Other Roleplay Pet peeves

When responses are clearly rushed as much as possible. It's okay for a short post here and there, but if you barely took five minutes, didn't read over my contribution at all, and just generally seem disinterested... why even respond? It's super disheartening.
Being completely ghosted by a GM, after I put hard work into an application. At the very least tell me I'm rejected, I don't need an explanation nor will I ask you for one.
happened to me as well :(

me, being the absolutely toxic person i am, created a roleplay for the same fandom with a premise and players that i'm enjoying even more than the original rp i applied to :)
When people decide communication isn't important for some rps, especially in group ones, and they leave you hanging for awhile and slow the entire rp down. I'm not asking you to tell me every little thing about what's going on in your life or to be my bestie, I just want a simple "Hey sorry I can't post because busy/low muse/etc." Is that really to hard to ask for? I'm willing to be patient and understanding so everyone still has fun, but you gotta show me you have some interest in letting me know when you might not be able to post for weeks on end
When people clearly have an issue but pretend like they don't, this is one of the reasons I avoid heavy topics of discussion in OOC.

For example:

Side A: Steak

Side B: Lobster

B is really heated over the fact A prefers steak over lobster. We suggest the topic be dropped, we ask if B still wants to continue with the RP and we understand if they don't. B insists they're fine and want to continue, B proceeds to never reply or even check in knowing people are waiting on them.

like don't pretend everything is good and you're coming back when you know you aren't as some attempt to spite the RP because you're mad someone disagreed with you.
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i don’t think there’s anything quite as annoying as the OC police. hyper-analyzing and critiquing other people’s characters is giving early internet/deviantArt days of “mary-sue” witch hunts. let people have fun. this hobby is “cringe” in itself and you aren’t superior to anyone here, so stop taking yourself so seriously lmfao.
See I’m the inverse in that it creeps me out when people request partners be the same gender as their character.

You want to play your personal gender that’s fine, I don’t care. But if you are only comfortable if I am the same gender as my character that’s a hard pass.

It just reads as you not being able to distinguish between character and reality. Especially since it always comes up specifically in romantic scenarios.

Like I shouldn’t need to be a man in order to have play your male love interest.

Edited : Also I can kind of see the complaint if the person is asking their partner to do something their not willing to do themselves. Because there are a lot of female roleplayers that will only write with other female roleplayers (which in itself is totally fine).

However they also only want to write M x F pairings, where they are the ones who get to play the F character because that’s what their comfortable with.

Which is kind of rude because it basically forces the other woman to always play the male character. Especially if their reasoning is just “well I’m not comfortable with it but you should be totally fine.”
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Read back. Everyone tags the players they are interacting with, and lists their PCs' location in their posts. The RP moves at a pace of 1-2 pages a month, and the majority of posts are about different scenes that have nothing to do with you. There is no reason you should not know where your character is and who you need to respond to!

I can understand if RL reared its ugly head and someone has had to leave the game for a long period of time to deal with it, and the RP moves so fast that 20+ pages are created in a day; I've been in a RPs that moved that quickly back in Ye Olde GaiaOnline days. RP is a hobby, not a job, and RL always comes first. That is completely different, and a I don't mind giving a recap under those circumstances.

However, if there is a consistent pattern of posting one-liners, ghosting, coming back and having no idea what's going on when the information is readily available for you, I feel no inclination to put in that effort for you.
When you find a rp partner who seems super nice and is communicating with you! Things are going good, you’re enjoying things, but then they just suddenly drop you off the side of the earth without a word. You think they probably just got busy so you wait for them to come back, but you discover they’re very much still active and partaking in multiple other rps. Gotta be one of the worst feelings

At the end of the day it is what it is, I’m not upset over being ghosted, but it always bugs me when a potential good rp ends like that
People who like to get all up in their feelings about people using an anime FC but see nothing creepy or wrong about using a real FC.

So you have an issue with this person using and anime FC but you using someone's real face is totally fine?
tildes in character. STOP IT! we are supposed to be adults. there is no faster way to communicate to me that you are not someone i want to be writing with than to use a freakin tilde in character.
When someone mentions a fandom in their interest check, but when you reach out they claim they’re not actually looking for said fandom. Okay, why did you mention it then?

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1) Please do not reply to any content posted before your own.

- This thread is intended to be a space where all RpN users can safely vent personal pet peeves and unpopular opinions related to roleplay without judgment, and is not intended for discussion or direct communication between users.

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- The subject of this thread is roleplay pet peeves and unpopular opinions.

- Please report any content which does not fall into the context of roleplay to RpN Staff.

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- If any content violates RpN's site rules, the rules and guidelines of this thread, or is obviously inflammatory and intended to provoke emotional responses from other people, please do not engage the offending user. Please immediately report such content to RpN Staff.

