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Fantasy Rise of the Thieves Guild (Vince & Vex)


Whiskered Wizard
The city of Katon. Home of pride and passion.

A city of dreams lorded over by the aristocracy. The nobles of Katon are benevolent individuals, spurring the people into pursuing their goals in life with a preference for sponsoring the creative minds that call the place home. Artists, performers, researchers, thinkers, dreamers! Any and all are welcome if they have something to provide the city.

At least, that is how it appears upon the surface.

It is true that Katon is the sanctuary of the creative, but just what about the lesser folk? The downtrodden and hopeless? Well, there is indeed a place for them here. While the nobles play at being gracious leaders quick to reward the citizenry, this could not be further from the truth. Many were cruel behind the masks that they made for themselves, tending to indulge themselves and their unsavory desires at the cost of the forgotten masses within Katon’s slums.

Katon is more than a paradise, it is a cesspool of crime and debauchery controlled by the noble factions living lavishly in the marble towers and spires atop the city. They rule this place with an iron fist, sparing no pain from those that would cross them or their will. Through fear they reign and make a profit. Through suffering do they keep their subjects in line and obedient.

However, just how long could this last before someone finally said “enough”? Not long at all in truth. There are those that are discontent with the status quo and yearn for a change.

Gummy Worm Gummy Worm


“Good Harper, good Harper, play not your song.

For any that hear it will not be here long.

The children are sleeping, they lie in their beds.

The wicked are screaming, their minds full of dread.

Good Harper comes stalking, hear not his tune.

Just like those that hear it, you’ll be gone too.”

The horrid nursery rhyme was sung by a woman along one side of a darkened road. She sat upon the stone in rags, holding aloft a wooden bowl with withered old hands. She was singing for coin and already managed to earn a few coins for her efforts. The moonlight reflects off their metallic surfaces as they sit in the bowl. They catch the eye in a way, but one could tell that the old woman had a wary eye on her earnings. Some folk have likely tried to pull a fast one on her before and snatch up her food money when she wasn’t expecting it.

Little did they know she was ready for a thief to try something. One of her fingers lightly grazes the hilt of a rusty dagger hidden beneath some dirty old blankets.

Her song did not end up going unheard. From the shadows a man emerged, his footsteps soundless as he glides across the shadowed cobblestones underfoot. He did not appear all that strange. He was dressed in a poet‘s shirt, form fitting cloth trousers and some simple leathers shoes. The man seems to be a dark elf of sorts, though his skin is a bit on the lighter side compared to his kin. Perhaps he is sick? It was difficult to tell. His face is slender and rather handsome. His long, silver hair is tied back.

The man smiles as he looks at the older woman. A hand extends forward and drops a coin into her bowl. Once the coin clinks down and settles, the wary older woman withdrew her bowl a bit.

“Thank you very much, kind sir,” she says with a feigned smile.

The elvish man simply returned the smile, although his was seemingly far more genuine.

“Think nothing of it, madame. Thank you for the song. It has been such a long time since I heard that nursery rhyme.“

”Mmh, yes. Folk seem to forget that Good Harper is still out there. All these thugs appearing, forgetting fear they ought to keep in mind. If they forget so soon, Good Harper might get them too.”

The elf chuckles lightly before he fetches another coin from his pouch, rubs his thumb over its lustrous surface and tosses it into the womans bowl. With that, he returns to his stroll.

Harper smiles as he once again slips into the shadows. It has indeed been such a long time since he heard anyone openly sing his song. It was a subject of fear once upon a time, but these days people think him to be an old wives tale. A fake. Perhaps fathers and mothers still use his name to put fear into their children and keep the little tykes from slipping out at night. The only thing that Harper didn’t quite appreciate was that the song made him out to be some manner of mass murderer. He does not kill on a whim, you see, for he is a assassin.

Harper took pride in his profession, but recently it has been tainted. He was no longer a freelancing killer with the goal of accepting jobs targeting more vile marks. At the moment he is a pawn of the nobility. He bends to their beck and call, killing who they wish without question. He has long grown tired of it all. He wanted to be free. Certainly there had to be others out there that agreed with his sentiment.

