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Fantasy Rise of the Demigods: Character Sheets


"The weak ones are there to justify the strong"
[class=background] background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/29/72/da2972bdfe8fb1812e87ce93abb9da1e.png'); background-size:cover; padding:5px; max-width:1070px; margin:auto;center; border:0pt solid white; [/class] [class=basics] width:200px; height:50px; font-size:12px; margin-left:100px; border:0px dashed dark gray; [/class] [class=mainbox] width:380px; height:500px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin:10px 5px 10px 10px; border:0px solid #727272; [/class] [class=box2] width: 620px; height: 160px; color:#222222; font-size:12px; margin-left:420px; margin-top:-190px; [/class] [class=credits] margin:auto;center; max-width:1070px; font:Heebo; font-size:9px; opacity:0.5; [/class]
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Ashley Santos​
[div class=basics] age: 25 ////////////////// gender: ♂ [/div][div class=basics]
race: demi//////////////////// other
[div class=mainbox]
Ashley is incredibly quiet. When addressed, he will answer what needs to be, but once finished, he will remain silent and not say anything further. Calm, cool, and collected... Ashley doesn't necessarily allow things to make him annoyed or blow up into a fit of rage. But, when such things do occur [which is rare], it is almost wise to step aside and let him fume for a second or two. If one is in the way during his fits, he will not hold back and he will end a person's life right then and there. In contempt of his father, the God of Death, Ashley isn't one to boast and brag about his abilities. To him, his supernatural powers are a curse, and is the reason for his distance with his mother - or his reason for being on the run from the law. Once easily manipulated, Ashley is now aware and keen on making sure his walls do not come down... not for anything or anyone. He has been hurt far too many times in his previous life, and he will not settle to go through the same process again.

Born Ashley Elizar Santos, in the year of 1855. His mother, Esmeralda Santos-Martinez, was only eighteen years old when she had her son. From a young age, Ashley was forbidden to speak of his father... because his father had left Esmeralda upon hearing she was pregnant with their child. Because of the biterness she held for the man who helped create him, Ashley had soon developed the same feelings for him, and sworn to himself that he would never talk nor mention him ever again.

From a young age, Ashley learned how to steal. Food was scarce for the two of them, and Esmeralda was barely making ends meet to provide a meal for her son. Some days, he was successful in his scavenging, but other days, they went hungry all through the night. His mother did not know of the young man's intentions, and had sought to believe that her little boy had found a job - hence why he came home with meals on occasion. Little did his mother know, though, that Ashley's way of stealing was not one of simply grabbing an item and running away with it... Ashley would kill those who stood in his way, in a fit of hunger and desperation, with just his bare hands... with this knowledge of such supernatural abilities, Ashley would wear black leather gloves to protect his mother and anyone else who dared touch his hands. When asked why he wears them, he'd come up with an excuse of some sort, hoping that the lie he was using to cover up the truth was believable enough.

When he had turned just the ripe age of fifteen, both he and Esmeralda had moved to a new home in the small regions of Compass, New Mexico. A thriving small town, with many job opportunities to spare, Esmeralda was able to find a job as an Inn keeper, in the notorious Blue Bird Inn, where it was also home to the heinous Arizona gang, The Devil's Sons. Words carried through the desert air, gossiping on tales of how The Devil's Sons was a robbing clan that gave back to those who had suffered among the shadow of the greedy and rich, while others say it is driven by a mad man who went by the name of Wyatt Firgil - a jealous being who only cared to squander in the spoils of his findings, and throw the money into spending on expensive horses and fine clothing imported from out of state. Everything that Ashley heard about this so-called bunch and it's leader, made him driven by curiosity, and that curiosity soon turned Ashley into one of the members.

After witnessing Ashley killing one of his men, after he had been caught assaulting Ashley's mother, Wyatt's plan to become prominent among the South was then convinced otherwise, when Wyatt decided to take the young man under his wing, and show him a few things that his own mother could not teach. From riding a horse, shooting a gun, or even throwing a knife... Wyatt soon became the father that Ashley didn't know he wanted... until now. Eventually, Ashley was welcomed into open arms by The Devil's Sons, and that meant he was going to give his mother more than just a couple items to put on a dinner table. Once again, he lied to Esmeralda, and when the night would fall, that is when Ashley would come out and begin helping by killing bank-tellers, grocery store clerks, and men who ran liquor stores. But soon the high of becoming one of the most infamous outlaws among Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico... the guilt soon began to eat Ashley alive, and he finally confessed to his mother about all the wrong he had done. Stricken by grief, Esmeralda kicked Ashley out, asking him to never come back again. Hurt by the woman whom he had loved, Ashley's rage then drove him to continue on with his duties as Wyatt's secondhand man, until he turned twenty-five years old, and that's when his world came crashing down.

