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    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource Role Model's Code Pen

Role Model

/t r X s h /
Code Pen | Role Model


This is the official License for my Code Pen. I have very few restrictions in place. I am a firm believer in open-source, and therefore ALL of my codes will be publicly available to use as you wish. You may modify the base code to your liking, however if you modify my code in any way you must keep my credit. You may not redistribute the code as your own, even if you modify the base of my code.

General Information

  • My code/themes are designed in the "Night Life" theme.
  • Mobile versions of my code will be very infrequent. I do not plan on focusing on mobile code, therefore all of my code is tested and modified on a desktop.
  • I doubt this will have any major effect, however my monitor resolution is 1400x900 (measured in pixels) so keep this in mind if the code does not display properly.


Before you waste your time scrolling around my Code Pen looking for a piece of code that matches what you're looking for, perhaps you'd be interested to know my style? As you can already tell, I love pink influences. Pink, light blue. Innocent colours, with a hint of fluff. Light, airy designs are my focus, nothing intensive, or bloated. Simplicity, with a touch of modernism and class. My codes and designs are by no means the most beautiful things on Earth, however they are simple and cute, and that's what I aim for!


I do have a few inspirations behind my designs! Aukanai Aukanai , deer deer , and dwale dwale are just a couple. While there are hundreds of great designers on RPN, I seriously recommend you go check out these guys' code dumps! They're absolutely gorgeous.


I'm not sure why you'd want to request anything, however, if you do wish to make a request please make sure you are detailed in your request and I will try my absolute hardest to oblige! I am not the best at this, nor do I even want to be, so please be patient and understanding if it doesn't come out exactly how you like it. I am more than willing to rework your code if it's not absolutely perfect.


At the end of the day, I feel like every piece of code has it's own unique values and they are displayed by how the author chooses to write them. Each piece of code deserves to be recognized for it's artistic values, and the time and energy spent on it by the authors! There are thousands of pieces of code and I am absolutely honored you are considering using one of mine!

Design by Role Model Role Model
Just put a bunch of tags here, separated by commas

  • full

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id tellus sed massa luctus convallis. Maecenas sed malesuada enim. Praesent est tellus, dapibus ut orci in, sagittis aliquam mauris. Aliquam at est bibendum, accumsan justo quis, ultrices quam. Ut fringilla nunc ligula, sed congue leo dictum maximus. Donec sed sapien tempor, pretium augue ac, dictum tortor. Vestibulum blandit odio mattis justo tincidunt varius. Integer egestas ligula leo, non bibendum nibh laoreet et. Suspendisse a lacus sodales neque blandit vulputate. Duis nisi justo, congue ac blandit ut, congue congue leo. Sed congue velit vel faucibus sodales. Morbi accumsan suscipit est, quis feugiat leo. Nullam aliquet condimentum arcu at vulputate. Donec tincidunt ipsum et velit ultrices, ullamcorper facilisis orci iaculis.


Originally this design was supposed to be much more intuitive, as a showcase for my first design. However, after running into issues using the accordion inside a centerblocked tab space, I gave up and decided to do something simple instead. I apologize, I know for showcase art this is not as high quality as it could be, however I hope you enjoy it nonetheless and I hope it serves you well in your roleplaying needs! I'm also aware the code is formatted ugly, this is due to the fact of how BBCode processes line breaks. There is nothing I can do about this unless I want the finished product to have odd line breakage! EDIT; Silly me, I forgot the tagline. It's fixed now! EDIT 2; Added mentions line for tagging members, as well as cleaned up some of the code to make it look prettier. EDIT 3; Fixed some colours, added some backgrounds to fill in the blanks, also some more cleanup. Pretty pretty! I also trimmed down the centerblock to make it look more like a panel. It will most likely display oddly in the "Preview" mode, however in live post it will look like it is supposed to look EDIT 4; Added main background colour, to make the font barely legible on the default site skin.
Role Model

[RIGHT][SIZE=1][COLOR=WHITE]Design by [USER=32065]@Role Model[/USER][/COLOR][USER=32065][/USER][/SIZE][/RIGHT]
[CENTER][BG=#f7c9eb][BORDER=1px dotted #f7c9eb][FONT=Handlee][SIZE=5][COLOR=WHITE][FA]fa-heart[/FA] Name [FA]fa-heart[/FA][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4][COLOR=white]Just put a bunch of tags here, separated by commas[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/BORDER][/BG][/CENTER]
[BG=#f7c9eb][/BG][BORDER=1px dotted #f7c9eb][TABS]
[BORDER=1px dotted #f7c9eb][BG=#f7c9eb][IMAGEFLOAT=left][IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/media/tumblr_no3f2u1xoy1r5n34uo1_500.26974/full?d=1494479537[/IMG][/IMAGEFLOAT]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id tellus sed massa luctus convallis. Maecenas sed malesuada enim. Praesent est tellus, dapibus ut orci in, sagittis aliquam mauris. Aliquam at est bibendum, accumsan justo quis, ultrices quam. Ut fringilla nunc ligula, sed congue leo dictum maximus. Donec sed sapien tempor, pretium augue ac, dictum tortor. Vestibulum blandit odio mattis justo tincidunt varius. Integer egestas ligula leo, non bibendum nibh laoreet et. Suspendisse a lacus sodales neque blandit vulputate. Duis nisi justo, congue ac blandit ut, congue congue leo. Sed congue velit vel faucibus sodales. Morbi accumsan suscipit est, quis feugiat leo. Nullam aliquet condimentum arcu at vulputate. Donec tincidunt ipsum et velit ultrices, ullamcorper facilisis orci iaculis.[/COLOR]
[BORDER=1px dotted #f7c9eb][BG=#f7c9eb][imageFloat=right]
Aliquam auctor turpis sed hendrerit rhoncus. Maecenas et bibendum velit. Vivamus facilisis sodales augue ut accumsan. Nullam tempor sapien sit amet magna dapibus, non suscipit lectus viverra. Duis et feugiat ante. Cras suscipit pellentesque eros, at blandit justo sollicitudin non. Quisque est lacus, egestas eu bibendum hendrerit, iaculis non enim. Cras vel elit ex. Donec suscipit iaculis lorem sed pretium. Vestibulum id placerat erat. Integer ullamcorper magna nec leo dictum, ut vestibulum arcu volutpat. Proin cursus ex arcu, at cursus quam semper vel. In id nulla sit amet quam molestie sodales sed ac risus. Proin sagittis posuere massa, gravida rutrum turpis blandit ut.[/COLOR]
[BORDER=1px dotted #f7c9eb][BG=#f7c9eb]
[COLOR=WHITE]Cras laoreet semper metus, ac laoreet mauris sagittis sed. Vestibulum euismod tincidunt erat, eget finibus ipsum pretium ut. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia
Curae; Pellentesque mauris sapien, dapibus vel commodo a, tincidunt sit amet metus.[/COLOR][/BG][BG=#f7c9eb]
[COLOR=WHITE]Morbi volutpat justo arcu, sit amet porta mi congue quis. Pellentesque vitae libero a elit vulputate dapibus finibus sit amet magna. Donec sit amet enim sagittis, aliquam nunc a, imperdiet libero. Praesent non mi ligula. Nunc erat nisi, vulputate in metus non, viverra laoreet nulla. Ut vulputate neque at sagittis porttitor. Sed tempor ex libero. Integer bibendum fringilla nunc, et hendrerit mauris molestie a.[/COLOR]
[CENTER][BG=#f7c9eb][FONT=Handlee][SIZE=3][COLOR=WHITE]Mentions; [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/BG]
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