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Fandom Role play area - Gallery/Maps


*Collapses on the ground* "Too much smoke!!!" *Coughs, then runs outside, Turning on the hose and spraying it all over herself*

Chara my child there should be a fire extinguisher over on the wall *points to the wall left of the kitchen*

"So much for giving Frisk a good day... I ruined everything... NGAHHH! NO! I REFUSE!"

*Runs back inside and sprays the fire with the hose, turned on full power*

*Wakes Up* "Undyne Darling! Could you quit screaming! I need my beauty rest!"



Gaster observes and listens from the shadows, his inexistence unallows anyone to see him, but he is laughing really hard. "I-I can't believe! They set the kitchen on fire!" he said, as he fell to the floor laughing, hugging one of his followers so hard that their eyeballs were nearly squeezed out.

Flowey the Flower

Flowey was outside the house, then he smelt something... burning? He grew out a little out of the ground, to see what's happening through the window. His face was shocked. "These idiots set the kitchen on fire? How?" with a surprised voice. His face turned into a vile, sinister grin as he added "I can't believe they are THAT stupid!"

He saw Frisk coming on their way. He tried hiding in the bushes, to not get spotted. @KiritoIsamu


Asgore was just watering the flowers in his garden, completely oblivious to what was going on in the house.

Gaster chilled out a bit, the lack of contact sure made him a little crazy. He stared at the people from all sides at once, considering that he literally WAS all sides at once. He sighed in boredom, just standing there...

Flowey the Flower

Flowey saw... the brat... Frisk... on their way home. He quickly hid in a bush, hoping to not get discovered. It was... the day... today... he sighed, hoping he would not have to show up. He waited for that brat to pass him by, however there was a little movement in the bushes.


Asgore just watered his flowers, oblivious to what happened several minutes ago.
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hmm? *stops and stares at the bushes* *thinks: could have sword i saw something move*


*pulls the pie out of the oven* *looks out the window* Asgore if your gonna spend your whole day outside at least use some of the flowers for the party.
KiritoIsamu said:
hmm? *stops and stares at the bushes* *thinks: could have sword i saw something move*


*pulls the pie out of the oven* *looks out the window* Asgore if your gonna spend your whole day outside at least use some of the flowers for the party.
Flowey the Flower

Flowey got nervous, the brat saw him? He decided to go against all logic and said "You didn't see anything! I'm just a bush, move along, you idiot!" then realized the last words... he was doomed, the brat would figure out it was him... oh, no...

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