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Fantasy Ris'Saliance Aior

Literary Revenant

One Thousand Club
Ris'Saliance Aior

Rise of the Necromacy

The History of Vian

Mystery, Adventure, Romance, and Fantasy. These forces drive many of our stories and legends, inspiring us to do many great and/or terrible things. In many instances, some of us would like to immerse ourselves into these worlds freeing ourselves of all the harsh realities of life, but this in most cases is impossible. Well, now I give you the chance to be free and immerse yourselves into the world of Vian, and I, Kaiser Zerath, will lead you through a great journey filled with stories beyond your mind's comprehension. First, you must learn about Vian itself... There are Seven Kingdoms in Vian, all of them powerful, and all of them great.

Dara'Okarthel, The Kingdom of the Dragons, is the first kingdom, spanning back to the dawn of time. Thyeron, The Kingdom of the Basilisks, is the second kingdom, also spanning back to the dawn of time. Voral, The Kingdom of the Moon Elves, is the third kingdom, and is the smallest kingdom of Vian. Alver, The Kingdom of the Sun Elves, is the fourth kingdom, coming from the distant realm of Alver. Gul'Thrak , The Kingdom of the Dwarves, is the fifth kingdom, thriving within the frozen mountains. Orzhaan, The Kingdom of the Orcs, is the sixth kingdom, a proud land with mighty warriors. Finally Joten, The Kingdom of Humans, is the seventh kingdom, and is the largest kingdom of Vian.

The Seven Kingdoms live in a delicate balance of power and equality; none dare challenge the other lest they have the desire to begin a great war. Recently in the year 653 of the Celian Age, the Sun Elves waged a war against Humanity. Their leader, Emperor Elzaniel Nathrien, saw humans as weak beings who didn't deserve a place on Vian. In the first few years of the war, Joten was decimated by Elzaniel's onslaught, reaching out to the other kingdoms for help. When no help came he took matter in his own hands.

King Melnorix of Joten secretly formed a school for especially powerful soldiers. Soldiers from all of Joten were drafted in so that they may betrained to fight against this powerful enemy. Here, students were put through deadly tasks, excruciating simulations, and horrifying tests.When the first graduates left the school, they led an endless set of espionage missions against Alver, assassinating leaders, destroying supplies, and even sacking major cities.

The strongest of these soldiers, Aior, led his comrades against the Paladins of Alver in an epic duel between elf and man. The students won, defeating the elves without a scratch on themselves. With the new elite soldiers at his disposal, King Melnorix led a final assault against Elzaniel, defeating him at the Battle of Solasuun, but at a heavy cost: Aior and most of his comrades were killed. Both Kingdoms were left scarred and heavy in debt. Elzaniel and his personal guard were banished back to Alver where they now roam around their lands in an endless Alveric Exodus. To remember the great soldier Aior, Melnorix named the school: Ris'Saliance Aior, meaning, "In salute to all who followed Aior."

The School still stands today in honor of the legendary warriors who turned the tide against the war with the Sun Elves. A statue of the original graduates stands at the center in honor of the brave soldiers who fought and died to save Joten.

Your story

Your story starts at Ris'Saliance Aior, the school designed to forge students from all kingdoms into hardened soldiers. Here, the humanoid races send their strongest, fastest, and smartest children to become legends. The year is 672 of the Jotenic Age, and a new group of students has now made the journey to the gates of Aior; eagerly waiting for the potential adventure ahead.​

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Accepted Characters

Onyx Energy: Zerath Yavernsky-HEADMASTER, Horingmar Oruguun-TEACHER, and Sean Ramirov-COLLECTOR.

@Ami the breadling: Mikaela Karina Travura-C, and Amelia Clarke-V

@Anaxileah: Artelioth Muniare-V, Lirayta-V, and Kaliyr-C.

@That Guy Over There: Rhulaine Ther'Sen-V

@Ashaficent: Stella de'Caelum-TEACHER, Aimee Morganstern Cindervalor-C, and Axiel Antoinette Cindervalor-V.

@AyyyLmao: Aaron Cain-V

@Cloud Nagasake: Lucis & Luciel Lexion Alexandria-Unfinished? V

@Kiosis: Tinthan Erilynn-V

@yangwolf2019: Ulothok Ebberance-V

RP is about to start. Anyone who wants to join must ask me personally through a PM. Students and Teachers who are accepted please keep an eye on your inbox for instructions.

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Scene One: New beginnings.

Alright, since the original idea of mailing everyone failed, I will give the instructions here. This story will start with 2 groups of 5 students and one group with 6 students who will be going to different locations. The first group shall be Ken Ito, Makaela Karina Travura, Aaron Cain, Lucis and Luciel, and Amelia Clarke. This group shall meet at The Lake of Aior (Settings for Image) and officially start with introductions and soon after a teacher will appear to determine your next move. @Ami the breadling,
@AyyyLmao, @Cloud Nagasake.

The second group will be Ulothok Ebberance, Rhulain Ther'Sen, Seiren Valneir, Lirayta, and Kaliyr. This group shall meet in the Wuld forest (Settings for Image), and also introduce themselves. A teacher will appear to determine your next move.
@yangwolf2019, @That Guy Over There, @Seraph Darkfire, @Anaxileah.

You might be sensing a pattern now. The third and final group will be the Cindervalor Twins, Tinthan Erilynn, Carson Smith, and Artelioth Muniare. This group shall meet at the Arena (Settings for Image) and again introduce yourselves. A Teacher shall appear and determine the next move.
@Kiosis, @Ashaficent, @Anaxileah, @Penance.

The Teachers who are going to said areas have been selected at random and will determine key factors on how your characters shall affect the story. One special rule shall be placed for this scene, do not show the fullest extent of your character's skill or power and do not exploit weaknesses seen in the Character Sign Up sheets. Your characters should just be getting to know eachother, and not just like magical 'I know everything about you' etc. If your character was Collected into RSA, make sure you start off with a guard escorting your character to the group your character is in.

With that said... I am proud to announce the story of Ris'Saliance Aior Officially started!

Onyx Energy.

