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Fantasy Roar & Howl, oc & chat



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  • greetings

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The interest check has information if you aren't familiar with the premise of what this oc & chat thread is for.

"Some of my character Concepts."
really just face-claims and phrases that offer a hint of them.

Name (Lee Tae-ri) peacock "cottage core whore"

Name (Sean Teale or Chay Suede) jaguar "spartan slave"

Name (Clara Paget as Anne Bonny) animal undetermined "sea warden"

Name (Zethu Dlomo as Madi) undetermined animal "warrior queen"

Chúng Ta Không Thuộc Về Nhau

Sơn Tùng M-TP

♡coded by uxie♡
Just to tell you guys some things, this will be in the lore/start too, there is a city-state (a self governing village) Kalayaan, and an empire not far form it and very similar to Rome, Phaedra.
Kalayaan will have different biomes and seasonal weather; but this is what I was thinking the city looks like.
Good evening ladies and gents, I shall be your assigned murderer for today.

I hope we all work well together :D
Ok so, Catdog....we can't both be a rhino so I wouldn't mind changing to a Auroch
We can both be a rhino, I just want to prevent 5 wolves or more than 2 of the same animal.
I might also change from rhino to elephant instead so you can still go for that rhino ;)

The Blex The Blex A "villain" was mentioned, I was thinking you might be interested in the leader of the empire if not one of it's generals?
We can both be a rhino, I just want to prevent 5 wolves or more than 2 of the same animal.
I might also change from rhino to elephant instead so you can still go for that rhino ;)

The Blex The Blex A "villain" was mentioned, I was thinking you might be interested in the leader of the empire if not one of it's generals?
Why not both? :D I'd love to play as both the Emperor and the General, the guy who'll give everyone a hard time.
I will enjoy hunting you all
Hello everyone! I have recently noticed I am becoming erratically busy off site, and it takes away from me working on "Roar & Howl." I'd like to tell you I am still working on it, and I am when I have the time and mind, but I also don't want to lead you on or give a false impression it may be done soon. I don't I want to open the thread half-baked either, I'm not closing the thread but I am taking my time with it. I do not know how long it will be before it's fully up and running, when it is ready I will nudge everyone. If I am to be realistic and honest, I am estimating sometime after the holiday months.

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