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Rosegarden High


Ashigara's Lightning

Everybody thought it was a normal school. Nobody cared if the admission exams were extremely hard and nearly impossible. Nobody minded the fact that there weren't that many students. Nobody thought about it twice. But none of them even thought that this peaceful looking school could be their doom.


The school


A normal classroom


The gym


Inside view of the school (1)


Inside view of the school (2)


The yard (1)


The yard (2)​
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Name: Skyler Luna Morket

Nickname: Sky or Night

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Magic: Control over darkness and shadows

Personality: Quiet but tough. She has strong rules about honor but if a fight starts, she will do anything to win.

Background: Her mother died in childbirth and her father abused her. She got sent off to the academy at 13 because her father got tired of supporting her. She almost died her first year, so she decided to get strong enough to stand up to the world and her father.



-Night time


-The color black



-Light in her eyes
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Markus Jewels













+Opened spaces


-Large groups

-Loud noises

-Closed spaces




+Can be kind at times



-Can be a coward at times

-Has some anger issues


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Orientation Day.

Also known as New Kid Day. The day new kids fears. And rightfully so.

Skyler sighed. The other kids had got it in their heads that it was alright to attack the new kids on their way into the school. Sighing again, she stepped into a nearby shadow and melted into it, immediately sliding through it until she got to the front of the school. Then she once more stepped out into the sunlight. None of the other kids in sight. "Good, I made it in time."
"Hey you, wake up. We are already arriving." Someone began to shake Markus who then quickly woke up. It was the student that had sat next to him in the bus. Markus thanked him for waking him up but his attention got immediately caught by what was outside his window. The ocean. They were crossing a large bridge. Markus adjusted his glasses and stared at the beauty of the scene. A couple of seagulls flew close to the bus before they disappeared under the bridge. "They must keep their nests there..." He stopped looking outside and instead began looking around him. A large bus full of many boys of his same age, most of them talking to each other. There were some other students that were also sleeping but their dreams were soon interrupted by an announcement of the bus driver "Attention everyone. The headmasters and teachers of the institute welcome you to Rosegarden High and hope that you all have a nice and peaceful experience. From this point onward you will experience the grand class and high quality of this school. Thank you for your attention." Outside the window the ocean suddenly ended and they were now passing through a large metal gate. Various students outside the bus began staring in their direction, some of them were even waving. "We've arrived to our destination." The driver said as the doors began to open.
Sky noticed the bus arrive and right on cue the other students. Placing her head in her hands, she sighed yet again. "This is going to be bloody." She muttered to herself as she raised her head once more to look at the bus. A shock of pinkish red hair was at one window, and she found herself focusing on it. She had never seen someone with that hair color. How interesting.
A large line formed on the bus's hallway and Markus was one of the firsts on to join it. After a couple of minutes the whole bus was empty and the students were standing in front of the bus. Everything was quiet. Maybe a bit too quiet. Out of nowhere a huge male scream was heard and very slowly many of them began to add up. "What the-" Markus's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a rather painful feeling spreading across his face and was soon followed by wet feeling. "A water balloon!?" He thought. His instincts lead him to blocking his face with his arms as a shower of water balloons began to fell upon the new students.
"3...2...1..." And there was the first punch thrown. It spread in a flurry, the older students clearly beating up on the new kids. Her frown deepened and she took a step forward. It was time to stop this. "Enough." She spoke, the shadows rising up around her to whip at the older students. Many of them paled and stepped back, having experienced her dark magic before. But there were always the bullies. "Witch! Get those damn shadows out of here!" That was Mordred. He had hated her from the moment she arrived.
Most of the new students had assumed a fetal position and were trying to protect their goods. Only a bunch of them, including Markus, were still standing up. He was trying to help a blue haired girl incorporate when suddenly the attack stop. His attention got caught by a female figure who was emanating some sort of dark aura. He began cleaning his wet glasses in order to get a better look of her but suddenly he noticed something odd. The blue haired girl was extremely pissed. Markus was about to try and calm her down but she suddenly raise her hands into the sky. The ocean began to heavily shake as a huge blast of water fell upon the older students, the girl with the black aura included. "Ouch...A bit of an overkill..."
Skyler barely got any warning before water thundered down upon her. She instantly went to her knees, gasping for air and choking on water. The deluge ended as suddenly as it had come, leaving her drenched upon her hands and knees, coughing and gagging. She struggled to stand up, only managing once she had gotten a few gasps of blessed air. "Nicely done." She spoke to the blue haired girl who had apparently caused the outpour of water, her voice rough and raspy. "Now please refrain from including me in such a spectacle again." She spoke, clearing her throat and steadying herself. Her shadows once more rose to flank her as she stared at the blue haired girl. "Or else I shall be very, very mad." Her voice was deadly cold, even though her threatening look was put off by the fact that she was still drenched in water. Then she switched her gaze to the boy with the pinkish read hair she had noticed earlier. "You, both of you, names?" She asked, ignoring the rest of the students that were just starting to get up.
Markus quickly stiffened up. He looked extremely nervous. On the other hand the blue haired girl simply crossed her arms and cocked her eyebrow. "Oh wow, you are SO scary. If you must know my name is Felicity Allua and I control water as you may have seen and experinced." Felicity turned towards Markus who was standing there, soaking wet. "Um...my Names is Markus...Markus Jewels...I use technopathy so control electric objects...Nice to meet you. " He scratched the back of his head as Felicity now turned towards the mysterious girl. "We've introduced ourselves to you, now it's your turn. Who are you?"