The price for Ashley's life was far more than any other member among the gang, and Wyatt's greed then took the best of him... and he tried to kill Ashley. But failing to do so, Ashley killed him before his goal could be accomplished. Impaired, confused, and abandoned by those whom he trusted... Ashley decided to run away, leave behind a past that he thought was bringing him joy and a name, but in return was only hurt and betrayed. Upon hearing about the death of Wyatt, The Devil's Sons decided to put a target above Ashley's head, and went to find where the young man had run off too... but like any other old-wise cowboy tale, he disappeared... without a trace.

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ashley 1.jpg
FC: Johnny Depp
Ashley is a tall, lean, and broad-shouldered fellow. Standing at about 5'11, weighing roughly about 180. Long black hair that he normally allows down, but sometimes pulls it back into a ponytail. Dark skin, from his mother, but strong jawline and light-colored hazel eyes from his father. Various scars criss-cross his face, but his known one is a bullet-hole that protrudes from behind his left shoulder blade out to the front of his left pectoral.

Other Ashley's powers involve death and fire. When touched, even the strongest of person can drop dead in a matter of seconds, without even a fight nor a blink. Other things Ashley is capable of doing, is setting things on fire with his mind. Due to retrospect, because of his father, Ashley also can elude death, meaning it is VERY hard for him to be killed. It's almost as if being immune to a sickness, Ashley is immune to death itself. Small things include being able to shoot a gun, throw a knife, and ride a horse with or without a saddle. He is also very skilled in the art of tracking, something he had taught himself.
[/border][/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a[/div]


