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Realistic or Modern 𝔯𝔢𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢. (OOC)



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Roleplay Type(s)
  • Prelude
    𝔯𝔢𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢: 𝔞 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯'𝔰 𝔡𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔪

    An old library. A mysterious librarian. And a series of missing cases surrounding them. Welcome to Miller Branch Library.

    Amidst all the ominous rumors and gossip, you are one of the 5 souls who have decided to work at this library as Aides. Your job is simple: organize books, help those who wish to check out books, guide readers, and absolutely do NOT enter the book disposal room. Simple…right?

    Well…no. You wouldn’t have worked at this library if you didn’t have a tad bit of curiosity about the mystery that surrounded the building or maybe even having relation to them. Nevertheless, that curiosity or grudge has led you right in front of the forbidden room.

    You tentatively place your hand on the door knob, taking a deep breath before opening the door. What you find inside sends a shiver down your spine.

    A gloomy room that looks bigger on the inside than the outside greets you. Dozens if not hundreds of books can be seen stacked messily on broken down shelves. Some are brutally maimed and torn while others contain locks and bindings on them. All of them contain some sort of paper or note attached to them. You and your fellow aides exchange nervous glances before closing the door behind you. Whether or not the room was frightening, you wouldn’t want to know what’d happen if the grizzled librarian found out.

    A book catches your eye as you walk by. Unlike the other books, the lock is open. While your friends shuffle past, you pick up the book. The note upon it reads, “Type: Apocalypse. Level: Red. Note: World contains unusual levels of synchronization. It is recommended to bring a party of Rewritersto prevent levels of synchronization to go beyond the 4th bar. Solo parties are discouraged.”

    A fellow aide notices your sudden interest in the book and motions for the others to near. As they read the note over your shoulder, one of them asks, “So what’s the name of the book?” You snap out of your reverie, removing the note from the story. You read, “Star Crossed Lovers.” A blinding flash emits from the book. A thud sounds as the book falls to the ground, the group of aides gone.
    Within the book disposal room, there are many types of books that lead you to many different worlds. However each book has a different ending…or none at all. Beware, because not all stories will be easily rewritten.
    Apocalypse: A story that ends in tragedy. It is unknown why such things happen. However this can lead to sudden, disastrous endings such as a meteor suddenly falling from the sky, a vengeful side character gaining an power from outside the world, or even a million nukes detonating in the sky. As an ‘Rewriter,’ your job would be to either stop the Apocalypse or achieve a better ending.​
    As you appear as a character in the Apocalypse, there's a danger called “Synchronization.” It is marked by 5 bars on your wrist. Upon aligning with the character or allowing habits to take over, the bars fill up. One filled bar is relatively harmless. (Ex: If you took place as a butler, acting as your station may fill up the bar.) Two-Three bars means you are at the stage you replicate the character’s habits and behaviors unconsciously. (Ex: Using the same situation, the habits of a butler such as bowing towards nobility immediately or smaller mannerisms). 4 bars represent you also take upon their speech.​
    Approaching 5 bars is dangerous. The will of the character often ‘takes’ over. Approaching 5 bars basically guarantees the completion of synchronization, which most likely results in the replacing of yourself with the will of the character. There are no records of what happens to those with the completion of synchronization. The only hint is the writing on the book at the beginning of each Apocalypse. “Beware ‘Synchronization.’ Upon fulfillment, returning may result in effects in real life.”​
    Apocalypses cannot be exited until an ending has been achieved. Upon the failure of achieving a good ending, parts of the book tear. You are allowed to enter the book four more times, however slight things change upon each entering. (Ex: feelings, personality, actions, etc) With each failed attempt, the book rips. Upon the final attempt failure, the book rips itself apart brutally. These books are the most common in the Disposal room. You are given full information. Such as personalities of the characters, their past actions, what they like, dislike, and so on. You are not given the nature of the Apocalypse until you experience it.​
    Fragment: A missing ending. Though it is not confirmed, each book that has been classified as 'Roam' relates to the death of their author, leaving behind an incomplete book. Fragments have a higher difficulty as you are not placed as one of the active characters and rather just spawn into the novel. Though there is no Synchronization, most Fragments are placed at high difficulty due to this feature.​
    Fragments can be exited upon two conditions. At least half of those who entered are present and near. The person who said the name of the novel to enter the world, says the name once again to exit. Those who are left behind cannot leave. OR you have achieved an satisfactory ending.​
    The progress of the ending can be reset by exiting and re entering the book. However, once an satisfactory ending has been made, the book prevents further entry. These books are the extremely rare sort among the books In the Disposal room. Fortunately, you are given full information. Such as personalities of the characters, their past actions, what they like, dislike, and so on.​
    Restart: An complete and utter 𝔯𝔢𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢. You are placed at the beginning of the story, in contrast to the others being in the middle or near the end. Your intent is to End the story. Restarts are placed at the highest difficulty due to two things: based on the ending it can transform into an Apocalypse, and it can take an unlimited amount of time to complete.​
    These stories can be exited in the same way a Fragment can. At least half of those who entered are present and near. The person who said the name of the novel to enter the world, says the name once again to exit. Those who are left behind cannot leave. OR you have achieved an ending.​
    Unlike the other two, you are only given basic information about the world. Such as the name of the continent, the hierarchy system, and so on.​

    **Note: Upon the entering of the novel, based on the type, the information automatically fills into your head. First time 'Rewriters' are often given an massive head ache. With a huge amount of information flowing in, it can be described as your head being split apart. Hopefully this pain reduces with practice and continual rewriting.
    Story *

Everyone’s experienced an bad ending. Whether it be in real life or even in a story. But what if it was possible to 𝔯𝔢𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢 these endings? And how would you do it?
code by Nano
Last edited:
mornin/night campers!

I’ll make my own character soon and will make the rp page shortly. Be aware that for a day or two, the rp will just be the characters interacting while I pine out the finer details for some of the story options
Cilo Cilo locked n loaded locked n loaded BuggaBoo BuggaBoo
For the first story of the rp, here is one of the options! You are free to offer your own suggestions and I’ll make sure to add on or make a new story! If We get 2 or more likes on the post, we can start off the rp using this story! Rewrite | Idea 1 | Star Crossed
Available characters for this story:
Lady Blanche
Prince Trilith
Prince Trilith‘s knight escort
Cilo Cilo locked n loaded locked n loaded BuggaBoo BuggaBoo
For the first story of the rp, here is one of the options! You are free to offer your own suggestions and I’ll make sure to add on or make a new story! If We get 2 or more likes on the post, we can start off the rp using this story! Rewrite | Idea 1 | Star Crossed
Available characters for this story:
Lady Blanche
Prince Trilith
Prince Trilith‘s knight escort
Really cool concept and story, but a bit too romance-centered for me. Would there be a way to keep the main storyline whilst either making some of the characters less involved in the romance thread or altering the plot to exclude it? Of course, I am willing to do this storyline, but I'm afraid neither me nor my character would suit it. Thank you for your consideration, and it's a pleasure to be a part of this roleplay!

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