"I am Skyler Luna Morket. Now that you've heard my middle and last name, you can forget them." Turning towards the school, she tossed her words back over her shoulder. "You'd better learn quick, or this place will be hell for you. We live and die by the rules beaten into us here, so make sure you know them." She paused for a moment, then shook her head and sighed. "I knew this was a bad idea..." She muttered to herself before addressing the two new students once more. "Come on, I'll give you a tour of the facility and a few highlights of the school."
Felicity chuckled and began stepping forward with a cocky grin. "That's so kind of your part." Her tone sounding slightly sarcastic. Before stepping any further she turned towards Markus, who was still standing there, deep in his thoughts. "Come on already!" Felicity's loud voice snapped Markus out of his thoughts. "Huh? Oh,on my way!...." He passed next to the older students, some of them were even frowning at him while crossing their arms." He fastened his pace until he was next to Skyler and Felicity. "Sorry for that...I am ready." Felicity turned towards Skyler, grin still on her face. "So, shall we start?"
"Well, the first thing you need to know is that there is no such thing as a nurse's office here. If you get a wound, either you or your friends have to treat it. Don't know how? Well too bad." She said, her words completely serious as she led the duo through the large entrance doors and into the gloomy and dark hallway. "The next thing you need to know is not to go anywhere alone, not even the bathrooms. People will jump on you in an instant the moment you're unprotected. People don't do that to me anymore," she gave a vicious grin at that, "So if you stick by me, you should be alright for the most part." She pointed out the various rooms that they passed by: Combat Theory, Gym, Martial Arts, Meditation, Magic Theory, Teamwork, and Magic Practice. "The teachers are military, all of them, so don't try anything on them - they'll hurt you in a heartbeat." There she stopped and turned around to look both the new kids in the eyes. "And the last thing you need to know? Now that you're here... you're never getting out."
Markus was surprised by how harsh Skyler sounded. "You are making it sound like a prison...It can't be THAT bad...Can it?" Felicity rolled her eyes. "Oh stop whining already. Is anything this is WORSE that jail!" She laughed out loud, placing her hands on her sides. Markus sighed. "So wait, we will be all in the same homeroom? That's...actually good!" Felicity chuckled. "So, I've been meaning to ask you something. Where are the dorms? Or do we sleep on the ground?"
"There aren't enough of us to have seperate homerooms. It may seem like there's a lot of us, but a lot will die or 'graduate' this year, so the class will dwindle down to about 40, on the high end of things." Skyler spoke in response to Markus before turning to Felicity. "The dorms are at the other end of the school. If you'd like, I can take you there much faster then we can walk." She grinned slightly. "Of course, you're going to have to trust me. Unless you're too scared..." She taunted, knowing that would annoy the overconfident blue haired girl who thought she knew it all.
Felicity cocked her eyebrow, grin still on her face. "Me? Scared? Pft, you are confusing me with someone else my darling." Markus cleared his throat in order to caught the girl's attention. "I don't see why we should, I mean wouldn't it be better if we learned the route for ourselves? What if you are not around and we get los-" Markus speech got interrupted by a fist smashing against his stomach. He felt onto the ground, holding it tightly due to the pain and trying was trying to regain his breath. Felicity cracked her fists while looking down at him. "What were you saying?" Markus began to slowly incorporate himself while shaking his head as fast as he could. "Nothing..." Felicity chuckled before turning towards Skyler. "Shall we go?"
Skyler looked at the scene in front of her and secretly disapproved, but she kept a blank face and nodded. With a snap of her fingers, all the lights went out and they were immersed in darkness. "Don't feed them fear. They get stronger if you fear them and it gets harder to control them." It seemed as though the black haired girl's voice was coming from everywhere at once as there was a sudden jerking feeling in their bodies. The lights suddenly turned on and they were all left blinking in the sudden brightness. "The dorms." Skyler presented with a flourish.
While they were both immersed in the darkness both Markus and Felicity had very different reactions. Felicity simply crossed her arms and looked around with a stone cold face. On the other hand Markus's reaction was complely different. He wasn't scared, he was amazed. He looked around him continuously and when it faded away he turned towards Skyler. He was smiling slightly. "That....was amazing! I have never seen such power in my life!" Felicity just rolled her eyes and shrugged. "I have seen better"
Skyler shrugged and looked away. She wasn't proud of her powers. They were the literal definition of black magic. Evil magic. And her magic was evil, there was no doubt about it, not after what she had seen them do when she lost control. "Whatever." She spoke, struggling to keep her voice and face under control. "We have coed dorms here. Special activity is allowed as long as its not seen by any of the faculty." She turned to them. "Anything else?"
Markus was about to say no but then he suddenly realized something. "So wait, does this mean there's only one dorm? If so, does that mean it's...unisex?..." Felicity stiffly turned towards Markus, cracking her knuckles. "What's that? You getting some dirty ideas?". Markus took a step backwards, fashioning an innocent and also nervous smile. "Hey hey hey now, I am just curious, that's all..."
Skyler laughed coldly to cover up her disgust with the girl's strong arm tactics. "No, the boys and girls have separate bathrooms. Even the faculty members have some sense of modesty. Whatever is done behind closed doors is one thing, but bathrooms are another." She said, turning her back to the both of them and shoving her hands in her pockets to fight the urge to put Felicity in her place, that being on the ground and in pain. Maybe then that cocky overconfident girl would get a sense for her own strength - that is, weaker then most other kids in this school. Perhaps that would give her some humbleness... Caught up in her angry thoughts, Skyler didn't even notice that the shadows around her were deepening until a long howl came, at first from a long distance but rapidly getting louder until it was earsplitting. The howl ended abruptly as out of the shadows sprang a wolf as large as a horse, with glowing red eyes. Skyler cursed, a long stream of foul words. "Get behind me!" She ordered Felicity and Markus, placing herself in a ready stance. "You don't have the skills to face a shadow beast yet, not to mention that even if you did manage to hurt it, all you would do is get it angrier." She snapped at them, bringing her hands up to protect her body as the beast lunged towards her.