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[div class=textHome]Son of Hephaestus[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name[/div]: Josef Hayward
[div class=tag]Race[/div]: Demigod
[div class=tag]age[/div]: 22
[div class=tag]gender[/div]: Male
[div class=tag]Born[/div]: 1153 AD England
[div class=tag]Occupation[/div]: Presently serves as a man-at-arms and would-be knight in Lord Asher's army.
[div class=title]appearance[/div] [div class=tag]Height[/div]: 5'10" or 177 cm
[div class=tag]Hair[/div]: Dark brown
[div class=tag]Eyes[/div]: Hazel
[div class=tag]Other[/div]: There is a scar which marks his cheek on the left side. He also walks with a very faint hitch in his step. This limp is worsened under prolonged pressure and can cause him some pain if left untreated.
[div class=tag]Looks Like[/div]: Timothée Chalamet
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]Abilities[/div] [div class=tag]Power: [/div] The lord of fire gifted Josef an ability he hardly understands. It rises and falls with his temperament, leaving people scathed by these involuntary shifts in temperature. It starts as a warmth in the pit of his stomach and erupts full force as a searing scream of hatred or singeing surge of fear. This is the power of thermal manipulation. He can raise temperatures to melting points or steal the warmth from something altogether. His own temperature tends to run high. In extreme conditions, he radiates a kind of warmth that could set fire to the things he touches. In cold areas, he could put off enough heat to keep a small village comfortable. He does not yet have full control over this ability and has left more people than he'd like to admit to with hypothermic shock, heat exhaustion, or death. Josef, himself, is immune to the heat he generates. Fire cannot burn him and he is unbothered by the cold. Josef's ability is kept secret. He's been commended for his capabilities in battle. Little do they know the fire which backs his ferocity, burning all who draws near.
[div class=tag]Skills:[/div] Josef is an exceptional sword fighter. He learned from an early age how to wield one and can do so both in armor and on the back of a horse. Given the nature of this century's battles, he's physically very fit and can wrestle grown men to the ground. He is no stranger to beatings and can deliver one, hand-to-hand, just as cruel. He is also handy to hunt alongside, especially if given a bow or spear. He's been trained in accuracy and precision and can often fell an animal with only one strike. Tracking is a lesser suit of his, the details of a hunt often muddied and hard to concentrate on.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]Personality[/div] [div class=tag][/div] Josef is cool composure and discipline. Growing up surrounded by the harsh conditions of war, he's known only the regimen of a soldier and now possesses the spirit of a man weathered by life experiences. He does not speak easy of his past and often silences whatever mental duress he may have, busying himself in order to remain distracted. Periods of idleness is a common occurrence and one he dreads every second of. He prefers action and works diligently to fill his time with training and chores. Josef possesses a temperament which is patient but explosive under strain. It behaves like a pool of water disturbed by a stone, his breaks very sudden and long, his energy spent when things finally go still again. He's not one to give up and will commit himself to a cause or person if he feels its intentions are just, setting aside differences in order to accomplish the work at hand.
[div class=title]Other[/div] [div class=tag][/div] Due to his lifestyle, Josef has sustained many injuries over the years and there are a few which still bother him despite being mostly healed. His most distinctive were caused by a puncture wound in his left thigh by a foot knight's dagger and a graze he received from a lance. He's also suffered from concussions and is kept up quite often by aches, the result of being pounded by both swords and fists. Scars decorate his body in grim fashion but it is those wounds which are not visible which pain him the most.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]Background[/div] [div class=tag][/div] Josef was born on his father's estate in England. For a time, he was raised on the coast and played by the sea with his sisters. At night, his mother would keep him awake by candlelight, spinning tales about Sir Isaac Hayward and his many exploits for the Lord of the kingdom. He grew up in admiration of his father and longed to join him when he came of age.
[div class=tag][/div] Lady Jacqueline saw him off at age seven. He left her standing by the sea and traveled with others of his age to the lord's castle aways inland. It was here that he became page to one called Sir Gwaine and finally met his father. Sir Isaac was a brute of a man, drunk and ill-spoken. He regarded Josef first with mere contempt and then pure loathing. Though he never laid finger on him, Isaac spouted abuse at him every chance he saw, often directing the brunt of his anger towards Josef's mother. Regardless of this, Josef maintained a degree of respect for him, attempting to bestill any abhorrence with an eagerness to impress and understand.
[div class=tag][/div] It would be another two years before he saw his first battle. Assisting Sir Gwaine in the war, Josef trailed behind his every step. He grew quickly and, by age fifteen, had assisted Sir Gwaine in numerous conflicts and tournaments. Graduating, Josef became squire and returned then to the sea four years later. Jacqueline was beside herself with joy, elated to have her son home again, even if only for a short while. However, Josef had come back changed. His boyish features had hardened and he spent more time in his chambers than he did by the water. She would ask him of his adventures and he'd only smile sadly before changing the subject.
[div class=tag][/div] His father's disgrace came to him by note. Sir Gwaine wrote to him about failed, peace-time negotiations. In the night, his father had slain three prisoners and incited another war. Still facing the repercussions of prior conflicts, Lord Asher came in need of able-bodied men. He offered Josef a knighthood if he helped raise an army by serving him in the war. Fearing further consequence of his father's actions, Josef accepted on the condition that his mother keep the estate regardless of what his father did while away.
[div class=tag][/div] It has been three years since the letter. Josef has settled into his place with numb resolve. Sir Gwaine has since passed and he is now left to deal with Isaac alone. In this time, he's become less patient with his father and often reveals his anger with bitter word and cold disregard. He's no greater wish than to return home to the sea and longs for an end to this brutal conflict. Little does he know that this reality may never be.
[div class=title]Relationships[/div] [div class=tag]Hephaestus:[/div] biological father he's never met or heard word of
[div class=tag]Lady Jacqueline:[/div] biological mother whom he loves most of all
[div class=tag]Sir Isaac Hayward:[/div] adopted and estranged father
[div class=tag]Thea:[/div] younger half sister
[div class=tag]Matilda 'Tilda':[/div] older and more confident half sister
[div class=tag]Lord Asher:[/div] lord to whom he's pledged allegiance and military service
[div class=tag]Sir Gwaine Chapman:[/div] knight he was squire to, closest person he's known as a father figure, and longtime friend to Sir Isaac
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coded by shady.

Looks like: Jean Reno
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" S'annoncer, voyager-
Pourchasser sa destinée. "



Full name: Gabriel et Elise de Sade
Age: Twelve- nearly thirteen
Gender: Male and female
Godly parent: Hermes
Human parent: Marquise de Sade
Abilities: Gabriel can fly, while Elise has the ability to temporarily switch powers with another demigod (though it requires direct physical contact).


Gabriel is a dreamer, always with his head in the clouds (both literally and figuratively). He devours books like they're the air he breathes to survive; myths, novels, fairytales, poems, plays- he reads it all. He's a sweet, innocent child, whose eyes are somehow always filled with wonder toward the world and whose imagination is always bursting with dreams and tales of daring adventure.
Elise, on the other hand, is far more pragmatic. Mature and serious for her age, she's seen (and shielded her innocent brother from) far more than any twelve-year-old should ever have to. She's responsable and extremely resourceful, finding creative solutions to problems in unexpected ways and with the barest means at her disposal. She's tough, sees through bullshit, and won't be controlled by anyone.