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My pet peeve is people talking in numbers.
fixating on a very specific oc or character, but having nowhere to use them in. most threads are too specific regarding the type of characters they want, it's hard to find anything that works with a character that doesn't necessarily "fit in", i guess?

once again i am missing multiverse/multifandom threads 😔
maybe find some one who will accept your character in one on one?
I have a very bad history with one on one, because people would sent me a pm to paste on the forum and thats not roleplaying to me.

but I am sure you can find someone who can like and accept you and your character?

good luck, and have fun!
biggest pet peeve would probably be having someone not match up the amount of a reply that you've given them
like you work so hard and give them so much information to work off of only to be given like 10 sentences in return
"Im getting you your reply tomorrow!"
I have heard this every few weeks or so for 8 WHOLE MONTHS. Yes its on me waiting that long for someone who is clearly just not a good rp partner but i got very very attached to our storyline and characters and what we had planned to come in the rp.
I don’t like it when people don’t match up to the amount I write. I try really hard in my roleplays to write a good amount while at the same time contributing and giving my partner a lot to work with.. It’s very discouraging to spend 15-20 minutes writing a multi-paragraph opening for my partner to just.. Come in with a one liner.

Another thing that kind of annoys me in a roleplay is when a person doesn’t make the effort to progress their character or the plot, and when you do introduce meaningful things into the roleplay, they barely react to it! One time I was doing a magic kind of roleplay, none of the characters knew magic existed so when mine did magic in front of them they literally didn’t react and went back to doing nothing! What’s the point of a plot if you’re not gonna follow it? And then those type of role players like to complain about not being as important and included or even that the roleplay is boring when they don’t even make an effort to progress or do anything meaningful in the roleplay..

Lastly I think the thing that bothers me to most is people who don’t read my responses. For example, I type a really crucial detail in my response, and then they reply completely ignoring what I said so I either have to awkwardly work around their response or straight up tell them they miss that detail.
Gamification in roleplay. Especially numerical stats to scale power. Environments that harbor such aspects often boil down into a competitive, stat-crunching meat grind.

Another would be 'formatting posts'. Overly decorative posts are off-putting. Most folk I met who indulge in that spend more time trying to make the post look good over actually writing something good.
Oh! I just thought of one! Fancy assed coded stuff that doesn't do well on a phone. And is without a plain text version.

Like there are some coded posts where like it cuts off or it feels like i'm playing those kids games where you take your mouse and click on everything to see if there is like a hidden button that will cause an action or something lol. I'm all for coding. Like i do simple ones cuz i like the formatting widthwise but like some people that code don't check to see if it works for phones. But thinkin esp for int chks giving rpers a plain text version is a good thing to do. But yeah, i been guilty of putting up apps and not checking to see if it works on phones. But i'm better now lol

Oh! I don't think people do it anymore or like at all on this site... but back in the day:

"Here is the character sheet. And its coding. You must fill in your app in this format ."

Like wut lol. Like I get it, you want consistency and visual appeal but my gosh if there is more written in the CS in code than actual content? like wtf. Bruh not everyone can decipher how and where to put the info in. And if you screw it up and break the code...? Like insta table flip and rage quit lol. but that's just me grrrrrrr!
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Here's something that rubs me the wrong way... and I see it a lot in various threads being mentioned. Luckily its really only reserved to roleplay discussion threads and I haven't seen any active bullying or anything like that. Still, seeing people do this irks me....

What annoys me is the "roleplay police." Basically what I mean by this is people who think they have the right to say what people can and cannot write. I particularly see this with adults over 30 with some weird superiority complex about them as they bash the roleplay interests of others. For example, I often see people looking down upon those who enjoy the school or academy setting for their story.

Listen, just because you were and still are a miserable person doesn't mean other people need to be! I say live and let live! Let people roleplay what they want to! If it doesn't hurt you, why look down upon it and criticize those who write settings you don't particularly enjoy or understand the appeal of? As long as it makes people happy, that should be enough for you.

I get it, high school or school in general was probably a terrible experience for you. I also didn't have a fantastic time in HS either. But it doesn't mean stories with a focus on the school setting are silly or insignificant. Don't let your weird and bad experiences during that awkward time make you bitter at people who have fun and enjoy writing about school. They're special to some people and even as an adult I quite enjoy them.

So I say, let people have their interests! Your preferences aren't superior to others'- everyone is different and that's what makes us all unique! This is such a fun and glorious hobby that we all share and everyone goes about it in their own special way. :3

That being said, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion, I'd just personally advise against feeling a sense of superiority over others because of it. It's just the superiority complex that really bothers me. Everyone has different preferences and it doesn't make you and less of a person or a writer if you like something that others don't. As long as it is within the RPN rules and guidelines, it's valid in my mind. Thanks for listening (or not) to my rant. (:


And another pet peeve of mine and I'm sure it's been mentioned countless times but I am not really a big fan of elaborate coding of posts and making them overly fancy. If it makes you happy and you like it, that's great! Just personally not for me though. I find it unnecessary and just an eye sore. Plus, it's usually not friendly to mobile users. I get that it can be fun to beautify your posts but it just irks me so if an interest check is too overly coded I usually skip it. But again- I'm not bashing it, just saying I personally don't enjoy it. I know it makes a lot of people happy and that's fantastic in my opinion. (:
Here's something that rubs me the wrong way... and I see it a lot in various threads being mentioned. Luckily its really only reserved to roleplay discussion threads and I haven't seen any active bullying or anything like that. Still, seeing people do this irks me....

