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Realistic or Modern Romance in the Dorms

"Woah woah woah! So we're just going shopping?!" He was so confused, still. He may be smart, but he had no clue about people and their... Strange ways. They were really kicking and screaming about going shopping? "I'm so confused..." He complains.

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Lucy huffed. "I'm not even going to the party! I said it like a hundred times." She said and crossed her arms. "And yes... But it's not fun. Shopping is horrible... I hate parties..."
"So we all agree, we're going to the party? I'll see you there Lucy!" Bobby smiled and looked a Naidia and Doyle, "Alright gang, we'll go to the party, you can quit twisting my arm."
Tanner peeled out of the parking spot as soon as his charge was in the car. "One, why are you so strong?! Two, You will not roll out of the car as it is going forward. And three, yes you are going to my party!" After addressing everyone in the car, he shifted into drive and pulled out of the parking lot fast enough to make your skin peel. "Someone pick a clothing store where we can begin to find something for this girl." he sighed, flicking his cigarette out the window. "By the way, who are you cute kid?" he asked, feeling no time was better than the present.
"Lucy, hun, you're new to college. You'll get used to it." She winked and then nudged Bobby. "About time you gave in. I'm not strong enough to twist your arm for long, anyway." As the car pulled away, she waved excitedly. "See you guys later!" She turned to her partners in crime. "Who were those guys, and where's this party?"
Lucy glares at him from the back seat in the rear view mirror. "Tanner! I told you, I'm not going! Stop trying to make me!" She said and huffed slightly before giving a smile to Spencer. "Sorry about getting you roped in somehow... We aren't usually this crazy.. Tanner is high and Mel just wants me to suffer."
Melody turned and faced Lucy,

"Yes you are going to that party. And you most definitely are going to have a great time I promise Lucy!"

She said before making her signature puppy dog face at the girl before saying a final plea,

"Please Lucy."

She said ignoring Tanner.

"It'll be no fun without you and your my bestest friend ever! And I want you to learn how to be set free from that cage of yours!"

She looked down sadly,

"But if you don't wanna go I'll just go off and lock myself in my room for a few days..."
Spencer opens his mouth to speak but then shuts it again. He was talking to him, right? Seemed like he knew everyone else. "Uh... I'm Spencer... And you areee?" He elongates the e in are because he was confused, and he looks in the rear view mirror and watches the two girls in the back before looking at the boy next to him. What a strange day.

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"Aaaaaaaaa.....okay....you the boss." he said, while watching the car fade away slowly. "Do you think it's legal to drive like that? I wish I had a driver's license. Man. What a day...anyways, I'll be going! All this running and playing hero got me tired." he said as he yawned. "I'll go take a nap. Was nice meeting you guys. Keep me in check with the party, okay?" Doyle said as he began walking away from his two new friends while waving.
"Thats a good point on all three points.. Um... Look, heres the plan. We go get swagged." He grimaced a little, "Ignore that, I didnt say that. We're getting dressed ,I assume its just a normal party. Can you two drink?" He looked at them, "Im going to get white girl wasted most likely, we'll meet up here at... 30 minutes. And we'll drive around and find them."
Lucy huffed slightly and crossed her arms. "You guys kidnapped me and are forcing me on this shopping trip with you. Besides I have absolutely no interest in going... I'm just not party material." She said while sighing.
(Eh, I'm going to sleep now...it's 1:14 AM here. DAMN! Having a blast and I'm tired. I'll reply later. If the party starts while I'm ZzZzZzing, then Doyle would love to come...uninvited.)
Nadia nodded at both of them before Doyle walked away. "Catch you later, Doyle Dixon. And yeah, I'm legal. Though I'd bet money that I'll get carded anyway. I call shotgun. See you in 30," she said, turning around to survey the buildings behind them. After a few moments of contemplation and biting her lip, she suddenly turned and walked towards the dorms, having suddenly remembered where they were.
"If it helps at all, kidnapped girl, I have never been to a party..." He looks at her out of the rear view mirror and shrugs his shoulders. He'd never been invited to one, too uncool probably. Too nerdy.

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Lucy smiles a bit. "Awesome, we can hang out in the back together. Since I've never been except when these two drag me... Anyways I'm Lucy. These two kidnappers are Tanner and Melody."
"Tanner. Melody. Lucy. Right." He smiles, making sure that he remembers their names, it wouldn't be so hard, really. "I'm Spencer, you probably heard though... Just in case I guess." He cracks his fingers nervously.

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Robert was waiting at the meeting place, he had on shorts and a band tshirt. He smiled and waved at people as they passed by, asking if they knew about a party
After Doyle left Nadia and Robert, he went back to his place, to take a nice and cozy nap. After 20 minutes of napping, he woke up and started to get ready for the party. A quick shower, a change of clothes -he chosen a black t-shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans with a pair of black boots-, a look in the mirror to check everything was fine and he was ready to party.

Walking towards the meeting place, he saw Robert from a distance. Raising his arm up high for Robert to see, he waved it fast, as he approached him. "Yo Boss! How's the quest on getting Lucy's heart?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
"Stop glaring, sweetheart. This is a mutually beneficial trip." Tanner chirped from the front seat. He sent a glare of his own to Lucy in the back. "We get to see you have fun for the first night of this 'no teacher era', and you get to be harassed less by me. And you know I do this out of love." He smiled and nudged Spencer's arm. "Turn on some tunes...or tell me a little about yourself..." he said and without warning Tanner let go of the steering wheel and used his knees while sending mass-text invites to the party.
Lucy huffed slightly while crossing her arms. "Fun? Is that what you call it? More like torture pretending to wear sheep's clothing..." She grumbled slightly.
Spencer's eyes widen, "I think I'd rather just not die!" He says quickly and looks around the car, then rests his eyes on the steering wheel. "Did you know you're less likely to be able to react quickly in situations like this because you're... Never mind." He bites his lip, do not freak people out, nerd.

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"Chill out, I'm done." Tanner quipped, placing his hands back on the wheel. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" He winked at Spencer, stuck his tongue out at Lucy and ignored Mel--who was equally ignoring him.

[should we skip the shopping scene?]

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