(This is what a shadow beast looks like.


Scary, isn't it?)
Markus chuckled, a bit disappointing. "Aww, I was expecting something else..." Felicity rolled her eyes and was about to say something when she noticed something that things were suddenly taking a turn for the worse and began to step back. Markus also looked nervous, but he still remained close to Skyler. "Let's just retreat..." He was about to follow Felicity when Markus saw that the wolf was approaching Skyler. "Skyler...We must REALLY go..." The wolf was closer "Skyler..." The wolf lunged towards her. "SKYLER!" Markus's instincts made him step forward and point his hands at a nearby fuse box, making it explode next to the wolf.
The sparks flew harmlessly through the shadow wolf, scattering against the opposite wall. However, it did manage to startle Skyler out of her ready position. She barely managed to block the wolf's lunge with her arm, sending her to the ground with the beast on top of her. "I told you to stay behind me!" She snarled at Markus as she wrestled for control. "YOU WILL SUBMIT!" The wolf, startled by her roar, jerked back and Skyler managed to restrain it, one hand clamped around his mouth as the other arm and her legs restrained its paws. Unable to move, the wolf whimpered and closed its eyes, fading away slowly. Panting, Skyler stood up and slowly turned to glare at Markus.
Markus began to step back until he was next to Felicity. For some reason angry Skyler was much scarier than the shadow wolf. "In my defense I was always behind you, so in a way I never violated your command!" he said with a nervous laugh. Felicity sighed. "Great job you idiot, now she will kill as both. Are you happy now?" Markus turned towards her. "D-don't say that kind of stuff!" He said with a nervous tone before looking down at his clockless wrist. "Oh wow, just look at the time! I better start setting up my room to get a good night sleep! Nice to meet you two, bye!" He quickly turned around and began to walk away with a rather fast pace. "Keep walking and don't turn around, she will sense your fear..."

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