Gabriel and Elise's mother is none other than Renée-Pélagie de Sade, wife of the infamous Marquis de Sade. After her husband's imprisonment in 1778, the marquise is free, for the first time in fifteen years, from his depraved abuse (not to mention the constant scandals). Immensely relieved at his incarceration, the marquise is visited by the god Hermes, and out of their brief but passionate tryst came the demigod twins.
In an attempt to shield her family from yet another scandal, the marquise (who has taken refuge in a convent) has them stay there as well, under the guise of orphans. She spends as much time with them as she can, but it is still a rather lonely way for children to grow up. Safe (for the moment) behind the convent walls, the twins hear growing rumors of the unrest beyond as the momentum of the Revolution builds.
Two years after the execution of the king, and having reached their twelfth year, the children are finally able to be reunited with her mother as she makes a formal request for divorce from the marquis. The marquise, thinking herself finally safe, makes the mistake of moving the family back to Paris even as the Terror reigns. As children of nobility, the children live in constant fear that their heads will be the next to roll.
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[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
Name: Dominic Argento
Nickname: Dom, Nic, Argent
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Godly Parent: Zeus

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height | Weight: 6' 180lb
Body Type: Muscular
Tattoos | Piercings: A number of Tattoos


From a young age Dominic was forced to mature in order to take care of his mother, as a result its very hard to see the real version of Dominic as he more often then not shut himself off from other. Although once someone has managed to befriend and get to know him, he is a very kinda and caring individual and will notice that he spends a lot of time putting other people before himself, although since graduating from university and moving away from his home town, he has been working on putting himself first and opening up to other people. Dominic can be a very sarcastic individual, which contrast heavily with the caring nature others are more often presented, and the sarcasm is often used as a weapon to keep people from prying too much into his life.

Unfortunately Dominic has a angry side, although its very hard to make him angry, his therapist says its because he was abandoned/never knew his father, so that anger towards the man manifested as a hard to flip on angry side.

Dominic is the product of a one night stand between an American business man and an Italian refugee, living in Plymouth, England. Dominic lived his whole life in Plymouth with his mother, who worked two jobs to keep the roof over their head, and food on the table, but it was common that what ever was left over was spent on the alcohol his mother often used to put her self to sleep. He matured early in order to make sure she was eating, getting to work, paying rent, etc, things a child should never have to worry about. It wasn't uncommon in the early years for Dominic to spend a few nights in a foster home till his mother got her act together enough to get him back.

Although Dominic is unaware of these powers, Dominic can manipulate the weather, as well as control electricity.

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scrolls, hover over photo
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[div class="imgcontainer"] [div class="img1"]
[div class="img2"][/div] [div class="img3"][/div] [/div] [div class="detaildiv"] [div class="name"]LOREIA[/div] [div class="postscroll"] [div class="post"] [div class="text"] NAME ⋉
"Lora" Arvina
☇ age ⊢
☇ gender ⊢
☇ race ⊢
☇ time era ⊢
246 BC Rome
☇ parents and relationships⊢

biological father: Poseidon; she would have dreams of a man standing on water. He beckons her to join him.
biological mother: Helena; she was told stories of a woman with a strong will and sharp tongue. She died upon giving birth to Loreia.
adopted father: Kaeso Nipius Arvina; a fisherman who found Loreia.
adopted mother: Phoibe Arvina; the fisherman's wife.
mentor; kassandra; a female gladiator who teaches Loreia under her wing.
☇ faceclaim ⊢
Amelia Zadros

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[div class="img2"][/div] [div class="img3"][/div] [/div] [div class="detaildiv"] [div class="name"]LOREIA[/div] [div class="postscroll"] [div class="post"] [div class="text"] PERSONALITY ⋉
Loreia inherited her biological mother's strong will, leaving her confident and outspoken. She's indignant to the constricting roles of women during her time and has a history of going against traditions. Loreia is the adventurous type, and she has no regard for her own safety or the rules that may be broken in the process. She must feel that sense of freedom, or damn it all! The people in her community, on the other hand, have disapproved of her rebellious and brash behavior, and they sometimes find her a nuisance. However, Loreia can be courageous and passionate. She loves her adoptive parents and is very protective of them. Her protectiveness stretches out to her comrades and to those who are less fortunate. She is also encouraging and optimistic.
Loreia inherited her biological father's ill-temper, which is triggered by violent behavior toward people she is loyal to. Loreia's response to solve problems and how she deals with situations are usually with violence in return. She has a bad habit of taunting her opponents, regardless of how dangerous the opponents are. This often leads to matters becoming worse. Loreia has a lot of pride and often hides her insecurities by being loud and rebellious. She's not the type to surrender or back down from a fight/argument. Another bad habit Loreia may have is holding grudges against people who have done her wrong. This bad habit affects how Loreia places her trust, and working with others is one of her weaknesses.

