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Rosegarden High

Looking up at Markus's voice, Skyler took a few deep breathes and managed to control herself. She wouldn't cry, God dammit. "No, it's not your fault." She said, getting up and heading outside, showing Markus and Felicity to the next class. "Its neither of your faults. Really. Please don't blame yourselves." Shaking her head, she maneuvered the hallways as she headed to the next class, Martial Arts. "Martial Arts is led by Sensei Miya, one of the few somewhat decent teachers here. I respect her, truly." Skyler said, trying to distract herself from memories of her father... She would never go back.
"Hmm...Martial Arts you say? I assume this will be similar to our first class?" Felicity asked intrigued. At the mentioning of that class bad memories of what happened earlier that day began to flow into his mind. "Dammit, I don't want that to happen again...I must keep an eye out for Mordred from this day until we graduate..."
Skyler nodded. "Its similar in the sense that we will be split up into pairs and groups, and fight each other. However, the use of powers are not allowed. Its training physical offense and defense in case your powers are not enough." She said as she showed them to the classroom. It was more a gym, but with mats on the ground and no quiet as large. A woman with black hair similar to Skyler's stood in the center of the room, eyes closed. Students stood in a circle around her, awaiting her instruction.
Felicity and Markus both joined the circle the group of students had formed. Seeing how talking had gotten them into trouble before they both decided to not speak even a word to anyone or anything. They simply remained like two statues, not even moving a single muscle. Even their breathing was surprisingly quiet.
"This class will not be like any other class in this school." The smooth and rich voice emerged without the woman moving a bit, her eyes still closed. "In this class you do not learn how to fight. Nor do you learn how to think. In this class, you will learn how to keep control. If you cannot control yourself, you will never learn Matrial Arts." Now she opened her eyes, revealing two red pupils. Every movement was slow and precise as she went through a flurry of movement, demonstrating several techniques. "Seperate yourselves into groups and practice." She commanded quietly.
Felicity was about to ask Skyler be her partner, but she instead decided to go for Mordred instead. "I want to see how tough he is trying to fight me” She said with a grin before leaving Markus's side, who then turned towards Skyler. "Do you want to be my partner? Don't worry I won't hurt you...much"
Skyler couldn't help but laugh. "Really Markus, do you really think you'll hurt me?" Grinning, she placed herself in a ready position and motioned him forward with one hand. "Show me what you got, boy."

Mordred easily spotted the blue haired girl making her way over to him. Smirking, he let his eyes trace over her figure and had to bite back an appreciative whistle. She was smoking hot. A charming grin on his face, he spoke up. "Hey there, beautiful. You gonna be my partner?"
Markus smirked widely. "Don't say I didn't warn you!" He yells before directly charging towards her without thinking about the consequences that could lead to.

Felicity had a mocking grin on her face. "Partner? Oh no sweety, I am not your partner" She got into her fighting stance. "I am the girl who will wipe the floor with your ass!"
Mordred chuckled. The girl had spunk. "Don't worry, honey, I like my girls feisty. But when I get you down on the floor," his voice lowered to a sensual whisper, "you'll be screaming out my name before long." Slowly sliding into his fighting position, he gave her a wink before launching into a blindingly fast series of attacks.

Skyler could only shake her head as she easily dodged, using one hand to use his momentum and tumble him to the ground. "Really Markus? I expected more from you then that. This isn't a bull ring, and I'm not waving a red flag at you. You never, ever just charge in like that."
Felicity rolled her eyes and sighed as she was successfully able to block all of his attack. At one point she even grabbed Mordred's arm, twisted it and pushed it against his back. "Really? I think Markus could make me scream more than you could" She says while twisting the arm even more.

