Rosehill High

Sam smiled, She turned around and had a quick look at Kael's timetable, "oh, im heading in that direction, did you want me to lead you to class?" Sam offered as she liked making new friends and being the social butterfly of her year, she decided that she would be a helping hand to the newbie. Sam smiled as she went over to the drink machine to get a drink, "So what do you say? I don't mind being late for class, i do it all the time the teachers are used to it."
Kael chuckled, "well tardiness is still bad, but i accept your offer." he folded up the sheet and put it away. "i never bothered to explore the school so i would probably get myself lost anyway." he said, letting her lead the way. "thanks again. i really have a terrible sense of direction."
Sam smiled, "its ok im happy to help, i dont mind, i wouldnt want someine getting lost on their first day." Sam repiled. She led Kael to his classroom, "Here is my number if you get lost or need to get somewhere and you dont know where it is just give me a buzz." She smiled and waited for Kael to go into class, Sam made her way to her class and walked in and made her way up to the teacher and said "sorry im late sir, i was dircting a new student to their classroom" Sam turned around and went and took her seat and got her books out.
Kael accepted her number, punching it into his phone quickly. he apologized for being late, telling the teacher that he got directions. the teacher nodded and pointed out his desk. Kael groaned slightly, he hated math. he was terrible at math, and he hoped class would be over soon.
Sam was wondering how Kael's first class was going, she decided that she would quickly text him while the teacher had his back to her, "Hey Kael, how is your first class? Just curious, if you need me to guide you to next period i will. :) " Sam sent the text and then quickly put her phone back in her pocket. She continued to write down the notes that were being written on the board, She kept checking her phone just in case he had repiled to her text message.
(( [MENTION=3529]SpinachRavioli[/MENTION] I'm sorry, I haven't been on here in MONTHS D: I'll write a response and if you want to keep RPing on here it's ok if not just ignore this.))

Marceline heard someone whispering behind her and snapped out of it. She looked around just in time to see the person behind her lean forward again. "Oh, sorry. I was out of it... This class ends in twenty minutes." She replied, blushing. It was so rare for anyone to talk to her that she almost didn't know how to react when it finally happened. The boy seemed to go back into his own little world and she noticed he was doodling as well. She smiled and returned to her own sketches for the remainder of class. Soon enough the bell rang and she stood up, stuffing all her things in her small messenger bag. "I'm Markie, by the way." She said to Cecil after mustering up enough courage to actually speak again.
[MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] if you need so one to talk to I wouldn't mind throwing another character in :) ))

Kael felt his phone vibrate and checked to see who it was. Sam had sent him a message and he quickly replied while teachers back was turn. 'Its ok, but I suck at math so I'm looking forward to it ending. I think I will accept your offer miss tour guide :) '. He tucked his phone away agin.
[MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] cool that would work. Please keep in mind I can only check back a few times a day sometimes so I can't instantly reply usually. If you don't mind that then go for it (:
((He will probably sit in the back of the next class period. He is going to be a more timid male type, however I've got to get to work so I will post later))
Sam got the text and she just smiled, she continued writing down the notes, then she checked the time and she only had five minutes left so she packed up and gpt ready to leave. Sam heard the bell ring so she got up grabbed her bag and left, she headed over to Kael's class room to see what he had. Sam was rushing to get there because the corridors started filling up, as she got to the classroom she relised Kael wasn't there, "maybe someone else is guiding him for this lesson" Sam thought but as she snapped out of it she bumped into some people but she just ignored it and continued her way to her next class "Science" her most hated class.
([MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION] [MENTION=2798]Ashlee[/MENTION] sorry i havent been replying >.> been busy))

Kael felt like he had just missed Sam, however he figured that he may be able to meet up with her again at lunch. he shot her a quick text as her sat down for his next class. meet up for lunch? he hit send and tucked his phone back in his pocket.

Jonah had arrived late after taking too long to unpack things in his dorm. he didnt mind however, because then he could avoid other people. the halls were already quiet as the next class started. he found his room and slipped in quietly, taking a seat in the back. he gave a timid glance at the people around him before opening his notebook and beging to take notes.
As Sam walked into class her phone went off in her hand she got a text from Kael, she was glad he was ok and that he had survived his way to his next class without her. Yeah, of course, What room are you in? i'll meet you at your room. Sam sent the message and put her phone back in her pocket just before the teacher walked in. She waited for ages for the bell to go, she was getting so impaitent that it wasnt even funny.
Markie started walking towards her next class, glad to know that it was sort of close by and she wouldn't have to awkwardly wander around campus looking for it. She only bumped into a couple people and tripped once, so she was off to a good start today. She managed to make it to the room unscathed for once and brushed her long brown hair behind her ear as she looked for a place to sit. She found an empty chair in the back of the room and took it, getting her things from her bag as quietly as she could manage. She eventually found the doodle pad from earlier and started back to her skech, which had become pretty detailed by this point.
Kael couldn't take his phone out for awhile since the teacher was walking up and down the rows of desks, watching them like a hawk. When she finally turned her back he slipped his phone out sent a quick "room 245" and tucked it back in his pocket without being caught.

