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Futuristic Rise of the Alphas

ok guys, im making a decision. if enough people dont join by 8:00 tomorrow, we'll start the rp regardless. and if this does happen, is anyone willing to make an extra character?
So, all the spots are filled now, so we can start. However, I'll make the first in-character post. After I do 10's first post, post away
Alright, I look forward to this! ( you know how hard it is to find a good picture of a black haired 14 year old boy? >.> I should should just hop in my white van and ride around my neighborhood........
Lol xD good point. Also, another point with my character, he was not orinally insane, his hair is originally black and he had blue eyes. He looks like my profile pic. His CS look is the results of the experiments. So untill they start the experimenting on us, I look like my profile pic. Just letting everyone know that
ok, just gonna be setting down some ground rules. for everyone that is involved in this roleplay, you will be required to post at least once a day. if you cant post on particular day, let me know before hand. your posts will ave to be at least four to five lines long, but you are encouraged to post longer posts. im just setting down these rules so that the rp can go faster. let e know of your concerns
also, please check out my post for the ground rules on the rp. if you dont post anything within a day without letting me know, than there will be consequences. got it? @Byatis @ShinJix
ok guys, it seems like everyone has posted. at around this time tomorrow, i will be posting the next step in the Rp's story. you have until then to finish your conversations and interactions with one another before the real story begins
I love how 1's character seems like a complete bitch xD . It's vary entertaining to watch her
FUcking HELL.


There have been a lot of power cuts lately. I haven't been able to write or see what was going on in the RP. Sorry 'bout that. I see I've been replaced, so, hey, there we go. I'll probably join your next RP, "'cause I like the cut of your jib, sonneh."

Have dank day, RIP Ugly Six. I knew him well.

Let us all blame Unison for this tragic event. Clearly they control the weather. FUCK YOU UNISON.
[QUOTE="Akio Chikara]I love how 1's character seems like a complete bitch xD . It's vary entertaining to watch her

One's a guy.
lol sorry, i ment 6. you two joined at the same time am i forgot witch one of you took the name one. and yes, ill give you your powers. ill post again when i have them sorted out.
i have posted all your powers in the Overview thread. everyone, please act accordingly to the players powers, before you post something that involves you using your power please let me know, and know that these powers are not set in stone. you will lose or gain powers as the story goes on. you are all now allowed to post in the rp

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