Roleplay Area

"Fine," Jackson said through gritted teeth "I'll take your deal,". He then grabbed Lana and said "Congrats, your free now if that man standing in front of you says so,". He then walked off, having his goons take the money and said "Do not ever raid my shit again, Dead Walker, or I'll kill everyone you give a shit about in return,". He then walked out of the room, having the men also take Willow back from the Dead Walker. However, before he did, he walked to Yua and said "You and I are talking after this,"

@Andraus @Tori Bradley @animegirl20
Willow was still dead asleep, hardly breathing for some reason. She was limp as though she were dead, but luckily that hadn't been the case. Her skin was...unusually cold to the touch. She didn't move or make a noise, other than shivering. A strand of black hair fell over her eye.

She almost seemed dead. If no one noticed she was breathing, they probably would have thought she'd passed. The hood of her cloak, that was once over her head, fell back as it had been loose.


Yua was in shock at Jack's response. She really didn't think he would take that deal that's why she did what she did. She was sure this would of been going on all night if she didn't step in.  She glanced at Lana wondering if she was just as surprised as she was. She gave Lana a good luck smile. Just as she did that Jack came up to her basically saying the same words she said to him. Crap. She then followed him out.



@Tori Bradley
Jackson walked out and went to his car with his goons throwning Willow in the trunk. Once Yua got into the car, Jackson would be furious at her with a look of rage on his face. He might care for Yua but he was furious with her and he would make her pay. He'd punished many of his underlings in humiliating ways before and while he hated to do it to Yua, she needed to be taught a lesson in keeping her pretty mouth shut. So, Jackson waited as he stewed and stewed 

@Spectral-Flame @animegirl20

Lana Gracietta




[SIZE= 18px]Everyone in the room watched the exchange between the two leaders with an attentiveness rarely shown within criminals. Andrew remained calm and level-headed, negotiating as if it were a second nature to him. The man's poker face was flawless. He gave absolutely nothing away. Jackson, on the other hand, was almost visibly shaking  as he seethed with a rage that was all too familiar to her. It was the same intense anger he got whenever she disobeyed him. Sure, he got angry at his other slaves, but with Lana, he could go from calm to incensed in less than 30 seconds. His emotions were clearly displayed on his face as he glared at Andrew. His impulsiveness corrupted his judgement, making him unable to see reason and make easy deals. It wasn't just in this situation. It was any situation. Everything had to be exactly what he wanted it to be for Jackson Taildawn to make any kind of easy deal. Lana watched the two men, waiting silently for Jackson to speak. When he did, Lana cut her emotions off, turning her expression into a blank stare. She had known something like this would be his response. She moved to follow Jackson, knowing her punishment for speaking up would only get worse if she disobeyed him further, but stopped in her tracks when Andrew spoke up.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]"Basement. Clear the vault," he said. She turned back just in time to see two Dead Walkers as they began stacking money in the corner. Confused, she looked at Andrew, whose eyes were set on Jackson. What the hell is he doing? she wondered. When they finished stacking the money, Andrew spoke again. "This is my life's personal savings.....twenty-five million. Cash. The money is cleaned, all you need to do is take it....and you can keep Willow. I want Lana," the Undertaker said. His voice was like steel, letting everyone in the room know this was his final offer. There would no more negotiations here. Lana's heart leaped in her chest as a feeling she hadn't felt in so long that it seemed foreign arose within her. It was hope. "Can't, and won't, get a better offer. You walk away with more than you lost." With wide eyes, Lana looked back to Jackson. The room seemed to hold its breath as everyone waited for his answer.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]The silence was quickly broken, however, when Yua stepped forward. "As you can see, he doesn't want to give up Lana and I can promise you he doesn't want your money considering he just tried to offer you money. So we will just give you Willow back since she technically belongs to you and be on our way," said the Rose's Thorn. Lana took a step back, shocked into dead silence. She understood why she herself had stood up to Jackson, but Yua? The woman may have gotten Jackson's black heart to care about her, but that didn't change who he was. She knew that. So what the hell was she thinking? She, like Lana, knew all too well what he would do behind closed doors. Lana gaped at her, shaking her head. Yua spared her an apologetic glance before she instructed Jackson's men to bring Willow to Andrew. Jackson's anger ratcheted up another notch, as if that were possible. "Let's go. We've been here long enough; we can talk about this later," she said to Jackson. But it wasn't over. Jackson's next words sent a ripple of shock through the room like a radio wave.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]"Fine," Jackson said through gritted teeth. "I'll take your deal." Reaching back, he grasped her upper arm and yanked her forward. His fingers felt like an iron shackle on arm. She cried out, stumbling when he shoved her forward. She landed on the floor on her shoulder beside Andrew's chair with an audible thud. Pushing her purple hair from her face, she looked at Jackson. When their eyes met, she could see several emotions stirring in his gaze. Lust, desire, rage, and a few others she couldn't pin down. He tore his eyes from hers and looked at Andrew. Of course he had to leave the Undertaker with one last threat. Then, satisfied with his touch of dramatic flare, Jackson turned on his heel and stalked out the door. Yua, looking like a wounded puppy, gave Lana one last encouraging look before she followed him out. His men, loaded with an unconscious Willow and several duffle bags full of every dollar Andrew had ever made, were the last to leave.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]Inside the Smart Bar, no one moved or spoke for a good thirty seconds. Lana pushed herself into a sitting position, brushing her hair away from her bruised shoulder and moving her jacket aside to glance at it. Then, with a look of sheer gratitude, she looked at Andrew. She only had one thing to say.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]"Thank you."[/SIZE]


