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"There. It should be on your datapad now. The quality's not the best, I was stuck in a building with a lot of panicked individuals before running outside to get a better shot. The video cuts out when a piece of debris smashed the camera eye."

Alrize tried to recount her thoughts and interactions after the video had stopped recording so she could tell Adalia when she was done viewing it.
Adalia watched the footage intently, nodding her head slightly as she saw Tsukuyomi fight off the LEVs. There was no mistaking, Ren and Tsukuyomi were now allied with the Space Force. The power, the speed, the destruction...the very latter of seeing the city being destroyed by the LEVs was pleasing to her...she only hoped that some of those Earth scum was taken out along with the buildings. However, it irritated her that Ren was clearly limiting himself of Tsukuyomi's full capabilities. If only it was back in their control...in her control...

As the video cut off, she leaned back slightly, her finger to her mouth in a pondering pose.

"Hm, so I see. Very good, Alrize. At least we can confirm that Ren has joined the Space Force. Anything else you wish to share with me?"

Alrize prepared her words.

"After the video cut off, Ren killed all the LEVs. And after that, the cockpit went red, with the Metatron lines glowing yellow. He and the frame both seemed like they were in immense pain."
Adalia's eyelids raised slightly as she heard what Alrize told her, immediately knowing exactly what she was talking about.

"I see...so Tsukuyomi's IMPULSE activated again... DELPHI did come back online for a brief period..."
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Yes…that must be it…that's the only logical explanation.

Alrize processed the information in her head.

"I should also let you know that I've come into contact with Ren Silber on multiple occasions, and that I might be slowly gaining his trust. What are your orders?"
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"Continue earning his trust. It will prove beneficial for your mission and make your job easier. Might even be able to know where that other traitor Zack and Eclipse are, but remember that Ren and Tsukuyomi are your main concern."
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"Wait, Zack?" Alrize asked. "Zack betrayed us, too?"

"Shortly after you left for Earth." Adalia explained. "He made off with plans for a new Orbital Frame currently in development. He is most likely on Earth now as well."

Alrize slumped a bit in her chair. Why him? Silber, she could understand, but... Zack was a runner. A loyal Neo BAHRAM soldier. How could he betray them as well...? Alrize thought that she knew Zack; thought that she could trust him. But now... him, too...

"I... see..." Alrize said slowly, trying to regain her composure. "Any orders for him?"

"He should also be considered a target." Adalia said. "Most likely he is in the custody of the Space Force. If you can capture him, I can have a nearby group collect him for transport back to us."

"If not?"

"Kill him." Adalia's words were cold and held no hesitation. "Zack is a priority target. Moreso than even Silber?"

"Kill...?" Alrize stammered a bit, remembering the handgun she had brought with her for protection. It had a built-in suppressor and was given to her by Adalia in preparation for this mission. "With... all due respect, Commander... is assassination also part of my mission here?"

"Only if you can't capture Zack."

"But... why is Zack so important?" Alrize asked. She wondered how Zack could be more of a target than even Ren.

"I'm afraid that's confidential." Adalia responded. "I'll be sending you the contact information for a special ops group we have nearby that can assist you with information as well as help organize an operation to capture Zack."

"What about Ren?"

"Continue to monitor him." Adalia ordered. "I don't want him dead just yet..."


"Is that all, Alrize?"

"For now, ma'am, yes." Alrize responded.

"Very well. Report to me with any new information you come across."

"Understood. Have a good day, Commander."

Alrize saluted a goodbye before the communication ended. Alrize fell back, the full weight of her mission bearing down on her. She was ordered to kill a team mate... she'd killed before as a runner, but truthfully, she'd never killed someone in person, let a lone a former team mate... someone she knew... could she really go through with that?

No. She had to. She was a loyal soldier, that's all there was to it. The Commander was counting on her. She wouldn't fail... not again.
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Adalia simply nodded before closing the comms, going back to contemplating with herself as she thought over DELPHI.

I don't understand...

She thought to herself, deciding she needed to take action on this end. She got up out of her chair and headed for the door.
Alrize breathed a sigh as she closed her laptop. She was glad that she could finally relax after that massive ordeal. It occurred to her that she had not eaten yet that day, and opened her freezer to get some "pizza". As she waited for her oven to pre-heat, she thought about Ren.

