, I don't trust you, any of you, Deamons or what ever they're called, you and them are the same. disgusting creatures who need to be removed from these planes of existance."

"Can i help you boys?" A girl walked up to them, she had long black hair with a blue streak through it. " Ah! you two are new students! I'm the student council president! do you two need help finding your classes?"
Luz's words, instead of intimidating Rylan like they had previously, just made him angry now. He could see that this guy was nothing like the people he'd known from his old home, aside from his blatant hostility. When the girl walked over to them Rylan forced a slight smile, trying to get over the tension, and replied with, "Yeah, maybe, I think I know where it is but it'd be nice to make sure, right?" in reality he did have an idea of where his first class was but he spoke to the girl so that he wouldn't say what he was itching to say to Luz now. The locket he hadn't let go of felt oddly warmer than it should and briefly he wondered if there really was something odd about it after all, but he pushed the thought aside to pay attention to the conversation.
" I can find my class just find, Ginger." Luz said beginning to walk away from Rylan.

"Alright bye, Luz." Ginger said quickly waving before turning her full attention to Rylan. " Kay, what room number are you going to? the first number is the floor and the second two are the room number, i could walk you there if you want me too."
"You don't need to walk me there, I just wanted to confirm the numbers, so I guess you already answered my question. Thanks for the pointer anyway." Rylan said. He decided Luz wouldn't get to him, it was just one of those things he'd have to deal with, even so he couldn't shake the feeling of frustration at being lumped in with every other demon when he hadn't been a demon for even half a year. He certainly doubted he'd be like the others he'd met, and he wasn't even a fully fledged demon anyway. Still, he knew he'd be thinking about this all day, and he wasn't looking forward to it. Now, he thought, no matter where he went he would always be hated for trying to do what he thought was right. That alone was enough to make him regret ever trying to be a good person.
Ginger followed him silently, her class room was on the third floor and the stairs were in that direction, there were no longer any students in the common area so the girl could safely go to her class with out worrying about other students needing help. 

"I haven't seen you around, what part of town do live in?" Ginger asked.
"I live to the south in a suburban area, I haven't lived in this town for very long so that's probably why you haven't seen me." Rylan shrugged. As they walked he thought about Luz's words, though now he was trying to pick apart the reasons Luz thought like this. Questions popped up one by one, and he couldn't answer all of them. He doubted Luz would answer the questions, and he was still angry anyway. The nerve that guy showed to someone he'd only just met annoyed Rylan to no end.

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