Loreia's mother, Helena, was traveling across the Meditteranean sea when Loreia was born. The birth was unexpected; Loreia was not supposed to be born until a month later. There was chaos that night as the ship rocked violently against the raging waters, and Helena's screams of agony fell deaf to the roaring skies. The gods must have been angry that night, and the ship crew prayed to their deities as they braved through the unforgiving sea. Loreia was finally conceived upon reaching the eye of the storm. Moments after, her mother took her last breath and her body was thrown overboard as an offering to Poseidon. Loreia was later left abandoned once the ship docked- only to be found on a pile of fishnets and rope by a fisherman named Kaeso. Kaeso brought Loreia back to his wife, Phoibe, who was hesitant to keep the child. Nonetheless, the couple raised her.
From an early age, Loreia proved herself to be spontaneous and adventurous. Most of her childhood was spent diving off of high cliffs to spearfishing in the depths of the deep blue sea. She was close to her adoptive father, Kaeso, who taught Loreia how to fish and manage a ship. Meanwhile, Phoibe tried to be strict on Loreia and would chase after her frantically. Loreia's entire life revolved around the water, but the rise of gladiators and popularity of the Colosseum tournaments caught the young demigod's attention. Phoibe and Kaeso were pacifists and forbade Loreia from entering the Colosseum whenever they would pass on the way to the market, but Loreia was bound to break her guardians' rule one way or another. Loreia would sneak away from Kaeso and Phoibe and run to the Colosseum to watch the tournaments.
As Loreia entered her teen years, she became bolder and independent. Kaeso was often away at sea, while Phoibe was managing the house. Loreia spent her time out of the house to escape Phoibe's persistent attempts to find Loreia a male suitor. She managed to snag a job within the Colosseum as the stableman, despite Phoibe's protests. Loreia would take care of the horses for the gladiators, and she had a special knack for taming them. Not to mention, she became close friends with a female gladiator named Kassandra who was a skilled horseman and spear-fighter. She taught Loreia from a young age on how to wield a spear. It was not until Loreia was seventeen when she competed in her first tournament. Blood was spilled and the crowds roared with vigor. Loreia found a second home in an unforgiving place.

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[div class="imgcontainer"] [div class="img1"]
[div class="img2"][/div] [div class="img3"][/div] [/div] [div class="detaildiv"] [div class="name"]LOREIA[/div] [div class="postscroll"] [div class="post"] [div class="text"] POWERS & ABILITIES ⋉
water and earth manipulation- generally earthquakes

☇ skills ⊢

an advanced horse rider and tamer; she enjoys watching chariot races in the Colosseum.
a fast swimmer and can hold her breath underwater for an exceedingly long time; swimming has become a way for her to escape her troubles.
skilled with a spear and proficient in hand to hand combat.


horseback races; her competitve nature pushes Loreia to never lose.
late night brawls; trouble always come when there are a few drinks and a band of angry thugs. "Zeus must have been drunk when he made ya!"
sleepless nights; Loreia has trouble sleeping and usually has weird dreams. She sits by the shore to think.
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Here's a brick
Name: Dante Siciliano
Birthdate: April 16th, 1923
FC: Matthew Bell

Bio: The days had been spent rather peacefully... for a time. Dante could recall the days that he and his father had been out in the fields, working them constantly day in and day out. They were always given a bountiful harvest if they put the work in, so the more they worked it was only natural the more that they had gotten. The young man never had any memories of mother, at least none that he hadn't heard from his father, one strong Sergio Siciliano. The older man had always spoken of his mother's beauty, and the way that she had tended to their crops in such an odd way that he found... ethereal. She would speak to them and caress each patch that she could lay her hands on, like a mother would to soothe her children. But that was all the boy had of his mother, stories. What was she really like? Would he ever get to meet her? Those were the things that had bothered him the most.

At least... until the war had come along. He was only sixteen at the time, when his father was taken away to fight in a war for his country, and he, along with his beligered stepmother whom his father had picked up a few years prior were left on the farm. He had kept up with his father, writing as many letters as he could watching the the days pass by with no response. He was in a war... it was clear that he was a busy man. He wouldn't have the time to write back. Yeah... that was it. The thoughts that had plagued him for a long while, visions of his father lying dead on the ground in some nameless trench god knows where, with the flower of his life wilting until it had dissipated into nothing. And then the honorable soldiers had come, asking, no threatening Dante and his step mother for nearly all of the crops that they had gathered that year. What did that leave them with? Barely enough to eat... barely enough to give them money to survive. So he started giving his own life to the land, thinking that they just had to wait for his father to come back. For someone to help them...