Get closer to Ren…that might be difficult, actually…I wonder when he'll be back.

She checked outside her door just in case Ren might be there, and of course, he wasn't. She went back inside and tried to think of ways for them to interact when she heard a loud ringing sound. She jumped and squealed a bit before realising it was the oven.
Adalia left her office, heading down to the restricted areas of the facility, taking the long elevator down to the lower levels, where very few were permitted access, and only on her authority. She had been here a few times before... the air was unsettling and empty. There was only one thing this far down, but it was the most important asset Neo BAHRAM had. At the lowest level, there was but a single room, always locked, though there wasn't anything inside that could get out on its own... at least not in the physical sense.

She opened the door, requiring her authorization and hers alone. Inside was kept Anubis's original AI console, removed from its horrible destroyed cocpit. There were still traces of damage on it, but the console itself was mostly intact. DELPHI still remained therein. Attached to the console were many cables which were strewn about the floor, connecting to two larger consoles near the front of the room which housed computer and monitoring equipment, as well as serving the purpose of keeping the console powered. There was no activity whatsoever. DELPHI was dead. Despite the console itself receiving a constant flow of power that was even prioritized by backup power generators, DELPHI itself was silent. But Adalia knew now that it was simply dormant... DELPHI, despite all their efforts, couldn't be activated. The engineers had tried absolutely everything they could... but nothing worked. And yet, it woke up on its own, for the second time now. Only when IMPULSE was activated... it was tied to both Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu, though Adalia couldn't fathom how Ren was able to activate it. She pondered on what Alrize had reported to her. How the frame seemed to react to Ren... could he be connected to the frame somehow? Does he know something that she doesn't? He of course had worked with the frame extensively, being one of the chief engineers behind it, but not even he knew about the IMPULSE system. It was secretly installed without any knowledge from any of the engineers. Nobody but those with the highest authority knew of its existence and its purpose.

Adalia couldn't help but feel anger swell in her again. She clenched her fists tight.


The door opened again behind her, sliding open automatically. She looked back to see Razel Serendal, looking around while walking slowly forward.

"Nice place you got here, Commander." He said, raising his arms to his sides.

"Serendal." She said.

"You called for me?"

"I did."

Adalia turned back to face Anubis's console, and Razel stepped up next to her.

"Do you know what this is?" She asked.

"Can't imagine I would, I didn't even know this place existed." Razel responded in his usual semi-sarcastic tone.

"Do you know of DELPHI?" Adalia followed up.

"Not much." He shrugged. "Bits and pieces. I usually don't concern myself with ancient history."

"It's not quite history." She said. "Anubis's AI, DELPHI, is at the heart of Neo BAHRAM. It was salvaged 8 years ago after the fall of the old BAHRAM."

"And..." Razel stepped up to the console. "This is it?"

"It's Anubis's original AI console." Adalia explained. "DELPHI still lies in it."

"Doesn't seem to active, does it?" Razel said.

"We haven't been able to reactivate DELPHI no matter what we did." Adalia said. "However, it has recently reactivated on its own. Twice now."

"And?" Razel shrugged. "How does this concern me?"

"Ren Silber activated it." She said. "Both times when Tsukuyomi went into IMPULSE."

"IMPULSE?" Razel asked. "You mean that massacre?"

Adalia nodded.

"It happened again. Earlier today."

"Ren, huh?" Razel smiled. "Well, now. That's interesting..."

"The only issue is that we don't know how he's activating it." She said. "I don't think it's voluntary... Silber wouldn't know about the IMPULSE program. Not even the AI of that frame knows of it."

"So... what?"

"I have a mission for you."

"And that would be?"

"Force Ren to activate IMPULSE." The Commander said plainly. "By whatever means necessary."

"By whatever means necessary? You're giving me an awful lot of leeway, Commander."

"I know." Adalia said, walking past him. "With Alrize undercover on Earth and Zack defected... you're the only one I can count on to do this."

"From what I've heard Tsukuyomi is dangerous." Razel said. "Sure you're not just sending me to die?"