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The sight was amazing. Amelia could not believe her luck. Actually being in Ris´Saliance Aior. Her ancestors would have been proud. Whilst walking towards her destination, which was a lake, Amelia took in the sight. The forrest seemed lovely, just as the school itself. One hair of Amelia twitched up and down. This hair appeared to always show her emotional status. It twitched when she was exited, waged when she was happy and hung when she was sad.

Amelia kept walking, many thoughts crossing her head. Would she be a hero like every generation of Clarke´s had been? How many hero´s would she meet? Maybe even one of her grandfathers companions, comrades of Aior? Would she find friends? So many exiting thoughts.

When Amelia finally reached the lake, she was stunned. The sight was beautiful. Looking at it, she stood there, awaiting what would happen further. She was unaware of her surroundings, caught in the sight.

Mika was not happy. Being caught off guard was bad. Getting kidnapped was worse. But being caught and then brought to a so called "School" against ones will was the worst. She had been escorted for quite some time now, most certainly so she would not escape. Mika was brought to something like a lake. She was thinking of a way to get away the fastest, but something inside her told her she wouldnt. She decided to watch for now, hoping she would not be killed. Not here. Not now. Thoughts of her parents crossed her mind and of what she had to do. She simply wasnt allowed to die yet.

Mika kept silent as she got brought to a lake. Seeing a whitehaired girl stand there, she sighed and purposely went to another spot, sitting down and polishing her precious sword. The "Kuruvus", "Kingblade".

@Peaceswore @AyyyLmao @Cloud Nagasake
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Stella de'Caelum

Black heels balanced on the thick branch of tall, dangerously close to the edge. Dark plum lips curved up into a sinister smirk, a small, crazed giggle slipping past them. Dense clusters of leaves covered the slender form of Stella de'Caelum, who standing on the highest branch of a tall tree with lots of greenery that perfectly hid her presence. Catlike greenish-yellow eyes stared intently at the group of students that had gathered in the woodland known as the Wuld Forest. So these are my students for the school year... Thought the silver haired woman, her heart thumping in anticipation. We'll see who can actually keep up with the legacy left behind by Aior.

@yangwolf2019, @That Guy Over There, @Seraph Darkfire, @Anaxileah

The Cindervalor Twins

White flats paced around the marble floor of the arena, its owner angrily muttering away to herself. Aimee Morganstern Cindervalor was not pleased to be where she was. This was apparent by the scowl on her usually pleasant face. "I can't believe that I'm actually here in this blasted place!" She said wrathfully, doing her best not to kick something.

A young man sharing her ginger hair and electric blue eyes looked at her tiresomely and rolled his eyes with an exasperated sigh. Axiel Antoinette Cindervalor had made himself quite comfortable on the floor, not having the energy to keep standing while the small group of students that had gathered there waited for their teacher.
"It's not such a big deal, Aimee." He said, at a weak attempt to calm down his twin sister.

"Shut up, Axiel." She retorted, glaring at her brother. "You're just saying that because you enjoy swinging around that over-sized toothpick of yours and making things go 'boom'." "It's not an over-sized toothpick." Replied Axiel, rolling his eyes a second time. "Whatever." The female Sun Elf returned to her pacing, not caring that she was probably looking like some sort of nutcase.

@Kiosis, @Anaxileah, @Penance

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Ken Ito

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/izaya-orihara-1izaya-orihara-37380732-480-640.jpg.8ebb2a4f6d5f9ae7883306b2632b2be7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118087" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/izaya-orihara-1izaya-orihara-37380732-480-640.jpg.8ebb2a4f6d5f9ae7883306b2632b2be7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ken wasn't the happies of people right now as he had been awaked from his one hour nap... He barely got any sleep that night thanks to two certain spirts that wouldn't shut up to save their lives. He had slight bags under his eyes as he trudged to the new destination he was given. He didn't even bother to look for a way to escape as he knew full well it was pointless at the time to even try. He was tired, and they were going to the damned lake, so he had to focus on not getting close to the water. He swore if they even thought about making him swim. 'Kenny! I wanna talk now! Please? I is bored!' 'You mean you are bored, I is just sounds stupid.' 'You sound stupid!' 'Was that seriously you comeback? Pfff You heard that dear host? Keheh that was terrible! You got to think of something better than that!' "Both of you." Ken muttered as he came to a stop when he had reached the lake.

Looking around he saw two other students as well as their teacher standing around the large body of water. 'Ohh! Looky other peeps! Hey hey! Kenny! Let me say hi to them!' 'No! Let me~ I wanna see if they can dodge a sudden stab to the heart.' 'How about no to both of you.' 'Awwwwwwwwwwww Come on Kenny! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease pretty please! I wanna! I wanna!' 'I said no.' 'Oh well~ Looks like our dear host as spoken.' 'Boooo Then you go and say hi!' 'Both of you are giving me a headache be silent for a bit.' 'I DON'T WANNA!!!' At this sudden scream Ken halted in his steps and grabbed his head in a bit of pain. 'Stop being a baby' 'Kehehe You may want to stop seeing as it's not feeling good for our dear host~' 'I WANNA TALK TO THEM I WANNA TALK TO THEM!!' Ken grip tightened a bit on his head as he let out a low growl. 'So I heard, but I said no. I will go up to them but I don't plan to talk to them.' "Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'

Ken took a deep breath and with that let go of his head and placed his hands in his pocket as he walked over to the group. Looking around he simply sighed. 'Talk talk talk talk talk talk!!' 'You won't' stop will you?' 'Kehe We both know the answer to that.' 'Pain.' Looking around he let out a sigh and crossed his arms. "Lovely day for a training session where we may end up gravely injured isn't?' 'What type of greeting was that??' 'I talked.' 'NEER DO IT RIGHT!!' Ken started to look a bit irked as his headache was increasing. "Don't bother try to find a way to escape, believe me here is a terrible place to do it especially since we have a teacher with us" He said to a girl that he knew was collected before closing his eyes. 'Happy?' "meh, you need practice.'

