
After throwing a white button down over his tan skin, he jogged upstairs to the dining room and was met with a barrage of hugs. He was suprised at how many people remembered him. After all the questions and more annoying hugging, He sat in a chair on the side of the table across from Horace, who was already digging into his food, and piled things onto his plate. ~Ahh...haven't had a meal like this in a long while.~ He thought while savoring his first bite.
Robin walked upstairs once she was ready and walked into the dining room. she ignored the stares that she got because she was late and gave a small mumble of a "Sorry." She sat down in a empty seat beside Will, which was the only empty seat as well. She ignored the stares until they finally went back to their own business.
" You should leave and come back every couple years Will, they never let us have this much." One of the guys to Will's left, Ryan, Joked. Will shook his head. " That makes me feel oh so good Ryan, maybe you should try it." He retorted. Horace looked between the two of them and then to Robin. "Hey, whos this?" he asked pointedly. Ryan snickered and mock shouted "Oooo, Will's got a girlfriend!", earning a look of death from Will. "She's not my girlfriend..."



Robin glared over at Ryan. "I'm not his girlfriend." She wanted him coldly, then looked up at Horace. "Im just a friend of his." She explained. She wasn't going to tell them about the happening with the vampires. That would just be rude of her. Besides, if Will wanted to tell them it was fine with her. She just didn't want to say anything just in case whe didn't want her to.
"I met her on the way here. By the way, it might be a good idea to not piss her off, shes got a rather...wild side." Will said to the two of them. Horace spoke up, suddenly eager to break the scilence, and his face lit up with an idea. "Hey guys, wanna spar after this? I know everyone's wondering what stuff you've learned Will...won't they be suprised when I beat you." He grinned, and soon after, Ryan and Horace began bragging about how awesome they were. "Pfft," Will said. "I could beat all of you with my hands tied behind my back." Ryan leand over intently and retorted "I think ill take you up on that offer."
Robin folded her arms slightly over her chest as she leaned her back against the chair. She shook her head slightly at how the other three were acting. ~Hey, boys will be boys.~ Timid told her. She could tell he was grinning. She let out a very quiet laugh because of that. She rolled her eyes playfully, though. ~Hey, girls will still find it pathetic.~ She replied back before looking back over at three, just watching them brag. She found it pretty entertaining, mainly because she could probably beat both Ryan and Horace in one. With the help of Timid of course.

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