"I believe someone like you would be able to handle it." She said. "All we need is for you to force IMPULSE out of him somehow. We'll be watching to analyze the data that comes in and goes out."

"You seem to have an awful lot of faith in me, Commander." Razel smiled, though not in a friendly manner.

"You do what you're told, that's all I require from you." Adalia said plainly, almost coldly, not like it affected Razel in the slighted. "You'll sortie in the Fenrir. I'll leave it up to you to decide where you want to go and what you want to do."

"Any rules of engagement I should follow?" Razel asked only for the sheer irony.

"Do what you must." The Commander responded.

Razel smiled widely. A chance to have a rematch with Ren, and on top of that, express permission to do whatever he wants.

"This is gonna be fun."
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After Alrize had been escorted off the premises, Rowan took the time to leave his room and head to the gym. It was empty when he got there. All the same to him, he didn't mind having peace and quiet whenever he worked out. He put on his set of boxing gloves, deciding to get to work on the punching bag, his favorite way to work up a sweat. He got to work, practicing his jabs and his footwork, punching away at the sandbag. He grunted as he began to get lost in his routine... memories began to surface in his mind with nobody around to distract him... he felt hot, arid air around him... he felt a strong breeze that stung with sand. He could feel the recoil of a gun whenever his fist hit the punching bag, the sound of the impact resonating with gunfire in his mind. He worked harder, slamming punches into it, starting to sweat and pant. The exhaustion eventually caught up to him, however, and he stopped to take a break, sitting down on a nearby bench and taking off his gloves to take a long drink of water.

He sighed, catching his breath... though he hadn't completely escaped his thoughts. He put a hand over his eyes, but he could still see the fires... feel the scorching heat of the flames... hear the screams... he saw it just as clearly as when it had happened. It was 8 years ago now, but those memories were so firmly burned into his mind. He still had the scars to remind him every time he looked at himself in the mirror... he dropped his bottle of water. It splashed onto the floor. He got up, anger swelling through his chest and reaching out to his limbs. He didn't even bother to put his gloves back on before starting to punch the punching bag again. He went at it hard; even harder than before, venting his anger and frustration out on it. He hadn't been strong enough back then. He hid himself away like a coward while everyone around him perished. His cowardice was the only reason why he was the only one to have survived. But if he was stronger then... if only he was. His fists had started to become red with the impacts, becoming numb and bruised from the constant onslaught of beatings, but Rowan couldn't even feel it. He couldn't feel anything. He felt someone grab his shoulder and he swung hard in its direction, the one who grabbed him barely managing to avoid a broken nose.

"Rowan, calm down!" She yelled to him. The anger in his eyes slowly faded as he realized who was in front of him. Raven must've been looking for him for some reason. Or maybe she'd just heard the commotion when passing by and had come in to check it out. Either way, her presence snapped Rowan out of his fit.

"Ah... it's you," Rowan sighed, as he dropped his fists and returned to his bag. Wiping himself down once more, he sat down and took time to control his breathing. "Sorry about that, I was venting some aggression."

"It's fine. If you don't mind me asking... is it about your demotion?" She inquired.

"I'm over that. It's... something I don't want to talk about. Don't ask about it, it pisses me off just thinking about it..."

"A-alright then... I'll be on my way then." Raven nervously backed away from him, obviously intimidated by Rowan's current behavior. Rowan didn't acknowledge her leaving. He sighed, looking at his battered hands. The pain had caught up with him and he couldn't even clench his fists anymore. At least he wasn't bleeding... he figured this was probably a good time to stop for now.
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TESS was dwelling in her processed thoughts as she recollected on Ren's sudden refusal to deactivate her. The way she pleaded for her existence, how she cried and begged for him not to kill her...it obviously worked as she saw him walk away. However, whether he believed her or simply couldn't stand hearing her cry anymore, she didn't really know, she was genuine with her begging. She couldn't stand the thought of having her existence taken from her, couldn't stand the idea of...not seeing Zack again...being away from Zack for so long...was now driving her mad...she had to see him, some way and some how, she needed to reunite with him. Space Force be damned, she valued him over anyone else.