Jonah tensed slightly as someone slipped into the desk next to him, but relaxed after a moment. The girl pulled out a sketchbook and began drawing something. Jonah stuck a peek or two, hoping that she wouldn't notice. He didn't want to cause any trouble for himself.
Marceline felt someone's eyes on her. It happened a lot and she just naturally knew the feeling. She looked over and saw that the boy next to her was looking at her drawing. Brushing her brown hair behind her ear, she gave him a small smile.
Sam saw the text but didnt reply, she was waiting and waiting for the bell to go so she could go meet Kael, she couldnt wait for Kael to make new friends at lunch, and cause Sam is the social butterfly she was deffinatly gonna help him make friends.
Kael tapped his pencil on his desk in boredom. Math he hated, and science he could live without. what he really wanted was to be a social studies teacher, more specifically world history. he loved learning about the past. he often found that he could intrigue others with his tales of the past. looked forward to lunch, as he could meet some new people. he was pretty social and liked by nearly everyone at his old school, so he was confident that it would be the same here.

Jonah gave a startled expression and turned his gaze back to his notes. he hoped he hadnt bother her, he didnt want to cause trouble. he had already gotten more negative attention the he want at his old school, he certainly didnt want to start that here. he rubbed his arm uncomfortably. his zip up hoodie covered his arm, on it was a long jagged scar front a bullying incident at his old school that he hated to remember. he shook his head and wrote out notes, but this time actual music notes. he had made a hobby of composing piano pieces that he could perform, piano was his only passion in life.
Markie's smile dropped when he suddenly looked away. A light blush crossed her cheeks; had she done something wrong. She looked down to see that he was writing music notes. One side of her mouth twitched up a little in a half smile. So he played, too. But the notes were different than the ones she used for her bass guitar at home. She couldn't help but wonder what he played. He seemed like he didn't want her attention on him, so she turned back to her drawing as the teacher walked in and started class. She sat there and doodled, looking forward to band next period.
Once class actually started Jonah put his music away and took out a textbook and a notebook. he needn't pay attention to the lecture, as he always did self study anyway. he stayed in the normal classes but received advanced textbooks so that he could forge his own educational path. the teachers for his grade level couldnt teach him anything he didnt already know.
Bored, Markie continued to draw, shading here, outlining there. She jumped when the bell finally rang and snapped her out of her fantasy world. She looked around to see others packing up and leaving, so she started stuffing her notebook into her bag.
Sam sat there and put her book away, her class got to leave early cause they got given an early mark, Sam was talking and walking with her friends on the way to Kael's class. Sam was telling her friends how cool Kael was, and how friendly he is. Her friends were so excited to meet him and Sam was excited for him to meet her friends. While she was waiting outside of his class she couldnt stop smiling, she was so happy.
As Kael stepped out of class, Sam was there with a whole group of friends. He smiled, "well look who brought a parade along!" He couldn't help but grin, its lovely to meet all of Sams friends." He said with a gentlemanly gesture, "shall we head off to lunch?"

Jonah picked up his books and made his way to the door with haste. As he passed the desk next to him he bumped the girl who had been drawing and his music book slipped from his stack without him noticing. "Oh s-sorry really sorry" he said, getting flustered before hurrying out of the room. He got to his locker and sighed. At this rate things were going to be the same as at his last school.
"Hey, wait-!" Ugh, there he went. Markie sighed and picked up the music book. "You dropped this." She mumbled. The guy was already out of the room and at the rate he was going he was probably halfway down the hall by now... Markie slipped the music book in with the rest of her books, promising that she'd return it as soon as she saw him again. She walked out of the room and to her locker. "Weird day." She said to herself as she pulled open the door. "Hope band goes better than the rest of the morning has..." She slammed the door shut and started walking to the band room. On the way she spotted the guy from class earlier. "Oh, hey." She said, walking up to him. "You dropped this in class." She fished the book from her bag and handed it to him.

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