Gundam Tanaka

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/gundam_tanaka_render_by_masrursan-d60b213.png.d83f1cffd017782f9945ab6aadf15084.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/gundam_tanaka_render_by_masrursan-d60b213.png.d83f1cffd017782f9945ab6aadf15084.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
"Tch, the four winds of the heavens are warning me of an upcoming storm." A man muttered to himself as he adjusted his long scarf while he continued to walk to his destination. "It is worrysome do you not think so my devas?" At this his scarf started to move and four heads popped out each one belonged to one of the hamsters that are always with him. They didn't say anything and just kept their eyes on the elf as he continued on his trek through the woods. "I see...you sense it as well...expected of my devas. It disturbs even I." A smirk appeared on his face and he held his hips in his hand before stopping in his walk. "In the end! It should disturbed of me! For I the lord of all things evil and otherworldly! Shall make this upcoming storm fear me! Hahahahaha!" He exclaimed before going silent as he looked straight ahead with a blank face.

After a moment of silence he let out a sigh as only his deva's were the ones that heard his declaration. With that he hanged his head and once his hamsters were snuggled back in his scarf close to his neck he ran forward at a great speed. The forest became a blur and the wind whipped his clothes making them flow behind him as he ran by roots twigs and a few animals along the path. Knowing this place better than the back of his hand he had no trouble getting to the lake. Due to his little break earlier he turned out to be the third one here as two students reached the lake before he did. When he came to a stop a dust cloud as well as some marks were seen due to his sudden stop. Looking at the students that had arrived he smirked as he crossed his arms and looked down at him a bit. "So mortals, I guess today I shall be training you to be of some use to this lowly world!"

@Ami the breadling @AyyyLmao @Cloud Nagasake



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The air smelled clean compared to the school. Ulo stood tall in the forest feeling nostalgia and home sickness for her tribe. It had only been a few days, but she missed the woods and the village itself. She took a long deep breath in, she could smell the moss, dirt, and the clean air. It all reminded her of home, more than the school could ever hope to give. Though despite the nostalgic feelings that filled her, she felt more excitement towards the days ahead. She would become a warrior that would make the other tribes shake in their tracks, she would be the object that would instill fear on the battle field. Her thoughts of excellence were interrupted though.

There was a presence. Ulo had been in enough combat to develop an almost sixth sense to noticing irregularities in her surroundings, though she was not so war-forged that she could pinpoint i,t as some of the more experienced warriors could. Her features hardened, bringing her once peaceful face into a threatening one. Her muscular arm lifted, and her large hand wrapped around the leather bound hilt of her battle ax. Her red eyes tracked the surroundings, looking for the irregularity she had sense.

"Where do you hide!?" She spoke loudly as to alert the presence that it had been found. She had been restraining though, if it were her usual surroundings she would remove her battle axes from their holster and prepare for battle. Though, with constant reminder, there were other beings in this place that could be friends. To what she had learned in her journey here, it was very rude to greet someone with an attack. Her pointed teeth barred out of frustration, finding it irritating that she could not find the damnable source. She paused in her bubbling rage, trying to root herself in the situation. She was not home, she was at Ris'Saliance Aior. As far as she was concerned, this was not a battlefield. At least not yet. She retracted her arm, going against every instinct instilled in her, and placed it rigidly by her side.

"Who is there!? I Ulothok Ebberance!"
The smooth surface of the lake was interrupted by several ripples as a rock struck the water, and then slowly sunk beneath. Aaron had been at the lake for some time now and was busy skipping stones across the shimmering surface. He had been unable to sleep before, and had nothing else to do. So when he received the instructions to head to the lake, he decided to make his way there. Upon arriving to find himself alone, Aaron paced around a little, and out of boredom decided to skip a rock across the lake. Back in the present, Aaron spotted a particularly round and flat rock sitting a distance away from him, near the place where the lake met the shore. Perfect, he thought, and moved down toward it.

Although the stone skipping was just something Aaron had done to pass the time, it eventually absorbed him, and now he was temporarily obsessed with racking up the highest amount of time he could skip a stone. This was typical for Aaron, where he would have a tendency to become obsessed with performing mundane tasks over and over again. Currently, his record was 6 skips. As Aaron prepared to send the next stone flying across the water, he heard voices coming back from where he originally was. He looked back at the entrance to the forest, and saw a group of people. One of which, was an adult who probably was the teacher. By the looks of it, they had already begun introductions and the day's lesson, but Aaron wasn't too worried. He had been here first after all. He drew back, and tossed the stone he had out over the lake. Starting to move back, he counted the times the stone bounced. 1...2...3...4...5... After the 5th bounce, the stone sunk into the water. A swear word surfaced in his mind, and he picked up his pace to where the others were. Getting close, he raised his hand, and waved a greeting. "Hold up! Don't start yet! I'm here!".

@Ami the breadling


@Cloud Nagasake
Seiren silently walked through the forest and gave a small sigh 'Too much life here' he thought. Forests were aesthetically pleasing but not very good in training in Yin energy. Too much life counteracted any death. He would have much preferred the Arena. Whether or not there was any actual death there, it was far more violent and the Yin energy would have been far more condensed.

"No point in fretting over what I can't change" he said softly to himself before pausing, hearing someone shouting. It sounded rough yet feminine. He became curious as to who could be shouting in the middle of a forest. There was no telling what kind of creatures lived there and could be called by loud noises.

Walking towards the sound, he stepped around a tree. His normally calm face turned into surprise at what was standing there 'An Orc? Interesting' in the past, he'd never had much contact with the other races. His family was generally secluded in training for the most part. She was certainly female, though he'd never seen a woman as muscular as this one, though oddly, it seemed to fit.

Moving past his observations of the Orc, Ulothok he was guessing unless what she said was an Orcish word and not a name, he noticed that there was no one else around. Who was she yelling at? If she wasn't mentally impaired, then there was someone hiding nearby, but Seiren was not willing to show off his magic just yet, it was best to wait to see what happened before interfering.

@yangwolf2019 @Ashaficent
Horingmar Oruguun

The mighty Warmonger Horingmar approached the arena, armed and ready for battle. His boots made an ominous metallic thud against the stone floor of the arena. Five young students stood scattered around, some were excited, one didn't seem to care, and an elven girl was obviously fretting about being here. 'A collected student, a worthy challenge...' Horingmar thought, a fierce smile stretching across his lips. Three Sun Elves, a Moon Elf, and a human. All of them soon to become soldiers worthy of Aiors Legacy.