She was disturbed, however, when a message appeared in her comms. Oddly enough, it was addressed to her, not Zack. That was strange. How could someone send a direct message to her? She didn't even need to open the file, just process the words contained within.

"The Merchants?" TESS said to herself. "They're here?"

The file contained detailed instructions for her, as well as for Zack. They outlined specifically how to release Zack from his containment as well as a timetable in which to complete each objective sequentially. They detailed what TESS and Zack both needed to do and exactly what times they needed to do it. The message ensured that Zack would be able to get out of his confinement and join the Merchants on board one of their ships without worry of being caught. To what end was not disclosed in the message. It seemed suspicious... but the plan itself looked like it could work as long as both TESS and Zack did what they were instructed. TESS figured that she could do it... worst case she and Zack could escape somewhere... somewhere they could be far away from all of this. In any case, it was worth a shot.

She decided to put her abilities as an AI to use.

TESS activates Eclipse's comms and attempts to hack into the base's network, using a hacking software that was implemented into her. One of the few good things she could thank Neo BAHRAM for.

"C'mon...c'mon...give me an opening...there's a fault in everything..."

Finally, TESS found a breakthrough and managed to hack into the servers of the base, and with the help of her software, was undetected.


Ciphering through the network, she managed to find the intercom system, as well as the systems for the camera surveillance for the whole base, which would allow her to sneak Zack out without him being spotted by the cameras. She would also be able to open up his cell and track his location while he makes his escape to the hangars. She had a few minutes to prepare, so she used the intercom system to call to Zack.

In his cell, Zack sat silently, alone. He was still torn up inside about TESS... by now, they'd have surely deleted her from Eclipse. All that was left was for them to decide what to do with him... this was all a big mistake, coming to the Space Force... expecting amnesty for all the things he did under Neo BAHRAM. He couldn't ever forgive himself for leading TESS to her death. He was startled, however, as the intercom in his cell crackled and TESS's voice sounded through it.

"Zack?" She said. "Zack, are you awake?"

"TESS!" He shouted, immediately shooting up to his feet. "TESS! Where are you?! Are you okay?! They didn't hurt you, did they?!"

"Oh, right, these intercoms are only one way." TESS said. "L-listen. I can get you out of there. There's a data pad just outside your cell in the office nearby. When I open the doors I need you to pick it up and follow the instructions on it exactly. Don't worry about the security, I've hacked into the system and I'll be able to monitor you as you make your way here. Move quickly, okay? And be careful."

With that, the intercom went silent.

Zack didn't know what to make of that. Did TESS have some kind of plan? What was going on? He didn't have time to think on it too much, however, as the door to his cell opened. He hesitated at first, afraid of being caught... but TESS had told him not to worry about that. He had faith that she'd get him through this. He quickly rushed out of his cell and immediately found the office, near the entrance to the cell area. He entered it and saw the data pad lying on the main table. He picked it up and woke it up, noticing a single file on it, named To The Runner. He opened it up and looked through it. Inside was a map of the area, detailed to a quite frightening degree, with even guard patrols noted and what routes they were set to take, as well as locations of all kinds of security systems throughout the complex. Through the map he saw a route marked out for him, certain points along the route marked by a certain time, which he assumed were where he would need to be at those specific times. That was all there was. No message for him, just the map detailing his route out of the base and to the hangars. It was night, now, so guard patrols wouldn't be too numerous, but he'd still have to be careful.

He had no idea what was going on... but it was the only thing he had to go off of.

The time limit for the first checkpoint was getting close. He'd need to move quickly.
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Bashing through the door after opening it, Zack bolted out of the office and headed straight for the first checkpoint while glancing back at the data pad. Sweat dripped down his face and his body shivered lightly as he saw that the checkpoint was empty, thankfully. He bolted through the gate, then made a sharp turn as he went down another hallway. He needed to make sure that he was following the right path, avoid any guards, and get to TESS as soon as possible. The relief of hearing her still alive was overwhelming, and he felt a rush of energy and emotion. He had to get to her, he had to reunite with her now.