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She could see the anger on his face but she had been through enough crap today. If he thought she was just going to take what ever he dished out on her. He was dead wrong. She cared about Jack but their parts of him she wished she could get rid of no matter what. Like this crazy anger, thinking that he could own people and his lust. For years she would make sure to never say the wrong things and only spoke a few times she knew it was ok but she was not doing it anymore. But she was so tired she didn't want to deal with this. Her emotions were raging. All she wanted to do was go home get in bed and just cry. One tear came and she quickly removed it. She then set back in her seat with one hand on her head. She was starting to get a headache. "This has been one awful day." she mumbled. She felt like she was about to fall asleep. She then remembered something. The necklace Andrew gave her was in her pocket. She pulled it out and looked at it. It really was pretty. She then put it back in her pocket and looked out the window.

Jackson drove and said "Are you insane?! You don't make a deal like that, Yua! Could've been locked down into it and he wouldn't have budged. My God, can't you keep your mouth shut?!". Jackson was furious as he continued down the road. He then sighed and said "Just thank God your safe. I thought I lost you for good. He even threatened to rape you and he did,". He clenched his fist and said "Well, I don't know what I'd do,"

" You both were taking forever. Never seen such stubborn people! I never take that long to make the deals I do! Besides I only did it cause I know how you are. We would of been there all night until you got what you wanted!"  She then calmed down a bit and looked at him. Honestly she was happy to know he was worried about her. She turned her head to the window and put her hand over his fist. "Thank you." She then turned her head a little to look at him and smiled.

A small smile came on his face. He sighed and said "Yua, your one of the few people I care about in this world. I mean it. You are something I have never seen replicated ever since and,". He coughed and chocked on the words. He thought he'd never say them. Why was he feeling this towards her? It was a wonder why but hey, maybe she would be it. He then said "I... I... I love you, Yua. I love you to the moon and back. God, it feels good getting this off my chest. I mean, I've been with many of my slaves and will most likely still have sex with them but my God, you make me feel whole. You make me feel complete and well, I want to be with you. We can work out how the sexual side of things later but I can tell you right now that I love you,"

The moment he said I love you she looked at him with wide eyes and blushed. She was not expecting that to come out of his mouth. She continued to look at him as he talked though the moment he mentioned he would still most likely still have sex with slaves she wanted to slap him. She couldn't believe he would say that. But she would forget all of that right now. "Wow I uh wasn't expecting that. But I've been feeling the same way."

He pulled over on the side of the road and kissed her right then. He had to, just felt natural. When he pulled back, he said "Yua, I swear that I will make you the queen of this city. What ever you want: Money, power, slaves, sex, anything you want I'll do everything in my power to make happen,". He gave a soft smile at her and gave her hug as well. Everything felt so right in that moment and while he would never be rid of his lust, but he would love this womam like no other unlike the other mistresses he had and will have



Yua head was a bit clouded and not exactly sure what to think. Though she could here the warning bells going off in her head like crazy. She knew this guy wasn't right but at the same time......I must be out of mind. Suddenly she realized they had pulled over and she felt herself getting pulled towards Jack then suddenly kissed. It all happened so fast that she didn't have time to react. He then starting telling her that he would give he anything she wanted, even slaves and sex. The smile that was starting to grow on her face began to fade. The warning bells were going off again. "I......but I don't....." Why bother saying anything right now? Why ruin the moment? This is what she wanted right?