Abilities: "Those bastards decided that they could come in and just drain the life out of my home and my life. So I'll do the same to them." Coming from a point of hatred, much different when compared to the caring sense that Demeter embodied, Dante channels his contempt by draining the energy from a person, and by giving it back to the earth or to another person, can rejuvenate said person or cause a rapid growth in the life on the earth. On top of this, Dante can somewhat accurately estimate the general status of a person's health, whether they be healthy, somewhat healthy, injured, heavily injured, or near dead.
Demeter FC: Gene Tierney


[class=tabs] line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: orange; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Bio) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} Story) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Powers) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]Bio

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]Story[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Powers[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
basic information

Full Name: Phoenix Woods
Alias: Pretty Boy
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Son of Apollo
Face Claim: Alex Prange


Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 171 lbs
Tattoos/Piercings/Etc: A few tattoos he got while in 'Nam.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBy" style="display: none;"]

Phoenix is very social. He likes to drink; he likes to party; and he’s a lover of music. As long as everyone is having fun (at least mostly everyone), then he is happy. He is a joker and a prankster. He likes to try and lighten the mood when things get down and dark. You ever want to break ice; well, he’s your ice breaker.

Phoenix was born with a creative mindset. He’s a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, and once upon a time, he had his very own rock band. The war never stopped him from continuing to sing. He sang to boost the morale of soldiers while on deployment. Coming from the 50-70s generation, Phoenix’s vernacular may be a little different. Nobody says “groovy,” “rad,” or “Jeepers” anymore…Phoenix does.

He can be a flirt and he can be like that brother you wanted to punch in the arm. He doesn’t like talking about the war, and so will try to change the subject or make no comment when asked about it. He knows he’s a good shot with a rifle, but he doesn’t brag about it. He didn’t exactly use his rifle for pleasant things. There are some demons that sit in the back of his mind that he wishes not to recall to the front. He is here to have fun. That is all. Peace and love. Carry on. Don’t be surprised if he ever breaks out into song. It happens when he is in good spirits.

Likes: Singing, playing guitar, joking around, socializing, partying, meeting new people, games, and writing music.

Dislikes: Violence, war, people harming others, people trying to force him to recall past negative experiences, and just outright bad people.
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentCrucial" style="display: none;"]

Phoenix was adopted as an infant to Jacob and Loretta Woods. Since his childhood, Jacob and Loretta knew they had adopted someone special for Phoenix had a forte with music. They watched the boy swing and dance at Elvis Presley’s “Hound Dog” at six-years-old, and then he started learning the old six-string right after. Phoenix was certain that he was born to be a rock star, and he dedicated his entire life to pursuing that dream. He performed at school concerts playing songs written by Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, The Kinks, The Beatles, and many more. He won first place at his high school talent show with his garage band, Liquid Gold, and he was certain he was on his way to fame until he received a letter in the mail.

At eighteen-years-old, Phoenix was drafted into the United States Army as an infantryman in the Vietnam War. A wrench felt like it was thrown in his plans and that his life was no longer his own. His dream was put on pause as the Army trained him to kill and survive. The Army discovered that “Pretty Boy” Woods (as he was nicknamed) could do more than just sing and play guitar. He could shoot, and they sent him to sniper school.

Phoenix served a short four years in the Vietnam War before he had had enough. The killing, the deaths, and the politics transformed him into a lover not a fighter. Resurrecting his music career, he was popular around the hippy groups. He played at music festivals around the country and before he and his band could published their first album, Phoenix Woods suddenly vanished.
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Light Manipulation: Phoenix can create, shape, and manipulate visible light, the electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye and responsible for the sense of sight. He can fire beams of light from his hands, illuminate an area shrouded in darkness, and render himself and others invisible by reducing the visible EMR that reveals their presence. Due to his affiliation with the sun, his powers work best during the day, and even more when the sun is shining. He is resistant to severe hot and cold temperatures due to his own personal sun-like radiation he emanates.

Healing: Phoenix can use his light abilities to heal most afflictions. Physical injury, sickness, and disease.

Plague: Like his father, while he can heal, he can also harm others with sickness.

Prophecy: Plot-dependent. Phoenix will sometimes receive a random vision of the future.

Them Song: "Fortunate Son" - Creedance Clearwater Revival

codedbycrucialstar | click words [ tabs ] , hidden scroll

Ronan O'Colman, Son of Ares
Name: Ronan O'Colman
Parent Deity: Ares
Face Claim: Colin Farrell
Race: Demigod
Black hair, brown eyes.
5'10" 168 lbs
-Superhuman Physiology: Ronan possess superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina. It is also hard for him to get sick from mortal illnesses or suffer mortal afflictions like malnutrition or similar.
-Chain Manipulation: Being the descendant of Ares, Ronan can create and command metallic chains. The metallic chains cannot be created from his body instead must be spawned from the earth, they also cannot be formed in the air.
-Horse Riding
-Innate Combat Talent: Although Ronan has only ever gotten into a few scuffles and lacks any form of formal combat training, he can still hold his own against more experienced combatants, maybe even win if the stars align.

