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Realistic or Modern rose-colored glasses [LORE]

laburnum gold

you know ;)

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    — lore

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The RA: Duke Ingram
There's not much to know.

When you got your room assignments at the beginning of August, he made a group chat for everyone in the hall. He's not super active or overtly friendly on there, but he usually answers any questions pretty quickly. He's in his second year, he's a well-known photographer, and he's a communications and media major with a Japanese minor.

The first time you saw him was when you moved in, and he was handing out IDs, maps, and orientation schedules with a tired customer-service smile. You get the feeling that he's a busy dude, and (hopefully) that that means he's a pretty chill RA.

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The Dean: Yifan Iris
Dean Iris is definitely the less approachable half of ICU admin. There's nothing about her that's mean, but she doesn't have the same amount of time in a day to stop and chat with students like Don Candor does. Any time she's spotted on campus, she's focused on getting to somewhere else. If anyone wants to talk to her, they have to be able to keep up with her. It's pretty funny, actually.

She does a lot more of the behind-the-scenes work, so you don't really know anything about her. The first time you saw a picture of her, you recognized her as the woman you saw during your tour.

Definitely the less approachable one.

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The Don: Elihoreph Candor
Don Candor is the campus favorite. Even Dean Iris's favorites will agree.

Even though you don't know him, you feel like you do from all his speeches and the personable way he presents himself. There are tons of pictures of him on school social media hanging out with groups of students on the green. You found a popular account documenting his daily suits - he seems to favor yellow.

He does a lot around campus, but he's most affiliated with the Crows which makes sense since his family established the group. The Crows are like charismatic mini Don Candors in the making, and the way they flock around him is the cutest.

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The Advisor: Percival Manco
On your schedule, you see a class that's simply labelled: 4EΩ Seminar. Percival Manco. Tower 510. F 1:00-2:30.

Looking him up, you see that he's the head of the psychology department. He's a prolific writer, and researches morality versus human desperation. Besides that, there's not a lot about him.

His reviews on RateMyProfessor are okay. Both the positive and negative ones say that he's weird and hard to predict: sometimes walking out on class five minutes in and other times interrogating students on the reading. The best ones say he'll inspire you; the worst that he'll wreck your GPA. The only thing you could say for certain is that he has a habit of being randomly unavailable.

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Mary Shelley
Duke's friend(?).

The first time you saw her, she had already whisked your RA away back up to your floor. Since then, you see her visiting his room intermittently. You don't know what their relationship and her actual name is, and it's been a week.

You kinda wanna know why she's Mary Shelley in Duke's contacts, though. Her vibe is weird, but not classic lit weird. She has an inscrutability to her, and not in the regular manic pixie dream girl way. She just doesn't seem fully there.

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