Jackson saw her face. It was one of worry and this concerned Jackson. Did he say something wrong? Did he go too far? If she didn't want him, fine. He would be a tad bit pissed but he respected this woman and her boundaries. He then said "Hey, what's wrong?". Again, a sense of worry came on his face. He was still wondering what was wrong. He knew he was sick but had his sickness been too much for her? 

Looked like he noticed something was bothering her. Well since he was asking might as well tell him. "I don't.....I don't want you having sex with other women." She looked up at him. Wondering what his response would be. She glanced at the clock seeing how late it was. Wow she couldn't believe this day even happened. She went from being kidnapped to getting confessed to. What a day.





Victoria Argent


Victoria watched him leave the room, wheezing away before she could protest. She looked up at the ceiling and frowned. "Seems like Andy is the boss now. " Was he really? Did everyone see him that way? Was she just the face while he was the brains?  Her thoughts were cut short when John returned to place a glass and a wine bottle beside her as he chugged a bottle of Cognac. He seemed a little out of it,  dazing off before they eyes met once again. "Are you alright? " She asked. 


Not too long after she heard a knock on the door. "You sit tight. " she commanded prior to opening the door to see the doctor they were waiting for. "Glad to see you made it. " He was a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair that resembled that of Mr. Fantastic,  his green eyes that wonder around the premise, a warm smile that could soften a storm. "Your patient is this way. " Victoria lead him to the bedroom. "I wish I could've brought you to the hospital but he's just as good,  the finest in fact." Without saying a word, Doctor Colson began to examine the man. "An internal wound,  it'll be tricky without my medical room but it's do-able. I suggest you drink a lot of whiskey, my friend." He turned his attention to the goons. "Bring my equipment up, it's in the van. " Victoria sat on the other side of the bed, reaching out to grab John's hand. "I'm here for you."
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View attachment 217978

John Carter

Somebody was at the door. Carter's eyes shifted toward his boss's behind as she walked off after telling him to "sit tight."

"Bitch acting like she owns my crib," he muttered under his breath. The ceiling was spinning. At the same time, the fan blades slowed down so that each individual blade inched. Then the blades started turning backwards. In the background the air conditioner hummed, but it sounded amplified and demonic like an overpowering, painful hum. A warm tingling sensation coursed through Carter's body, from his chest to his fingertips and down to his legs. He closed his eyes and daydreamed for a moment. In his vision he sat on a throne made of Andrew's skeleton. The throne was suspended by gold chains from a tree limb like a swing. The tree had hundred dollar bills for leaves. In real life, Victoria's sweet voice buzzed in his ear. She entered his day dream, slowly walking to him on his throne. She fluttered her eyelashes, took his index finger, and put it in her mouth. Then she smiled, taking his finger out as a trail of saliva dripped from her lower lip. She giggled and then got down on her knees—

"An internal wound—" a voice started, causing Carter to jump from the bed. The doctor ordered for his tools and Victoria took his hand.

"I'm fine don't cut me open!" he yelled in a slurred voice. His vision was blurry and there was no feeling in his legs. The chest pain was nonexistent from his medicated state. "I don't need no doctor." he said more calmly, as he sat down on the bed, slowly accepting the situation, even though it certainly wouldn't involve cutting open. The doctor went downstairs to the van to point out the tools, and it was just Victoria and him. He put his hand on her face and brought her mouth up to his, giving her a long passionate kiss.

As he closed his eyes during the kiss, a vision appeared to Carter. A vivid skull with maggots crawling out of its eyes stared into Carter's soul, although the skull had no eyes itself. "It's you or me," the skull spoke calmly, its mandible moving up and down, the word ANDY inscribed in small letters on its chin. "It's only a matter of time." Then the skull produced a set of bony hands and began swiftly tying a rope into a noose.