Other cities adopt guilds when they wish to form an organization of likeminded individuals that share a similar career. What kind of guild would suit a contract killer? Harper was familiar with thief guilds. Perhaps assassination could also fall under such a term? It was worth a serious thought. Whatever the case, the time was coming to break free from his gilded shackles.
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Alexander lighted a cigarette as he glanced at the rich bastard lying next to him "All talk and no game" the panther growled as he stood up and put on a tight-fitting shirt and his brown pants as he picked up his payment for nightly deeds. It paid well but he always left with a sour tone in his voice. As he slipped out the balcony he noticed a slender dagger sitting next to the door and he wasted no time slipping it on his belt out into the moon light night

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As The panther reached the lower levels in the damp alleyways he sighed and composed himself as he walked away from the mansion back into the slums. "I love you" he chuckled at the very phrase "love" was nothing but A lie told for a man's pleasure to mess with their prey's heart and then leave them once satisfied. every night he hears that lie and very rarely did he give into this fantasy that someone could ever truly love a prostitute or a thief.
Harper had a destination tonight. He planned to visit a local shop that was open at most hours of the day. It served as an alchemist‘s lab, but doubled as a place to purchase poisons of rather frightening potency. Like children to a candy shop, the store attracted attention all day, but especially at night when it is easier for folk to hide their identities as they shop. That, and the alchemist had limited stock. First come, first serve.

However, plans often had a tendency to be delayed. Especially now. Harper had been passing through a rather exquisite part of the city, the streets lined with private properties, often owned by nobles or the rich, when he spotted something rather peculiar. If his awareness had been even a tad bit weaker he might have missed the beast man slipping through the shadows of one of the gated grounds. Harper caught the glint of a dagger being concealed. Was this one of his fellows? Another assassin having just finished a job?

No. Most likely not. The light that had touched the blade of the dagger before it was hidden was not tainted with the hues of blood. It was likely that this was a personal belonging or the panther creature pocketed the knife.

Harper couldn’t help but feel… intrigued. What was this man? Are they an escort, a mere thief? Both? The elf could sometimes scry a persons occupation by the way they meld into the underworld of Katon. How they move through its streets. A fellow like this would be handy for assassination, with the way he manages to get even into a persons fancy home. At the risk of tarnishing the poor mans reputation, one could take turn that kind of ease of access into a boon.

Harper decided to follow the man for a short while. Sure, he had plans that he could see through, but there was nothing more fun than taking a peek into the life of another. Following without being noticed. However, Harper wasn’t really trying as hard to be sneaky this time around. He just kept his distance and watched subtly.
He he finished off his last puff of smoke the panther noticed he was being trailed. who was he? A guard for the old geezer he slept with? An officer? No, he was not in any official clothing, was he another customer? Alex was quite well known so it wouldn't surprise him if someone was trailing him but why wasent he asking? why was he following him all mysterious-like? Just to be cautious the panther moved the dagger to be easier to grab in cause this guy planned on grabbing him.

He kept his eyes straight and listened behind him to the footsteps closing behind as he reached an alleyway where he turned. it was an unusual path so if this man was following him he would know.
Having not taken the measures to ensure he wasn’t notice, it doesn’t surprise Harper that he was indeed noticed quickly. However, he usually looked inconspicuous enough to avoid detection when he was dressed in common clothes. So this panther must be especially wary of his surroundings. It didn’t matter too much to the elf though. This just added a bit of fun for him, albeit at the panthers expense.

Harper payed attention to the other mans ears. They seemed… focused. Tuned in, so to speak. Harper couldn’t help but wonder just what this fellow was thinking. Whatever the case, Harper takes some measures against a beast-kin’s heightened senses. His footsteps lighten, nearly soundless, as if he was but an illusion sent to stalk a spell casters prey. He adopts a slight sway to his walk, perhaps falsely hinting at a drunken demeanor.

When the panther turns a corner into an alley, he follows, still keeping his distance. However, the shadows do him little favors if he isn’t hidden well, as his eyes glint and slightly glow in the dim lighting softly pouring down the path. For good measure, the elf fetches something small concealed within a pocket along the inside of his shirt. When he draws it out, it is a small, opaque vial. The elf pops the cork and downs the vial in a moment, still letting his movement appear sluggish, as if he was just getting another drink in to keep his nonexistent buzz going.

