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Fandom Ride and Fly


eyebrow queen

"Take these broken wings and learn to fly."


After The School was closed, or more like destroyed, dozens of mutant children were scattered

across the southeast. The rebuilt home of Max and the gang became a refuge to them. But things

have changed, the mutants aren't the same. They still fly, but the mutations are different.

Each kid brings something different to the table and a different piece to the puzzle. Other than

being someones science experiment, these kids have one more thing in common. An unknown

past. Together they are setting out to figure out who they actually are. To piece together their

broken parts of their past.

In a house full of hormonal, scared, angry and broken teens, personalities and mutations are

bound to clash. Can they piece together their lost past before they kill each other?

The House


The Rooms


1. No god modding or bunnying or whatever you want to call it. No controlling other

peoples characters. That's why you made one for yourself.
2. Romance is fine, but we

don't want to know the details, so fade to black.
3. As Hannah Montana once said,

nobody is perfect. This goes for characters too. No Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues.
4. No auto

accepting, this is my rp. I will be the decider on whether you are accepted or not.
5. This

is a literate rp. Which means that I want at least one paragraph per post and minimal

spelling and grammatical errors. I get that sometimes it's late and slip ups happen. Just

don't make it a habit.
6. The password for this rp is a line from any of the Max Ride books.

The one at the bottom is for the suckers who didn't read.
7. Swearing is fine, just don't

use it excessively. I'm a bit of a potty mouth myself so it won't bother me, just be mindful

of others.
8. Stay in character. If your character is quiet don't go flirting with everything

that moves.
9. And speaking of flirting, don't go crazy and fall in love on the first day. This

isn't an arranged marriage. Take your time, because no one falls in love the first day they

meet someone.
10. This is the most important one. Don't sign up if you are just going to

drop out two days later. I want you to stay active!

The password is

"Come fly way with me."

Put it at the bottom of your CS

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