"Weak..." Horingmar whispered, hoarsely drawing the word out. "All of you... Weak! Elves and men horztek!" He spat pointing his sword Kolgriin at the now-shocked students. "Magic wielders hiding behind spells, warriors fighting with pathetically small weapons.... And a single elven rogue coming just to be with kin?!? This my class? All WEAK!"

Horingmar swung his Axe above the students heads creating an almost vortex-like rush of air. Without much effort he slammed the giant Axe into the arena floor; a loud thunderous crack echoed for miles. With a malevolent grin Horingmar faced his students standing tall and proud.

"My name..." He said beating his chest, "Horingmar Oruguun! Iishta Brelnor, a perfect warrior... I shall make you strong!"

@Kiosis @Ashaficent @Anaxileah @Penance

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Stella de'Caelum

Stella stared blankly at the orc girl @yangwolf2019 that had been yelling mindlessly into thin air. One look into her mind told Stella that the girl needed a few lessons in etiquette and being civilized in general. Ulothok Ebberance, is it? No need to yell it out. Stella wasn't interested in listening to the female's vacuous yelling. Honestly, giving away everything... Reaching out into the girl's mind, she put a block on it which would obstruct the her ability to sense irregularities for a while.

Then, she settled on studying the other students. She found a human sorcerer male @Seraph Darkfire, who seemed to think that there was too much life in the forest, and apparently found the orc female 'interesting'. There was female Revenant @Anaxileah who was already hosting a spirit. And there was yet another human @That Guy Over There - the last student of the group - who seemed to have interacted with a Moon Elf before.

All their minds were entertaining to go through, most of them from rich families. But they all shared one thing in common - they were Volunteers.

The thought of these young, eager minds, just ready to start learning, made Stella grin sadistically. Be on your toes, young ones, for Aior only expects the best out of you. In fact, your first test begins now...

@yangwolf2019, @Seraph Darkfire, @That Guy Over There

The Cindervalor Twins

It's official. Everyone here is crazy. These were Aimee's thoughts as she stared at the huge, green man who apparently thought that destroying things with his gigantic ax was fun. He had appeared out of nowhere, and started yelling at the group of students about being weak and how he would make them 'strong'. Any hopes of having at least a mildly enjoyable time vanished, as she wondered whether she could sneak out the way she that she had come in.

On the other hand, Axiel found himself in one of those rare situations where he was actually quite startled -
excited, even. This was what he had come here for, to learn how to fight. And it was finally happening. Standing before him was a legend, an orc who had fought beside Aior himself. And this legend would be teaching him - a Sun Elf, whose species was indirectly the case of the existence of Ris'Saliance Aior.

Realizing that he was still sitting on the ground, he quickly quickly scrambled to his feet. Then he proceeded to continue staring at Horingmar in awe.

@Onyx Energy, @Anaxileah, @Kiosis, @Penance

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A chilling breeze moved through the arena causing Tinthan to shiver slightly as he leaned against one of the marble columns surrounding them. His left arm rested gently against the hilt of the blade sheathed at his side while keeping a firm grip on it with his right, prepared at any moment for battle. Being surrounded by those that are considered the strongest brought a kind of tense euphoria to Tinthan. While he knew there was almost no chance of it happening, he almost wished that someone would attack him just so he can see how strong he was now. Instead he busied himself by watching the other students around him and trying to guess the battle styles of his possible "friends."

The first thing that caught his eye was how incredibly normal everyone around him seemed to be. "Hmm... Here I expected to be surrounded by big monstrous..." He began muttering to himself but froze as his eyes caught the shadow of someone approaching. His grip on his sword tightened slightly as his unwavering eyes watched to see if this was a battle or something else.

The shadow grew larger as the metallic beat of the creature's feet indicated that it was approaching closer. Tinthan's jaw dropped as the orc appeared before them and began to speak. A smirk appeared across Tinthan's face at the thought of his previous statement. Tinthan watched the creature's body control the weapon in amazement, the slam against the ground causing him to lose his footing and have to grab the pillar for support. The amazement quickly grew into excitement as he began wondering if he could get a slash in before the axe came down on him in a fight. "I guess I will have to wait to find out..."

@Onyx Energy @Ashaficent @Anaxileah @Penance




Artelioth Muniare was silent as usual, keeping his watchful gaze on the institution around him. The buildings were beautiful, the architecture itself incredible. The way the school was in suspended in the air, the creatures that flew all around, it was magnificent. Eliot was glad he had volunteered to attend the institution known as Ris'Saliance Aior, and was determined to learn as much as he could - he wanted the type of knowledge he knew his people could not bring him. With another glance around, Eliot looked back down at the parchment he held in his hand, glancing around as he tried to figure out where to go. He wore a long coat and his usual tight-fitted garb, made of a stretchy material that was preferred by the hunters that made up the Moon Elves. The material allowed fluid movement and made for perfect camouflage in the night. However, seeing that it was soon to be broad daylight, Eliot's black garb made him stand out in the otherwise lively area.

The tall young man marched over to the area he assumed to be the arena, which was the location he was assigned to. His long back hair flowed behind him in a ponytail, tied back with a piece of leather rather that a twisted piece of metal or something similar. A couple short strands made their way into his face as he approached the arena, admiring the columns that turned into arches once they reached higher into the sky. Statues of heroes could be seen from this view, and they were truly a sight to behold. Eliot almost missed seeing the large, brutish, orc that made his presence known with a large swing of his axe. Eliot's eyes widened in momentary surprise before returning to the narrowed, calculating look he had naturally. His silver eyes surveyed the other students, and he assumed the orc was the teacher.
This will be interesting... Eliot thought to himself with a faint smirk before returning to a frown. A set of twins, and two other students, I believe. I wonder how this will play out. Eliot thought with an arched eyebrow as he remained distant from the group of students, just within human hearing distance, which meant he could hear every conversation accurately.


