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One x One Rift Jumper

Hey sorry, been all over the place this week x-x work meetings and weird shifts, got a party tomorrow too.
Lol we both have been busy. I haven't gotten around to replying yet, sorry. I can do that today since I have today off.

Also, I need to practice on my art with my drawing tablet and I was going to maybe to a mini comic scene from the other role-play. Is there a scene you would like me to do?
Yep, that one. Is there a scene you would like to see as a comic strip?

I'm only off part of the week but every day I'm working, i have to work extra hours. I would a all day tomorrow instead of half, work Tuesday (we are off on Tuesdays) and Wednesday morning. Luckily I will be out of school for a week.
Oh god, I'd actually like to see where Kat dies. Though my heart might break.

Oh that's good, my work closes for christmas in a few weeks and I am fucking counting down the days.
We just closed for our thanksgiving holiday. I have the next few days off. Then in a few weeks ill off for a week for Chirstmas.

And you would ask for that scene!! Im going to have my heart broken the whole time drawing. I hope you cry.

And sorry I have been late for replying so much. I didn't even remember replying last time. I was sitting here doing homework and then i remembered that I started a reply. Apparently I did submit it and forgot. xD
Haha aww man, gonna have to have yourself a relaxing day haha :P I dont work until the weekend after this one which suuuucks. 12 hour shift x-x
Hey! I am so so so so so so sorry I haven't replied to anything. I haven't forgotten but I just ended up getting a big project this month. Im the project manager, so that means I am working on that constantly. Also I lost internet so I have been using my grandmothers next door till its fixed. I can't stay up rping since I can't connect from my room.

Im about to put in my post, so once again I am so sorry!
Hey don't worry about it! It's great you're doing project leader stuff haha, I've got a really late (end at 1am shift) today and Im about to start getting ready to go. Waaa :(
Thank you! I hope you had a good one as well. For once I didn't have to travel everywhere, so I just stayed home a relaxed for a few hours.

Also, sorry for the lack of replies. Last month was crazy. I was working on a transmedia project and was project manager, so I was working a lot and then I also had to take extra hours at work to get christmas money. After I had finished all they, the internet at our house got ruined when my brothers dog chewed up the internet cord. So basically, I have no internet. Im currently at my grandmothers, using hers everyday.

It should hopefully be fixed within January but I will be able to start reply again.

Sorry I didn't warn you ahead of time.
Also, for the other rp. 1, I have been working on the comic for you but I lost time and didn't get to finish it. I was going to send it to you on here as a christmas gift but never had the time to finished. Now I should. 2, do you mind if I do a few days ahead post. There is something i really want to do with Bella and I just now thought about it. Is that okay? (might make it easier to reply to as well).
Hey Im happy you had a good holidays :)

Our internet has been a little on the fritz as well. Im happy for you to do a few days ahead post, and dont rush yourself with the comic :)

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