"I'm coming, Tess...I'll get to you soon eno-"

Zack paused abruptly, however, hearing multiple footsteps in the distance. Panicking, he quickly saw an open door and dove into it, closing it up quickly as he heard the footsteps grow louder and louder. He held his breath as he heard the footsteps rush past him, hearing the voices of alert Space Force soldiers and the clanking of weapons. Eventually, the footsteps died down, and he quickly resumed his run to get to Eclipse's hangar. Gripping the data pad tightly while looking at it briefly, he practically skidded through the halls as his eyes were wide with anxiety.

"Just hang in there, TESS...I'm coming!"

His footsteps clambered against the metal floor as he ran, hoping to reunite with TESS very soon...

Meanwhile, TESS waited with equal anxiety. Even though she managed to free him, she still worried about Zack. What if he wasn't able to get to her in time? What if the guards caught him? What if-

Her thoughts were shattered, however, as Eclipse's sensors picked up a signature. A Runner's signal.


A door was bashed open as a delirious Zack saw Eclipse before him. His heart was racing as he ran towards, grinning ecstatically as he ran towards Eclipse.



Without hesitation, Eclipse's cockpit opens up, allowing Zack to practically dive into it, letting the data pad he had with him fall onto the ground of the cockpit. He was crying as the cockpit closed, and TESS's own weeps of happiness were heard.

"TESS, oh TESS!! You're still alive!!"

"Zack, I can't believe you're alright! Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you!?"

Zack wiped away tears from his eyes as he patted Eclipse's control board, acting as though he was comforting TESS, and in many respects, he was. TESS was ecstatic as she spoke to him, feeling such relief and joy she though she couldn't experience before.

"I'm alright, TESS! I'm okay! I'm more relieved that you're still alive!"

If TESS could hug Zack, she would, as the digital warmth she felt from Zack's concern of her was overwhelming.

"I...ooh, Zack..."

The heartfelt moment ceased, however, as TESS remembered that they still needed to escape the base. Zack realized the same as Eclipse powered up, nodding his head as TESS began briefing him.

"Zack! The merchants were the ones who sent me the instructions for getting you out."

"Huh, I see...why though?"

"I don't know...but at this point, I don't care. At least we're back together..."

"Yeah...maybe we should get in contact with them, though. Figure out why."

TESS makes a hum in agreement, and begins opening up private comms with the Merchants.
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However, before Zack could get comms out, he was stopped by the front of the hangar opening. It made his heart drop. Were they found out? But all fears were cast aside when he saw the open cargo bay of a starship on the other side, followed by two individuals. One of them waved up to Eclipse's cockpit, prompting Zack to open it.

"Looks like you made it on schedule." One of them called up to him. "Hurry, now. Get your frame into the ship. We'll explain everything once you're onboard."
Zack and TESS were slightly taken back by the duo's sudden order, but between boarding the starship and staying in the base, the former was better. Without hesitation, Zack had the cockpit close up and docked Eclipse into the ship.

"Here we go, TESS. Wonder what they'll be telling us..."

"Hm...hopefully, they won't be hiding anything or lock us up."

Once onboard, the cargo bay doors closed and the ship began to float upwards, beginning a slow flight over the base. No alarms were being raised, so it seemed like Zack and TESS had made a clean getaway. The two men who had guided Zack into the ship waved up to him again.

"Alright, we're good." One said, before turning to Zack. "Hey, come down here! Boss wants to talk to you!"
Zack looked at Eclipse's control console, as if he was looking directly at TESS herself. He sighs before patting the console lightly, TESS being clear with her worry as she made a light whine.

"Trust me, TESS. I don't want to leave you again so soon either, but..."

"It's alright, Zack...just come back as soon as possible."

Zack smiled before nodding.


With that said, Zack exited out of Eclipse and slid down onto a nearby platform. He approached the two men, looking at them attentively.

"Lead the way then. Name's Zack, by the way."
"We know." The more authoritative of the two men said. "My name's Brand Kazan, I'm the boss of the Merchants here. This here's my right hand man, Flitz Ardent."

Flitz gave a nod of acknowledgement to Zack.

"Good thing you got here. Was worried that you wouldn't make it."
"Neither did I, honestly. Thanks for rescuing us, though. And furthermore, for reuniting us..."