@Ashaficent @Onyx Energy @Kiosis Character's Mood: Intrigued/Curious User's Mood: Stressed Location: School Entrance -> Arena





Lirayta let out a small sigh as she arrived, her eyes sparkling with excitement but her other half feeling pissed off as usual. Must we be here, Lirayta? I have no interest in squabbling with apprentices, we're just fine on our own. Kaliyr's voice resonated throughout Lirayta's head, ruining the good mood Ayta had at that moment. "Kali, I don't care if you don't want to be here - I need to better myself, and the only way I can do that is by coming here and training with the best!" The girl explained, excitement leaking out of her voice once more. She couldn't be negative for too long, it just wasn't like her. With a contented sigh, similar to the one from before, Ayta headed towards the Wuld Forest, where she was meant to group up with her new classmates, while Kali griped in her head. Tch...yeah right...the best are already dead. Kali grumbled, but Ayta ignored her and continued on her way to the Wuld Forest.

Once Ayta arrived, her blonde hair billowing around her tan frame, only covered by the white robes she deemed comfortable. Her curves were outlined by the outfit, but Ayta wasn't nearly as revealing as Kali was, which was a good thing in most cases. As the light female approached the Wuld Forest and began weaving through the trees, her golden-painted sandals barely making a sound on the ground, she came to a small opening where she heard a female bellow out her name and question anyone else's presence. The teacher, it seemed, was a woman with silver hair, who must have been a moon elf. Ayta smiled at the two of them as she approached, and she noticed another student near the trees. With a
bright smile, Ayta waved at the lot of them before speaking. Her bright blue eyes shone, and her earrings jingled as a light breeze blew through the trees, ruffling her hair.

"Hi everyone! My name is Lirayta, but you can call me Ayta. Nice to meet you Ulothok, sir, and ma'am." Ayta spoke politely and with a kind air, while Kali grumbled once more in Ayta's head. Your chipper-ness literally makes me want to vomit, Ayta. Kali made a gagging sound, only to be responded with a small frown from Ayta and a little murmur. "Shut up, Kali..." Ayta looked up at the others, embarrassed, and reached up to straighten the metallic tiara of sorts, which wrapped around her head, tied in the back with a ribbon.

/ Tag:

@Ashaficent @yangwolf2019 @That Guy Over There @Seraph Darkfire Ayta's Mood: Excited Kali's Mood: Irritated / User's Mood: Literally Kali RN xD / Location: School Entrance -> Wuld Forest /

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The New Beginning...

Lucis & Luciel Alexandria

As the soft breeze of the wind gently stroked the bowl cut hair of the Alexandria Twins and flailed their large button-up shirts in the wind, they sat near the edge of the lake mesmerized by its flawless magnificence. It's smooth surface, calm, cool and stressed in the slightest. It was still as if was completely solidified in ice. "Luciel?" Lucis asked, awaiting the response from his brother who was just as starstruck with the lakes appearance as he. "Huh? Yeah Lucis?", Luciel said, acknowledging his brother by giving him his attention and complete silence. "What do you think will happen next?"He asked, somewhat forcing Luciel to ponder, though there was no right or wrong answer to the interrogation. "Um...well what do you think will happen?" He panicked, but managed to play it off his anxiousness.

Lucis just strayed from the topic with a light hearted giggle. He had always known Luciel to be secretly the worriful type, but he never really called him on it. As his response Lucis simply patted Luciel on the back two times before pushing him forcefully towards the lake causing him to lean head first into the water, causing it to ripple intentivly. Lucis had chuckled once and quickly hushed himself by covering his mouth over with his hands. It was so amusing to see Luciel's reactions to his jokes and pranks and Lucis just couldn't help it anymore. "Pfft! Ahahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!" Lucis had tumbled over on his side the on his back holding his stomach. Luciel had brought his head up from out of the water, his hair damp and clinging to his cheek. "W-what? What was that for?!" Luciel shouted slightly agitated, but beginning to feel a sense of humor from his brother's actions and he couldn't be mad at him for it. He began to share laughs with Lucis within a matter of seconds, filling the atmosphere of Lake of Aior with joyful spirits and child-like humor.

The moment has pasted and the two once again reverted to their quiet and observative state staring off at the lake, before Lucis once again got to thinking. "I love moments like this, though I kinda miss home." he began, "Well we did make the conscious decision to Volunteer for the school, so...the joke is on us huh?" Luciel remarked jokingly to lighten the mood. "Hah, yeah it kinda is. I just miss Mom and Dad." Luciel hadn't replied this time with another positive remark and realized why he and Lucis was here in the first place. "OH! Lucis we were suppose to meet someone here remember?" He asked, jumping up quickly and pulling Lucis with him. "Oh no I forgot. It shouldn't be too late right?" "Well let's find out." The two set off running along for a few minutes until they spotted a white haired girl near the lake and decided to meet her acquaintance. They slowed down and until their were walking at a proper pace towards the girl, they called out simultaneously, "Hi! Over here."


Location: The Lake of Aior

Thoughts: "It's beautiful here~!"

Mood: Excited

Tags: @Ami the breadling, @Ami the breadling

Note: :3

Gundam Tanaka

As he looked down at the others he remained silent, his arms crossed as he glared at them. 'One, two, three, four.... Where is the fifth mortal? That's how many I have under my protection for this grand day. Tch did...' He stopped his thought as he looked under his wrist where he had written down the students name there so he could reread them in the case he forgot. As he read the names he realized he didn't know who's name belonged to who! These were just names written on his bandages, but with no faces to attach said names to...well he wasn't sure who was who. As he starred at his wrist contemplating if he should waste his breath on these cretan to ask were the last could possibly be. However! It turned out he didn't have to! As the missing student arrived after shouting at him from afar.

Seeing everyone there Gundam let out a sigh as he glared at his student. "I see all of you puny creatures have finally arrived for your training!" he exclaimed before letting out a hearty laugh he then uncrossed his arms and out stretched his hand to the students direction. "I! Am the Dark Lord! Ruler of everything your eyes could possible see as well as the hells and heavens of this plane! I am Gundam Tanaka! Feel honored that I'm here to bestow a fraction of my knowledge to you!" He exclaimed before letting out another loud yet happy laugh as if he were proud of his first impression on his students.

