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Romance Rp~


Im currently looking for more Long term Rp buddies. I will be able to respond quickly 99% of the time unless there is a day I am severely busy. I Do both Fandom and Origonal Role plays. I do roleplays over PM mostly.


Italics: Have done/love Doing

Blank: Hasn’t tried yet

Fandoms Include:

Death Note

Naruto (I'm fully updated)


Soul Eater

Fantasy Ideas:

Vampire x Vampire

Vampire x Human

Fallen Angel x Angel

Angel x Angel

Fallen Angel x Fallen Angel

Demon x Angel

Demon x Demon

Fallen Angel x Demon

Princess x Prince

Princess x Servant

Vampire Princess x Servant

Vampire Prince x Servant

Human x Ghost

Bad Boy x Bad Girl

Bad Girl x Good Guy

Cop x Cop

Roommate x Roommate

Best Friend x Best Friend

Zombie Apocalypse

Maid x Master

Childhood Friend x Childhood Friend


. You can type as much as you want, I dont have a minimum requirement because I know we all get writers block at times,.

.All Kinks are allowed from Light to Heavy and Dark (I may change that depening on the RP but so far its no restrictions

. If you have a question during the RP you can ask me


. I love detailed RP's doesn't have to be super detailed but even alittle detailed makes the rp fun in many ways~


. Romantical conflict gets under my skin if its too the point the couple has to literally end them selfs and create somthing else I know sometimes perfect relationships in rp's get boring but lets not have them fight one antoher.

Thats all im going to put here soo if you like what you see message me or ill message you either or ^_^

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