Zack glanced back at Eclipse, looking at it rather longingly. Eventually, though, he returns his gaze back on Brand and Flitz.

"Erm, anyways, what does Boss want with me?"
"Well, here's the situation we're in." Brand began. "We've been assigned on humanitarian relief duty by the Space Force. As far as first jobs go, not really the most exciting. However, we're going into a hot zone, and frankly, I don't trust Neo BAHRAM to honor any rules of engagement and leave humanitarian aid ships alone."

"Okay...?" Zack said, a bit confused as to why they needed him. "So what do you need me for?"

"I'm the kind of man who likes to prepare for any contingency." Brand says. "I requested Orbital Frame support for this mission. Of course they rejected the suggestion outright, didn't expect anything less. The problem is, they won't send us in with any support. As good as my men may be, we only have modified Phantomas."

"So you want me to help?" Zack asked.

"Well, as it so happens, there's another Orbital Frame other than just the two." Brand smiles. "Thought struck me that we both could use each other's help. Beats rotting in a cell, wouldn't you say?"
Zack thought back to being locked up in that grimy, cold cell before nodding eagerly.

"Yeah, definitely. So, we're gonna be heading into a hot zone to deliver goods to citizens and most likely take down some Neo BAHRAM forces?"

TESS overheard what they were talking about, and almost instinctively, Zack turned around to face Eclipse.

"What do you say, TESS?"

"...Count us in!"

Zack grinned before turning back to face Brand and Flitz, a new spark of determination visible in his eyes.

"You heard the ma'am. We're in."
"Great." Brand said, reaching out to shake Zack's hand. "But keep in mind, we'll only send you out if it's absolutely necessary. The fact that we aren't officially Space Force may give us a bit of leeway, but you should remain on standby, just in case."

"It's a shame we can't have Kid up here with us." Flint remarked.

"Eh, I'm sure we've got a lot more in store with him." Brand shrugged. "In any case, Zack, we've got some time before we get to Mars. I'd suggest you make sure your frame is combat ready. You can use whatever resources we've got."
Zack shakes Brand's hand firmly before letting go of it.

"Got it. Thanks, you two."

Zack turns around just in time, as Eclipse landed gently down and lowered it's right hand down to Zack. He hopped aboard it, being lifted up to Eclipse's cockpit and hopping into it. With the cockpit closing up, Zack opens up the control console and docks Eclipse securely.

"Alright TESS! Let's refuel and arm ourselves! What we got to work with?"

"Phalanx, Homing Missile, and Shots are what we have for long range offensive, still. Long Claws and Wisp are fully functional!"

"Alright good, good! Start rearming while I-"

"Fine tune Eclipse? Way ahead of you, Zack!"

Zack smiled and chuckled before patting the ceiling of the cockpit.

"As always, TESS."
Brand and Flitz both made their way to the command deck once they were done talking with Zack. Brand sat down in the captain's chair while Flitz headed to his normal station whenever he wasn't piloting his Dulahan, though he would usually cycle between all stations should the need arise. Brand took the liberty to send a full briefing on the mission to Zack from his control panel, before commanding the ship to head to the Catapults on the base. Luckily, the catapults they had on the base were state-of-the-art, and so it wouldn't take but 12 hours or so to get to Mars. It was the getting back part that was going to be a pain...

"Alright." Brand said, leaning back and crossing his legs in his seat. "Let's head out."

With that, the four ships in their force launched from the catapults, headed for war-torn Mars.
Around 12 hours later

Zack sat peacefully in Eclipse's cockpit, breathing lightly as he rested comfortably with his eyes closed. Being in a cold cell for so long made him long for Eclipse's cockpit, which was his home. And TESS, unlike previous times where she would prank him and coax him out, instead let him rest peacefully, making light hums. After everything they went through with both Neo BAHRAM and the Space Force, having a calming moment like this felt rare, and TESS wanted to cherish it for as long as possible before arriving to Mars. Knowing the BAHRAM supporters would be there, they both readied themselves, and now, it was just a matter of if they'd have to fight once more or stay silent...

"Hmm...hm, hmm...hum, hum, hum...hum..."

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