@Robyn Banks
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Jackson stood there silent. He wanted this woman, no, loved this woman. However, he knew there was a girl in the back in his car. She was so sexy and make the perfect fucktoy. The war of love and lust raged inside of him as he stood silently. He was not mad at her, no. This is an request that anyone would probably make but Jackson was not sure he could do it. He sighed and said "Yua, I... I... I can't. I'm sorry. I want to, I really want to, but I can't. The temptation is too great. If you don't want to be with a monster like me, fine. I won't force you. I'm not mad at you or anything and please, I'm not trying to make you scared. I love you, and I want to be with you, I just can't resist. Note if you did agree to it, you would be able to have sex with other men, don't get me wrong. However, if that can't work, well, it was worth trying,"


Ivan M. Braginsky


Location: Pamela Diner

Tag: @Kumori Yurei


Ivan sat in his car as he looked at the time, he wasn't going to hear the end of it. He sighed to himself as he looked out the window, slowly but surely he was getting closer, the traffic wasn't helping. It wouldn't be long until finally he made it to the diner. It was a bit crowded, actually very crowed. He sighed a bit before getting the car to park and looked towards his guards Mattheiu and Alexei. "Keep an eye out for those who don't belong. If any Dead Walkers come here, see what they want. For the Triad, guide them out of here, and for the Rose what you like. I'm already late and I don't have the time to deal with them." "Yes boss." Alexei nodded his head as Matthieu did the same.


Ivan climbed out the car, his massive height startled a bit of people around him. He leaned down a bit, his violet eyes looking at the smaller men, "Keep your phones on." He uttered before standing up straight and closed the door before looking around, blinking once as he started walking to the entrance. So of the people there wanted to protest about Ivan not getting into line, but his height and size terrified them. Once he made it to the front and walked through the door and ducked his head, looked down to the little hostess woman. She looked up at him with a startled look before speaking, "I-I'm sorry, but you have to wait in line, sir." "I have a reservation here, my sons are most likely already here. Under the name Braginsky." Ivan said with a friendly smile on his face. The woman jumped slightly before looking down to the book on the small stand before her, there it was. His name. "Oh, Ivan Braginsky. Right this way please." She said before walking away. Ivan followed behind, slowly and carefully, making sure not to bump into anything. Sometimes, it sucked being both large and tall.


At the table, Irino and Nolan looked up from their menus as well as Boris and Charles. Irino speaking to Alenhiem as the others looked at their menus once more, "Papa said he was on his way, I don't know where he is though. But you looked tired, you should be sleep." Boris couldn't help but to chuckle towards Irino's statement, "He always looks like that." He teased. Boris, the eldest of Ivan's children, blinked his hazel eyes once before looking up towards Alenhiem. Irino looked towards Boris as he puffed his cheeks, Charles shook his head as he handed a menu to him. "Leave him alone, he was most likely doing things for papa back at the Motherland. You would be tired too going from there to here." Charles, the second oldest, said in a scolding manner. Nolan, the youngest from a set of twin but the taller one, looked at everyone as he just shook his head. He smiled a bit before speaking up, "You all need help." He said before closing the menu in front of him.


"If anyone needs help, it's every single one of you." a familiar voice said as the brothers turned their heads and seen it was Ivan. Once the woman had walked off, Ivan took his seat next to the window, relaxing in the largest chair at the table. His eyes scanned the young ones around him, his eyes falling on his adopted son, Alenhiem. "Alenhiem, I didn't expect to see you back so soon, sorry it took me so long to get here. A bit of business came up and an unfortunate run-in with a little rascal." He said sighing heavily, carefully leaning against the table. Boris blinked once before looking at Ivan with a concerned look, "What happened?" He asked curiously, Ivan shifted his hues towards Boris before chuckling, "Nothing bad, but Alenhiem and are going to be seeing a few acquaintances at midnight." Ivan stated as he cleared his throat, waiting for the waitress to come over.



:BishieSparklesL: Rosalina I. Zima :BishieSparklesR:​



Location: Talking through downtown

Tag: @AvidElmV2 - bumped into


Rosalina continued walking down the sidewalk, she wanted to try to get to the school before she was anymore late. While school was out, some of the teachers would go the school ahead of time and help out with the cleaning and setting up of the classrooms, Rosalina, wanted to help out by bringing donuts to the school as a small snack and sometimes drinks if she had to money for it. The reason she wore the uniform, other than to get used to it again, but to represent her school in a good light. Since the school had a bad rep because of the gang violence going on.