Though he didn't bother in the slightest to wait for the response from said students as he looked serious once more while crossing his arms. "However! I will not train those who I believe are not worth a thing in this existence! Therefore, if you truly have the longing to become even a fraction as powerful as I the Dark Lord! You will need to prove it!!"

Ken Ito

Ken stood in silence as he listened to Gundam rant about whatever he was ranting about. He didn't pay much attention as he tried to ignore both of his spirits constant talking and complaining. If he could get them to shut it for even a moment! That would be pure relief, but no, it's like they were only happy when they were giving him a huge headache. 'Seriously trying to listen so I don't have to listen again.' 'Meh its just blah blah. See there you go, now can we do something fun?' 'Just be quiet and we'll see.' 'Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I hate being quiet....' 'I noticed.'

Hearing the last part of what Gundam said Ken raised a brow before grinning. "Prove I'm worthy of you power? Heh Easy! How about I simply beat the ever loving crap out of these weaklings that you expect me to be teamed up with." He said before looking around at the others. "Two brats, a girl that doesn't want to be here, another girl that just looks weak and a rock skipper.... Haha Oh this will be too easy!" He said with a grin as he took his hands out of his pockets

@Ami the breadling @AyyyLmao @Cloud Nagasake
Aaron ignored the looks from his fellow students, as well as the glare from the teacher as he approached. He had barely even joined the group when his new teacher began to introduce himself and his class. Immediately, Aaron had lost interest, and began to look over at his fellow students. There were two twins, both of which seemed excited for the class, but also apprehensive at the same time. There was a black-haired boy who was watching the teacher with a similar attitude of boredom. Although he didn't show it, (and never will), Aaron himself was a bit anxious about the supposedly "extreme" and "excruciating" and "deadly" activities that were to come, he accepted this. It wasn't like he could go anywhere else. The teacher continued to drone on about how he was the dark lord and about fractions or something like that. None of it registered with Aaron, who continued to look around at his new classmates, when he heard someone talk behind him.

"Hello there... I am Amelia Clarke, offspring of the famous Clarke family, which has brought so many heros already. I am here in attempt to continue this line of heros. What about you?"

The voice had come from a girl behind him. Aaron couldn't decide what to make of her oddly formal greeting, nor what she said about her "famous" Clarke family (whom he had never heard of), but pushed that aside. He might as well start making some friends. "Oh, uh, hi. I guess I'm here to do the same? Anyways, my name's Aaron, Nice to meet you", Aaron replied, and extended his hand to shake.

@Ami the breadling

@Cloud Nagasake
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"Pleased to meet you Miss Ayta" Seiren said politely, though he didn't offer more words than that. He'd been taught to be polite when people where polite to him, but that was as far as he took it, he wasn't going to perform idle chit chat with people he didn't know. He was here to observe the abilities of other people to further his own training, not make friends. He frowned slightly, feeling a slight buzzing in the back of his mind. It was a familiar feeling, one of his Uncles practiced Mental Subjugation as a side magic, having his thoughts read became a normal occurrence at home.

It still wasn't pleasant. As much as he disliked talking to people, he'd prefer it if they just spoke to him instead of taking a peak into his mind. Not that he had anything to hide in particular, his family Cultivation style was completely useless to those who weren't part of his family. Without proper help, most beginners would freeze themselves to death and others who had a better understanding would give up the second their bodies went numb.

Though the fact that he couldn't find the person who was looking through his thoughts, or what magic they were specifically using meant that they were much stronger than his Uncle 'Interesting' he thought 'This school is certainly worthy of it's reputation' he couldn't even tell if it was a student or a teacher that had those abilities, for all he knew, it could be the female Orc who had been reading his thoughts and the loudmouthed attitude was just an act. He'd have to step up his training. Once he reached the Third Dantian, he'd be able to resist most forms of mental magic.

Unfortunately, he still hadn't reached the Second Dantian. This was why he was here, to push pass the bottleneck in his training.

@Anaxileah @yangwolf2019 @That Guy Over There @Ashaficent
Horingmar Oruguun

"Zerath told me about you all..." Horingmar mentioned in a slow pace around the Arena. He approached the youngest student, an elf who carried a strange sword. Such a disgusting weapon wielded by a tiny person made no sense to Horingmar, so he approached him with Kolgriin aimed at the elf in some form of taunt. The boy had courage, an admirable trait for a child. Perhaps there was some hope for him.

"Tinthan Erilynn!" He snapped. "Barely 13 years pass yet you are here... Not even a man." Horingmar leaned closer to the tiny elf, a deep growl rumbling up from his chest. Tinthan barely stood high enough for Horingmar to consider a miller boy, let alone a warrior. He could crush him with no effort, so why was he here? "A warrior Sahmooraee you call yourself, skilled but young, and reckless!" Horingmar spat. "A Sun Elf... Horingmar killed many just like you with Aior. Tin best be careful here..."


The Warmonger then shifted his gaze to another elf, a pale elf with glowing eyes. He deliberately stomped towards the elf seeing fear in his eyes. By his body language, Horingmar assumed he would rather be away from everyone else, especially due to him standing a fair distance away from the others. In his mind, Moon elves had no place here, and it was bad enough having a group of elves around him. However this man was a Star Elf, and that is the only reason why Horingmar hasn't killed him yet.

"Artelioth Muniare," Horingmar said, messing up some of his diction. "One of those Star Elves... Starcaller..." He pressed Kolgriin against Artelioth's skin, and gently slid it across making a small cut. "Will stars save you from steel? You may be eldest student in my group, smart, but soft hearted. Weakened by solitude and lack of battle." Horingmar chuckled, a grim smile lining his scarred face. "Horingmar think you die first."


Horingmar then looked at the elf twins, the boy was flat on his ass, the girl was very much upset so what better way to fix that than with good old violence? Without warning Horingmar pulled his war axe from the floor and single handedly threw it at the girl with a loud bellow, the axe slammed into a column just barely missing her head. The girl yelled some curses at him but Horingmar ignored them, laughing hysterically. Once he regained composer he faced them.