Personality: Unlike his mythological father, Ronan isn't particularly prone to anger; he is mostly passive and can be downright cheerful when the mood calls for it. He prefers the calm, breathtaking countryside; surrounded by the noises of nature. But if he ever had to find himself in the company of strangers then hopefully he can at the very least share a drink, exchange some stories.

Ronan initially had a live-and-let-live attitude towards life but because of the Great Famine, it was hard for him to maintain that outlook on life which resulted in him being bitter. At times, his bitterness turned into self-loathing because as his (adoptive) father, mother and many siblings wasted away due to malnutrition, sickness etc; he was completely fine. The self-loathing became so bad that he would refuse to eat any food that was placed on the table instead opting to pass the food to one of his many siblings, sometimes for days on end.

Ronan was only two years old when he was actually adopted by Shane and Cara O'Colman so he doesn't actually have any recollection of his mortal mother nor his immortal father. His parents were typical potato farmers back in the early 1800s with no children because they believed themselves to be infertile, they were quite ecstatic when a woman approached them and offered her son to them, stating that she cannot support the child due to his father's absence. When Ronan became 8 years old, he became an older brother to two sisters, it was said that Ronan ran from sunrise to sundown with excitement at the thought of having two sisters.

When the Great Famine of 1840 reared its' ugly head many families were struck with malnutrition and illness; barely anything to eat due to the over-reliance on the potato, the lack of support from the government and the absurd prices for basic food commodities. The O'Colmans struggled to get by even with Ronan, 27, working nonstop every day. A year after the famine had started, Shane O'Colman regrettably died; leaving his son to bury him on a hilltop.

In 1843, the family couldn't take it anymore and so decided to immigrate to the United States of America in order to have some reprieve; they saved enough money for all of them to immigrate but first they had to get to Ulster. In the beginning they traveled with their caravan pulled by twin horses, one healthy one sick. In a few days time, they completed half of their journey to Ulster but the fates had other plans for Ronan and his family. During the dead of night while the entire family slept, several piss stains of human beings barged into their caravan and attempted to rob them of any valuables even food. Ronan managed to fight them off but sadly his mother received a fatal injury... she died in his arms. Ronan and his two sisters reached Ulster, now they just have to wait.


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display: inline; width: auto; height: auto; margin-right: 5px; color: var(--main); font-size: 9px; padding-right: 5px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; text-decoration: underline; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=tagb] position: relative; display: inline; width: auto; height: auto; margin-right: 5px; color: var(--accent); font-size: 9px; padding-right: 5px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; text-decoration: underline; letter-spacing: 1px; [/class] [class=tabflex] width: 6em; display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-evenly; position: absolute; top: 28em; left: 42.5em; [/class] [class=tab] width: 3em; height: 3em; background-color: var(--accent); border: 1px solid var(--main); font-size: 0.2em; color: var(--accent); [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: var(--main); color: var(--main); transition-duration: 0.2s; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} 0) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent0) if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent1) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent2) if (eq ${currentTab} 3) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent3) if (eq ${currentTab} 4) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent4) [/script] [class=credit] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8px; color: #dedede; opacity: 0.25; [/class] [div class=bkgd] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent0 flexcont"] [div class="accent accent0"] [div class=accentcont] [div class=intropic][/div] [div class=role]Rise of the Demigods[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=introright] [div class="accent accent02"][/div] [div class=name]William [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent1" style="display: none;"] [div class="accent accent1"] [div class=accentcont] [div class=header1]basics.[/div] [div class=text1cont][div class="text text1"] [div class=tag]name[/div] William Andrew

[div class=tag]nickname:[/div] drew, liam(Hates it thought)

[div class=tag]age:[/div] 22

[div class=tag]gender:[/div] male

[div class=tag]sexuality:[/div] Pansexual

[div class=tag]role:[/div] Son of artemies

[div class=tag]height:[/div] 5' 8"

[div class=tag]weight:[/div] 130 lbs

[div class=tag]eye color:[/div] dark brown

[div class=tag]hair color:[/div] brown

[div class=tag]body type:[/div] Unsure

[div class=tag]ethnicity:[/div] American

[div class=tag]dist. marks:[/div] light brown freckles across his nose and cheeks