What he downed, in truth, was a small, inexpensive tincture. It would prevent any… unfortunate accidents.
Now Alexander was aware he was being followed, 'What now?' He thought his hand reaching towards the stolen dagger. He seemed intoxicated which was a bad sign considering any sort of weakness Alex would use to remain on top was lost. the more drunk a man was the harder it was to walk in the morning. On the other hand, maybe Alex could keep the chase going until the man collapsed, as long as the panther remained calm, didn't make any sudden movements, And most importantly didn't get cornered he should be fine.

They had been walking for almost an hour now and Alex got more and more irritated causing his tail to lash violently as he stopped and turned on his heels facing the man "Look mate if you want me you gotta pay" he growled just wanting him off his tail
Harper almost couldn’t believe that an hour had passed, but he still felt it in every step he took. He didn’t quite mind though. He was having fun. Now, sure it was strange for someone to have fun making another become panicked or frustrated, but it gave Harper a peak into their personalities. Their mannerisms and habits. He could see the way the panther shifted their weapon, putting it where it would be most accessible, staying ready for a potential attack.

He could see the subtle glint of an eye peeking back at him, most curious yet cautious. It all gave Harper a clearer picture of just who the panther was. He was surprised when at long last when the panther whirled about and confronted him. Harper blinked in surprise.

"Look mate if you want me you gotta pay" he growled just wanting him off his tail

Ah, so that answered his previous curiosity as to what the panther was. An escort, no doubt about it. Harper stopped as well, keeping ample distance between them. Not that he was too worried. The potion he downed some time ago was still in effect. He could feel it in every inch of his skin. A sense of security. Nevertheless, the statement amused Harper and he couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Want you? Pay? I have no intention of… hiring you for your services.”

Harper watched the panther for a moment longer before he smiled.

“I merely have a question for you. What was the connection between you and the aristocrat from whose home you slipped away from? Merely another client? Did you take the blade from them?”
He eyed the man up and down "What's it to ya?" he said with an audible growl "All the old geezers 'round here have their nights with me and I'm always let down" He said looking at his claws "And I aint givin' out no freebies" he says locking eye contact with his stalker "now piss off unless you plan on paying" he finishes as he turns to leave again
Harper chuckles lightly at the panthers words. It certainly seems many have forgotten him. It has been over twenty years since mothers last sang his song to their children after all. Oh how some tales fall. However, there is something that none ever forget. The mask of an assassin. Harpers own mask. It is used as his identifier. There have been those that tried to replicate its intimidating style, but none ever pull off the look quite like he can.

Harper raises a hand, undoing the binding tying his hair back, letting his pale white hair fall free around his shoulders. A hand reaches behind him, fetching something bound under his shirt. A pearlescent performers mask, two red lines painted over the eyes. A coy smile upon the masks features. An eternal visage that would not be forgotten, silently raging against the idea.

Harper places the mask over his face and then turns right and steps off into the shadows of the road. When next he appears, it is a short distance in front of the panther, emerging from the shadows as if he had taken some instant, otherworldly side road to cut his way into the panthers path.

“Good Harper, good Harper, play not your song.

For any that hear it will not be here long.“

He sings softly as he, step by step, slowly closes the distance between himself and the panther.

”I promise that you will not be harmed. I simply want to ask you some questions. You will be a free man in time. Let’s talk, shall we?”
The panter was hardly impressed by the elf but he did now have his paw on the dagger as he skeptically glanced and him "...fine" he agreed turning to walk with him 'Who is this guy why is he being all mysterious' he thinks as his foot paws keep up with the man
Harper nods, pleased. Although the panther didn‘t seem to know him well. Someone from beyond the city perhaps? There is not many a soul that live within Katon that wouldn’t panic at the sight of Harper. He was known throughout its streets. A mark of fear in this horrid city. Perhaps the panther did not believe him to be the genuine article. That was an amusing thought.

“So you are an escort with your claws in many of the local upperclass. Interesting. Tell me, are you new to the city?“
Escort? Alex had been called many things but never an Escort. was this man really not after his body? that was a new one "Well for one buddy I'm a prostitute and a thief. and second no i've been wandering the streets since i was a kit" he says letting his paw off the dagger
“Ah, then I mourn that people did not tell you what to fear. I have lived in this city for nearly a hundred years by now. I’ve marked my name in Katon with blood, as an assassin does.“

Harper paused for a moment.