What annoys me is the "roleplay police." Basically what I mean by this is people who think they have the right to say what people can and cannot write. I particularly see this with adults over 30 with some weird superiority complex about them as they bash the roleplay interests of others. For example, I often see people looking down upon those who enjoy the school or academy setting for their story.

Listen, just because you were and still are a miserable person doesn't mean other people need to be! I say live and let live! Let people roleplay what they want to! If it doesn't hurt you, why look down upon it and criticize those who write settings you don't particularly enjoy or understand the appeal of? As long as it makes people happy, that should be enough for you.

I get it, high school or school in general was probably a terrible experience for you. I also didn't have a fantastic time in HS either. But it doesn't mean stories with a focus on the school setting are silly or insignificant. Don't let your weird and bad experiences during that awkward time make you bitter at people who have fun and enjoy writing about school. They're special to some people and even as an adult I quite enjoy them.

So I say, let people have their interests! Your preferences aren't superior to others'- everyone is different and that's what makes us all unique! This is such a fun and glorious hobby that we all share and everyone goes about it in their own special way. :3

That being said, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion, I'd just personally advise against feeling a sense of superiority over others because of it. It's just the superiority complex that really bothers me. Everyone has different preferences and it doesn't make you and less of a person or a writer if you like something that others don't. As long as it is within the RPN rules and guidelines, it's valid in my mind. Thanks for listening (or not) to my rant. (:


And another pet peeve of mine and I'm sure it's been mentioned countless times but I am not really a big fan of elaborate coding of posts and making them overly fancy. If it makes you happy and you like it, that's great! Just personally not for me though. I find it unnecessary and just an eye sore. Plus, it's usually not friendly to mobile users. I get that it can be fun to beautify your posts but it just irks me so if an interest check is too overly coded I usually skip it. But again- I'm not bashing it, just saying I personally don't enjoy it. I know it makes a lot of people happy and that's fantastic in my opinion. (:
Yes, you don’t know how many times I had to back space because some of the coding isn’t mobile friendly either.
Yes, you don’t know how many times I had to back space because some of the coding isn’t mobile friendly either.

And another thing to add onto my post that bugs me, usually these coded posts use super tiny fonts that even someone with 20/20 vision like me struggles to read lmao. So that's another pet peeve of mine.

I don't want to have to squint and strain my eyes to simply read your post! lol

And another thing to add onto my post that bugs me, usually these coded posts use super tiny fonts that even someone with 20/20 vision like me struggles to read lmao. So that's another pet peeve of mine.

I don't want to have to squint and strain my eyes to simply read your post! lol
And another pet peeve is using either bright fonts or dark ones on a dark background. Yeah, I’m not gonna bother with that eye sore.
I have so many that feel recently relevant!
  • Folks who h o a r d threads and scenes they don't actually have time, motivation, or inspiration for. I know it happens to the best of us. I know people can lose inspiration suddenly. I'm specifically talking about people who know they don't care about writing with someone/their character, but they ask for a thread anyway. Nothing makes me feel like chopped liver faster in a group.

  • People who jump in, see that longtime members of the group are tight and have developed a rapport, and cry about cliques without giving it some time. You can't expect to have the close-knit relationship with the longtime members immediately. It's one thing if they're genuinely excluding you, but in a group setting, people come and go. You need to prove you have "staying power" before people will put forth effort to get to know you.

  • Conversely... joining a group in which none of the existing members are willing to write with anyone but the writer involved in their character's ship.

  • Joining a group where people snatch ships up immediately - usually before characters have been introduced IC - and if your character's not involved in a ship, you don't get to write.

  • When people want to write with me based on the faceclaim I used. This one's so discouraging. I know it's supposed to be complimentary, but I just feel flipped off. None of the development, writing, or characterization matters; just, "hot faceclaim, want to write together?"

  • When I'm literally minding my business, writing and having fun, and the adult (over 30) writers in the group cannot go without starting OOC drama-fires.

  • When the emotional states of everyone in a group seem to be weirdly entangled.
I don't much care for the clinginess at any time. I understand eagerness to get a roleplay started and communication is important but if you get bent out of shape because I didn't reply back to an ooc pm an hour after you sent it or send more messages asking if I'm still interested before I've even responded to the other message, I'm out. I also don't like when it feels like the other person is monopolizing my time as in I can only respond to them or the roleplay we are doing, first. Big no.

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