[div class=tag]body mods:[/div] piercings in both ears

[div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] Wilbur Soot(Youtuber)
[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="pic1 pic11"][/div] [div class="pic1 pic12"][/div] [div class="num num1"]1.[/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none;"] [div class="accent accent21"][/div] [div class="accent accent22"][/div] [div class=header2]persona.[/div] [div class="pic2 pic21"][/div] [div class="pic2 pic22"][/div] [div class="num num2"]2.[/div] [div class=text2cont][div class="text text2"] [div class=tag]Basic Personality[/div]Like his mother, the boy is headstrong. When it comes to his beliefs he doesn’t like to do anything that doesn’t align with them and can be very stubborn because of it. William is also very honest with what he says, however, he doesn’t come off as blunt because of how he says it. He is also very curious, which leads him to do the less than smart decision. One thing about him is how calm he is, never one to try and stir up anything. [div class=tag]strengths/weakness's[/div]William gained the ability of perfect aim when it comes to the bow and arrow. He is also very agile as he has taken gymnast classes. He isn't good in high stress situations, escpecially alone.

[div class=tag]fears[/div]Having to make an incredibly large decision that could lead to terrible consequences and spiders.

[div class=tag]habits[/div]Fiddling with his hands when nervous or scared. Messing with his hair when bored

[div class=tag]likes[/div]Animals

[div class=tag]dislikes[/div]Forests at Night,
[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none;"] [div class="accent accent31"] [div class=accentcont] [div class=header3]background.[/div] [div class=text3cont][div class="text text3"] [div class=tag]family[/div]None

[div class=tag]occupation[/div]Waiter

[div class=tag]education[/div]high school degree, assossication degree

[div class=tag]residence[/div]small apartment

[div class=tag]history[/div]William doesn't know who his family was, having been put into an adoption center when he was just four years old. He grew up within an Orphanage for most of his life, as he had only been put in foster homes a few times and the fact he was never adopted. Still, the boy was able to make friends that he considered the closest things to family he had. As soon as he was old enough the man moved into a small apartment, and take online college classes while juggling his work life.

Currently, he is working as a waiter, though he has recently finished college and plans to try and go for a more well paying job.
[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="pic3 pic31"][/div] [div class="num num3"]3.[/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none;"] [div class="accent accent4"] [div class="accentcont gallerycont"] 1578517139596.png 1578517114532.png 1578517095633.png 1578517062986.png 1578517019851.png [/div] [/div] [div class=header4]misc.[/div] [div class=header5]gallery.[/div] [div class="num num4"]4.[/div] [div class=text4cont][div class="text text4"] [div class=tagb]theme song[/div]None

[div class=tagb]favorite food[/div]Pizza

[div class=tagb]favorite drink[/div]Peach Boba

[div class=tagb]favorite color[/div]yellow

[div class=tagb]relationships[/div]
- Artemis: He knows very little/nothing about her

- Rayden Seam: His closest friend from the orphanage.
[/div][/div] [/div] [div class=tabflex] [div class=tab]0[/div] [div class=tab]1[/div] [div class=tab]2[/div] [div class=tab]3[/div] [div class=tab]4[/div] [/div] [/div][div class=credit]code by sox[/div]
Artemis Face Claim
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" Dies ist meine
Bildungsroman. "



Full name: Hannah Alleman
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Female
Godly parent: Athena
Human parent: Hans Alleman
Abilities: Telekinesis and telepathy


Hannah has always been, unsurprisingly (given her parentage), wise beyond her years. She's never really acted like a child or, in her later years, a foolish teenage girl, not bothering with the experimentation and poor, impulsive decision-making that marks every teenager's mental growth. This is because, instead of diving in headfirst, she thinks through every situation, as well as its potential outcomes and consequences, before she acts. Of course, this has its drawbacks. It makes her serious to the point of most kids her age finding her to be boring and, as a result, she doesn't have many friends, which sometimes bothers her. Aside from this, she is a kind soul who believes in compassion, but is also driven by ideals such as virtue and, most importantly, justice.


Hannah grew up in the countryside on the Franco-german border. Her father, a farmer, craftsman and honorable man, taught her the value of hard work, honesty, and earnest effort. She loves him dearly and feels very protective of him. She's been helping diligently at the farm since she was old enough to do so, but also worked hard at her studies in school, mastering French, German and Italian by age ten.
Whenever Hannah would ask about her mother, her father would reply that she was an angel, sent to him in his darkest hour. Things had been bad in Germany in the few years leading up to their meeting, and he was nearly starving and on the verge of losing everything. Her mother, it seemed, had taught him hew farming techniques and better ways to sell his produce, and essentially saved him. Shortly after giving birth to Hannah, however, she died, leaving them alone. Her father spoke of her warmly.
After graduating from high school, Hannah returned to the farm. She doesn't yet know whether or not she intends to stay, but is content there for the time being.
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