"Finally the famous Cindervalor twins, Aimee, and Axiel. More Sun Elves... Nobility as well..." He groaned. He fought them and now he teaches them, where is the logic there? "Ramirov told me he collected Aimee, Horingmar wonder how that feel. Taken away from home... Forced to use a bow... Soon forced to fight your kin." He taunted with the smile still on his face. Horingmar then faced Axiel, his smile gone replaced by a more serious scowl. "Axiel... You claim to seek fame but I think your sister is the real reason why your here. You can't bear being away fwom big sister. But! You are a Paladin, a first for me, and I'll break you all the same."


"Students!" He yelled. "First test will be in battle! You will all be fighting each other, no teaming just battle!" Horingmar stomped towards his Axe, brushing past the twins. He faced the students, and pulled it out of the column with one arm, showing his true strength. "Fight will continue until only one stands or I determine strongest warrior. He who wins will be group leader, and shall walk beside me as equal when we enter the halls of Ris'Saliance Aior. Winner also be allowed to keep weapons, losers will be issued basic arms from the armory." Horingmar announced, his voice so loud it made the air shake. He stood by the Arena exit, raising his sword in the air.

"Kaileziir! (Begin!) "
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It was gone. The presence had just vanished. Ulo's eyes narrowed, the red hues flicking back and forth as she searched. It was gone, it had to be. That's what her instincts were telling her anyway. Ulo's tense stance relaxed, but not fully. Something was off, but she could not tell what it was. Ulo crossed her muscular green arms, her face still pulled into a tight intimidating scowl. Though the more she relaxed the more she felt wrong, like her instincts were wrong. Though they were her own instincts, how could they be wrong? Ulo's face hardened more, her eyes scanning the forest again but still finding nothing. She was alone, or she must be! Though as she started to relax, her mind finally trusting that her instincts were not wrong. Maybe it was the anxiety in being in a new place, being away from the tribe, and being the only observable orc thus-far.

And then the soft feminine voice pushed through her ears and her body went rigid.

Ulo pivoted, the move looking graceful for being her size, her hand gripping the ax blade. There was a woman, fair in skin and hair, and smaller than Ulo. She was introducing herself from the sound of it. Most likely another student, but Ulo did not drop her guard. She did not even have the slightest inclining that the woman was upon her! Nothing! Then another voice broken into Ulo's consciousness, a male voice. Her eyes darted rapidly to the knew voice, another smaller male with fair skin and darker hair. Again, another piece of evidence proving that she had lost her ability to sense another's presence. She removed herself from the pre-combative stance she had taken. There was no reason to attack the two fair skinned individuals, seeing as they had introduced themselves in a peaceful manner. "I am Ulo." A curt statement, though her mind was preoccupied with the current disadvantage she saw herself in.

It was though someone had reached into her mind and soul and plucked away her hardened senses perfected in the art of war. Though sloppy and unrefined, she had earned such instincts. Though now they were simply gone, as though they were never there to begin with. Her narrowed red eyes finally fell upon the two newcomers, her stern face melted into a relative curiosity. "Both of you students?" Her accent was heavy with orcish tongue, and even her voice was rough as she pushed the common tongue through. Ulo wondered if the people in front of her were really students. They were so small in comparison, though maybe they were here to train to grow stronger. The school was wonderful for that, or that is what Ulo was told.

@Anaxileah @Ashaficent @Seraph Darkfire

Tinthan could feel his instincts of standing before his superiors take over as Horingmar approached, the beast's body allowing the elf to see nothing of the arena. His body jerked as he straightened himself subconsciously allowing a moment of hesitation show as he held onto his weapon longer than appropriate before a superior. Tinthan allowed his arms to fall to his side and bent his body in a bow while his eyes remained locked with the weapon before him.

Fighting the urge to retreat back, the two met gazes as Horingmar leaned closer bright red eyes of the orc reflecting Tinthan's visage. He felt his knees tremble slightly as a dagger of flame erupted from his right fist, the heat radiating against his leg. Tinthan's eyes narrowed slightly at the words Horingmar spoke and felt a relief wash over him as the orc turned away, releasing a breathe that he didn't fully realize he was holding. His eyes looked down at his right hand, releasing the fist causing the dagger to dissipate, and noticed the dark ashes left behind from his magic.

"Father... give me strength..." Tinthan whispered to himself as returned his gaze upward and watched Horingmar treat the others with equal kindness. The display of strength seemed to have a similar effect on the others, which made Tinthan feel much better about his lack of confidence before. This teacher was one of the warriors of whom he spent his childhood being stories about; one of the brave men who filled Tinthan's dreams both day and night. However, there was no number of years or experience that could have prepared him for the feeling of standing here and being recognized by legends.

"Students! First test will be in battle! You will all be fighting each other, no teaming just battle!"

Tinthan shook his head and allowed a deep breathe to escape his lips, his attention snapping back to full as the thunderous voice echoed through the open arena. His right hand snapped back to the handle of his blade his eyes returning to the three others in the group and scanned each opponent in turn.

"Two archers... I will have to take care of them first." He thought to himself as his eyes rested first on the only female in the arena. His gaze lingered momentarily before passing the other twin and resting upon the star elf. This man was not only older but seemed to have a much more menacing presence.


Tinthan's training instincts took control as he pulled his katana from the sheath and took off at a sprint toward Artelioth. His blade held in front of him as he used his left hand to support the dull end of the weapon. Concentrating on the blade, Tinthan allowed his energy to enter his weapon and heated up the metal, causing it to glow a bright red and flames to surround the katana. Leaning forward, he picked up speed attempting to get into close range before the star elf could react.

@Onyx Energy @Ashaficent @Anaxileah

I came here to get stronger and save lives, not have my mind plagued by a migraine. That's not what bothers me though. What bothers me is this person desecrating the memories of my servant without hostile intentions, or even an apology. Mind magic can leave false memories like that, can't it? Or maybe brother Ryan is a special case as a revenant... Rhulaine frowned at the intrusion, but she only got mad when a memory of her servant was touched. It's not like anything she knew of her family was beyond public knowledge, in the views of someone with mind magic at least, so there was nothing to be concerned about there, but to touch her most precious memories involving someone she has not finished mourning was cause for a decent amount of anger. She could care less about her private moments like emotional breakthroughs or other things being seen, but a sore spot had been touched. Permanently.