She continued walking down the sidewalk, bumping into people every once in a while, apologizing for getting in their way. Her heels clacked against the ground, making sure the donuts she got didn't get ruin as she continued walking. Her bag's strap going across her chest did cause her a little pain, but she was used to it by now. A punishment to pay as an artist. She continued walking until she bumped into someone, not really paying attention. Rosalina blinked once as she stumbled back a bit, looking up to see a dark skinned young man. He did look a bit out of place, well, his clothes did. Her violet hues blinked once, realizing that she was staring.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I wasn't paying attention." She said apologetically. Her eyes fell to the box of donuts, seeing it was a bit scuffed. Worried, she chuckled the contents inside, sighing a bit in relief, seeing they weren't ruined. She closed the box and looked up once more towards the name. blinking once as she looked at his feature carefully. She tilted her head slightly, he was different to say the least, and different was interesting. She just smiled sweetly, moving a strand of her hair out of the way.
She should of known...but he really did care about her. But was this really a good idea. Probably not but.....she couldn't say no. She stood there for a moment thinking then finally she hugged him. "Alright I give in." For now she wouldn't worry about the future but that's probably what she should of been doing. She then let go and smiled at him. "Well come on let's go. I'm a mess and tired and you need to put her somewhere before she wakes up." She talking about Willow.

"Ya, babe," Jackson said giving her a kiss. "I'll make sure you get a nice bubble bath. Also, do you want my slaves to start moving your stuff into my room? I was just wondering, since we're dating now, maybe you could move into my room,". He was happy at that moment. They might fight, break up, or something worse but he was happy. They soon pulled up to Rose Corp and had slaves drag Willow into a solitary cell and Jackson got out and swooped Yua up bridal style saying "Come on, let's get you inside,"

Yua glanced over at him when he asked if she wanted to move into his room. She was actually just thinking that. "Yeah I think it'll better that way." She was happy at the moment and she could tell he was to. She hope things would only get better from here but. The warning bells in her head wouldn't stop. once they reached the Rose Corp building she was taking off guard when he picked her up. She blushed hard, "I can walk myself you know."

Jackson laughed saying "Ever heard of something called chilvary?". He then carried her to his room. When he arrived, he laid her on the bed and said "I'll have a bubble bath prepared for you. God knows you deserve it, my dear,". He gave her a long kiss on the lips for coming back out and booping her nose. Soon, a slave was preparing a bath for Yua and they were coming in with her stuff in droves



Yua watched as they brought her stuff in. They sure work fast. She thought to herself. She got up and started going through her things looking for something to change into after she was done. She then walked to the bathroom to see if they were done yet. When she walked into the bathroom she saw her reflection for the first time today. Her hair was a mess, that bruise on her cheek didn't look good at all at least not to her, she sighed. Was this how she really looked right now? She then looked over to the slave. "Is that bath ready yet?"



Victoria Argent 


victoria was caught off-guard when John gave her the kiss. She jerked her head away from him,  she felt the urge to slap him right then and there but she stopped herself. "The hell were you thinking Carter?!" She exclaimed getting up. She pulled some of her hair from her face. She felt a lot of mixed emotions then,  she knew it wasn't acceptable for this to happened especially since he was a new recruit yet she was starting to get tempted. He was an attractive man, saved her life, as well he-


"I'm your boss John! Just because you 'saved the day' once doesn't mean you can do whatever the fuck you want. I have more than enough reason to kick you out of this gang and this is your first day!" Speaking out loud was started to make her more livid than she expected. "I don't know if I gave you some vibes that you took as a signal that I wanted you but that's not the case. "



Alenhiem Ulfharfn





Alenhiem rolled his eyes as he listened to his adopted brothers. He turned to Irino and nodded. "Thanks brat, I suppose he had to deal with some business." He said and flicked a packet of salt at Boris. "I may always look tired but at least I don't look like a toad like you do brat." He said and looked out the window for a moment. He spotted Ivan pull up and smirked a bit as he returned to the conversation. "Actually I was doing business for papa. But that's not the only thing I did. I got him a pair of these." Alenhiem said and showed his brothers a picture of the two Tibetan Mastiffs that he had waiting in the bus parked behind his car.


He stopped a waitress that walked by and ordered a coffee with cream sugar, melted chocolate and a bit of honey. When he heard Ivan's voice he smiled. "Hello Papa, and yes I'm sorry for not calling I only just got back. The main family hopes your doing well and the shipments are all in order." He said and managed to hold back a yawn until he finished his report. He pulled a manila envelope from his jacket and handed it off to Ivan. "Here is the manifest the next shipment should be here in two days." He said and thanked the waitress when she brought his coffee.


"Oh and one more thing papa. I brought something that I think you'll like. That bus out there behind my car, they are in there." He said before taking a sip of his coffee. He knew and expected the teasing that would come from his brothers because of his odd tastes in drinks. However with how he currently felt he didn't care. "By the way have I missed anything interesting while I was away? I'd like to get caught up as quickly as possible." He said as he glanced at his brothers, he wanted to get back to routine and be of use as fast as he could.


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