Markus chuckled as he incorporated himself. "I was just testing you, now I am actually serious." He says while adopting a more defensive kind of position. "Go on, show me what you've got"
Mordred's breath caught as she twisted his arm, but his lips lifted up into a smile. "You may not scream when I take you... I tend to leave my women breathless..." He said before hooking his foot around her leg and pulling, sending her to the ground. He fell on top of her, twisting over to grab her hands, restraining her legs with his own.

Skyler sank into a crouch, reminiscent of a hunting cat. Her eyes narrowed on Markus and without hesitation she sprang. A quick fist to his side while another sped towards his face. A kick to the back of the knee. They followed each other without delay, not allowing Markus any time to breathe.
Felicity glared as she began to struggle to get out of the hold, but she wasn't successful. "Dammit! This guy is tough....I know exactly what to do." Felicity widely opened her mouth and closed it around Mordred's closest body part. She began to put all of her force into that one bite. "Hope you like it this rough!"

Markus was successfully able to block some of her attacks, but some others landed perfectly on him. After he successfully pulled out his final dodge Markus took a couple of steps back to get some distance between him and Sky. "I know what to do...I just need to wait for the perfect opening " Markus thought as he adopted his defensive stance again.
Mordred couldn't hold back a curse as the girl clamped her teeth down on his shoulder. He tried to smile at her but He knew it looked more like a grimace. However, he was used to dealing with pain. First from his mother, then from the academy. Leaning in close, he put his lips by her ear. "You're going to have to try harder if you want to hurt me, honey. But if you like biting, then I can oblige..."

Skyler's breath was calm and easy, her eyes fixed upon her target. Markus was better then she had thought, but it wouldn't help. She was Sensei Miya's personal student and she could only be taken down by Sensei herself. Again she attacked, this time increasing her speed and intensity.
After Felicity saw how there were no visible results she let go. "Time for plan B..." She was able to relocate her able. She began rising it as much as she could. "This better work..." Her elbow went down, landing a harsh smash on his crotch area. Felicity began to repeat this technique as much as she was able to.

This time Markus had a much harder time blocking the attacks, resulting in more strikes against his body. "Now is my chance!" He proceeded to place gripped onto Sky's thighs and for a moment he was able to rise her into the air. He then used his body wait to slam Sky against the ground. This action made his glasses fall off.
Mordred let out a choked gasp and released the girl, hands automatically going to the wounded area. "God dammit woman, I need those." He wheeled out, slowly recovering himself.

Skyler lost her breath as Markus slammed her into the ground. For a moment she could do nothing but gasp for air. But then she recovered herself, groaning slightly but ignoring the ache in her body as she scrambled to her feet, spotting Markus's glasses on the floor next to him. "Here, you dropped your glasses." She said, picking them up and giving them to him.
"Oh wow, you do actually have a pair!?" Felicity said with a large grin. "At least I know that works..." She thought before chuckling. Felicity charged towards Mordred again, unleashing a fierce storm of punches and kicks.

Markus was squinting his eyes until Sky gave him his glasses. "I appreciate the help" He said before jumping backwards. He smirked widely. "But that doesn't mean I will go easy on you" Markus said before he charged towards Sky again, but this time he jumped into the air. While in the middle of the air he took a flying kick position.
Mordred did his best to block the onslaught of attacks, but several slipped through his defense. Clutching his now wounded side, he panted for breath as he glared at the girl. As much as he wanted to compare her to his mother, hate her for the pain she was causing him, he couldn't. And that's what angered him the most.

Skyler smirked as Markus initiated an aerial kick. Not even bothering to move, she reached up and grabbed his foot, using his own momentum to swing him to the side and slam him into the ground. In a flash she jumped on top of him, restraining him to the ground. "Give up Markus."
Felicity was displaying a cocky grin, but in reality she was slowly beginning to feel the symptoms of exhaustion. "If I keep on doing that I will eventually ran out of energy..." She took her usual defensive stance, but this time her eyes became alert to any sort of movement.