“Ah. You’ll take comfort in knowing that none are keen on seeing you dead. At least I haven’t seen mention of a beast-kin panther marked for death. Not that I take work other than what’s given to me by the nobility.”

Harper breathed a sigh as he walked. Where was he going with this? Ah, right. He needed to know some things to see if this fellow would be the right kind of person. Though he was a nobles assassin, he was tired of it all.

”Tell me, if you could choose between the two, would you prefer to lead others or would you prefer to be commanded by a leader?”
'Where is he going with this?' he wondered "I work off my own beat ain't nobody got no claim to me" he says proudly "I control me, myself, and I...That's how its been, and how it'll stay" he says Looking at him "I don't know what your selling but I ain't buying" he says clearly showing no fear against him "Legend or not I'm still gonna fight for the one thing that belongs to me, my freedom and my street smarts"
The assassin nods. He truly expected nothing less. However, there was still some opportunity here. Something to potentially be made of a thief and a prostitute. Harper kept walking, keeping his undivided attention on the panther as he walked and talked.

”Well good luck with that. Make too much of a name for yourself and you’ll draw the attention of the nobles. Then your freedom will be snuffed out. For an escort or… prostitute, you may eventually find yourself forcefully employed in Madame Reyla’s. The usual noble stomping grounds when it comes to carnal pleasures. If you’re sought out for your thievery, then it may be that you’re told to go into the common districts to steal from the creatives.”

Harper turns to directly look at the panther.

“Take it from someone that thought much like yourself. Freedom is yours until the eyes of the nobles are upon you. Fight as you might, kill all you can, they will do anything to pacify and control you. They’ll pull your fangs, tear out your claws. Make you incapable of fighting back. Then they do what they will with you.“

The assassin seems to reminisce a bit during the times he fought the nobles. Even though he lost that war, he had to admit that it was the most fun he ever had. It was a true challenge. However, there is a chance that the previous battles were merely the start. He was itching for another fight. Another opportunity to put the nobility down for good.

“If you had the chance and the backing, would you be interested in leading a guild in Katon? The first of its kind? If you are successful there is a bounty of riches and power to claim. You could make a following that would praise your name. You could free Katon from a tainted faction once and for all.”
The panther hesitates and stops dead in his tracks "who are you" he asks with a confused look as he eyed him up and down "how do you even know Im good at my job?"
Harper offers a low bow in greeting.

“I suppose I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Harper du Voss. I‘m an assassin of Katon. Otherwise known as the Bard of Bloodshed.“

The shadows at Harpers back, as he sweeps an arm across his chest and the other around his back, gives the impression of a cloak of darkness draped over the assassins shoulder. Not physically of course, but the way he presents himself shows that he has a bond to the unseen realm as strong, if not stronger, than most that call Katon home.

“I could tell you were quite gifted with your professions considering your clientele, and the fact that despite it all you have avoided the eye of nobility. I find it this most impressive.”
Alex bowed back with a small smile "Im Alex" is all he offered as He looked at him "fine...im in"
Harper nods his head. “It would be best if we discussed details in a more remote location. I would prefer that we not be caught together, as if someone sold that information to the nobles, then you would be found. Your anonymity is preferred if we are to create a guild.“

Harper gestures for Alex to follow, but he didn’t end up going too far. He merely finds himself at a blacksmiths establishment. The lights within were dim and the roaring fires of the forges were quieted for the night. However, as Harper raps his knuckles upon the door of the smithy, it opens. The two are greeted by the face of a rugged, shorter gentleman who squints his eyes once he sees Harper.

“Assassin Harper. You’ll be needing the room?”

”Indeed. Just for a short while.”

The smith grunts and stands aside. Harper enters and both he and Alex soon find them in a discrete room. Just a quite place to discuss matters.

”To start, the guild shall be led by you, if that wasn’t already obvious. I do not lead people. However, when the guild is established, I expect a haven for those that deal in blood. Assassins that are not controlled and are free to take whatever jobs they wish. That is the terms of our agreement.”

"I agree," he said leaning against the looking him up and down "but whats really in it for me?"

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