As she turned around a tree to the designated meeting spot, she examined the three that obviously were her classmates. Interesting line up here, I will most definitely not feel disappointed by this academy. An orc, I'll keep her in mind for a good spar... A human, probably a sorceress of some sort, and a man that seems to favor both magic and blade. I don't like him from first sight... Rhulaine's frown deepened, but she didn't count the mage. They were most likely a teacher, after all, and it wouldn't be fit to count such an un-ordinary existence to be among their group. In fact, the teacher was here probably to give a test of some sort, or the precursor to one. "My name is Rhulaine Ther'sen. It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of all of you after my three week long journey here, and I hope we can become great friends over the upcoming years." The frown was gone within a moment, and a slight smile spread on her lips as she called attention to herself.

@Ashaficent @yangwolf2019 @Seraph Darkfire

Stella de'Caelum

Stella grinned in a baleful manner down at the students, even though they couldn't see her. Heh, some of them have sensed my little... intrusion. They are strong, in a way. She thought, pushing a few strands of silver hair away from her pale face. Closing her yellow-green eyes, she lifted her index finger and moved it around in a circle, and stopped the motion so that she was now pointing at a random student.

It was the human Revenant female @Anaxileah

Reaching into the girl's mind, she whispered into it. "Attack them... Start a fight... It will be fun~" She tempted the blonde female, slowly convincing her to start attacking the other students.

@Anaxileah, @That Guy Over There, @yangwolf2019, @Seraph Darkfire

The Cindervalor Twins

The Cindervalor twins stared at the monstrous form of the orc who was their teacher, wincing every time he targeted a student. And then, it was their turn. He looked at the two for a moment, and suddenly - there was a huge ax flying towards Aimee. It hit the wall behind as the orc started to laugh hysterically, while Aimee let curses run wild from her mouth. "What the hell is wrong with this place?!" She shrieked. Meanwhile, Axiel snickered at his sister. That was funny...

But he adopted a serious expression when Horingmar stopped laughing and addressed the two. Aimee continued scowling at him, and scowled harder when he mentioned her being Collected.
Forced to fight our own kin...? What does he mean? Those were the thoughts running through the twins' heads when he vaguely mentioned that little thing.

A small smirk made its way across her lips when he accused Axiel of coming to Ris'Saliance Aior to be with her, his 'big sister' (apparently). Axiel stared at Horingmar with a horror-struck expression on his face at the thought of Aimee being his big sister.
"I'm older, actually..." He mumbled, a small frown on his chiseled face. "And I definitely didn't come here because of this moron." To this, Aimee scowled, yet again.

Then Horingmar made the announcement about a fight. The twins' reactions were the polar opposites of each other - Aimee was thrown into a panic while Axiel was excited.
"Alright~!" He cheered, to which Aimee smacked him on the head. When their teacher let the battle commence, Tinthan - the other Sun Elf - immediately threw himself at the other ebony haired male, who was apparently a Star Elf, according to Horingmar.

Aimee was glad no one targeted her, Axiel took out a pair of throwing daggers and aimed it at the two elven males.

The ginger haired female ran behind a pillar, and used the sun's energy to form a familiar. She created a magnificent phoenix, with feathers of a fiery red and orange. The bird took position in front of her, guarding her from possible attacks.

Axiel rolled his eyes at his sister's obvious cowardice in a fight, and smirked at the two males that were fighting just a few meters away from him. He would let them wear each other out a bit, and then take them down... But for the fun of it, he threw knives at them from different directions anyway.

@Kiosis, @Onyx Energy, @Anaxileah

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Gundam Tanaka

For a while Gundam remained silent as he looked at the students, however after five minutes on the dot passed he closed his eyes for a moment
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_static_clshe.jpg.d1283a3f76db6fe2c1c23a33da44b95e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119463" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_static_clshe.jpg.d1283a3f76db6fe2c1c23a33da44b95e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
before glaring at every single one of them as he pulled the scarf a bit over his mouth and some of his nose. "Listen to my words mortal! This is not a meet and greet! We are in a lesson, one which I think none of you are taking seriously." He growled darkly a matching aura seemed to come from him telling the others he certainly wasn't happy with their first impressions, despite having a scarf over his mouth he still spoke clearly for them to hear him with ease. He could tell two males had ignored his first words and gone off to do their own things. And other students had the audacity to talk, and not because of questions they had for him! 'If this had been a mission..... We would be down several students.' "All of you close those holes where you words emit from and open your ears! For the first thing we are going to do today...."

He went silent for a moment before an unseen smirk went on his face. "You shall battle! Before any of you are even slightly foolish enough to attempt to fight the Dark Lord! Know I will not hold back if you tried, and you will fail. You're not on my field yet, and if you continue to show such an uncaring attitude to this lesson then you may remain on the ground with the other worms." He growled before he relaxed his shoulders and let go of his scarf as he now crossed his arms.

"You shall battle each other, and do not hold back... But death or maiming is strictly prohibited!" He adjusted his coat a bit and stayed in his spot as he looked at the students.

"You may begin when you feel you're ready."

Ken Ito

Despite wanting to ignore Gundam, after feeling his glare on him Ken actually decided to listen to the odd man for the time. Who knows he could have useful information to share. 'Keheh I liked that aura of his~ You know I bet he taste great~ I wonder how much power he has...hmmm Dear host how about we fight him instead of the weaklings around us?' Ken didn't respond right away as he kept listening, soon it was showed that the teacher had decided a battle would indeed happen, and this pleased him greatly. 'No too risky, let's just fight the ones around us for now.' 'Cools! Let's do a one two wham bam combo on these suckers! Hahahah!' 'Or I can fight normally.' 'Fine mister boring do it your way!' 'I will.'

When he was given permission to fight Ken turned and faced the others with a grin on his face. "Hey don't take this personally, but I'm just going to end you all now. Okay?" Not waiting even a moment for a response he rose his hand and darkness formed in a tight ball in his palm.

@Ami the breadling @Cloud Nagasake @AyyyLmao



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