Markus tried to struggle but his efforts were in vain. Sky had him against the ground and he couldn't do anything about it. "Time for plan B..." A very cocky grin appeared on his face. "I must say Sky, that from here you look rather beautiful."
Mordred made a test jab at the blue haired girl and saw the way her eyes tracked the movement. So she was waiting for him to make a move. Well then, He was never one to keep a lady waiting. He immediately went on the offensive, doing his best to deliver a punishing flurry of blows. However his wounded ribs ached and he faltered, losing his rhythm and leaving himself open to attack.

Skyler jerked and blushed furiously, looking away. "I-I don't know what you're t-talking about, I'm not p-pretty." She stammered out, her grip loosening in her embarrassment. Why on earth would Markus say that to her? Whatever the reason... it felt good.
Even if there were openings Felicity had a hard time landing any of her blows in Mordred's body. Same thing happened with her defense. Even if she was well aware of Mordred's movement she still wasn't able to block all of his attacks due to her exhaustion. The two of them were locked in an endless loop of offensive and defensive tactics.

As soon as he saw it Markus took the chance and with a quick roll the roles were switched. Markus was the one that held Skyler against the ground. A wicked grin appeared on his face. "You should never let your guard down, isn't that the first rule of fighting?" He winked at her. "But then again, I wasn't really telling a lie. Blushing makes you look even better"
Every breath was painful now and Mordred knew that if he tried to keep going he would end up with a broken rib. Again. "I yield." He said softly, closing his eyes as his hand went to clutch his throbbing side. "I yield." He repeated, voice bitter. "Best stop now before I'm beaten within an inch of my life." Again.

Her cheeks were hot, it felt like they were burning. Why did he keep telling her these things?! And now she was too flustered to even fight back! Unbidden, her thoughts wandered to dark places inside her mind. Did he really mean it? Or did he just do it to win? She didn't dare ask...
Felicity was panting loudly, but still managed to grin. "Heh...better luck next time..." She cleaned the sweat off her forehead before looking at Mordred. "I was about to let you win by the way." This was true. Felicity's body was screaming for mercy throughout the battle's final stage. She offered her hand "Good fight"

Markus grin widened as he let go of Sky. "If this was a real fight you would probably be dead by now, so I guess I win." He offered his hand to help Sky up. "I have a couple of cards below my sleeve"
God, could this girl be any less likable? Mordred couldn't help but smile at her, a rare genuine one. "It was a pleasure." He said, taking her hand. But instead of shaking it he brushed his lips against her knuckles. "Now may I ask your name?" He smirked slightly, holding her hand for a bit longer then needed before releasing it.

She stared at his hand for a few moments, dark thoughts swirling inside her head. Finally she took it and pulled herself to her feet, looking down at the ground. "Did you mean it?" She whispered softly, unable to look at him. "Did you mean what you said, about me being pretty?"
Felicity cleaned her hand against her skirt before looking back at Mordred "Felicity, that's my name...Oh, and you should probably know that I am friends with Skyler" She said with a wide grin. "You know, the girl that humiliated you before"

Markus chuckled as he took off his glasses in order to clean the dust off the lenses. "Heh, I actually meant that..." He placed his glasses back on, a calm smile on his face. "But I also meant it when I said that you shouldn't be distracted by those kind of things..."
The smile dropped of his face. Of course. She had to be a friend of that girl. She had everything he lacked. Was he always going to come in second place to her? After his mother, he had promised to never let another woman make him feel so inferior again. But it seemed like this promise, just like all the others he had tried to keep, would just end up broken. "She'll be a good friend to you." He gave her a jerky nod, before turning away from Felicity. Such a beautiful name. He closed his eyes. Beautiful things were not meant for him.

A shy smile spread over her face when Markus spoke, only to falter as he added his second sentence. "A-ah. Okay. I'm sorry. I'll make sure to do better next time." Of course. She still had much to learn. She knew that. No need to be upset over it. Her eyes gazed at the ground as her arms came up to hug herself.

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