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Romance Rp

Andrew smirked and lifted up Alex. He put her on the kitchen counter then proceeded to kiss her very passionately while his hands were on her hands.
Alex blushed at his actions and smiled kissing him back. She giggled and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as she smiled into the kiss.
~Time Skip~

Alex blushed as she laid her head on Andrew's shoulder, panting softly. She closed her eyes and smile a bit staying silent.
"I will probably have to clean this counter later. " He said with a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her bare waist.
Alex blushed bright red and kissed him gently. She couldn't help but giggle softly at his words.
Andrew closed his eyes for a moment, enjoy the time he is having with her. He thought he had more time to stay like until, he heard a voice.

"Hey, Guess who is home!?" said Rose.

Andrew eyes shot opened as he was shocked by the sound of one of his sister yelling at the front door. Shit! What is she doing here!? It is in the middle of her semester! He thought fast as he heard her approach the kitchen.
Alex blushed bright red and immediately wrapped herself with the towel. She got off the counter and looked around before remembering her small frame. She went to a nearby cabinet and climbed inside without a sound.
Andrew wrapped himself in his towel and leaned against the counter and grabbed a rag. After grabbing the rag, sister appeared in the kitchen with a huge smile on her face.

"Baby brother there you are!" Rose said as she hugged him. " Hm? Why are yo sweaty ?" She let go of him and put her hand on her hip.

" I'm not sweaty. I-I just took a shower that is all." Andrew said nervously.

" No that is defiantly sweat" She sniffed the air. "Weird...? Smells kinda fruity in here." She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Pfft.. Haha... Fruity. That's weird." Andrew was rubbing his head. " I don't smell it. You might be imagining things."

" Hmm... " She was about to put her hand on the count until Andrew shouted.

" Don't do that! I mean... I spilled some soda. I have to clean it up. It is still stinky..."
Alex covered her mouth as she listened, trying her hardest not to laugh. She continued listening, hoping she wouldn't need any pots in the time span that she was there.
" Hmmm.... You are up to something. " She said while pointing at him.

He put his hands up and said " N-No I not. I swear. Seriously..."



" Hmm... I got my eyes on you little brother" She turned and around walked to the exit. " I'll be right back. I am going to check up on a friend."

She left the room then house a few minutes later.

Alex heard the front door shut and cautiously climbed out. She laughed as she stood up and stared at him. "Wow," she said simply before adjusting her towel.
Andrew wiped his head in relief. " That was super close." He said with a smile of relief. He lean against the counter and looked at Alex. "Was it cramped?"
"I'm sure I've been in tighter spaces...and I know you have," Alex said with a smirk before skipping upstairs. She giggled softly and changed into her clothes before going back down.
Andrew snickered a little at her comment. After, she came back down, he decided to put some clothes on too. He went up stairs and found some casual clothes to put on. He then went back down stair and kissed Alex. He pulled out his phone to check the time and said " Wow. It is Only 9:46. It felt longer."

Alex kissed him back and smiled as she laid her head against him. "So what do you want to do?" she asked softly before looking up at him.
He hopped on to the couch and grabbed a the remote. He turned on the tv which was playing a old movie 'Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho'. He smiled at the television. This was his favorite film. He thought it was the best film.
Alex smiled and sat down on his lap, closing her eyes as she listened to the movie, yawning softly. She smiled slightly and kissed his cheek.
Alex soon fell asleep as she cuddled close to him, forgetting that his sister was supposed to be coming back.
Rose came back 45 minutes later, right when the movie ended. " I'm back!" She yelled as she walked into the kitchen grabbing a soda from the fridge.

Andrew gently tapped Alex and whispered " Wake up, Alex. My sister is here. Wake up."
Alex groaned softly and tightened her grip on him. "You never wiped off the counter," she mumbled before immediately falling back asleep.
"Shit..." was all he said, before his sister yelled out in surprise and stunned.

"What the hell! That is not a soda stain! Andrew!!!" yelled Rose.

" Fuck..."

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